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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Shontel

  1. Shontel

    7 days and counting...

    Next Saturday I will be in Band-land (and la-la land) [grinning] I am seriously getting excited. I have this daily ritual, come here, read for an enormously long time...post sometimes..then, I'll get my work done (work, what the heck is that....) I am self employed so I have to REMIND myself to do so. Then I begin thinking about what I still need to get..amoung the many things I have begun to collect for my life changing surgery. I think today I will go to GNC and get some more ISOPURE drinks. Maybe some Gas X...I am secretly laughing at myself. I'm like this giddy little child knowing I'm going to get a nice big present for my birthday (or I should say band-day) No one really knows about this, but people are now saying, what's wrong with you lately? You seem so 'perky' I just smile and say, its good to be alive! (ok, am I THAT hoakey?) I'll be flying to Mexico, so I am a little anxious about that, but overall I'm SO SO SO READY!!! To be continued :confused:
  2. Shontel


    This site is the most valuable in terms of raw nutritional data!! Like having your own personal nutritionist! TONS of useful info!! I can't stop browsing this site!! A nutrition label for all these fast foods I'm eating? Too cool!! My poor little Taco Bell Mexi Melt....Make this a sticky!
  3. Shontel

    What is unjury?

    I just ordered their sample pack. The strawberry is yummy. Next I'm trying the unflavored, I understand its totally tastless, my kinda protien power!!
  4. Shontel

    Gas X Strips...Where to find???

    I just Googled it, CVS Pharmacy online has them. Here is the link (sorry, long link) http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.shop-cvs.com/products_froogle/pk-347057&e=9796&fr=AFwzTYwH2dIaTOn2H8h2PgPLQ6U9B0ZUlQAAAAAAAAAA&sa=X&oi=froogle&ct=result&cd=1
  5. Shontel

    April 2006 Bandits

    I think I am about the last one on the banster list for this month. My date is the 29th. I'm anxious, nervous, elated, unsure at times, but mostly I'm READY!!!! Leave for Monterry next Friday....yeeeeee haaaaaa!!!!!
  6. Shontel

    April 2006 Bandits

    I hear ya girl...I'm laughing like crazy! I know my big knockers will be the first to go!!
  7. Shontel


    It's now an obsession. Well, it always has been. My weight. I wonder why it defines me so. I wonder why I can't just accept how I look and not get caught up in this web of self-hatred and doubt. I think now of all the things I have wanted to do up to now and said...well when I lose this weight, I'll do that. How accomplished I would be! I have always been an all or nothing person. I've always pushed myself to the limits (that includes indulgences like GOOD FOOD) Now I must admit defeat. Food is winning. Food has taken control of me. If I don't do something, it will destroy me. I dream of being able to walk and not have ankle pain. To be able to cross my legs again, to be able to fit in a chair without my hips touching the arms of it. This obsession with food is slowly shifting. Its not going to beat me! I will learn to like you food, not obsess over you. I will learn to love myself and like food. This is my prayer.
  8. Shontel


    It's now an obsession. Well, it always has been. My weight. I wonder why it defines me so. I wonder why I can't just accept how I look and not get caught up in this web of self-hatred and doubt. I think now of all the things I have wanted to do up to now and said...well when I lose this weight, I'll do that. How accomplished I would be! I have always been an all or nothing person. I've always pushed myself to the limits (that includes indulgences like GOOD FOOD) Now I must admit defeat. Food is winning. Food has taken control of me. If I don't do something, it will destroy me. I dream of being able to walk and not have ankle pain. To be able to cross my legs again, to be able to fit in a chair without my hips touching the arms of it. This obsession with food is slowly shifting. Its not going to beat me! I will learn to like you food, not obsess over you. I will learn to love myself and like food. This is my prayer.
  9. Shontel

    Band Date Nears

    Sallyjo, my band date is the 29th. I know what your going through. PM me if you need to talk. :confused: Good Luck!!
  10. Shontel

    It's finally my turn!

    Kathi, So Happy for ya! I'll be 'on the other side' in less than 2 weeks...Can't wait! Please remember to share you experience with us here! Good Luck girl!
  11. Shontel

    10 days and feeling emotional

    I've got 12 days to go and belive me I am feeling your anxiety as well. One big thing I am worried about is my fiance's & I's 'food' relationship. I love to cook (he loves to eat what I cook) Our life (and southern culture) is centered around food. We own our own business, so when we want to relax, we go out to eat or I cook us a comforting meal. He won't have that partner anymore (at least not on the same level) I know that's not entirely a bad thing (I'm hoping that my better eating habits will rub off on him) but I wonder how the dynamics of our relationship will change because of this. He is totally supportive of me getting banded, wants me to be healthy. But this has just been in the back of my mind. I know without a doubt, this is the right decision for me. But, I feel a sense of sadness, that my 'comfort eating' will have to cease. Just another challenge for me, not the end of the world, just a different area of it. Good Luck to you!!
  12. Shontel

    helluva day

    So its 15 days till I leave for Mexico. I saw my mom yesterday. I'd only told her a week ago (and debated at that) She was very supportive, asked me if I was scared about going to Mexico. I said to her, no, I'm not afraid at all about that, I've done my research, I've talked to countless people, I'm confident about that. Its just this friend I'm loosing that I'm sad about. Food is my best friend. How will I cope? How will I make it? In moments of desparity, I wonder if I am doing the right thing. It doesn't take me long to realize that I am though. I have a sexy pic of myself years ago at a party in some snug fitting Levis and a hot little shirt, THAT is my constant motivation. Today I was going crazy trying to get way too many things done, I noticed at lunch that I'd just 'forgotten' to eat. That's what gets me every time. I swung through Wendy's and got a club sandwich. Just chunked the bread and wrapped the lettuce around turkey, swiss and bacon drank a bottle of water and ate a few baked lays. I was pondering on how easy that was. ITS JUST FOOD, I thought. Its going to nourish you. I keep trying to pump myself up, trying to convince myself that my choices are bad, not me. For today at least, I believe that. Tomorrow is another day....to be continued
  13. Shontel

