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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Darktowerdream

  1. Has your surgeon been doing bloodwork to test Vitamin levels and to check for anemia? I also highly recommend Whole Foods based Multivitamins since they are utilized by the body better. Especially chewables or liquid. I like Garden of life my kind prenatal gummy vitamins


    Make sure you get enough daily Protein. Best calculated minimum is 0.36 grams protein per 1lb body weight.

    honestly you should discuss this with your surgeon or primary care doctor. To have bloodwork done. In case you need to supplement any particular Vitamins. It could be your body isn’t utilizing the type of vitamin you are taking. Or you need a boost of antioxidants.

  2. A lot of people love him, I found him rude and abrupt- I consulted with him. He talked at me instead of listening. He automatically said sleeve without considering my history. I did see him earlier on and for a gallbladder surgery consultation as well and I would have needed comorbidities I was not quite the BMI at that point. I didn’t want to get that far. He not only said “oh you’re gallbladder isn’t inflamed” he just made a lot of assumptions about why I was seeking bariatric surgery.

    long story short I left dissatisfied and knew it wasn’t going to happen with this doctor. It wasn’t until I went to see an endocrinologist to discuss my metabolic disorders, why medication wasn’t an option, my constant battle with my weight and continued dietary efforts and the fact my weight was still climbing and reaching that 40 BMI ... that she suggested Cleveland Clinic.

    im glad she did. My doctor was honest, straightforward, recommend gastric bypass surgery based on my history. The process was much easier. Also when he removed my gallbladder during my RNY there was actually chronic inflammation ...

  3. 6 hours ago, JessLess said:

    My back is messed up. When I started my exercise was physical therapy. Now I do Pilates. It doesn't burn many calories, but it does help you build long, lean muscle.

    Pilates is excellent if you can do it for building the right kind of muscle.

  4. I understand the situation very well, lifelong chronic illness and disability along with metabolic disorders and inability to exercise at all I fought for gastric bypass surgery I desperately needed the tool because my own efforts were not sustainable. To be honest I had to drastically cut carbs/sugar and calories. Prioritize Protein first, find the calories that you start losing weigh at. I only started to increase my calories once I hit goal. Make sure to get minimum of 0.36 grams protein per 1lb body weight. And honestly exercise isn’t really for weight loss, building muscle is. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn. If you can do some resistance exercise some strength training maybe through physical therapy. That might help. For me my medical condition, exertion causes muscle weakness and damage and for me to feel ill. I can understand not being able to rely on exercise. But if you are able to do limited exercise look to building muscle.

    And that’s also why you need to prioritize protein over calories. Getting maximum protein for minimum calories. Also be mindful of sticking to three meals and how much snacking and start tracking your daily calories and protein along with tracking foods you eat each day to see what helps or hurts.

    just one example:

    I like mixing yogurt like Fage plain, TwoGood, or oikos triple zero with 1/2 scoop of PEScience Protein Powder.
    recipe example: oikos triple zero Peanut Butter banana, with 1/2 scoop PEScience peanut butter cookie protein powder = 160 calories, 27 grams protein. I mix it I a bowl with a bit of pink salt and stick it under the freezer 30 minutes and mix it again. A little low sugar jam and it tastes like pb&j polaner sugar free with Fiber I think ... these days I add a little low carb granola for crunch. (Sola granola 15 gram portion is 70 calories and 4 grams protein 2 net carbs) And some sugar free land o lakes whipped cream. Overall very low carbs.



  5. On 6/5/2020 at 2:38 PM, 2Bsmaller18 said:

    A tip for the paper tape- leave it on for 5-7 days thru showering etc then take it off. Let your skin go a few hours with nothing then reapply new papertape. It is easier to remove the tape if it is wet. When you remove it pull the tape towards the incision so you are not tugging on the wound to remove the tape. If you happen to have an open area then skip tape over that spot so you can monitor it for signs of infection or irritation.

