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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Emersyn

  1. Emersyn

    Water at Bedtime

    I think it may just be because I am still so early out? I will ask them again and see. Thanks guys
  2. Emersyn

    Water at Bedtime

    Yeah, he specifically said no water or food. Mainly because at night I was having reflux if I ate or drank too soon before bed. But it seems odd to me. So idk if it's just til I am done with the stages or what.
  3. Hey again! Sorry to annoy everyone with all my random questions. So I got my period days ago and I was bleeding a lot but not a single dot went on the pad for 2 days. The only blood I saw was when I wiped in the bathroom. So today, day 3, I woke up to basically an explosion and a lot of blood and pain. I have noticed that this is causing me to be extra thirsty and hungry, and the reflux is acting up a bit more even though I am taking my eating and drinking slowly. Is this normal and does it regulate over time? I asked the nurse on call regarding the blood, and she said the periods can get really weird after surgery but regulate themselves again in a few months. Does the reflux go back down as well? I wasn't having that issue much until my period came and confused my body. 😂
  4. Aww thank you! Same to you! ♡
  5. Yeah. It seems to lessen it. I take it in the a.m. but sometimes I miss it and have to take it in the afternoon. Things seem to be getting back to "normal", just very slowly.
  6. PPI? They have me on the little pill for GERD after the hospital that you take for 30 days and stop. But that's the only reflux med they prescribed to me. The reflux isn't bad at all. Just some gas in the throat but it seems more often now on my period, than before it started.
  7. Emersyn

    Slight Gain Week 3

    Ah that's insane! I also just got my period and it's been making things even weirder. 😥
  8. Hey again! I just started soft solids yesterday and found I gained 1-2 pounds. I know it's not a lot but is this the stall phase since I moved away from liquids? Will the weight start dropping again? I just got cleared to start working out with a trainer as well just no core workouts until week 4. So I know more activity will help. But that kinda shocked me to see that so early. Obviously our bodies are like WHAT IS GOING ON so I understand it's just trying to adjust. But this is normal, right? I'm paranoid and don't want to think that I will keep gaining despite this tool and new eating habits. Thank you!
  9. Emersyn

    Slight Gain Week 3

    Ahhhh thank you guys!! I have been so anxious because it's been a roller coaster. I just want to do right.
  10. Emersyn

    Slight Gain Week 3

    Wow. Thank you!!
  11. Emersyn

    Takis/Spicy Food

    I was honestly just curious. I have no problem cutting out things that are bad for me. I was talking about, like I said in my previous post, not NOW, but way in the future out of the beginning stages. The being "heartbroken" was an exaggeration, as I would be bummed but just for a minute. I am already feeling so much better and I am not willing to jeopardize that. It's just hard to remember everything you can and can't have. But I guess it comes with us going back to a normal "healthy person" diet to make these changes!
  12. Guys! I went to GNC and found a gem. I can tolerate this so much better than the thick protein shakes. Tastes a bit funny at first but I definitely reccomend these. 40g per BOTTLE! And each one is like 5 dollars.
  13. Hey there. I was sleeved on Tuesday of last week (May 8th). I have done my fair share of research and reading but didn't realize just how hard the recovery would be. The gas pains are unbearable, Gas-X does nothing, and it hurts when I eat, drink, move or sit. I am walking as much as I can but due to me feeling sick after eatinf and drinking I barely can get around the apartment more than once. I can't stomach the protein shakes, they make me sick and frustrated. I get about 16-32 ounces of water in daily. The incisions hurt on and off but the pain seems to be tapering off. I just feel miserable and it feels like every good step I take, something sets me back 3 places. I get maybe a couple bites in of baby food or pudding before I'm full. I will drink MAYBE half a protein shake before feeling like it's torture. I had severe IBS before this so I am being super careful with what I take in, but since I have another full week of full liquids it's like I feel like I am never eating anything. I also feel off and on constipation that kinda clears with diarrhea in the mornings (I took Miralax last night....NOT A GOOD IDEA LOL!) Sweet things make me gag and I am worried about the protein intake. I don't want to go back to the hospital but I don't want to force myself to eat either. Did anyone else have these issues? Did it get better/is it normal to not get enough protein the first couple weeks? Did anyone have bad IBS that was improved? Thank you in advance for the feedback. This is such a huge deal, I can't believe some people say it's nothing. It's definitely SOMETHING. 😂
  14. Ahhh! Yes! I always check the color of my pee and make sure it isn't dark. It sounds so silly but its so important! It seems I am getting just enough but I still am working towards more.
  15. That's a good point! I think I get about 16-32 ounces of water and other fluids in a day. I can't seem to reach 64 yet.
  16. I had IBS with HORRIBLE constipation. So I started the Low FODMAP diet pre-op and it was helping but super difficult. Ugh. I heard IBS can and does improve with this surgery though. I just am so upset and anxious because even at a week post-op I feel like I am doing everything wrong or not doing enough. I am terrified of going back to the ER. It feels like I can't win.
  17. Yes. Full liquid diet until next Tuesday. Looking forward to the soft foods. Ugh. Yeah the diarrhea is just little soft stools not really bad. Just moving the protein through. Sometimes before I can manage it. 😣 How bad was your IBS? I DEFINITELY sip not gulp. Gulping hurts so bad. It's just the thought and taste of them makes me sick. Except the baby food fruits. I seem to like those, kinda like applesauce. The gas pains are a huge HUGE issue in general. Sigh.
  18. All great suggestions. Thank you so much!
  19. Thank you! I will try that!
  20. My body has always been cranky and mean to me. So it is normal. 😂 I use all Lactaid, no lactose products. The thickness and taste makes me sick. I see the nurse Wednesday for the post op appointment so I can talk about this. I just want it to get better.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
