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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by november11

  1. 5 hours ago, BayougirlMrsS said:

    So I went back to find this post I made YEARSSSSSSS AGO and a reply i made a couple of years later. This is when i still had my Lapband (didn't come out till March 2017). Since then I got divorced and remarried.... Band removal and Sleeve revision (aug. 28, 2019).

    Posted April 25, 2013

    I have not always needed you.... and one time in my life.. i was a "normal" person. Size 0-3... weigh a whopping 100lbs. Back in my single day... then one day you meet a wonderful guy and you fall in love... ahhh things are great. You get married and have a beautiful son. and life is good.... but then you notice that you’re not happy as you use to be. some days are worse than others... you find the strength to get up every day and go to work and live a "normal" life. Things are good at home... but something is missing... that spark, that feeling you use to get when you and your spouse were together intimately .. and you notice that those time has gotten further and further apart. and you think, what is going on? and one day the reason is staring you right in the face... the mirror... but in that mirror is someone else... surely, it's not me... I don't look like that... that's a ugly fat girl... i'm not ugly and i for damn sure am not fat. Can't be... i told my self-years ago i would NEVER like myself look like... those people... but then you look closer... and closer and there. i know those eyes.... those are my eyes... but why do they look so sad. I have happy eyes. and i see, i see the real me. the one others have been seeing for years.... how did i not see this... how did i let myself get like this ... how did i become that girl that now had to shop at the plus-size store... when just yesterday i was a size 3... How did i become the girl the skinny girls are not looking at and saying... i'll never let myself look like HER... and i'm the HER. this feeling takes the very last shred of self-confidence and stomps it into the dirt and spits on it. and you think...i am ugly i am fat i am unworthy of love.... unworthy of feeling good. and you start to eat... more and more and everything keeps getting worse. you stop taking care of yourself, stop dressing up stop wearing make-up and fixing your hair.... stop putting forth the effort at all... You are now sitting in a deep dark cave, alone and no one or nothing can show you the light....

    But one day... you open your eyes expecting to see nothing... complete darkness and there it is... a speck of light.... it's tiny, but just right there in front of you. and you squint to see it.... making sure it's really there. that speck was my friend Paula... she had lb surgery and every day we talked and every day my light grow brighter.... I went to the doctor and did all the tests... did it all and the news that i was approved... OH ... JOy. I looked in the mirror and saw a glimmer of hope. But as the days grew closer... I started to think... WHAT IF... what if i die on the table, what if i fail at this too, what if i stayed fat forever... Then i saw this site...trolled for a long while. I didn't want to sign because, well what if someone knew me... the horror... Then i saw all the successive people... the beautiful woman and handsome men that in their before pictures looked so sad... sad like me. Then i saw the after pictures. and all the happy smiling faces... people who were bigger than me... now wearing size 6 jeans (lellow)... and i thought, i can do this i can get my life back.... I will be happy again. so on November 10, 2009... i awoke... was re-born. and i did do it... i lost 80lbs... it took me longer than most, but i don't care. I have donated all the 12-14-16 & 18 and moved into my own size 6... On Feb 15, 2012.... after a long hard fight.... i won and awarded myself a tummy tuck... i deserved it. I earned it....

    so to my band... thank you... for sticking with me and always keeping me on track.

    and too all you out there thinking about doing this.....search within yourself and be happy again... whichever way you choose.....


    Posted March 31, 2015

    Ak.... congrats on deciding to make a change in your life.

    I re-read my post and im terrible in grammar... lol.... but it made me cry a little... to think back at how sad i really was. And to admit, i have started feeling that way again.... Not that i am "fat" by normal standards, im still a size 8. But i have put back 20 and feel defeated somewhat. Scared... too. Scared of the unknown, of the what if's.... What if i can't get my ass back in gear and do what i know i can. Depressed because i have no support at home with my husband. Who just yesterday said that my LB was a "hobby"... can you believe that... A Hobby... He hates that im no longer "fat"... he said.... your not fat, you're thick.... where other men will tell me im Hot, beautiful, sexy... not him... im thick. We went through a time where sex was great... 2-3 times a week... which was a vast improvement from 1-2 a YEAR... We are now back at 1-2 a month.... if im lucky.