    Thank you very much for the information, I will definitely keep this in mind. I need to get supplies for after surgery. This is going to be tough. Turns out I’ll be on lockdown basically in hospital the whole time I’m there. Which might be best for my recovery anyway. It was supposed to be one night in hospital then hotel for Five nights. (Would have been more relaxing though ...) I can’t imagine the return flight it’s long ... but bought comfortable old navy cargo joggers with pockets and a nice Comfortable lightweight tie die sweatshirt From kohl’s. I won’t be able to have my own robe and slippers. Good thing I’m not fussy.

  6. 2 hours ago, 2Bsmaller18 said:

    bought this:


    It is wide so it's good to use over curved scars since it will cover that easier.

    Then I use these for the straight scars:


    I personally did not like these as much:


    All of them last around 2 weeks. I usually take them of to shower (I have showered with them) or sometimes leave it off overnight but otherwise wear it 24/7.

    I would recommend trying whatever you plan to use on normal skin for 1-2 days to see if it irritates your skin. I used plain paper tape for the first 5-6 weeks before I used the silicone tape.

    @2Bsmaller18 thank you for the information :) I’ve been searching Amazon but get overwhelmed. I had this in my cart but wasn’t sure.


    the links and tips help a lot! I didn’t think to skin test it first.

    Perhaps I will try doing paper tape, then silicone tape, then gel or cream ... at least on the areas that need it most or get the most tug from movement. I never used anything on any of my incisions before. But these are a lot more. I only have one from my gastric bypass that has a large hard lump underneath. I might ask the plastic surgeon if he can address it.

    when I feel in control, when I know what is happening ... I know what to do and I deal well with pain and things like this. I’ve had to do a lot of post op self care over the years ... But when things are chaos or questions without answers that’s when I lose it ...

  7. 7 hours ago, ChubRub said:

    A lot of women do BBL for their booties, but for me, it seems weird to re-inject fat that I've been trying so hard to get rid of! I'm not thrilled with my thighs, but am hoping that the TT will help that a bit!!

    I thought the same too, it’s just weird to want to add fat anywhere after working so hard to get rid of it I just wish I could put muscle in it’s place ... as for my thighs they are unbearable. My medical condition likely exacerbates it. For some reason my one calf on one side just below my knee has excess sagging skin 😭 don’t know if the surgeon would address that during the thigh lift.

    It’s getting so close. I had an exhausting day today. Trying to escape my head by coming here a bit.

  8. 9 hours ago, ChubRub said:

    As for my procedure, I'm having a circumferential TT w/ 4 areas of Lipo (abdomen and flanks) with a BR/BL plus small implants. Losing weight has helped shrink my boobs, and I'm currently down to a 38DD. I'm hoping that as I lose weight I can get down to a 34 or 36 band size on my own. I want the squishy tissue and saggy skin removed, and then a small implant for upper pole fullness, with my dream breast size being a full C/small D.

    That’s quite the goal and I can know how eager you feel to get there. Don’t bite but I honestly doubt you are a 38 band size and likely after the procedures even smaller. Admittedly I have a smaller rib cage even before losing weight. But this was an obsession of mine for a long while but true bra size is measuring directly underbust tight and make sure not to include breast tissue. But that’s your true band size. Every inch difference from your bust measurement (Measured slightly loose) is one cup size. Having the excess skin and lift will make bras fit so much better.

    I haven’t thought enough about the augmentation aspect. Like you I can use fullness on top. I’ll have to try and remember that when I see the surgeon.

    4 hours ago, ChubRub said:

    Yes, it's the same thing as a LBL, my doc just uses different terminology. My upper thighs are saggy, so I'm hoping for that lift!! My booty is flat, and sadly will stay that way b/c the lift only flattens it even more, so I see lots of squats in my future!

