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    ClarkRomulus reacted to BlueParis in I needed to talk…   
    Keep writing the thoughts! It helps. Here is a poem I like by Rilke - I try to remeber in the tough times that "no feeling is final".

    God speaks to each of us as he makes us,
    then walks with us silently out of the night.
    These are the words we dimly hear:
    You, sent out beyond your recall,
    go to the limits of your longing.
    Embody me.
    Flare up like a flame
    and make big shadows I can move in.
    Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror.
    Just keep going. No feeling is final.
    Don’t let yourself lose me.
    Nearby is the country they call life.
    You will know it by its seriousness.
    Give me your hand.
  2. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to BlueParis in I needed to talk…   
    What have you got planned for today? Can you do something nice and just for yourself? Soak your feet in a home made foot bath? Go for a walk and take a picture of a nice tree? Use chat GPT to wrike a haiku about yourself? Strangley I always find sorting through my sock drawer and getting rid of the oldest/worst looking pair quite therapeutic.
    Take care.
  3. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to Arabesque in Five years 🎉   
    Today marks five years since my sleeve surgery. Yay! I look in the mirror & think yep, best decision. I easily snuggle with my 6yr old nephew in a lounge chair & I think yep, best decision. I can jump, dance, walk, skip, scoot up stairs, … and I think, yep, best decision. The potential for health problems are further away & less likely to occur & I think yep, best decision….You get the idea.
    I’m thankful it’s all gone pretty smoothly. Sure I have some fun & games with the foamies but I had a sensitive, quirky tummy before surgery & I still do so nothing all that different just how it manifests 😉. Sure I have some loose skin. It doesn’t affect what I want to do or wear so unimportant. I’m thankful I have a supportive GP who when I asked about surgery said yes without judgement & wrote the referral right away & continues to be interested in my progress. I’m thankful the doctor who does my follow ups is equally supportive. I have my 6 month check up with her next Monday which hopefully will go well again. It’s become more of a chat & catch up the last couple of years.
    Apart from the medication issue which caused a small weight gain (a good 2+kg/5lb) a couple of years ago which when sorted saw that gain disappear. I sit at the same fluctuation I did when my weight first stabilised: 48.5 - 49..5kg (though usually a high of 49.3 these days).
    I often think of the AA mantra of it works if you work it & you’re worth it. It really resonates. It works because I work it every day & I’m worth it.
  4. Thanks
    ClarkRomulus reacted to ChunkCat in I've lost half of the weight towards my goal!!   
    I can't believe it. I got on the scale this morning and it was 244.5 lbs. I've officially lost half of the weight towards my goal! I'm down 76 lbs since my highest weight and 63 lbs since surgery. And I'm not even 5 months out! I really didn't think it would happen this quickly. And weirdly enough, I feel smaller now than when I was this weight before. Weight distribution is a funny thing.
    Here's a pic of me pre-op at about 312 lbs, and two pics of me from today! I have so much more energy and mobility now. I'm so grateful to myself for having this surgery despite my fears and concerns. It has been SO worth it! Big thank yous to all of you guys for supporting me as I go through this, I really value this forum and everyone who posts here! ❤️

  5. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to Spinoza in HELP! FELL OFF THE WAGON   
    You really can still change your life. The surgery is still working, you just need to get back on track. It is really really hard though. The hardest thing you will do and continue to do. But is IS doable because you have a secret weapon (SLEEVE!!!!)
    We live in a world where millions and millions of dollars are pumped into making us eat far more than we need, of food that doesn't even nourish us or keep us healthy but makes profit for big food companies. It's so difficult to find a way through that. I would say it's impossible to do it alone when every supermarket and shop has ultra processed food showcased at every turn (that tastes so good because all the millions of dollars are aimed towards that and that alone).
    Please post here lots and let us know how you're progressing. We are all human, we all make mistakes, big and small, but we're all here for you.

