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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jazzy1125

  1. Jazzy1125

    Christmas snack recipes ideas add one

    I cant wait to see what is all in here. Christmas will be the start of my real food stage LOL.. I am needing to get to World Market for Peppermint flavoring from Torani. I have so much of those syrups because I been using them for years that I buy 10-12 bottles at a time since the store is like a 30 min drive LOL
  2. Jazzy1125


    my Dr. clears once you are no longer on pain killers. Since I didn't take any in the hospital nor fill my script.. I drove 4 days post op. I had surgery on Thurs and by Mon was driving.
  3. Jazzy1125

    PRE OP Weight loss Mind Games

    I did not think about it in this way, but I did think about it in a sense of I already have the food plan from the surgeons office, what if I could do the surgery food plan without the surgery it would accomplish the same thing.. Then my mind wandered to.. I wonder if anybody has ever tried it.. and then to.. Naw.. if they were successful it would be known out there and surgeries would be on the decrease not the increase.. and then I proceeded to continue my journey to have the surgery done. I will be a month post op in 5 days!
  4. set your timers.. constantly sip all day long..break your protein into every few hours, your liquid protein counts as liquid... use higher g protein drinks, less you have to drink of protein and more water as the protein can sit heavy. I am almost done with the puree stage.. and its harder to get liquid in when eating. I went from two 30g protein shakes a day to one.. and the rest of my protein from food per Dr. Orders.. one day I caved and did the two shakes because I didn't plan well enough and I was out and about all day... Keep trying because as you move through the stages you start all over LOL.. When you finally get something down pat.. time to start again until you get to real foods..
  5. Jazzy1125

    Extreme Intestinal Cramping

    I am only just about a month out.. so do not have the expertise for this, but I surely hope you do feel better!
  6. Jazzy1125


    I did have some thoughts but then thought about how great it will be in the future with the grandkids instead of leaving my weight going the way it was going. by the day of surgery, I was going into the hospital as if I had another task or errand to run.. I had never been so at peace for something. I left it all in God's hands as it is his plan to begin with.
  7. Jazzy1125

    Travel vacation post op

    I am 24 days post op. I am going to DC in 2 weeks.. I am just now trying to figure out what I am going to do for food because I will be on soft foods at the time. It will be 5 days before transitioning to solids so I may try that or not LOL depends on how I feel.. I thought about freezing my protein shakes to get them through security ( only going for the weekend so will only need 2) or just check my bag LOL will work too. I am prepared and will research the resturants we decide to go to in advance, and I will bring my water bottle with me so I can be constantly drinking.
  8. How much water are you getting in? Are you getting the 64 ounces daily? Something I noticed yesterday because I was on the go all day and wasn't prepared to be out and about all day, that I was quickly winded.. Not having the right amount of fuel for your day can also do that to you. I hope you get to feeling better soon. I am only 3 weeks and a few days post op. Will be a month on Saturday and 4 weeks on Thursday.. so I am still new at this.
  9. Jazzy1125

    approved finally

    Congratulations see you on the losers bench!
  10. Jazzy1125


  11. Jazzy1125

    So does anyone else get very cold

    I am always cold, even before surgery and I live in FL LOL
  12. I do not think vitamins qualify. you can check your employer roster of what is acceptable. But I believe anything over the counter will need to be a script in order for it to be eligible.
  13. Do the preop diet.. All liquid and some of it being protein shakes. I was down 20 pounds in the two weeks I had to do the pre op diet before surgery.
  14. Jazzy1125

    approved finally

  15. Jazzy1125

    Advice for Holidays?

    Go out and walk around the stores, shops, malls, anywhere where there is Christmas Magic in the Air. It gets walking in and you can enjoy the air. I have never had an issue with the sweets believe it or not i am not a sweets person, but i will bake the crap out of them and give them away. I plan on making cookies and fudge for co workers and all and even for home. And part of Christmas will be candy canes with a marshmallow coated in chocolate dipped in crushed peppermint.. for the hot cocoa. Try to do things away from food or make alternatives if the sweets are a downfall.
  16. Well, Today is 3 weeks post op. I am down 38.4, and just about 20 since surgery. I have one more week of puree. The Dr. said i could move to soft, if i have mastered puree after a week, and then i could go back to dance once i master soft after a week. Yep! Not happening. After a week of puree, i am having a hard time getting everything in. Either i drink my protein shake too fast and it sits in my throat. Or i lose track of time and by the end of the night have too much liquid to still drink. I definitely have not mastered Puree. One more week and i should be ok with moving on to soft foods. 