    My surgeon calls it belt lipectomy with butterfly lift. Although I’m also having a thigh lift. Because I have shar pei thighs. I get such bloody rashes Sometimes. I also have shar pei butt 🤣 Ain’t got no booty here. Sadly I can’t do squats ... (cant exercise)

    I know they can transfer fat there but I didn’t consider that aspect I’ll just have to deal with no butt. funny looking back remembering I used to get bullied about my big butt and big boobs as a kid ...

    what interesting conversation. You can do the Kim K. butt exercise routine I guess ...

  9. If you can afford CBD in Manuka honey and it’s a small spoonful that helps you I would say go for it since it is for medicinal purposes. Manuka honey also has medicinal properties. I’ve occasionally had high quality honey and not dumped from it. I can’t say I could use CBD myself but that’s me personally. I’ve too many medical issues and already on medication that’s necessary and I cannot afford CBD.

  10. 11 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    @Darktowerdream as with during weight loss, everyone and their mother will have an opinion on so many aspects of you: your decision to do wls (but its the easy way out!) how you look (you're too skinny!), what you should do (exercise now! its too early to exercise!), what you should eat (eat carbs! don't eat carbs!), and your decision to do plastics (its too early! you should see your excess skin as a badge of honour! just exercise it off!).

    Take whatever opinions/advice that you want and leave the rest. Cuz really, the only opinion that really matters is yours.

    ...also I hope that you continue to share whatever aspects of your life you feel comfortable with ❤️

    @ms.sss I just wanted to answer since you so kindly wrote this. You are very right. And people don’t quite think how different people are. Ie. Some people can tolerate carbs others can’t, etc.

    I had someone tell me to exercise it off, most people can’t understand that a medical condition could exist that exercise can be damaging. Because the world sees it as healthy. It is, so I walk a fine line because I need to try to stay on my feet, mobile not bed bound at the same time exertion that most people take for granted is extremely taxing. Honestly this is compelling my pursuit of plastics now vs later. While I still can. Before my health declines too much that surgery isn’t an option anymore. It will be a challenge. But I will eat healthy, take supplements, and do everything I can. There isn’t any cure for what I have it’s not getting better. I want to see a body I never had and maybe even feel some small amount of confidence in it that this bullied autistic girl with chronic illness never got to have growing up.

    on a lighter note. It’s weird I’ve avoided mirrors for so long especially out shopping. Not that I can go shopping these days but caught glimpse and still kind of don’t look and it’s like is that me? 🤣 ugh you are right though it’s hilarious they don’t talk about fat but skinny omg you are too skinny. I haven’t gotten that yet except my mom keeps saying I’m skinnier than her I’m like Mom you have muscles I don’t 😂 and an actual butt. She has always been thin. We ate basically the same foods, I gained weight she stayed the same ... actually I ate less carbs and calories and still gained. So I’m grateful for gastric bypass surgery for finally helping my efforts work.

  11. I can’t edit my comment, I know it wasn’t directed at me personally. But I guess it seemed an unnecessary thing to say. Each person is different. Researching surgery and meeting with surgeons is not a bad thing. And it’s up to the surgeon to discuss what’s best for their patient. For me I don’t have more weight to lose, except for skin. My fluctuations are minimal. Gaining a few lbs post surgery is different. non bariatric people fluctuate in weight. I said I can’t interpret intent or exactly express my response very well. But just my impression. I just see the words “if people want to rush it” If I could go back and delete my comments I would do so since what I said was taken the wrong way and I get jumped on. I will say honestly, I don’t think I should be posting anything more or anything regarding my surgery.

    I will leave it with what @ms.sss said. As I watch my health decline I want to grab it while I can ...

    2 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    To each their own. One person's "rush" is another person's lifetime.

  12. 1 hour ago, summerset said:

    s rushing to plastics the latest hype on BP, btw? Did I miss something?

    Most surgeons require patients to be at least 6 months at a stable weight before doing plastics. We're not even talking insurance here, but surgeons.