  6. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to Lily2024 in 4 weeks Post Op Need Nutrition Advice   
    I was also not a fan of the pureed phase so I mostly stuck with Chobani zero greek yogurt, they have some really great flavors. I ate cottage cheese with some favorite Pasta Sauce. tuna with mayo and Pickle Juice helped, chewed very well. Adding spices to things really helped also.
    Hopefully this will just be a phase for right now, maybe the dissonance between the brain and the stomach? My body tells me I need fuel, my stomach doesn't want any food, and my brain wants spicy indian food. It's getting easier.
  7. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to summerseeker in 4 weeks Post Op Need Nutrition Advice   
    I had zero interest in food, If I am honest, apart from my Breakfast yogurt and fruit, I could easily go without food. I have little appetite. Early on I had serious nausea issues. I cooked and discarded so much food in the early days. I gave pureed foods a wide berth. Pureed meat just was not for me. My team were sympathetic and said to just do my best. At this time I found Protein yogurts and they helped me along.
    eggs took me 18 months to accept. chicken took over two years for me to manage a small piece. Pasta and potatoes are still off my menu. I have just begun to eat homemade bread again and I can manage about a Tbsp of rice. Cooked salmon is seriously off my menu. Its made me ill so many times since surgery that I have a phobia. I force myself to eat meat, cheese is a huge favourite, especially paired with fruit. TBH, My weight is stable and my labs keep coming back ok, so I am skinny and happy.
    You will figure it out for yourself. Don't feel pressured by others who you think are doing 'better' than you.
  8. Haha
    ClarkRomulus reacted to catwoman7 in How are you navigating these types of convos?   
    nope - that's the same thing I told people! (except for other obese people - they know the "diet & exercise" thing is a bunch of schlock, so I was more honest with them. A lot of skinny people believe that, though...)
  9. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to Marcia91 in Nausea and low mood   
    I am sorry to hear about how you are feeling, I have not experience any Nauseous , the depression is normal for VSG patients, what we are doing feels lonely when everyone around us is living and eating anything they want. You have to pull yourself up and do things that bring a smile to your face, remember why you did this (to get your health and life back). Everyday is going to be a challenge until its not and we start to see those results we want so badly.
  10. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to ChunkCat in Surgery in Turkey   
    Stories like this make me so sad... My condolences to her family and friends. She should not have been released to fly so early, the most dangerous post op complications usually show up in the first two weeks after surgery.
    It is absolutely ridiculous that people from countries like the US and UK are having to risk their lives going to places like Turkey for surgery because they can't get coverage for their surgeries thanks to **** insurance companies, or because they are on a waiting list that will take 5 years and require a crazy amount of hoops and delays. Obesity is a disease, not a moral failing. Bariatric surgery is life saving, life giving surgery that in the long run saves insurance companies and government healthcare a **** ton of money because patients who are successful with it often lose their pre-existing conditions, go off numerous medications, and avoid the complications of obesity in their lifetime...
    A good friend of mine recently had her company change insurance providers. She was in the process of getting her last appointments done for bariatric surgery. But the new insurance excludes all bariatric surgeries... She can't travel to Mexico even if she could afford it because of her complicated medical history. I'm so angry that ANY company or ANY insurance company can just decide not to provide coverage for these surgeries.
  11. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to Koshk in New Member - same old story :-)   
    Hi All,
    First Post
    I'm female in the UK and nearly 59 years old. I have been a fat toddler, a fat child, a fat teen and a fat adult. I have yo-yo dieted all my life, with each yo-yo lasting for a shorter period and resulting in a new high-point when I would inevitably bounce back. In July '23 I reached a new all time high 24st 9lb (345lb) I was about to start the diet again, about to go through the same loop but just couldn't face it. I made an appointment with a bariatric surgeon, discussed my history and options and agreed that a gastric sleeve was a good fit for me. I was told I was too heavy for their practice and I needed to lose 56lb before I could have the surgery. The surgery was booked for Jan 2nd '24 and I started dieting.
    As is the practice here I had an assessment with a psychologist who confirmed I was a suitable candidate and a dietician who again confirmed I was a suitable candidate but in the process managed to make me feel like I had already failed, in her words I was "Much heavier than most people who come to us" As she was a gate keeper and I needed her approval to progress I did not complain. That time will come.
    Following my initial consultation on the 8th Aug I started dieting to get down to the target weight. I have never had difficulty in losing weight I simply cannot maintain any losses. My normal pattern is if it takes me 6 months to lose the weight I will regain it and 10lb in the following 12-18 months. By the day of surgery I had lost 75lb and was already feeling so much better. I considered carrying on with just dieting and not having the surgery but I was already beginning to see my discipline weaken and I knew it would be the same old story.
    Surgery went well, I had very little pain or discomfort and by and large I cannot complain. I'm currently on the pureed stage of the diet and doing OK managing to keep Protein and Fluid levels up though I struggle with the fluids some day. I have lost 13lb in the last 21 days but have hit the dreaded 3 week plateau.
    Early days but I have no regrets - to be without hunger for the first time in my life is such a relief, I feel good and am doing more and more each day. I am already starting to live the life I want and i can see so many more benefits ahead and believe they are attainable and retainable.
    I wish I knew why I have struggled so much with my weight - there is no one trauma or set of childhood issues I can point at. It is not that I have a compulsion to eat everything in sight there are so many foods I can just ignore, I have no interest in sweet foods of any kind or greasy deep fried foods. But I cannot resist bread, Pasta , rice etc and my down fall has always been the second or even third portion of these carbs. For this reason if no other I hope the VSG will not only prevent that behaviour but I also hope it will give me enough time to re gain control before considering a second helping.
    My parting thought for this post is that as I have gone through my journey thus far the one thing I have found is that my story is not that unusual, my problems are not unique and most importantly that they are not the result of some moral failing or fundamental weakness. There is more to life long obesity than can simply be solved with "diet and exercise" and having finally found medical professionals who believe that is the case I see this year and this journey as a new lease on life that I am going to grab with both hands.
    Koshk - newbie

