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    lovingme50 got a reaction from alex76 in July 2019   
    I have finished my Preop nutrition classes and psych evaluation. I have also finished all of my Preop weight-ins and received my referral letter for surgery. Just waiting to have my EGD on August 23rd and get my surgery date. My insurance didn’t require a 6 month weight-in! Thank Goodness! I’m so ready! Waiting on my surgery date! But I’m already experiencing backlash from friends!
  2. Like
    lovingme50 got a reaction from alex76 in July 2019   
    I have finished my Preop nutrition classes and psych evaluation. I have also finished all of my Preop weight-ins and received my referral letter for surgery. Just waiting to have my EGD on August 23rd and get my surgery date. My insurance didn’t require a 6 month weight-in! Thank Goodness! I’m so ready! Waiting on my surgery date! But I’m already experiencing backlash from friends!
  3. Like
    lovingme50 reacted to Carrot64 in Not telling anyone   
    I am an open book with EVERYTHING in my life ( Sicilian, hairdresser, Pisces) so it’s no surprise I tell whoever wants to know.. if you’ve known me for a while you know my struggles, I could lose ok but , maintaining never lasted long and I’d gain back 2 fold.. I feel great and the fact that there are people out there waiting for me to fail only motivates me to prove em all damn wrong.. I have changed on the inside even more than the outside ... watch my dust naysayers, I GOT This ... no going back because I don’t know that lady anymore, the one that chose food over life.. she’s in my past .. as a matter of fact a ceremony is in order, one in which I burn some of my former fat selfs old clothes( the basic uniform of comfy black anything) I never knew this person I have become.. she’s the BOMB and I’m keeping her healthy so she can get out and LIVE
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    lovingme50 reacted to jaytissle55 in Not telling anyone   
    Only told my father, and I don't plan to tell anyone else... I am a very private person and was before VSG and will always be a private person. I don't think it's anyone else's business unless you have a desire to tell people.. 75% of people are negative and I choose not to deal with negative people who smile in your face and talk _____ behind your back, I'm so over people and there personal opinions about my life... So no issue if you tell everyone or you are a private person and want to keep your business to urself.... Good luck and hope this helps....
  5. Like
    lovingme50 reacted to notmyname in Not telling anyone   
    I told my brother and SIL (b/c she had to come stay with me after surgery), my boss (who also happens to be a friend), and one other friend. After about 6 months, I told my sister because she was worried about how I was eating. Other than that, if people notice my weight loss or eating habits, I just say thank you or I'm eating more, smaller meals. It is nobody's business.
  6. Like
    lovingme50 reacted to med28thmed in Not telling anyone   
    I didn't go as far as lying. I've now lost 50 lbs and coworkers are starting to ask, and I tell them.
    I was going to announce on FB once I hit my 50 pound goal but decided I'm going to postpone it for when I reach 70 pounds :-) I can't deal with the negative comments or unwanted opinions at this time..
    You just have to focus on yourself right now. You're on your way to becoming healthier, more active and happier you!
    Good Luck Sharlanay!
  7. Like
    lovingme50 reacted to Selmeeka in Not telling anyone   
    I told some people at work. I find it's easier to tell people to their face.
    On the other hand I did not say anything on Facebook. People tend to be braver behind a keyboard. It's my business not theirs. You do you, and whatever makes you happy and most comfortable.
  8. Like
    lovingme50 reacted to texasnewf in July 2019   
    Hi there, I'm also having a VSG done July 1. I'm filled with anticipation and anxiety at the same time. I can't wait to be done with the Cpap. High BP, bad knees and overall feeling like crap..
    Sent from my SM-G973U using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. Like
    lovingme50 reacted to sillykitty in Newbie   
    @Frustr8, will you please consider creating your own thread where you can share your journey? You can then update that thread with your progress, and anything else you wish to share. It will help keep threads such as this one, on topic and relevant to the OP.
  10. Like
    lovingme50 reacted to Frustr8 in Newbie   
    Took Vitamin D, Vitamin A and my prenatal Vitamin, so ordered by my team because it does contain Iron along with a lot of other good things and minerals. Well I did have some hair thinning, hard to tell because I'm Red-geaded and we naturally have the fewest hairs per square inch. What I noticed was I lost my fringe of bangs, so yesterday I had Shelia, my cosmotological consultant, okay beautician give me an updated DA, same style I wore at 15 except I don't have the spiked out ducktail in the backm Easy-peasy to take care of, and I started on hair,nail skin Vitamins at 3 months, got special permission to use gummie, those are usually 1st ingredient concentrated fruit juice or corn Syrup, and that's going to feed the sugar addiction you're trying to kill. But I usually operate at a caloric deficiency, mine are fruit juice instead of corn syrup or sugar and the capsules I was using first gave me indigestion and refkux, yeah Bypassers are not supposed to reflux, but it built up gas or something and up the burning sensation came, and I had enough GERD reflux,before surgery to diagnose it myself.
    And if I taste even a miniscule,amount,of ice cream, Cookies pies or candy, it literally. sickens me, sniched a jelly bean from the Easter basket I gave Tomkitten who is in his 30s, long past needing one. I used to,❤the spicey ones more than the funky*'junky fruit- tasting ones . So I got out a cinnamon one, chewed and swollowed. And up it came, with a vengeance, worse than the Terminator! Oops I shan't repeat that mistake!
  11. Like
    lovingme50 reacted to BeanieSprouts in Newbie   
    Welcome!!! I'm so excited to see you've decided to pursue options in regards to weight loss and surgery!
    I know how upsetting weight loss (or the lack thereof) can be! I think everyone here can relate to that, that's why we chose surgery!!
    One of the first things I did was look at all the food I was restricting myself from eating, all the "bad" foods and think about why they were bad for me and why I binged on them anyway. What I came away with was that I was ashamed of wanting them, so I would only eat them when I was alone. It took a serious, moral inventory of myself where I tried to figure out my cravings and WHY I want those things before I even thought about dieting again. This is NOT something that you can quit, this is the first step to the rest of your life!
    The second thing was I looked at all those "bad" foods and decided they weren't bad, I wasn't bad for wanting them, but that they didn't serve the purpose I was currently using food for. Everyone has binged ice cream when they're sad, expecting yourself to never react like that again is unrealistic. But severing that shame tied to it, that you haven't failed because you ate a slice of pizza at a birthday party, is really what's helped keep me on track.
    If you need ANYTHING please message me!
  12. Like
    lovingme50 reacted to Poppyseed28 in Newbie   
    Welcome! This site has been very helpful to me. My advice would be to take advantage of the insurance required diet to help change your habits before surgery. When I was on mine I got discouraged because I would lose then gain some pounds for no reason then I would binge. Keep changing your habits before surgery even if you don’t see results on the scale because after surgery the weight will come off. Good luck! The process goes quicker than you think.
  13. Like
    lovingme50 reacted to Jazzy1125 in Newbie   
    The best way to change habits is one at a time. Keep in mind it takes 3 weeks to make a habit and 3 days to break a habit. Work on changing step by step so you are prepared for when surgery time gets here. If you try to change all at once your will set yourself up for failure.

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