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Duodenal Switch Patients
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  1. Congrats!
    BoredCW reacted to Deemar007 in I met my goal!   
    I met my goal! HW 320lbs GW 150.0lbs CW 148.6lbs
    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. Like
    BoredCW reacted to RickM in Two weeks Post Op - Losing My Mind   
    It is likely a result of hormonal dumping, where the estrogens (yes, we guys have some of that in there, too, just as the ladies have some testosterone in their systems,) and other hormones that have been stored in the fat gets dumped into our system as the fat burns off. So, just as the ladies are subject to such variations during their time of the month, we all can be subject to it randomly, at any time.
    One of the guys in our support group told of being in the supermarket checkout and let loose on the person in front for some delay (the usual - waiting for everything to be scanned in and then pulling out the checkbook and pile of coupons, or some other minor indiscretion) then told himself, "wait a minute, I've never been bitchy before....
  3. Congrats!
    BoredCW reacted to CoramDeo in Got a date!!   
    So, surgery is set for 9/18. I haven't been apprehensive at all in this whole process, and now having an actual date seems to be making me more anxious lol.
    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. Congrats!
    BoredCW reacted to Freiabr in Before and After Pics   
    9 months in and 107 lbs down...I still have about 10 lbs to lose but I am so happy I had this surgery...I am now confident and feeling pretty inside out!
    Congrats to all of us for taking this step ❤️

  5. Congrats!
    BoredCW reacted to Cherie562 in Surgery date approacheth   
    My surgery is set for 8-27. I'm super nervous and this pre-op diet is killing me... I really want to chew something.
    Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. Thanks
    BoredCW reacted to rs in How many times did you have to change your wardrobe?   
    I bought new clothes far too often. It was just so exciting to keep getting smaller and smaller sizes! I started out wearing a size 22 and a year later I am now in 10's. I'm about 5'7", 151 lbs, 53 yrs old. My Dr and I are very happy where I'm at so I think my wardrobe is staying put where it is. I think thrift stores are a great idea at least for the transitioning sizes, although truth be told I ended up buying all my stuff new, usually at Marshall's, Target, or Kohl's, and on sale. So many clothes to choose from when you get into regular sizes! Good luck and enjoy!
  7. Thanks
    BoredCW reacted to AngieBear in How many times did you have to change your wardrobe?   
    I’m at the point where I go through things every 10 lbs. It’s about a size for me. I buy pieces to shrink into from thrift stores. So every 10 pounds is a good time to evaluate which of those clothes fit as well.
    I really hate baggy clothes, so I’m probably fussier about it than many people.
  8. Thanks
    BoredCW reacted to PeachPerfect in How many times did you have to change your wardrobe?   
    I'm just a few weeks post-op, so I haven't even dared to wear a pare of jeans yet, but I've dropped 20+ lbs and my feet seem to have shrunk 😅??? I can't do anything about the new white snake skin sneakers I got 2 months ago that now fit like clown shoes, but I do plan on turning anything clothes I outgrow into something I wear while I paint!
  9. Thanks
    BoredCW reacted to notmyname in How many times did you have to change your wardrobe?   
    I'm female, so dresses lasted me several sizes, particularly with belts. When things were on sale at old navy or other cheap stores, I'd buy a few pairs of jeans in several sizes on the way down. Basically, my transitional wardrobe was: a few dresses that worked even when I was a different size, two pair of work pants, a few work shirts, a few t-shirts. I probably had to buy that in a few sizes. Shirts would last 2-3 sizes though. Pants were harder, but I bought them cheap. I've been roughly the same size for a few months, but still losing. So I have a small summer wardrobe.
  10. Congrats!
    BoredCW reacted to Catherine Wible in 165 lbs down 80 to go!   
    I started my weight loss journey, this time, March 2018. I had my sleeve surgery on February 19th 2019. So much happier these days.
    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. Congrats!
    BoredCW reacted to hazel_ize in VSG surgery scheduled for Monday   
    Hi everyone this is my first post here. I am having surgery on Monday at 8 am. My stats are 48 yrs old, 5'7, HW 280, CW 265, not sure on a goal weight yet. I would like to stay in touch with others who are going or have gone through this procedure.
    I am feeling excited and nervous. Is there anyone else here in Canada who has gone through Smartshape in Toronto?
    Anyone here with stats similar to mine who have gone through this? What have your results been like? 
    Sent from my SM-G965W using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Like
    BoredCW reacted to sideeye in The Thrill Is Gone   
    If sweets entered my house, I’d demolish them in a day or two. Now? I’ve had a cupboard full of Girl Scout Cookies for five months. I have chocolate left over from my Christmas stocking. I had to throw out Japanese mochi because I forgot about it and it went hard. I keep an emergency tube of cookie dough in my fridge for kid visits and it’s been untouched for two months. That’s not even getting into all the Pasta I’ve similarly not touched.
    It is crazy that my brain doesn’t go for those things for stress eating anymore. These days it’s cheese, coffee, Crystal lite or cashews... which now I’ve written it is weird because it all starts with “c”. Odd. But one of the ”c”s is not candy or cookies, which is remarkable!
  13. Congrats!
    BoredCW reacted to GreenTealael in The Thrill Is Gone   
    Reviving this thread...
    Gave up coffee... COMPLETELY
    and drinking from straws 😳
  14. Like
    BoredCW reacted to Mary Ellen Kane in The Thrill Is Gone   
    Unwanted crap in house is next! Clear mind!
  15. Like
    BoredCW reacted to GreenTealael in The Thrill Is Gone   
    I no longer enjoy putting myself last, narcissistic people, drinking liquor, buying Snacks for everyone and Winter
    (Popcorn, I still miss you a little)
  16. Like
    BoredCW reacted to PrayingForWeightLoss in The Thrill Is Gone   
    I watched my 600lbs life too! Obsessively. One year post op and I don't watch tv that much. I have basic cable now just to catch up on local new here and there. Otherwise I am walking during my spare time and letting our youngest daughter tell me what she wants to do with me.
  17. Like
    BoredCW reacted to Danny Paul in The Thrill Is Gone   
    Eat at Buffets
  18. Like
    BoredCW reacted to KimTriesRNY in The Thrill Is Gone   
    Shop for Snacks.

