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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Updates posted by Krestel

  1. Cold grilled chicken straight from the fridge...nom nom nom. Go Protein!

  2. Cold no.2 since surgery. The funny part is now Ive lost my voice. I feel better in my sinuses now, but my voice is 90% gone. Losing your voice as a person who talks as a teacher for a living is so funny. You feel normal and when you speak, nothing comes out. I hope it goes over by Monday, but if it doesn't oh well. Ill be at school and cant talk to the students. Oh gee darn.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Krestel


      Ohh..I love fisherman's friend..especially the sugar-free ones. Here, we can get it in all the shops. They are strong though.

    3. VIKING 0424
    4. VIKING 0424

      VIKING 0424


  3. First head cold since the surgery....at least I know that my body is back to "normal". /sigh

  4. First long walk after major depressing event. If I had been my old self, I would have been crying myself to sleep in a Ben and Jerry's by now. Instead, no tears and meal shakes have been my go to. Not doing perfect, but one day at a time. It's amazing how much easier it is to deal with events like this when you are not hating your own body as much. I wonder if this is how normal people feel.

    1. november11


      Great Report!!! I knew you had it …..

    2. vgs08282019


      What is normal, anyway? I think we all have varying levels of normal. You just experienced a HUGE WIN. These are the changes that will impact major change on the scale in the long run. The head and heart truly need to be in the right place for everything to work the way it should. Congratulations. Sounds like you are on your way.

  5. Found a wonderful cafe in downtown Stockholm that served wonderful smoothie "bowls". Got a greek yoghurt bowl with granola, all sorts of berries, and some honey. Was sooo delish. I hate sitting in cafes that only have sweet options cuz I really feel bad after eating a cinnamon bun.

    If anyone is thinking about coming to Stockholm, I definitely have some bariatric tips.

  6. Goal setting should be something you have total control over. I was thinking about this the other day. Weight loss is not something we have total control over, but eating a certain number of calories or exercising a number of times per week is.

    I realized this when I was thinking about how my students set goals for getting better grades. Getting the grade they want is only partially within their power. So if they don't get the better grade they worked towards, then the positive behaviour they have formed will be seen as useless even if it's going to eventually get them to their goal.

    We've all played these games, but I think many times our goal setting misses the point. Choose something we have control over and measure ourselves that way rather than using something that can at times seem arbitrary. 

  7. Hello my name is Krestel and Im a banana addict...Ive eaten bananas for the past xxx days.

  8. How can a bowel movement make me lose almost 4 pounds? How much poo am I full of?

    1. lvidacovich


      I haven't pooped in a weed and I'd love a 4 pound poo right now lol

    2. FluffyChix


      Those are championship cups for both you guys! :) I personally came up a 1.4lb winner this morning. ;) hehehehe.

  9. I baked a gross of (144) chocolate chip cookies for the coffee break (fika) at work. The cool part was that I managed to not eat a single one of them. Not only that but I finished with my baking by 11pm and got up at 5am for my doggie walk before work. This time it was MUCH easier to skip the cookies since I was thinking about dumping in the back of my mind. That and the damn gremlins (oops I mean  grehlins) are on vacation at the moment.

    1. GreenTealael



  10. I can now buy clothes in normal stores again. Admittedly the first time when I started trying on clothes, I really had to keep myself calm. Normally trying on clothes causes me to become SOOO depressed that it take weeks just to get over it. Now, I have to keep myself from not wanting to buy everything!

    1. AngieBear


      Right?! It’s an amazing, freeing feeling.

    2. SabrinaGoddess


      Congrats! It's an amazing feeling. I am so happy for you! And yes...it's a BIG DEAL!

  11. I felt that I ate like a horse this week and still lost weight. WTF?!? 

  12. I just cant focus or find anything that I want to do until I finish it.

  13. I just looked through all my old pants after my pre-op pants started getting to big. Keep in mind that I wear men's pants (usually cargos) because I am so tall 5'10"/5'11" ish. I also find that men's baggies tend to fit me better.