    I am excited about how much weight i have lost so far. I really want to join a gym, but have a treadmill at home and take ballroom classes a few days a week. I am going to wait on the gym thing until i go back to classes and see how much time i will have to make it to the gym. The dance classes are actually exercise, but if i dont walk out of there sweating, then i will have to add the gym in so i can get in a great workout. I would also like to work with weights and do not have those at home, so it may be the  gym, and treadmill on the days i do not have classes as the closest gym is over by the dance studio.. some 40 min away( Thanks to Orlando traffic) or 15 miles LOL. 


    Anyways.. One more week of this stage and next Thursday i will be officially at one month Post op and will take a one month post op Pic so i can monitor progress.

    1. WriterMom71


      Congratulations! Sounds like you are off to a great start!

  17. Jazzy1125

    ricotta bake question - pan size?

    Hmm maybe one ounce of cheese and one ounce of meat?
  18. Jazzy1125

    ricotta bake question - pan size?

    How many ounces per Muffin tin did you do? I have not made this yet but i plan on making it this weekend. 2 ounce portions? Did you also add any ground meat or anything to it? I need something different besides a scrambled egg with mozz and cottage cheese.
  19. My doctor prescribed Pepcid. I have not had to deal with nausea but it could be because i been on Pepcid since i was in the hospital. He has us on it for 3 months, and Actigall for 3 months ( to prevent formation of gallstones). Next week I start my multivitamin and B12 shots.
  20. Jazzy1125

    November 2018 Sleevers!?!?

    I went to my 2 week post op today.. a few days early .. I am actually 12 days post op and i am down just about 30 pounds in total and 10 since surgery. My stitches were removed and i was cleared for Puree.. and i may be able to take my ballroom dancing classes in 2 more weeks. He said it depends on if i can hold down the puree or not.. Here is to new challenges Happy Thanksgiving All! Apparently I never posted this! LOL.. Today is 3 weeks post op! I am down just about 20 pounds since surgery, and 38.4 total since Pre Op Diet! I have one more week of Puree and then i move into soft!
  21. Jazzy1125

    Post-Op Sadness

    Same thing here. I cried at the drop of a hat the first few weeks. I cannot watch Christmas Hallmark movies at the moment because they make me cry. I tried watching my 600 lb life, and the where are they now.. and it totally depresses me. I thought i would learn a thing or two being i had the sleeve, but nope.. puts me in a stooper. I have been taking naps after work the last few days because i cannot go back to my ballroom dance lessons til December 20th. Today i vow to not go home after work for a few hours. I normally eat around 7 or so, and maybe i will just take a protein shake with me, but i am going shopping LOL.. I need to go pick up a script. I am going to walk around Disney Springs and look at the christmas tree trail. Something, anything.. to stay out of the house and become more normal. I cannot wait till December 20th so i can go back to dance class. I even tried going there during events, and i cry. I cry because i cant participate yet, so i felt it was best to not even go until cleared by the doctor. Sigh Better times are coming. I have 3 weeks left before full clearance!
  22. Jazzy1125

    Last-Minute Nerves

    Whatever you decide I know you can do it. Matt is 100% correct. You need to discuss this with your significant other and both be on the same page. You will need their support 100% after surgery and you need to also know how they feel. As far as the investing in yourself.. it is the BEST thing you can do. All our lives we always do for others and this is now our time. I however did the sleeve, which was half the cost of the bypass, but it is what worked for me financially. I also have done the dieting in the past and have gotten down 120 pounds and gained most of it back. For me, this is a tool that became a rule. The rule states, you cannot fall of the wagon because i will not allow you too. I have the will power, my issue is if i do fall off ( the last time because i traveled for work for 3 weeks and had to eat where the group ate) it was hard to get back on. But once i put my mind to something i am good. My mind was determined to do this, for me, and i went in and even up to the moment of surgery, it was like i had a task to do. I never thought of it is a major change to my body. You got this no matter what!
  23. Jazzy1125

    Headache and migraines

    I hope you feel better.
  24. Jazzy1125

    I binged

    You can overcome this! One time occurrence and move forward. Just try to keep it so it doesn't become a habit.
  25. Jazzy1125


    Thanks for the info guys!

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