  12. Like
    ClarkRomulus got a reaction from Doris27 in January 2024 surgery buddies   
    Thanks for the information, I’m actually thinking about taking 7 days off, I know it not advisable as well but I’m going for it, I do have a little wiggle room if I’m unable to make it through the full 8 hour shift, thanks for the reply it give me hope !
  13. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to bariangelas in January 2024 surgery buddies   
    Yeah no prob I know everyone is different so just do what you think is best.

    like I said just get up and move around when you can as the pressure can be annoying.

    good luck!!
  14. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to bariangelas in January 2024 surgery buddies   
    Hi congrats!!!
    I only took off 6 days.. prob not advisable but I felt well.
    i als9 have a sit down desk job- first day I only did 3 hours to ease myself in , next day was 5 1/2 etc and so on
    the only thing I had issue with was the sittin puts pressure so I was constantly getting up and walking.
    i work in a dr surgery so I also had a space to lay down when needed.
  15. Hugs
    ClarkRomulus got a reaction from Kimberlyn in January 2024 surgery buddies   
    I’m January 30th as well, I’m nervous but also excited to start my new journey
  16. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to Doris27 in January 2024 surgery buddies   
    Really enjoyed reading your update. This is quite the learning curve isn’t it. All this AND snowy adventures 😅. It has started snowing here in Scotland too, hopefully no power cuts for me.

    Distinguishing when I am actually hungry has become a bit of a thing for me too. Unfamiliar territory for sure. I am now 6 days post op and it’s been remarkably smooth for me, initially felt cheated as I fully expected to suffer and was adrift when I did not suffer beyond a few reminders now and then I had actually had surgery. No particular desire to suffer but at least I know how to cope with that… (endometriosis has dominated my life for years).

    Last night I spent several hours ruminating over putting back on weight I have yet to loose. 🙈. The mantra for today is one day at a time 😂.

    No cravings per se, I am instead having Soups, Protein Shakes, I had a soft scrambled egg which was delicious, soft cheese, yoghurt and fromage frais. Today has been busy and I did not eat until 6pm, (1x 500ml Protein Shake and 800ml of Water though) when I had a vague feeling of my stomach being empty. Tomorrow I was nourish myself better
    issues I have encountered, a favourite yoghurt is no longer a favourite, eating jelly is not for me, eating slowly is better.

    Best wishes to everyone. Lily2024 hope your power is back on soon xx

  17. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to bariangelas in Just had gastric sleeve   
    Hi all,
    Just had surgery and I’m 48 hours in.
    Had surgery Thursday and came home Friday 2pm
    I keep thinking why have I done this to myself so I’m still in abit of shock and I honestly didn’t prepare myself for post recovery (stupid I know) I had all the food stuff down and thought everything will be ok but there is so much too it.
    Am I having enough fluids, why does my stomach hurt after I drink is it gas pain? or is it because I didn’t have enough food and it’s empty? Or am I having too much? It’s a constant mental battle.
    I just wanted to get some perspective on people who are in the same boat as me right now.
    I also want to hear from people getting into foods and how that was.
    My biggest fear was not being able to eat the things I love but was told that it’s not going to be like that and it won’t be healthy for me to deprive myself.

