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Posts posted by Sophie7713

  1. Healthy Life 2 - Simply gorgeous! Your gown is stunning... especially with your figure + porcelain skin. Love it. Hollywood will be calling shortly. You look like a movie star! More importantly, you are a STAR! ;]

  2. 3 hours ago, FluffyChix said:

    OMG! Happy New Year doll! You both look so beautiful!!! Love your outfits and how they match without being matchy matchy. You are "wardrobed" :) !!! Love the house too!

    This is an exquisite Victorian mansion located in Fernandina Beach, FL - now a bed and Breakfast. Thought their Christmas lights and trimmings were magical! ;]. Really loving emerald green this fashion season... Off to the movies with hubs!


  3. 8 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    I'm the opposite. I LOVE NYE parties. So I'm kinda bummed that we are going low-key this year due to my PS recovery. I was hoping to get to wear something awesome given that this is my first NYE in like 15 or so years that I am at a "healthy" body weight. It's gonna be jogging pants or something for me tonite....

    @Healthy_life2...I haven't forgotten your post from a while back...looking forward to seeing you looking wickedly awesome in your dress ;)

    JUST you WAIT... Next New Years Eve you will look and feel fabulous! Short term disappointment certainly understandable this year, but you're reaping long term happily ever after! You must be so proud after 15 years...It will make #16 most golden! I'll be raising my champagne glass up to you come 12:00 midnight! Well done.

  4. 8 hours ago, AngieBear said:

    Agreed! There are some serious extra inches at the waistband.

    If it’s a favorite of yours, it might be worth having tailored. It should be fairly easy and inexpensive.

    Maybe tailor the waist and convert skirt into beautiful palazzo slacks!?

  5. On 12/28/2019 at 7:12 PM, sillykitty said:

    Flying to meet my Boo out of state, then straight to dinner with friends. He hasn’t seen me since my plastics. Hopefully this will be a good first impression

    Boobs high and looking fake af (not that most men care). Very swollen belly! Tights and booty panties to help hide my raised incision line (and my granny panty line 😫)



    AND, away she goes... Looking beyond fabulous! That skirt is amazing. Your new 2020 figure, delicious! You must be so pleased. Happy New Year celebration with Bo and friends. Doesn't get any better than this. Wow.

  6. On 12/26/2019 at 5:21 PM, ms.sss said:

    Lookin' smokin' hot in the brown fitted top and the leggings. Your waist!

    And, the braids are so cool. I love them! They have such an Egyptian Goddess allure on you! Wow.

  7. On 12/26/2019 at 3:46 PM, GreenTealael said:

    Outpatiênt çhic 😅

    I knew I would NOT see super flaming hot PA so this is how i looked for routine testing

    Bye Felicia




  8. On 12/26/2019 at 11:41 AM, ms.sss said:

    Good point. Does your surgeon know about your timelines? What did they say?

    I'm only a week out, and my waist measurement increased considerably.

    Maybe the PS vets can chime in (of course understanding that everyone's healing is different)... @catwoman7?

    I have a pre-surgery appt. Jan. 8th where I hope to address these concerns + questions in more details. My initial consult was very positive but long, and a little overwhelming. Having hubby go with me on the 8th will help clarify. A deposit was already placed to save Jan.21st surgery date. We are to pay in full on Jan. 8th appt. So, it may be best to call their office day after New Year's holiday. Very enthusiastic to get all this loose heavy skin (double abdominal roll and sagging breasts) off my new smaller frame BUT simply dreading this process!!!!! :[ Love to dance! But travel, entertaining, dance moves and gown comfort come spring are of major concerns... I wish to feel my best - it's a definite conundrum and maybe a double-edged sword? 😕

  9. How does it feel to be home again!? Hoping you had a good Christmas with all things considered? Are you still swollen? Are the problematic vulnerable area's healing better or still oozing? My surgeon mentioned the abonimal intersection may have issues like you have experienced. After tracking with all our winter plastics - Not sure I want to go forward January 21st. Not that I've had second thoughts about plastics in general... just becoming very concerned about "the timing" especially when I read about swelling issues that can last 3 months or beyond. My first 25th custom gown fitting is early January with the extra flesh. There are to be two more fittings before May 5th, and I may be too tender to even think about plastics right now? My original four month approximate window for healing just may not be time enough to feel my best? So much time, effort and expense have gone into the gala for the enjoyment of ourselves and our guests... just don't wish to dampen it. Perplexed?