    February 14, 2020

    Well, I did lose that 20 i put back and in fact did lose another 10... I soon after i decided that there was a lot more to the reason i was so unhappy. My ex was still very verbally abusive and very unsupportive. He still hated my weight loss. Still was not being intimate with me... and it got back down to 1-2 a year. Found out that he was in fact sleeping with another woman (he never admitted it). I talked with him and begged him to do counseling... he said no, that there was nothing wrong with him. So I sat down on the couch and said, if things don't change, i'm filing for divorce. Of course, he didn't believe me... but i pulled up my big girl "thongs" (hehe) and filed.... After he realized i was standing my ground, now he wanted counseling.... NOPE.. too late i was done and completly checked out. The marriage ended after 26 years. The day i said i was filing... it was like a thousand tons had been lifted. I started dating and found that men (and women) wanted me. I felt so good about myself. I even posted a profile on Match... and yes that is where i found Tim. I sware he is the last of a dying breed..... perfect gentleman, so kind and loving and giving.... has excepted me for me... He loves me thin, thick (gained 30lbs after band removal) and loves me now.... Thin again. He tells and shows me every day how much he appreciates me.... and it's such a wonderful feeling. So as of today, i'm 51 years old, still 5'2", CW 133.4, Current size 4.... Sleeve done Aug 28, 2019. So im 25 weeks PO. Got married on September 26, 2019..... I am the happiest i have ever been..... Loving me

    Wow this was like a novel that you cant put down... You should be a writer in your spare time if you're not already.. This was so incredible to read" even though you making me late for leaving for the day". I enjoyed your post and congratulations on your everything!!!!!! bye

  2. 2 minutes ago, AngieBear said:

    Today I’m all in on tweed. My skirt is super high waisted, which I like, but it’s taking a bit of getting used to. I got it super on sale from ModCloth. It was too small, but now zips up fine 🤷🏻‍♀️ My weight hasn’t changed much, so things are shifting around I think. The tweed jacket I thrifted.

    OMG I am realizing how much use I’ve gotten out of my 2 pair of tall boots. I think I must have a TON of tall boot wearing time to make up for since I missed so many years of bootential!

    649DDC11-8AE0-45D3-95DA-DE5DCE172366.thumb.jpeg.325667148cbed1d42b6677c1a5261581.jpeg FE732B27-A62E-4DBD-A925-57E45F231F84.thumb.jpeg.97494150e5d9525b96e75e1e9b8646f5.jpegs

    high waisted suits you well … very nice Angie

  3. 21 hours ago, Sophie7713 said:

    Still hanging out in healing mode at home in my cozy compression garments + PJ's as my outfit for the month. Haha. Although the scarf does add a little pizazz, right? ;] But found new color way in that sparkly flat shoe with more neutral undertones to blend better with 25th gala ensemble. Designed the vest and ascot for hubby. Seamstress did a phenomenal job. She's now working on the sketch dress I submitted for our original matron of honor. Hubby was a penguin 25 years ago. This time, I thought the mid-grey tux (although the model looks 15!) with cool grey shoes + block socks were really hip + stylish for our gentlemen vow renewal party at 60 and older, but certainly young at heart. I think hubby gets more distinguished with age.



    denise mcgill dress.jpg



    you're so cute !!

  4. 1 hour ago, GreenTealael said:

    🎵Looks like you just took a DNA test to prove you're 100% that... ***** (woman

    You so funny ! Love your sense of humor ...Thanks :P

  5. 1 hour ago, Sophie7713 said:

    I really really want those boots!!!! You are so pretty in that Burgundy... definitely your color!

    Thanks Sophie …….