  18. Like
    ClarkRomulus got a reaction from Doris27 in January 2024 surgery buddies   
    Hello!! January 30th is my date. I’m nervous. I lost 130 pounds on my own in the last couple of years and have gained at least 50
    Of it back, I keep telling myself this is the right thing to do I don’t want all that weight back, I’m glad I’m catching it in time but I am still nervous. I got a surgery date 5 years ago and backed out due to my career and trying to do it on my own. Now here I am again and I refuse to back out.Wish me luck and God Bless.
  19. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to Doris27 in January 2024 surgery buddies   
    This is a big step so it’s only natural to be nervous. I was the same but just knew there was no point doing the same things over and over to get the same result. Time for change. I wish you all the luck in the world, have faith you can do this. Focus on how physically healthy you will feel afterwards.
  20. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to Jimboc in January 2024 surgery buddies   
    My date is also Jan 30th...so we are surgery twins...lol....I do believe everything will go great and will be very healthy and happy afterwards...God bless both of us and everyone else who is on this journey...
  21. Like
    ClarkRomulus got a reaction from Doris27 in January 2024 surgery buddies   
    Hello!! January 30th is my date. I’m nervous. I lost 130 pounds on my own in the last couple of years and have gained at least 50
    Of it back, I keep telling myself this is the right thing to do I don’t want all that weight back, I’m glad I’m catching it in time but I am still nervous. I got a surgery date 5 years ago and backed out due to my career and trying to do it on my own. Now here I am again and I refuse to back out.Wish me luck and God Bless.
  22. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to Breaking notsobad in January 2024 surgery buddies   
    I am re-scheduled for 1/29/24. Original Loop Duodenal Switch surgery was scheduled for September but I had A-Fib. which had cardioversion and is now normal sinus rhythm. Surgery will also fix a hiatal hernia. I am 68 years old. I am a bit worried about the recovery but I'm looking forward to getting on with the rest of my life. I've been overweight since I was about 15. I was on the "original" Atkins diet in 1971.
  23. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to Lily2024 in January 2024 surgery buddies   
    Today is 8 days post op. It seems like my innards are awaking and they don't like me right now, but that's nothing new. Yesterday I made Breakfast, took a half hour brisk walk on the treadmill, went grocery shopping and made my little 2 oz food containers, baked a cake and made dinner, then folded the laundry. All told, I'm feeling much more normal again, feeling antsy to get moving and I'm having more difficulty limiting myself than motivating myself.
    Before the surgery I was used to either a one hour lap swim with drills, or a one hour fast walk on the treadmill with hand weights. For the liquid diet I shortened both to about 40 min and slowed a bit, no hand weights. My body still wants to move but I know that I can't get too worked up right now, I need to heal more first. I have my first Post-op appt on Tuesday, hoping I can go back to swimming next week if my incisions are healed enough? 🤞
  24. Like
    ClarkRomulus got a reaction from ChunkCat in Pap Smear Requirement   
    Thanks for the information!! I did send the paperwork yesterday. Fingers crossed
  25. Like
    ClarkRomulus reacted to Adipocyte Apoptosis in Wegovy vs bariatric surgery   
    Thanks for the recommendation! I will look into that YouTube channel. Honestly, I feel like I took Wegovy before I had admitted to myself that I was ready to undergo surgery. It had always been in the back of my mind, but I never thought that it would be something I would do. It's hard to give up the lifelong hope of being able to lose weight on your own.
    I took a class on weight loss where we discussed energy homeostasis and the different survival mechanisms our bodies have to prevent us from starving, i.e., stop us from losing fat storage so we don't die. It was very eye-opening to the types of changes that must take place for sustainable, long-term weight loss.
    Bariatric surgery has a ~75% success rate compared to the ~10% success rate seen in conventional weight loss attempts, and it's BECAUSE of the physiological changes made in your body due to the anatomical change made to it during surgery. That, paired with practicing healthy behaviors for both physical and mental health, leads to more permanent weight loss. I've been able to maintain my post-Wegovy weight loss for months now, but achieving additional weight loss has just been impossible.

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