  10. On 12/24/2019 at 8:44 PM, Dtrain84 said:

    No, my wife set up the photo shoot as a part of my Rebirth day. I'm a sudden cardiac arrest survivor and was clinically dead for over 5 minutes before I was revived. We Celebrate that day of the cardiac arrest every year. The before picture was taken 2 weeks before my cardiac arrest.


    Not only does the gentlemen have great taste in clothing... He has even better taste in his ladies! Mrs. Dtrain is a most beautiful and stunning woman. Her smile and demeanor reflect pride, adoration and care for her man. As do you for her. What a new lease on life you have been given. Wishing you many many happy years together. Hubs and I Celebrate our 25th vow renewal and silver anniversary gala on the mainline next spring. Fun! Thank you so much for sharing this. Priceless. By the way, know any fine gentleman for some of our fabulous single ladies here?

  11. On 12/24/2019 at 8:11 PM, GreenTealael said:

    I can see that you are married so I am respectfully asking if this photo shoot is for a department wide calender 😅?

    Okay, then. You can rescue me anytime and anywhere!

  12. On 12/24/2019 at 8:04 PM, KaysMommy said:

    Looking great. Thank you for wearing the uniform.

    How handsome you look. This is way cool! Thank you for your service to us as our guardian and protector. Were you in the city of Philadelphia police force? What precinct? We just love the Parc restaurant at Rittenhouse Square. Although... I have not been back since my weight loss surgery. No more fine pastries and French bread with butter for me! My husband use to work in the Penn Mutual building at Independence Square. It was a very somber place in the city on 9/11 with evacuations of historic squares and treasured landmarks. We dodged a bullet that day.

  13. 3 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    Poop-watch DAY 9 : So far, so NOT so good...

    (Took MOM this morning...still waiting...)

    P.S. I need that shirt.

    P.P.S. Is that you in the pic holding up the shirt?!?

    Yes, that's me in front of the town square Christmas tree. It was like hurry up hubby before someone see's me!!! Haha. The vivacious and friendly shoppe owner is Gabriel Vhabae @ 904-497-7716. Here's the store front window for easy reference. Day 10? Maybe P-day?

    IMG_2752.thumb.jpeg.54872b4765ee15676034a9b694685e2b.jpeg IMG_2736.thumb.jpeg.c62217ce47b3e1f1759aa8eaabc40cf4.jpeg

  14. Happiest of holidays to all! Everyone is simply rockin' the season. Can't wait to see the New Years Eve garb posts! Spending Christmas vacation at a historic sea side village. We are just wearing comfy and casual all week long. Look what hubs and Bobby found for us in a downtown shoppe while I ran to get coffee. Nothing I'd wear in public BUT will make a nice PJ top don't you think? LOL. He purchased it so I could post to our group here for a chuckle (and, he got contact info should anyone might like to order one in any color or sleeve length) understanding we may all just relate to such a victory. Merry Christmas to you and yours.





  15. 21 hours ago, AngieBear said:

    I am festive AF today. My only regret is not being able to find red sweater tights.


    GORGEOUS! Look at that delicious figure. Awesome outfit. What fun.

  16. Just now, Sophie7713 said:

    Hoping you are home safe and sound continuing the recovery as smoothly as possible. Otherwise, how would Santa find you!? This Steel Magnolia definitely deserves some pretty posies! What a trooper. Now that you've had triplets - it's done! And, you can move forward into the New Year as a New Woman. So very excited and happy for you! I loved the leg massagers, too, when I had torn meniscus knee surgery a few years back. I was able to rent the device and take it home with us - giving peace of mind for good circulation while immobile. Will be sure not to twist after my January 21 breast lift and Tummy Tuck. I'll just leave that hula hoop in the garage! Sending you warm hugs and many best wishes (understand parts of Canada tonight are 6 degrees... Oh boy!) that each day gets a little better in the process. I now know what ms.sss stands for as follows: Super, Strong and Sensational!