    Knowing myself on the Autism spectrum I am not able to put to words properly my reaction to this. I think it makes me feel a little like someone saying it’s just hype and not a good thing and that I’m somehow wrong. I reached goal surprisingly early I think June would be four months at a Pretty stable weight. Whatever the numbers are I agree with @ChubRub I’ve lived in this body most of my life not wanting to be in pictures and hating always fighting against my weight hating it and hiding from mirrors and cameras. It goes so far back to being bullied on school including the school. Being made to feel less than. Always fighting my constant medical battles and being clouded by my weight and knowing my weight wasn’t the cause but what did they care. Having reached the lowest weight I’ve ever been my skin can’t magically snap into place or look good. It’s also a part of my lifelong medical history. It just seems odd to guilt people by saying a post on a forum means people are obsessed with rushing into surgery. But there is always a story behind why. And we don’t do it unless we feel it adds to our overall weight loss journey and success.

    im paying a price not just monetary to achieve this. I need this both for the physical problems the excess skin causes, the fact that strengthening my core might help chronic back problems, and also my own mental well being. And now felt like time.

    sometimes that’s what matters. It’s not about trendy. It’s about personal need. I’m sorry if that statement got to me. It hurt a little bit. I’m doing my best. I’ve got not much else in my life I’m losing a lot and I just wish to have a body I never could while I’m still able to achieve it ..

  13. 10 hours ago, Sophie7713 said:

    I wish you'd share some pictures CatW!? I don't feel I look 60 either (just turned 61 Friday, 29th) AND completely thrilled with the WLS of 141 pounds lost (late 2018 - 2019) and then, plastics (early 2020). Like yourself - wishing too I could have enjoyed this teenage "light on my feet" like figure (that's what hubby and good friends reference me as) years earlier BUT suspect, I am exactly where I should be at this juncture. Not sooner or later given the strides and advancements they have made in nutrition, sleeve surgery and plastics to date. I'm committed to being a healthier and happier woman moving toward older adulthood defying frump and being the very best version of myself.

    I am so very excited for fellow Floridian, darktowerdream! She has so much to look forward to in appreciating the next level of weight loss rewards and satisfaction. June 15th will be here in no time. As well as, chubrub! I do look forward to their continued success unfold, don't you! Fun. Favorite cartoon before plastics... ;]





    I like part of the op that says having surgery is a way to enforce staying at a healthy weight. I feel that way too not as much to enforce it but to solidify that a goal has been reached that wasn’t before. I lost weight before but metabolic disorders and surgery and life and stress got the best of me. So I’m hoping the combination of gastric bypass surgery and now plastics will solidify that I’ve reached a goal I never could before. I still panic a bit when the scale moves but I have to assure myself that because it went from 102.2 To 103.1 Over the past few days is more likely my working in my maintenance calories, the stress of some problems with my flight, not feeling well, ate something that bloated me, Maybe the peaches 🍑 but I read it’s good for hemoglobin. Or just something minor I did that I should not worry but I do, and I probably should be at a bit higher weight before the procedure anyway?

    sorry I go off on tangents. I meant to say @Sophie7713 you look awesome and thank you. I will try to keep things updated here. I can’t imagine signing a waiver to share photos with the hospital to share in their social media group. It’s a private group. I’m an even more private person. I have no pictures of myself or very few. None of myself heavy except one I didn’t know and didn’t want taken. It was my birthday right before surgery at my heaviest it was at the zoo, the most unflattering shot the zoo took of me bending over to feed the flamingos while I loved the experience it was sad and painful. And it ended up being more for my mother and her friends. I didn’t know yet if I would even be able to have surgery.

    im leaving earlier then expected. I fly out June 13th for June 15th surgery and return June 21st. It’s a long flight home ...

    some small part of me that isn’t exhausted is very excited 😜 about it and I love the cartoon. Some positions it’s like You can try and pretend skin what skin others it’s like where did this shar pei come from 🤣

  14. 36 minutes ago, Superman84 said:

