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Posts posted by Sophie7713

  1. 7 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    Wasn’t sure if I should post this on the PS thread or on here, but decided on here in the end.

    I particularly like my work out outfit today cuz it makes me look curvier than I really am, lol (colour-blocking is your friend!)

    Also wanted to show off the bicep muscles that I have been working to get back since getting a little “loose” due to laziness. They aren’t as fabulous as they used to be a couple months ago, but am working in it....(also i just finished a work out, so they are a little more pumped than usual, lol)

    P.S. Btw, I find it highly irritating that muscles disappear so quickly during periods of inactivity. Le Sigh.

    P.P.S. That is scar tape under my arm...yeah its pretty nasty...im overdue for a tape change...

    Look at that tiny tiny waist. Fit and fabulous! ;]

  2. 8 hours ago, catwoman7 said:

    my first time posting on this particular thread - it came highly recommended!

    this is my Breakfast - a grilled peach topped with vanilla Greek yogurt and sprinkled with cinnamon (a food photographer I am not, obviously!). I love this dish in the summer during peach season, but I usually have it for dessert or a snack. But I woke up this morning wanting it for breakfast. So...here it is!

    20200705_095348 (1).jpg

    Welcome Cat7! Peaches rule, right!? And, they have been sooooo good this year shipped from California and Georgia. Very nice presentation, by the way. Looks delish! ;]

  3. 3 hours ago, PollyEster said:

    Thank you both so much, I really appreciate the compliment! Confession: I do sell photos (just not for a living) and also had a food blog for many years, so have taken a food pic or two before 😉. I haven't updated it for a number of years now, but let's just say that I never used tricks such as hairspray or glue to enhance anything: I cooked the food, styled it naturally, then ate it afterwards... now here I am on a bariatric forum, so we'll leave it at that 😂😂😂😂. I kept a few of the food styling props like dishes and bowls, and have a good camera, lenses, lights, reflectors, etc.

    Since I haven't been able to do photography outside of my home during the pandemic, I set a goal of taking a photo a day during this time just to keep up -- and hopefully improve -- my skills. Sometimes it's food, but usually it's not 😊.

    Definitely continue to share! We do appreciate and value your craft + art immensely. Your food content and styling is exquisite, PE. Continuing to style + photographing is a worthy and great goal in this pandemic. As is your commitment to eat clean, healthy and lean. I'm a creative professional, too. An interior designer trying to remain relevant, positive and creative by doing the same around the house + garden. Illustrating, baking/cooking (hubbies strawberry rhubarb 4th of July pie a few years back - we don't eat this way now...) and staging simple vignettes. I get it! LOL. All the personal and career cancellations and postponements are daunting and a lot to process. Just on a perpetual "ON HOLD" button. LOL. No longer able to plan ahead with confidence. Along with striving to maintain and commit to our new WLS lifestyles. And, many of us were so excited to come out of the closet with fun, new, down sized fabulous fashions after recently arriving at our goals. PollyEster, your posts are timely and inspiring! I feel honored. Thank you.

    18- Southern cow girl.jpg

    one pie.jpg


  4. I am really missing that social interaction, too... Actually, grieving. Fashion is far more than a fine garment. Here is a lovely note written from leather artisan who made this stunning customized belt for me this past winter. Designed to wear front, side or back. Never had an opportunity to wear it out as yet. ;[ We must go shopping together someday! I adore black. Neutrals. And, a pop of color or pattern once in a while.




  5. 18 hours ago, GreenTealael said:

    I bought this dress for less than $10 and I've been wearing it nonstop. It's butter soft and extremely form fitting. Seriously it's so tight you can see my gas bubbles 😂

    (Dark grainy video/BF was asleep)

    OOOOOHOo LA LA! Look what BF missed while sleeping! ;]

  6. On 6/30/2020 at 9:02 AM, shanza said:

    OMG, everyone looks so damn AWESOME! I've been in lounge clothes since before spring break, and have touched makeup, nothing. I KNOW I've gained some, but haven't gotten on the scale since I know I will be devastated. I loved catching up and looking at all you beautiful people. I have a meeting today, maybe I'll actually straighten my hair and put on a decent top (since it's virtual). :)

    We've missed YOU Ms. Shanza! Your new profile picture is great. I'm sure you have not gained as much as you might have imagined. This was/is all just a big BLURR! How are you?! I'll put on an outfit, if you do too? ;]

  7. On 6/30/2020 at 8:52 AM, ms.sss said:

    It’s been sooooo long since I’ve posted something on here as I’ve basically been living out of pj’s and sweats for the past 3+ months. Today I put on something that is NOT flannel, fleece nor lycra! (It’s laundry day, and I had to put on something clean lol)

    I remember when I was so psyched to be able to fit into these size 6-ers and wear them out...and now they’ve been delegated to stay-home laundry day back-up pants.