  17. 8 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    Get comfortable, this is a long one...

    So here is the additional backstory info to my PS journey:

    So I ended up getting a last-minute Tummy Tuck two days ago (Dec 18), along with my arm and breast lift. Back in June 2019, when I initially scheduled my procedures, I was going to get an arm lift, a breast lift (to address side boob skin), and a Tummy Tuck. The tummy tuck was actually partially covered by provincial insurance. Basically the panniculectomy part was covered and I we only need to pay out of pocket for muscle tightening or any required Lipo.

    But sometime around August or September, I decided to forego the tummy tuck because I thought that I could live with the state my stomach was in, and I didn't want to have more surgery if I didn't really need to. So I called my surgeons office and let them know.

    Fast forward four months later and I'm at the registration desk at the hospital on surgery day. I'm signing all the papers, and one of them is a confirmation surgery procedure form and lo and behold the tummy tuck is still on there. Apparently, the fact that the tummy tuck was removed was not properly communicated to the hospital. (As an aside, this is a perfect example of why confirmation of surgeries is necessary at registration!!)

    I had a discussion with my surgeon: he said the OR is already booked and set up for all three procedures including the tummy tuck. So if I wanted to, we could go ahead as originally planned back in June, or not. Whatever I decided was fine with him. If I didn't want the tummy tuck, there would be some paperwork to do beforehand, but it was doable since the OR was booked for all 3 procedures, and there was time to do the paperwork/system corrections and still complete the arm and breast lifts in that time. So now I had a discussion with Mr.: It wouldn't really cost much more, and they were all set up for it already anyway, so why not? It's funny because the decision making process felt like when you're in a grocery store line and decide to buy that pack of gum at the checkout.

    It's been almost 48 hours since the completion of my surgeries...here's what's happened so far:

    Day 0:

    Got to hospital at 7am and all the above happened. I got on the operating table at 9:30am, and don't know what time I woke up at recovery. The surgery was supposed to be 4 hours. All I remember was that it was 4pm when I got rolled into my room. That first night after the surgeries was relatively pain-free as I was drugged up and in bed the entire time. I slept a lot but not for very long periods of time. They put these leg type massagers on my legs that work kind of like a blood pressure cuff. Each one inflates a chamber with air starting from ankle to thigh, to squeeze my leg nicely and then deflates. Then the other one on the other leg does the same thing. Its to promote circulation and prevent blood clots. I've had them on the entire time (except when going to bathroom or taking a short walk) and I LOVE THEM. I want to buy one of these contraptions for home! The nurse said that I am the first patient she's met that likes these things. Which I find hard to believe because these things are awesome.

    Didn't eat anything all day, other than Water, a cup of tea and 1/2 an unsweetened apple juice box.

    Day 1:

    Now the next day I felt the pain for the first time when my drugs wore off and I had to get out of bed to go to the washroom (they took my catheter out). Oh. My. God. When I twisted my body and put my foot on the ground, I felt like I was being stabbed in my hip with a large knife. It was so painful that when I walked I couldn't put my heel down. I had to do I sort of walk–tiptoe shuffle to the toilet. So first lesson: do not twist your body.

    Because of the tummy tuck, I have to walk hunched over and this quickly puts a strain on your back. So second lesson: walk with the help of your IV pole/cane/walker/buddy.

    I have 2 drains in my tummy, which are mildly annoying. I forgot about them once when I got out of bed and pulled on one a bit which caused some bleeding. Boo.

    I was surprised that I could move my arms relatively freely and pain free. I could even put weight on my arms to lift myself out of bed, type on my laptop, feed myself, and go to the washroom by myself. I may not have been very efficient, but I could do it. Also, I could brush my teeth but not my hair. Nor could i adjust my head pillows. Basically anything where I have to raise my arms above shoulder height is a no-go.

    My boobs didn't/don't hurt at all. As if nothing was even done there.