    I started out at a 44 in waist pant and quickly found that I was back down to my 42's. So even when thise got to be too big, I had to start pulling old clothes out of storage. After finding my 38's, I thought that these would not yet fit, but when I tried them on, they fit perfectly. I also found some older pants that now fit better than I remembered. What a relief! It's not like I can pop down to the store like I could do in the US and the styles here in Sweden are all skinnt jeans which I cant stand. I also found some 36's, but I'm not mentally ready to try those on yet. The biggest challenge will be buying women's clothing again. 

  14. I just realized that I miss breads and buns much more than chocolate amd candy. How wierd!

  15. I now TRULY understand the expression heartburn and it hurts like a MF! I dont know what really caused it yesterday but maybe it was dumping from something that I commonly eat. I really dont care cuz it hurt like F*&K and I think Im going to be on liquids today just to be on the safe side.

  16. I really like my 5am walks with the dogs. I can't even believe that I would ever say that, but I truly look forward to them in the mornings. Nothing beats happy dogs when you're grumpy! I even got a new (much smaller) high-visibility jacket in order to keep warm this winter and be seen even if it's dark. Since we have wooded trails close by that no-one uses (especially in the dark and during bad weather), I can let them off their leashes and run around and get in touch with their  wild gogginess. I can't wait for it to get reeeally cold (and snowy) so that I have to buy new snow pants as well.

  17. I wonder what life would be like if everyone dumped. I just ate a few too many (oreo double stuff) cookies and feel like absolute shite. Can you imagine what the food industry would be like if everyone experienced this? Something tells me that we would all be much healthier.

  18. I'm contemplating getting rid of my now ridiculously large clothes. For me it's big step to let go and just do it. My old clothes are like a safety net that I want to keep, but something tells me if I keep that safety net then I will go back up to my old weight. 

    1. november11


      GET RID OF THEM !! You will NOT be needing them EVER ….Go to local thrift shops and get inexpensive good clothes because you will be changing sizes so quickly that is makes no sense to buy expensive .

    2. Krestel


      I actually started putting some of the old stuff in big plastic bags and realized that I had more current size clothes than I thought. Oddly enough.

  19. I'm having a really tough time at work and the boss has called me in for a meeting tomorrow, and Im literally concerned for my job. The question is how do I keep on my road towards weight loss. With all the stress, my dinners probably keep getting bigger and bigger and Im not talking my morning dogs walks like I used to. Yes, Im still down a lot of pounds, but it's these types of situations that got me into the big numbers to begin with. I really need to handle this one better. I dont want to scew up my body with this second chance that Ive been given.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bastian


      Sorry to hear the worst happened, everything happens for a reason even if we can't see that reason for a while. One door closes another opens...I really believe new opportunities come along as various stages of life end :) Good luck :)

    3. VIKING 0424

      VIKING 0424


    4. november11


      Yes !!! What they said......

  20. Im now wearing my smallest pants...now what? 

    1. Recidivist


      It depends on where you are in your weight loss journey. I went through a number of sizes on the way to my goal weight, and I had decided I was not going to get a whole new wardrobe until I was there. Before that, I went to thrift shops and looked for great deals online for a few items of clothing that could tide me over until I went down another size.

  21. It's easier to create new babits than to break old ones.

  22. Just saw this on Youtube about the Quarantine and weight loss:


  23. Losing 1.2kg/2.6lbs in a week seems to be a bit disappointing when in reality it is quite reasonable at about 5kg/11lbs per month. I think that I cant quite remember the last 30kg/65lbs. Oh the mind games we play!

  24. Me: Hey Siri, Is it raining outside? (for my morning walks with the dogs)

    Siri: I don't think it's raining at the moment.

    Wet Dogs: Then why are we wet? This damn Siri person is more stupid than we are.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