    helluva day

    So its 15 days till I leave for Mexico. I saw my mom yesterday. I'd only told her a week ago (and debated at that) She was very supportive, asked me if I was scared about going to Mexico. I said to her, no, I'm not afraid at all about that, I've done my research, I've talked to countless people, I'm confident about that. Its just this friend I'm loosing that I'm sad about. Food is my best friend. How will I cope? How will I make it? In moments of desparity, I wonder if I am doing the right thing. It doesn't take me long to realize that I am though. I have a sexy pic of myself years ago at a party in some snug fitting Levis and a hot little shirt, THAT is my constant motivation. Today I was going crazy trying to get way too many things done, I noticed at lunch that I'd just 'forgotten' to eat. That's what gets me every time. I swung through Wendy's and got a club sandwich. Just chunked the bread and wrapped the lettuce around turkey, swiss and bacon drank a bottle of water and ate a few baked lays. I was pondering on how easy that was. ITS JUST FOOD, I thought. Its going to nourish you. I keep trying to pump myself up, trying to convince myself that my choices are bad, not me. For today at least, I believe that. Tomorrow is another day....to be continued
  14. I have to say that story is hilarious!! You have a gift. Very good at descriptive writing. (please write here again, about any other pb's you may have...can't wait..ok, kidding) Thanks so much for that glimpse into your PBing experience.
  15. Shontel

    How I got here

    So here it is. I'm fat. Not because I have some dreaded thyroid or metabolisim problem. Because I love food. I adore food. It has ruled over me for years and now I am bargaining with it. I saying to it, 'listen, I love you, I NEED you, but we have to come to an agreement' I am 100 pounds overweight. I am one of the 'invisible' ones. You know us, to many people out there, morbidly obese people don't exist. I can't or don't blame society for this, but I am bound and determined that I will not be one of those statistics. I want to feel like me again. Its been many years since I've felt whole. I have 19 days left before my journey takes a new road, I'm preparing for the bumps an valleys. Heres to my season of change.
  16. Shontel

    "Learning the Secret"

    I love this thread. I have been thinking a lot about this very thing these past days, awating my surgery date. My mom and sis both had RNY surgeries. They have both lost about 130#'s a piece. I recently spent a day with my sis (who has gained back about 30#'s) I noticed that though she doesn't eat as much at one sitting, she eats ALL THE TIME. she still has the same habits as she did before (i.e. waking up at 3am to eat cereal & milk) I noticed this becuase I have been trying to also notice my eating habits and how they will need to change with the band. I ate less than she did the day we spent together. I tried to pay attention to the taste of my food, and chew (although I'm still having trouble trying to chew chew chew...is it me or does food just taste different after you pulverize it from chewing 25 times...tee hee hee) I hope I will be one of the ones who 'gets it' Here's hoping everyone
  17. Well, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I FINALLY saved enough and will be banded on APRIL 29TH!!!. Heading for the Border on the 28th! I am still numb and in disbelief. I have been waiting for so long, saving...I wish I was on that plane RIGHT NOW...can't wait to be 'on the other side' This forum is unmatched in terms of the valuable personal experiences shared so freely. I have definitely found my home here. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Oh, will now have to change my signature...lifes little pleasures....lol
  18. Shontel

    questions about self pay

    Going to Dr. Sanchez in Monterrey, Mexico. He has performed over 5000 procedures. He offers several different packages, but I opted for $8500 'Ruby' Package. His site is www.ready4achang.com Good luck!
  19. Shontel

    Louisiana girl

    bluefishlover- I am going to Dr. Sanchez. He charges $8500.00 and has done over 5000 procedures of this type. PM me if you have any other questions. I'll be happy to answer any.
  20. Shontel

    Seriously Considering LapBand

    Cindy, we are kinda alike! I'm from Louisiana too (Lake Charles) and am having the surgery on April 29th in Mexico. I am 5'6" and 268, my knees and ankles are horrible at this point, I can't hardly bend down. Not to even mention the back pain and other aches and pains from toting all this weight around. It has taken me a long time to get to this point, but I feel I'm takign a pro-active approach to my life...Good luck! send me a message if you'd like or email me!
  21. Shontel

    April 2006 Bandits

    I just got my date firmly scheduled. Its April 29th. I'm 37, from Louisiana, own my own business, and going to Mexico. Can't wait! Love this thread!:gluck:
  22. Shontel

    I made the jump - I scheduled THE date!

    I know what you are feeling! I just scheduled my date (April 29th) with Dr. Sanchez in Mexico...I'm having a TON of feelings! Happy, anxious, numb. I was strolling through the grocery store today kinda dazed, wondering what my feelings will be 'on the other side' Good luck and were all here for ya!
  23. Shontel

    Louisiana girl

    rhlane, yes, I'd like to see the diet...not sure If I have the willpower to do that without a 'band helper' though...but I'd like to see what you did.
  24. Shontel

    Louisiana girl

    Hey all you Louisiana Ladys, I finally got a date set! I'm going to Mexico the 28th, will be banded the 29th...I CAN'T WAIT....Please feel free to contact me, I'm going to have to have a plan not to go crazy from waiting till them..tee hee
  25. Shontel

    OMG I crossed my legs !!!!

    I have to admit, that is on of the things I'm most looking forward to (crossing my legs) I carry my weight in my hips and thighs so I can't wait to be able to do that!! Good for you!!

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