    So what do we do cut out any sweetness at all impossible

    I lost a lot of my ability to taste properly and like to have sweet things without sugar. Now how you define “artificial sweeteners “ and which are the most damaging is the question. I make it a point to use stevia in my tea or coffee (sweet leaf is awesome) I do try to find Protein Bars with healthier ingredients. There are newer sweetener alternatives that are better. Erythritol is not bad. There is Allulose (quest hero bars use it) Monk Fruit. The only time I use sucralose that’s probably the lesser of the “evils” in the artificial sweeteners is because I use skinny girl flavor Syrup in my tea or coffee ... but I don’t find it makes me hungrier. I don’t think I use a lot though. I would think these studies are at high rates of ingestion. There are dangerous artificial sweeteners of course and too much “natural” sugar isn’t good either, but moderation and Looking for natural options you can find healthier versions of sweet flavors and foods. Erythritol comes from a plant vs purely a chemical. I don’t know, we can’t say everything sweet is bad.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Riva_G. said:

    I also have 20-30 pounds to lose. And I’m also checking up a lot about plastics. I’m wondering if anyone was covered by insurance due to skin irritations and fungus from the loose skin? My dermatologist told me to do research to see if I would get insurance coverage

    I know that insurance might cover for some people but I asked my surgeon about it and they insisted that in Florida they cover it and referred me to plastics in Cleveland Clinic and yet I was told they accepted no insurance. I get bloody rashes especially on my thighs. I just can’t deal with fighting with insurance on the matter. And I’ve seen others post about insurance offering only partial coverage. I will say you can try just to see what happens. For me I ended up going with the plastic surgeon though BariatricPal at Hospital BC. They have excellent reputation and success. And are a Center of Excellence. They are the only American owned hospital in Tijuana Mexico.

  16. 2 hours ago, catwoman7 said:

    had my lower body lift in a separate surgery from everything else. I had to sleep on my back for AT LEAST a couple of weeks. And walking is harder after that than it was after gastric bypass (or at least it was for me). Getting in and out of bed the first few days was torture, and I had to use a walker once I was up. I had to walk all hunched over for a couple of weeks, as I recall.

    overall, I found this a much tougher recovery than was gastric bypass, at least pain-wise, but YMMV.

    Thank you for sharing your experience.
    It sounds similar to what I’ve been through with other surgeries. I’ve a step stool to get up in bed. I guess I’m pretty good at making adaptations along the way. I do remember the hunched walk after my hysterectomy. Probably one tough thing I forgot was getting in and out of the car ... rolling over or sitting up in bed takes practice to not tug stitching. Makes me wish I had one of those pulleys hanging from the ceiling. I guess I’ll keep in mind past experiences as best I can and tough it out. as usual.

    3 hours ago, ChubRub said:

    It sounds like you've been through quite a few procedures as a result of your medical issues. I'm glad you can finally have this plastic surgery for YOU!!!

    @ChubRub thank you I haven’t thought of it that way. In ways it’s not purely cosmetic it’s also medical. But I haven’t let myself think of it as something for me. I’ve never just done something for me, I’ve never been on vacation either. I guess this will the first thing I’ve done that was actually for me which feels weird to say. I just hope it all works out. I don’t necessarily feel deserving of it. My mom is coming as my companion I want her to feel like it’s a vacation for her though she’s never been to Mexico. Of course neither have I. We are passing through California we have never been there either ...

    we are having problems with the flight arrangements already so now I’m getting nervous.

  17. I started to make a faux ice cream sort of thing with my daily dinner yogurt. It’s good with oikos triple zero Peanut Butter banana yogurt cups, PEScience select peanut butter cookie Protein Powder (1/2 scoop) I mix in a bowl with a little pink salt. It gets a frosting like consistency. Then I pop it in the freezer 30 minutes. I take it out and mix it again, I guess you could use a hand mixer to whip more air into it. I don’t have one, but it does taste really good with sugar free land o lakes whipped cream. And it’s very low carb, hardly any sugar. The oikos has chicory root Fiber ( the best kind of fiber) and uses natural sweeteners. I normally use plain Fage Greek but sometimes use this or TwoGood yogurt. I also found a low carb granola in the grocery a few days ago. Called Sola it’s 4 net carbs and it is 8 grams Protein. though I only plan to use half a portion on my yogurt.

