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Everything posted by Sophie7713

  1. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    Sorry for the tangent! Back on point. Cabbage soup for lunch today. Not cold, but a dreary and rainy week here.
  2. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    FUN right! Our balloon master made us each a themed balloon for the evening! I guess I got the crown + jewelry because we were the host/hostess! Diamond ring and necklace, too. (Huge Sophie then) Hubby got a big puppy dog. My favorite was Rudolf the red nose reindeer. Adorable!!! And, that single friend assigned Rudolf as her official date for the evening. Haha. Sure is nice to reflect upon happier times right now... I love Christmas time. Entertaining and cooking...for the joy of all. I wonder what Christmas 2020 will bring forth?
  3. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    DELICIOUS and BEAUTIFUL salad! We tried the apricot chia pudding last night. Way too sweet for my tastes now. The recipe calls for cooking them in fresh orange juice (an overkill) - water next time. And, to think - hubby's carrot cake use to be a favorite! Our Christmas party 2018 right before WLS surgery December 17th. Treasured memories. Glad that sweet tooth, however, has gone bye bye. Anyone else had that fatal attraction for sweets halt after WLS?
  4. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    What a pretty spring table setting. That prime rib dinner looks pretty yummy to me despite your critique. Very funny about the banana bread. Let's play catch? Maybe become a door stopper after all that loving effort? Happy 65th milestone hubby Cheeseburgh and here's to many, many more less the brick. Haha.
  5. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    Hey good lookin' we know what ya got cooking... how bout cooking something up for me/us! LOL. What a wondrous feast, Chef SSS! The caramelized onions - right there with the fam on that favorite. WOW.
  6. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    Leftovers for early supper tonight. Just ate my salad, and nibbled on one strip of the Cuban style skirt steak + a roasted potato. Hubby ate half the food on buffet styled plate. He'll enjoy the rest for tomorrow's lunch. These chops with rosemary and garlic were really tasty! Now, I am contemplating making apricot chia pudding! ;]
  7. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    Oh NO! Do take good care and wishing you a smooth recovery. Well, I guess it doesn't look too bad for hospital food? The tray bottom is pretty cool! ;]
  8. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    You have inspired me to try a fresh apricot! Bought two today at the market. I've only used them dried from Sunmaid for my grandmother's apricot nut bread during the holidays. Excited to discover their taste fresh. ;]
  9. I wish you'd share some pictures CatW!? I don't feel I look 60 either (just turned 61 Friday, 29th) AND completely thrilled with the WLS of 141 pounds lost (late 2018 - 2019) and then, plastics (early 2020). Like yourself - wishing too I could have enjoyed this teenage "light on my feet" like figure (that's what hubby and good friends reference me as) years earlier BUT suspect, I am exactly where I should be at this juncture. Not sooner or later given the strides and advancements they have made in nutrition, sleeve surgery and plastics to date. I'm committed to being a healthier and happier woman moving toward older adulthood defying frump and being the very best version of myself. I am so very excited for fellow Floridian, darktowerdream! She has so much to look forward to in appreciating the next level of weight loss rewards and satisfaction. June 15th will be here in no time. As well as, chubrub! I do look forward to their continued success unfold, don't you! Fun. Favorite cartoon before plastics... ;]
  10. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    Dinner tonight. Wedge salad. Pizza cracker. Partial pork chop. Sautéd yellow squash. Wedge salad leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Often make more salad than I can eat in a meal since they can be time consuming to prepare. ;]
  11. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    The spreads look so good! What are these, and the others you have posted while on vacation? The apricots must taste heavenly...
  12. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    Happy birthday Banana peanut & peanut butter chia pudding delivered by hubs. Ahhh... dessert, roses and a movie: Legally Blonde I and II. Pink in honor of the the character El Woods. Silly escapism.
  13. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    Your blood, sweat and tears duly noted! They still look scrumptious, and I can see the pearlized accents. I certainly think you deserve an A+ for such heroic enthusiastic efforts. The texture, color and variety awesomely delish. And, you sparkle even if the strawberries don't. ;]
  14. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    Thank you for the birthday wishes. We decided to risk it and venture out for dinner tonight. A favorite local restaurant with outdoor seating with Bobby and our fashionable masks... I need a BREAK after 10 weeks! Even with take-out your still cleaning up dishes. So yay!!! no prep or dishes tonight. By the way, it is 4 tablespoons (not 6) for above posted chia seeds and it did need just a little honey or maple syrup. Here is the banana peanut butter chia now setting. I'll let you know how it tastes. So easy in the bullet.
  15. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    Italian herb tuna with salad (then, salad with toppings) for lunch today shared by hubs and myself. I ate about ¼ of it since filled with dense ingredients. Now experimenting with a Banana Peanut Butter Chia pudding.
  16. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    Oh, OKAY then... Let's just whip up some delicious crisp to perfection wontons on a whim! You never cease to amaze me. Haha. They look awesome. ms.sss chef and catering enterprise. When are cocktails for the next wonton batch?
  17. Sophie7713