  19. Like
    BoredCW reacted to john925 in Male Plastics   
    Recovery was not bad . Pain/uncomfortable for first day or two then just tired . Pubic area wasn't that bad but it looks better now with the skin tightening during Tummy Tuck. Very happy with results. Had Lipo of flanks/love handles as well.

  20. Like
    BoredCW reacted to RickM in Male Plastics   
    If you can swing it, my recommendation is to save your pennies and try to stay local for plastics if you possibly can. This has nothing at all to do with doctors in Mexico, Costa Rica or other countries vs. US, but rather the nature of the procedures and the relative risk for minor to moderate complications that may need some form of continued attention from the surgeon. Our WLS is fairly straightforward with a fairly small chance of some complication during the first couple of months and tapering off from there - most things that may happen will keep you in the hospital a few extra days. With plastics, there are a number of minor to moderate things that can happen during the healing phase in the first couple of months and possibly thereafter - incisions that don't quite heal properly or open again somewhere along the suture line, lingering drainage or seromas that form. A lot of things can be handled by selfies and email but others require a hands on approach with an office visit. These are things that happen more often when you have more extensive cutting. Most of these things fall into the inconvenience category but are usually handled as part of the basic surgical fee stateside. If you are hours away from the surgeon, you need to arrange for such treatment locally which can cut into your savings.
    I had drainage into my scrotum (not an overly unusual complication of hernia repairs, which was part of my package, or other abdominal surgeries - those channels that our testicles dropped through when we were wee ones are still there and make a great passage for excess fluids, irrespective all the JP drains they install) which took months to resolve as it slowly drained, evolved into a hematoma which got tapped and drained a few times before finally getting fully absorbed. Yeah, had had triplets for a while - and I don't even own a pawn shop! Had I travelled for this, beyond the normal discomfort of flying a couple weeks after that extensive surgery, adding in carrying a grapefruit down there through all of that is not something I care to contemplate.
    Basically it's a risk/reward decision that favors staying local more than the original WLS does, but the savings can still be worth the risk - something to factor into your calculus.
  21. Like
    BoredCW reacted to Cheeseburgh in Cruiser bikes   
    I haven’t ridden a bike in years. My husband and I started discussing getting bikes so we could start riding and keep moving. I was a bit intimidated at first because I had no interest in a racing type bike. I was so excited when I ran across the beach Cruiser Bikes. We ordered them, (although you can buy them at stores) put them together and I feel really stable and safe riding it. There are a bunch of brands and styles out there.
    I’m 58 and my husband is 63 and I recommend this style to anyone in our age group. It’s a more comfortable ride and easier on your back. I love having another option for exercise.