  6. 14 hours ago, fiddlinjellybean said:

    When I told my immediate supervisors that I was approved and my surgery is scheduled they said they were excited for me. And they asked if I’m excited. Honestly, I’m not. I think maybe a few years ago I might have been. But now that it’s all finally under way I feel a little... morose? Maybe because I actually understand it’s not a magic bullet and I still have to work the tool to make it work for me? I guess I’ve failed so many times... this time will be very visible. I’m worried that I won’t stick to the plan and cut out half my stomach for nothing. I have also spent too many years of my life unhappy that thin was never possible. Maybe now thin will be possible. I’m a little afraid to hope for thinness. I’m used to settling for “less fat.” I’m glad I have this opportunity and I don’t want to waste it. But I’m also not looking forward to the mental drain of meal planning and re-learning how to eat. I want to feel better and have more energy with my family. I’m just not feeling “excited.” Anyone out there understand how I’m feeling?

    2 hours ago, Khoric Ritter said:

    Like others, I'm excited and scared/nervous. We have had to limit the amount of people we are updating on my progress due to such a back lash about it last year. I was able to make a final operation date Monday and was so hyped and excited, I wanted to get on social media and be like I'M GETTING IT DONE B!t(HES!! . A'las , I did not. And probably will not. (Okay, well maybe the day of operation I may LOL).

    Scared, nervous, oh yeah. Its a life changing event. Its a big thing. Having organs removed or rerouted. I did laugh when my doc told me that I was at higher risk for complications having my gall bladder taken out, then having my sleeve operation. Then its just having everything before and after. Then its the questions of what if it doesn't work. What if I am that .03% of people that have issues.

    Disappointment came for me a bit ago. When normal weight loss diet/training/pills etc wouldn't work. The sleeve for me is a "last resort".

    13 hours ago, BoredFatGirl said:

    I am both nervous and excited. I have always been, at the very least, chubby. Like you, I have always settled for being 'less fat', rather than going for thin, or even in-shape. My weight has gone up and down (with a focus on going up) ever since I can remember and I never thought this surgery or being thin was something that would ever happen to 'me'. I have gotten used to being 'the fat friend', to having to wear certain things because of how I feel about my body, and having to even filter how I speak in public because of my insecurity.

    Learning how to mindfully eat and use food for fuel, rather than to fill a temporary emotional void, will, no doubt, be hard, but the mental struggle of getting that fat girl mentality out of my head once I actually achieve my goal is a whole other story, I imagine..

    I've been on the Keto diet myself (pre-op) and it has helped a lot with helping me focus on Protein while being mindful of my fat and carb intake. Still, its not always easy. I am someone who loves to cook and am constantly looking up recipes, or seeing them pop up in my timeline on Facebook, and I can't tell you how many times I have thought about what I could make from the unhealthy choices real quick. I haven't though. And I honestly think its because of these forums. Use the tool your doctors have given you to lose the weight, and use these forums for the support you need to keep you going. Track everything! You got this! ♥

    I worried for a second about some of the same things... just stay on this forum and gain every bit of knowledge about the aspects of wls that you can absorb. and trust me when the time for your surgery get here you will be so mentally ready. as the for eating after if you do what is told to you by your surgeon , nutritionalist you will see that it is totally doable. first of all you will have a smaller stomach which will help you to not overeat and most of the things you feel about food now will definitely change . and once you see the weight coming off trust me you will quickly get with the program even more... soooo get excited ….. The best is yet to come,,,,, please keep me posted …..im gonna follow you on this forum...Congratulations on making the best decision ever!

  7. your pre surgery seems to be more generous than most. I know it can be difficult to NOT do what you normally do as in eating whatever ,whenever however after surgery there will be more specific do's and dont's that you will need to be faithful to in order to be successful at weight loss soooo you may as well train yourself to eat what you are adviced to and leave the old behavior behind . This is NOT a temporary DIET its a lifetime change of eating habits.. get on board and stay on board...

  8. 15 hours ago, Snapcase- said:

    Typical gym rat outfit haha


    awesome job....it's so hard to believe your starting weight! WOW...

  9. 2 hours ago, GreenTealael said:

    Happy Monday! Look at that color coordination 😍

    Le Sigh. I need more colorful clothes

    you got enough and I got that coat coordination/love from you lol

  10. On ‎2‎/‎8‎/‎2020 at 10:26 AM, Sheribear68 said:

    Good morning lovelies!

    I’m sooooo psyched to be off work today and to be heading to the studio in a few minutes.



    You just GO on ……...Awesome...…..

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