    I got to see all the work done when the nurse changed my dressings. My arms are tiny. My boobs are nice and perky with matching nipples (my previous breast reduction had one of the nipples wrinkle/fold over at the outer edge and my guy fixed it). My tummy is wrinkle free and my new belly button looks better than the old one. My inner thighs from the front has been smoothed out! This was an unexpected bonus :) My va-jay-jay, however, is quite "perky". When I look down sitting in bed it stares right up at me. My nurse said she noticed it was swollen. She said it is a combination of being yanked up and the use of the stomach binder. Didn't show it to surgeon this first day, but will remember to bring i up when I see him before I leave.

    Today I had a cup of coffee, 1/2 a chicken breast and some beef Jerky.

    Day 2:

    Now today I feel exponentially better. I got an a good seven hours of continuous sleep. When I woke up I could feel that my pain meds had worn off but I was able to get out of bed and walk to the washroom just fine. I can tell I'm walking much faster now and am much less hunched over. I could probably skip the pain meds from now on but I think based on @sillykitty's comments, i'll take them for another day or so. Mr. has already filled my prescriptions, so I may as well take them. I'll play it by ear.

    I find that the only real pain I get is from twisting my torso. I can easily do a sit up or leg lift motion pain free, but if I twist in any way, I get a sharp pain. Everything else is bearable. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say my pain level is about 1.5. Compare this to the pain of WLS recovery, which I would have given an 8 at its worst.

    They took the IV out this morning because my swollen hands were basically embedding that entry thing into my flesh and it was starting to hurt. They tried to put a new one in twice but couldn't find a vein because I'm too swollen. They asked if I was OK with them trying a third time, and I was all, No Thanks. IV insertion hurts, man! So they are off finding an alternate antibiotic to administer without an IV.

    I'm supposed to be discharged sometime today but honestly I'd rather stay because I love these leg massager things. Plus I like the adjustable hospital bed!

    Anyway just hanging around now waiting for my surgeon and next instructions.

    P.S. I ate 1/2 an omelette & a peach yogurt cup so far today.

  18. SillyKitty, so glad the worst part appears to be passing... No doubt, you are excited to return to warmer and sunnier California soon! This will do volumes to be home for Christmas! Isn't that a song?! Haha. Your surgeon seems excellent and thorough. So glad you received his best care, especially when traveling to him. I wanted to give you my surgeons website. I liked her preview of what a patient can expect thru the process + aftercare that might be helpful? There is mention it can take up to a year to feel like yourself again. She, like most surgeons certainly have their own protocols - like I know she does not use blood thinners because the need for regular blood flow and congealing necessary for skin incision optimum healing. She does use compression garments and drains. I interviewed one that did neither. A lot of contrasts, I found. No catheter (but I might request it) as I am not sure how you go to the bathroom in such a raw state. Ouch. I think I'd prefer to sleep and be drugged out for the week. LOL. They suggest propped up on LR sofa with lots of comfy pillows for rest. Stay hunched over for two weeks with a walker given the Fleur De Lis intersection and Tummy Tuck. www.drdanamd.com

    May I ask, were you able to drink your ample water/liquids? Did you eat much? Saw my sleeve surgeon yesterday and he's given his blessings to proceed with January 21st plastics. Just to be sure to reeve up Protein intake for better incision healing process. What Proteins are you tolerating?

    So excited for you and the results beyond your wildest expectations. Your desire for the 40's pin-up girl persona. So what aircraft will we be seeing your new silhouette upon!? And, hope you can proceed with New Year's Eve dress-up festivities! Now that current condition no longer applies! ;]


  19. Official Christmas outfit for varies holiday events this past weekend and next... Thankfully, guests are from different groups or organizations - SO I won't be caught wearing the same dress twice. Haha. Today is my One Year surgery anniversary. What a difference a year makes. I am amazed to be wearing a size 8 dress here. It is totally mind boggling. AND, there is now space between my knees and I can see my shoes! Fun.




  20. 55 minutes ago, elcee said:

    Christmas themed dress for a Christmas dinner


    Ms. Elcee, you rock this dress! Looks like you and I had great fun in the hosiery department... What a pretty figure. The red lipstick is a wonderful pop on your beautiful porcelain skin. Wow.

  21. 9 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    @Arabesque, I looooooove the first striped dress with the flared skirt! I WANT.

    But...what I really, really, really want is your bathroom. I love the styling in there!!!!

    My thoughts exactly - on the bathroom. Great textures and material appointments.

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