    YAY! Definitely time to celebrate. Love this outfit on you. Looking FAB! ;]
  18. How exciting, Miss. Moxie! You will do fabulous in the months and year ahead. 15 pounds off during this pandemic - PRICELESS - not to be eating your way out of this crisis. A true test of your commitment to the long term (not easy or quick fix) goals, right!?! Definitely do take before pictures. They will serve to empower, inspire and keep you focused - As well as, reinforce your resolve that you never wish to be weighed down again! I lost a total of 142 pounds to date. Here was my start point. But, I did once peak at 298. So ashamed it got that out of control with menopause, metabolic disease and of course, my share of indulgences. We reside in West Palm Beach. My hometown is State College, Penn State, PA. However, I attended U of Miami with a degree in interior design - so, Florida is an adopted home for many years. Do share your progress. So excited for you! ;]
  19. Sophie7713

    Never Felt So Good

    CONGRATULATIONS! So many milestones for you to celebrate and feel fabulous about!!! We, too, celebrate our 25th with a wonderful dinner + dance gala planned May 17th BUT postponed until next May 2. Hopefully by then - a more safe and sound world. My dress design and a few highlights for next year - I thought you might enjoy in honor of your enduring romance, too! Do join in on our threads... OOTD and Food before and after! Continued best wishes and much success. We LOVE our evening hikes. WooHoo definitely... life is good! Happy weekend.
  20. Sophie7713


    Thank you so very much! Happy weekend.
  21. Thank you, Miss. Moxie! How are you doing!? Do share pictures! (BTW, my parents retired in Virginia Beach after my Dad's last Naval ship duty in Norfolk. I attended Princess Ann HS in 10th grade). 4 months after plastics feeling great - all dressed up and no where to go. LOL. Enjoying our evening walks and grocery runs... Just wear these casuals out. Thankful, though, I had the surgery before this SURREAL reality. Meantime, closet inspiration. Haha. New dress purchased in Feburary yet to be worn.
  22. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    Love the Legally Blonde movies!!!! Along with Bridget Jones Diaries! A hoot. I think we'll rent one tonight... along with our Banana walnut chia pudding treat. Fun! Hugs.
  23. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    Thank you, Marvel Girl! Inspiration plus! We just love bananas and they are a household staple, as is Chia + walnuts. Hubby just whipped this up over his lunch break utilizing roughly his chia pear chocolate pudding prep BUT much less arduous with cooking and other complex steps. Probably cannot wait until tomorrow BUT as a treat tonight!!!... after doing business taxes at my desk all day long. Here was his quick concoction for your Banana Walnut Chia Pudding: One ripe banana, 2 tsp. cinnamon, ½ tsp. vanilla, 1cup of almond milk (he's lactose intolerant), 6 tbsp. Chia seeds and ¼ cup walnuts. Add all ingredients in bullet blender until smooth. Whisk in Chia seeds. Mix. Chill and WA LA! Can't wait. Thanks, again. Hugs! Also, sooo excited to see ms.sss take on your glittery chocolate dipped strawberries! It is my birthday Friday after all. Haha. :]
  24. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    Yes, that flowery scent is wonderful! GT, something you may really enjoy is white and sweet potatoes combined in our rendition of potato pave casserole. Just slice very thinly both potato types and place aside in cool water. Build them like scalloped potatoes, but use liquid sparingly - as the pave is more structural and compact. I use 1% milk (or heavy cream), fresh thyme, parsley, a little salt + ground pepper, dab of butter and, sprinkled cheese of your choice. We use gruyere - the cheese acts as the mortar. No need for flour. Dash smoked paprika or chili flakes if you desire a kick! Place in glass baking dish at 350 for 30 minutes or more depending on the volume. The beauty of this dish is the taste and presentation. We build it up 2 " and serve as little side squares attractive from all sides, especially the varied colors and green herbs. They freeze well and are great with a salad or meat. http://old.lostrecipesfound.com/recipe/rosemary-potato-pave/
  25. Sophie7713

    Food Before and After Photos

    I'm not surprised, ms.sss! You are a runner, tap dancer, chef extraordinaire among many other hidden talents (haha)... Expending a tremendous amount of energy your body needs to replenish? On those days I hike three miles over hills - I definitely eat more than posted here. You may also have a more efficient metabolism? In your 40's? I have been on thyroid meds for years now addressing a sluggish system. The med also regulates hormones and hair loss for me. I still experience restriction and my nose begins to run when tummy has had enough. I like that quirky reminder. I hope it stays for awhile! Like Silly Kitty - I can consume much more roughage than a pork chop. Actually, that pork chop was not agreeing with me. Most meat cuts are just no longer appealing... BUT I keep on experimenting. I'm probably quickly becoming a flexitarian naturally enjoying on occasion chicken salad, lamb chop, chicken thigh or tender hamburger. Love egg salad, too. Salads do remain my favorite "go too" before and after WLS. And, we know you are definitely the salad queen!

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