  22. Like
    BoredCW reacted to LizzieMmmkay in Great Forum and Site   
    Okay, this is gonna sound cheesy as all get out, but I’m so happy I found this site and forum. Just glancing around when I have the time the one HUGE thing I notice is how well this community does to support each other, and help each other up during slumps, or fears of backsliding, calming those questioning choices, changes, tips, etc. It’s becoming where I come at the end of the night after my 3 kids are finally sleeping to kinda get to know the site more and all of you. There’s so much incredibly helpful knowledge & support you all give on here, and that the site puts out there.
    I know I’m a totally giddy, nerdy, newb, not even close to a surgery date, but truthfully, I tried forums over the years for mom stuff, marriage stuff, obesity sites, but this site feels different, like a safe place to be real about hard body truths, and more... Not having to be all “laughy” fat girl, like how I am with my close friends, it’s like being a jokey fat ghost. When my fat butt breaks every dang stupid plastic cheap lawn chair I own, which truthfully is seriously funny (yes, and sad, but also very funny)... I just wish it was a skinnier butt of mine breaking my lame, cheap chairs so the nagging feeling that I may be one step away from a heart attack would abate. I don’t want to be a ghost floating through life anymore, or a sad stat anymore.
    I want to be my clumsy self, but healthier, ya know what I mean? I really do love making a fool of myself in close company. I want my kids to see that side of me more, when I’m not so whooped trying to survive it all. I want to be present in the here & now with everyone, instead of hiding most me in my head, while leaving the fat me on the outside. I want my kids to know life is complete horse dung sometimes, but it’s all about getting back up on that dang horse, and falling right back off into that dung, but never quitting. Failing is how you learn to succeed, and I have had one hell of a funny, messed up life, perfecting the art of the fail. My kids are my world, they are the 3 planets that orbit my fat axis, and keep me balanced, and crazy too hahaha! Raising kids isn’t for the faint of heart, but it’s why I want to make my heart and health priorities to enjoy them before they’re all embarrassed to openly love their mom during their teen years... My mama always said Karma was waiting for me after my teen years bahahaha! 😬😳 I want to be there with them as support. I want to watch them grow into whoever they are going to be. I want to teach them the art of laughing in a pile of dung.
    I seriously do enjoy making fun of myself, namely, but now, there’s some scariness behind my butt busting cheap lawn chairs that I can’t shake lately. All I can say is I don’t even know if this will all work out for the surgery, I’m hoping with all hope it does, after jumping through the insurance hoops. But one thing that has already come out of this starting path is finding a place here that’s nice to be truthful about the funny and crappy things that come along with obesity. In the end, I hope we all have success, whatever that means to each person here. Good luck and thank you for coming to my rambling TedTalk about being so welcoming and kind on here! 🤓💚☺️
  23. Like
    BoredCW reacted to Matt Z in Loose skin   
    I went from 370 down to 183 at my lowest... currently sitting between 185 - 190 at 18% body fat. I have minimal issues with skin, sure there is some extra, and I hate how it looks, but it hides very easily. I've got other photos in my profile that highlight the changes. But at the end of the day, it's going to be 100% personal, everyone's skin is different, where they carried their weight, how their skin reacted to the weight etc etc etc.

  24. Congrats!
    BoredCW reacted to Daisy1244 in Walk me through your operation   
    I’m scheduled for Sept 3! That was good info
  25. Congrats!
    BoredCW reacted to Dtrain84 in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    The scale hasn't moved much for me in almost a year. I decided to hit the gym and add some muscle. I'm loving my progress so far.

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