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About jennifer47

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  1. I am a nervous wreck y'all I am terrified of the pain I will have. I've been waiting a year for this surgery and have 0 support from my family. Going to the hospital now I would love someone to talk to, bond with, be friends with. Good luck to everyone with their weight loss!!
  2. jennifer47

    Is lap band that bad?

    Wow. Hey y'all I posted that back in May.. I'm getting the bypass in a month.
  3. I thought I was the only one!! Who wore sz 2x graphic tees!
  4. jennifer47

    Scared I won't qualify!

    I just talked to my insurance company and they said I do qualify! Yes!! So excited!
  5. jennifer47

    Questions about wls

    OK thank you ladies!
  6. jennifer47

    Pre surgery 6 mth required diet

    So I saw my pcp yesterday and he said he would count the past 2-3 months of me getting diet pills for the 6 month required diet visits if the insurance would OK it. Otherwise he officially put me on a diet plan starting yesterday but all he did was say exercise a couple days a week and count my carbs.. And he is a weight loss doctor! Thought the diet would be more detailed than that.. Any thoughts?
  7. My insurance says they don't cover wls but my surgeon's office says they do it's a case by case.. Does anyone have Texas Amerigroup??
  8. For insurance to cover wls they usually require 6 mths of supervised diet with a Dr... Ive been on diet pills for 2mths with my pcp will that count
  9. Definitely researching all I can before I see the surgeon so I know what questions I need to ask but nice encouraging opinions help too so thank you!
  10. jennifer47

    Scared I won't qualify!

    Love the encouragement! Had a hater earlier don't need any negativity in my life!
  11. jennifer47

    Is lap band that bad?

    How are you doing
  12. jennifer47

    Is lap band that bad?

    OK thanks what wls did you get
  13. jennifer47

    Anyone else scared?

    Bless your heart! Congratulations and you got this!
  14. Does weight loss surgery help ibs

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