    PEScience protein


  18. 1 hour ago, catwoman7 said:

    the best way to keep stitches from stretching is to try to restrict stretching those parts of your body that are affected as much as you can. I found arms to be the hardest to do that with. I live with my husband so he did my reaching for me, but sometimes you just forget and don't think about it until after you've already reached for something. Plus after the first week or so, my husband went back to work, which made it harder. I had to get up on a step stool to get things out of the cupboards that before I would have just reached for.

    The only part I won’t be having is arms, since I need to focus on thighs and the lower body lift. Although there will be the augmentation.

    I had quite a few surgeries restricting mobility. Certain tasks I just have to work around managing myself. Like laundry. I did read that putting surgical tape can help the healing incision from getting stretched but I’m allergic to adhesives. I put a waterproof bandage on my drain site after bypass surgery and it left a burn mark for months ... i seem to get a cumulative reaction. The more I’m exposed the worse it is.

    I think sleeping will be the hardest. I toss and turn a lot. I try to sleep on my back but can’t for long. And laying on my side it’s flip flopping. I usually end up twisting like a pretzel. So I need to work on that ... I have high pain tolerance but hopefully can get the pain management in check post op. So I’m able to function. I am wondering how much I should be walking afterward. I am thinking it won’t be as bad as after the gastric bypass and gallbladder surgery. Which TBH I was bed bound and had a lot of difficulty just moving my body. I also don’t have 106lbs of body weight to lift ...

    im trying to push myself to plan but my head doesn’t work that way. I am wondering anyone’s experience with silicone tape for scars and if that helps with the tugging. I read it also does. I was just going to get scar gel or cream whatever doesn’t contain glycols. I didn’t use anything on my hysterectomy scar though and that one healed great ... I’m not overly concerned about scars just that they don’t get stretched While healing and cause any infection.

  19. 2 hours ago, ChubRub said:

    can only imagine how busy you are cramming in all of those last minute pre-op tests and clearances. You are only weeks away! I'm so excited for you! Do you have to get a COVID19 test as part of all the other stuff?

    To be honest most of it has nothing to do with the plastic surgery. It was put of for several months because of Covid-19 and I didn’t think it wise to wait until afterward. Some I wasn’t keen on putting it to words until I had it done.

    I did see my primary care physician for some CBC for the surgery, the other tests they do at Hospital BC where I’m having surgery in Mexico. I had to see an ENT because of persistent nosebleeds. And will have to follow up Two days before I leave. I had to see my endocrinologist to get reauthorization for a test that was supposed to have been scheduled months ago and wasn’t. A Thyroid biopsy with an interventional radiologist at the hospital. I’m having that June 4th. Then June 10th a double balloon enteroscopy I’ve been waiting months for that, my bariatric surgeon wanted due to history of ulcers in the remnant portion of stomach and blind portion of small intestine as well as my persistent symptoms. I’m not worried about any of it should I be, it doesn’t matter whatever it is, it is. I’ll deal with it in that moment.

    I’m not going to let it stop me from going ahead with my plans. And I should be good to go for surgery. I have gotten through enough other surgeries despite everything my body goes through every day with lifelong chronic illness. I will do my best to do this as exhausting as it is. It’s just hard to plan to pack and to think.

    like what position is best to sleep in post surgery. I got a list of things to bring from the hospital but is there any special tips to keep the stitches from stretching. They recommended a boppy pillow. I got some cheap old navy jersey knit swing dresses, a robe ... a sling backpack. For all I know I’ll want to stay in a hospital gown the whole time 🤣 even in the hotel ... I’ve been there done that with surgeries. I had open hysterectomy so it will be similar except all the way around so that’s different. I’ve had long incisions in my calves but not thighs.