    Flannel, fleece, Lycra! Don't forget the polyester. What a scream. I HEAR YOU!!! I actually had to cover all my new hanging clothing in closet with clear plastic sheets. Dust even with a/c was beginning to settle on shoulders etc. We also covered hubs work slacks and dress shirts, too. ;[ Going to pick up a new summer outfit purchased back in March from the seamstress today. Maybe I'll get motivated to get out of the PJ's AND try them on. Haha.

  8. On 6/27/2020 at 10:20 PM, Arabesque said:

    Starting to get pretty chilly for Queensland. Got out my raccoon & wool asymmetrical jumper, wool tube skirt & boots on Saturday to go to Toowoomba on the Great Dividing Range. All toasty warm. It’s my nod to the 80s.


    LOOKING SOOOO GORGEOUS! Love love love all the textures. Your haircut is adorable, too. So hard to imagine you're experiencing winter when it's summertime prime here. Definitely needed to lighten up on our evening walks... but have no summer clothing in new size. I dislike shopping on line. I prefer shop (good exercise), fit and take home. But we are in a major spike right now. Not safe. I'd really like to find a pair of comfortable walking Bermuda shorts or skorts. BTW, the 80's never looked so GOOD...

  9. 15 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    Fettuccine alfredo topped with pan-seared lemony garlic-y shrimp.

    I ate 9 shrimp (99g), skipped the Pasta and sauce: 155 calories.



    What an attractive dish! The shrimp is seared to perfection. I'd expect nothing less. Now I want shrimp! Was it hard to leave behind the fettuccine Alfredo? I just want to dive into the image - grab my fork, twirl the Pasta and dig in. Looks yummy. ;]

  10. 3 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    Yum! Love candied pecans. Whats in the sack dumpling???

    Money pockets were filled with spiced mini-cubed sweet potato, peas and corn. I usually eat one (just the filling) and hubby eats the other three intact. And, my empty pocket! Haha. I freeze the candied pecans and they last months. Walnuts, too. Love nuts on my salads. Had an acorn squash I needed to bake before spoiling. It will go good with Thai leftovers tonight.


  11. 7 hours ago, GreenTealael said:

    They both look very very happy (in general but especially so with the steak) 😍

    Oh GT - I'd be lost without the boys, especially with everything soooo up side down! I think there is tremendous comfort in the regularity and normalcy of purchasing, preparing and presenting food for ourselves and our families. I delight in your posts with trips to that open field fresh air market! How freeing. Also, how could you have ever predicted what a timely thread this would become when you first created it? Thank you! And, thanks to all who inspire and post here. Here's a few happy plates I found at Anthropologie last week on a quick jaunt to the mall. Fun. ...And, some lightly candied roasted pecans I made for salads yesterday. Hugs. ;]





  12. Heat index 109* degrees today. Hubs was a trooper grilling this quasi-tomahawk steak with homemade BQ sauce to include a little cacao powder. Bobby displays a great deal of discipline as he anticipates a nibble come dinnertime. I ate about two ounces of steak, two potato wheels and lots of oven roasted green Beans. Just a bite of apricot chia pudding. Found this recipe too sweet...





  13. 6 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    Last night’s Father’s Day dinner, Part Deux:

    - Sticky, sweet and spicy 9-hr slow cooker ribs then further basted and caramelized in oven (Kid’s request)

    - cucumber salad (the obligatory vegetable)

    - cheesy jalepeno corn bread (Mr.’s request)

    - ...and a FLINTSTONE-esque Tomahawk Steak. To put things in perspective, that grill plate is 50cm wide (or 19.7”).

    I had basically all the cucumbers, as the fam was not in a plant eating mood, and about 3.5oz of the steak. Later had a slice (about 1.5 oz) of the cherry almond flan (store bought), and paid the price. Was worth it, I loooove frangipane in ANY dessert.


    Is Tomahawk steak like prime rib? Tender? BQ inside or outdoors? WOW! What an AMAZING spread. Like YUM.

  14. 1 minute ago, Sophie7713 said:

    Father's Day simplistic meal plan - LOL. Breakfast (scrambled eggs), lunch (shrimp) and dinner (tried a new navy bean Soup recipe) with basil/dried Tomato flatbread. Hubbies portion, then Sophie's. And, Yay. Peach season! My favorite summertime fruit.

    Now, I must try that Kanas City burnt corners brisket!!!

    I usually keep cooking simple and to a minimum during the summer months. Too hot to grill outdoors, and southern exposed kitchen with large windows even with A/C builds up heat. BUT we do experience phenomenal sunsets, so built home accordingly. However, cooking therapy might remain active thru 2020. Hummmm... what to make next? Haha.






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