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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Jazzy1125 last won the day on February 10 2019

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About Jazzy1125

  • Rank
    Bariatric Evangelist
  • Birthday 11/25/1969

About Me

  • Biography
    From the Northeast but currently live in Florida. I love the weather, hanging out with my grown children and Disney! All things Disney! I love the beach too! :)
  • Gender
  • Interests
    I love the weather, hanging out with my grown children and Disney! All things Disney! I love the beach too! :) I love to travel overseas and vacation.
  • Occupation
    Assistant Controller
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  1. Jazzy1125

    Gaining weight 1 month post op!

    track what you are eating and make sure you are doing your protein first. At 17 months out unless i intentionally eat a carb and only a carb, i still dont make it past the protein..
  2. Jazzy1125

    Ever forget you had surgery?

    I always order normal, but never like i did pre surgery. The food sits too long in the fridge and then has to go in the trash.. Now.. automatically half goes in the freezer and i am 16 months out.. almost 17.
  3. Jazzy1125


    I finally hit goal this morning!!! 16 months, 2 weeks and 4 days! YAY!!!! Now to see if it goes any lower and just keep it there and still do the same things. I was bad last week during quarantine and ate the wrong stuff and had a 2.5 pound gain over the course of 2 weeks. I decided on Monday to do a reset and do liquid only.. after 3 days i dropped 7 pounds... now to ease back into food so it doesnt jump too high!
  4. I am 16 months post op and my stomach does this whenever it feels like it, no rhyme or reason lol.. Hang in there
  5. Jazzy1125

    It's going slow

    The slower the better sometimes. It will all come off in the end. Focus on the day to day eating and even though its coming off slow you will see the long term results over time.
  6. Jazzy1125

    Baby guilts

    Hang in there... it will be sooner than you may think right now... for now maybe laying down or cuddling together will get you through the next few days... you should be able to be well enough in about a week.
  7. I make protein muffins with Almond Flour I have a base mix i use, i also add protein powder... and then it depends on what type of muffin, sf choco chip, mixed berry are the two i made so far... i would like to try a banana nut or maybe carrot... i have 3 days to decide and i have to make the next batch lol
  8. Jazzy1125


    be careful what you choose. just because we can have it doesnt mean we should.. high carb whether be in cereal or anything else is a huge derailment.
  9. 16 months out and i still cannot eat a lot. for me i needed the restriction because your right.. the minute we start eating bad or over eat we will put the weight back on. the surgery is a tool not a magic resolution. We still have to do all the hard work, eat right and exercise or we will be back to where we started. Its a lifestyle change as is diets, however diet only doesnt keep us or at least me on plan, you always fall off. This is a way to keep myself on track and i do not regret it one bit.
  10. Jazzy1125

    Getting antsy.. Ready to do this..

    Hang in there and in the meantime do as much reading from these boards as possible and take notes... the more you read and see what others are going through the better prepared and know how to handle what happens in your case. Not everything will happen but some things will and you will know the why behind it and know how to handle or what you may need to do to change it ( if its something that can be changed) for going forward. Good Luck on your Journey!
  11. Jazzy1125

    Three Months now! w/pics

    you look amazing!!! Keep up the great work!
  12. do side by side pics.. I went from 306 to 152 and still going.. there are days i dont see change either until i put them side by side.. yes my sizes changed, but my mind still sees the "fat" me from time to time... keep track, take measurements.. when you dont see change look at the numbers.. even though i still struggle with compliments.. it will start to be as real as it can be
  13. Jazzy1125

    Time frame

    i was self pay. I decided on Sept 25th 2018 and my surgery date was Nov 8th.
  14. Jazzy1125

    Still cant believe it

    you will get there! Day by day! Stick to the plan.... and it all will work out in the end.
  15. Jazzy1125

    Still cant believe it

    Amazing! Congrats! Just keep at it as it slows down in the next few months and do not get discouraged... it will be greater than you ever imagined it could be. I expect to be at my goal by April.. then see where it goes from there.

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