    I watched a belt lipectomy on YouTube. It’s a crazy surgery. It doesn’t scare me. Now crazy ants set off ptsd but something like that doesn’t scare me go figure ... I will have to manage my chronic pain as best I can. The hardest part is It’s ultimate impact on my medical condition M.E. But it’s something I have to deal with every day of my life. So just finding the new normal.

    to answer the last question. I have to get test for Covid-19 before I have the double balloon enteroscopy. But it wasn’t a requirement before the plastic surgery.

  20. On 5/29/2020 at 8:52 PM, ChubRub said:

    I'm scheduled for plastic surgery in January!! Ahhhhh!!! Of course I still need to hit my goal weight, but I'm feeling very confident about that. I can always push back the PS if need be, but I'm using it as motivation to hit goal sooner rather than later!!

    I'm having circumferential TT (aka LBL) and a BR/BL w/ implant. I'm so excited!!!

    If all goes well with PS (and Covid19), I'm thinking a trip to the Bahamas in May 2021 would be a nice way to Celebrate my new body!

    That’s awesome! Mine is inching ever closer. It’s hard to think with all the doctor appointments I had to cram in beforehand that were delayed for so long due to Covid-19. I’m overthinking and under thinking at the same time. And likely not focusing on the right things either, I’m sure you are excited knowing that you will have this when you reach your goal. It doesn’t hurt to plan ahead :) me and planning don’t get along very well. I jumped in I kind of just exist in the moment I’m in ...

  21. it will pass ...

    Definitely a good Bone Broth will help. Also what Protein Shake are you drinking? Some just aren’t a good quality and make you feel hungrier. I use PEScience select and it’s a blend of premium whey Protein and casein to help feel full longer. I mixed one scoop with 6 ounces of plain unsweetened Ripple milk for extra protein. I think it came to about 160-170 calories and 30 grams protein. And carbs depends on flavor but no more than 3 net carbs ... I like Peanut Butter cookie. I would mix it, put it in the fridge to let it thicken then mix again. I’d thin it with a little Water only if I needed to.

    actually I still use it and mix half a scoop with Greek yogurt. Either plain nonfat Fage. Or TwoGood yogurt. Although my current addiction is Mixing it with oikos triple zero peanut butter banana flavor Greek yogurt cups. I put a little pink salt. Mix it up and put it in the freezer 30 minutes and mix again. Like a fake ice cream. And use a little sugar free land o lakes whipped cream. But it’s extremely low carb and gets me the protein I need. It’s actually my go to dinner ... but I’m weird that way.

    mixed in yogurt it has a frosting like consistency.

    link to the protein


  22. 12 hours ago, WInston223322 said:

    I know there are healthy things but they did not work for me. I ate alvados and all the healthy ones and still was losing - It took the sugar boast to get my body from burning fat to burning sugar! Trust me I was shocked when my Nutra girl added M and M s to my daily feed plan. But it did work. You have to find something to cause a stall is all i was saying. There was a lady on here months back that had to drink a glass of wine to keep her stall. She tried everything but seemed that sugar boast at night stalled her. I have seen may posts on how to stop losing on here from wine to butter to shakes to sugar. Everyone is different


    There is no way with this frame i can get to 160 pounds, I would look even more feabile then i do now. at 200 I am to thin according to those who are around me This pictures was taken at 208 No way i could lose another 48 pounds

    Dog named boo.jpg

    I apologize I am thinking in terms of metabolic disorders and inability to process sugar more than willpower. I battled sugar addiction many years ago. Some people just can’t process sugar the same way. I am still shocked it was recommended to you since there are healthier ways to get sugar like high quality honey (nature nates) mix up drinks similar to what people do before exercise. Either loaded with healthy fats like bulletproof coffee or healthy forms of sugar.

    i agree 160 on a larger 6’ 3” male frame is not realistic especially if you have muscle. 180-190 is healthy range. But you look awesome and congratulations on your success. I hope that you get the stricture resolved soon. I’m dealing with issues myself. Had two stricture dilations. And a double balloon enteroscopy scheduled June 10th that was postponed for months due to Covid.

    I Don’t want you to think I’m being critical. I just studied nutrition and there’s other ways to manage weight. If you have a Vitamin Shoppe that’s open they can advise you as well. I think a good Protein Bar can help you a lot more than candy.

    I’m no expert but The main thing is you want to sustain and You want to build muscle to maintain your weight. And Protein is one key to that. Try doing resistance exercise, not to lose but to build muscle. Actually Pilates is good since it gives you longer leaner muscles.

    I wish I had the ability to do that. My Chronic health issues don’t allow for it.

    you definitely don’t look like you need to lose 48lbs. You look healthy.

    all the best :)

  23. On 5/26/2020 at 1:50 AM, WInston223322 said:

    Going thru this now also - I have found WLS doctors to be not the go to - See a throat guy, My issue is also the throat from the Surgery. Seems the hose down your throat and the acid reflux caused a restriction. I am set to got in and stretch the throat shortly! Due to covid 19 a Freakin mess.

    Took me months to figure out why i could not eat alot, Thought it was a stricture but turned out to be a throat issue.

    Not to beat a dead horse but i had to resort to insane ways to get in calories, ensure drinks and yes i use candy and Junk food to pile on 300 calories a day. Things like crackers and Bar cheese, Fritos and dips, Halloween size candy bars stopped the loss. Be careful they can develop bad habits, I have insane will power so for me it is just calories, but Easy calorie boasters. Not good choices but can cause a stall if used properly.

    Go slow when i started i over did it and tossed it up! I mean really slow like two little candy bars a day Half at a time. the sugar will get you big time. Once i figure out how to get the surgery done will stop this bad behavior but for now buying me time

    I was biting my tongue on this but it’s not smart to suggest candy bars or junk food. When there are plenty of healthy options out there. Like avocado, Protein Shakes like labrada lean body which are higher calorie and Protein range but still very low carb and sugar.

    I’m a little confused I guess, I know you are 6’ 3” which is far off from my height of 5’ but even at your height a healthy weight range is considered 150-190lbs According to BMI charts which is BMI 19-24. You would have to weigh 140 or less with a BMI of 18 to be underweight for your height.

    maybe you aren’t getting enough protein for your weight rage. Try calculating your daily protein based on your weight. 0.36 grams protein per 1lb body weight, minimum.

    im not trying to offend anyone I apologize in advance. But sugar and junk food is a terrible idea to turn to after bariatric surgery. If you have stricture, I’d think these would be difficult to eat too.

  24. I heard of Amitaza recently, I’m not sure what the difference is between the two. I was trying to research this. Years ago I was taking Zelnorm and that worked well for me and I was so upset when they took it off the market. I remember when they took it off the market and my gastroenterologist at the time had nerve to give me like five different drugs at the same time and I got so sick I had to stop them. And all he could say was tell me if you find something that works ...

    there is such mixed information about fiber that sometimes I wonder why as humans we need to take bulking agents in our diet to get things to pass through our system. Understanding nutrition I know you need both soluble and insoluble fibers particularly how the soluble fiber feeds the healthy gut bacteria. And the insoluble binds to whatever fats or calories or waste to draw it out ... but how effective is bulking really and especially with bypass we don’t want to fill our stomach with nonessential stuff.

    it’s like why can birds go so easily 🤣 but humans suffer to find that right balance? I remember an article where someone tested it out not eating fiber foods. Interesting how there’s always contrasting information out there even on health issues. And so many times no one can agree on anything.

    all I know is I’m tired of colonoscopies they screw up the gut regulation. And laxatives do as well, the one thing about Linzess is that it’s not a laxative. That’s extremely important.

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