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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Orchids&Dragons

  1. Orchids&Dragons

    Eating...not really...

    Not time to worry yet. Six weeks is kind of an average, some people handle solids sooner, some later. Some doctors don't even ok solids until 8 weeks. I have found that getting soup or something else in the savory realm helped a lot. Since it wasn't sweet, my brain was willing to recognize it as a "meal". Soups aren't particulary high in protein by themselves, but once they're heated you can stir in 1/2 scoop of unflavored protein powder to up the protein content. Don't add the powder before you heat them up, though. The soup will get all clumpy! YUK!
  2. Orchids&Dragons

    I finally did it!

    YEAH!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!
  3. Orchids&Dragons

    North Texas Sleevers Unite

    Well, other than the Pity-Party that I'm hosting over in "Trending Topics", I'm pretty good. (I'm still on soft foods and that gets old!) I've lost 64 pounds since Feb. 16th. Since I'm a nearly 59-yr-old woman, I think that's great. I've certainly never lost that much before and this time I've got a good chance to keep it off. Otherwise, my surgery went smoothly, not too much pain after. My surgeon used an ON_Q ball for pain and it took care of most of it. It was an awkward pain-in-the-a$$, but worth it. I'm lucky that I never struggled to get the fluids in, and I could swallow pills without crushing or anything 2 days after surgery. I took one week off, one week of 1/2 days, then back to full time. But I'm an accountant, so not physically demanding work at all. Good luck with your surgery on Monday! Where are you having it done? Best wishes for a speedy recovery! And hang out on these forums when you get a chance; I have learned so much and gotten so much support!
  4. Orchids&Dragons

    Anxious - Lonely - No Friends to Support My Journey

    OMGosh, I am so sorry this happened to you. Especially since your doctor was aware of the pain management issues beforehand. This was dreadful. I'm glad you're home now and doing better. Don't sweat your protein right now. Focus on fluid intake. That is more important by orders of magnitude. ((Hugs))
  5. Orchids&Dragons

    Bug or dehydration?

    Can you still pee ok? If not, I think an urgent care is in order. Hope you're ok.
  6. Orchids&Dragons

    North Texas Sleevers Unite

    I'm from the south Fort Worth area. I got sleeved 2/26/18.
  7. Orchids&Dragons

    Just Venting I guess

    Wow, that sucks. Sounds like you've connected with a couple of losers. Just keep true to yourself. If the right person comes along, be open to the possibilities, but if not, know that you are a complete and worthy person in your own right and you'll be fine. It's much better to be single than to be stuck with an a$$hat.
  8. Orchids&Dragons

    3 wks post- food getting stuck

    Well, we're not doctors, but it sounds like a stricture is the likely culprit!
  9. At this point water is more important than protein. Make sure you get your fluids in! Liquids don't stay in your stomach, they pass through. You won't start feeling restriction until you move on to soft foods. Believe me, you will know the difference! You really can't stretch your stomach with liquids. Relax! Yes, it is hot. 86 degrees when I drove in to work at 8:00 this morning! Definitely try exercise videos. There are even tons of them on youtube for free. I, too, got reallllly burned out on sweet things. Buy/make some soups that you like and strain out the chunks after you heat them up (it's easier.) There are some really good soups in the grocery stores now. I loved roasted red pepper, butternut squash (they were both smooth soups to begin with) and homemade chicken with veggies. After the soup has been heated, stir in 1/2 - 1 scoop of unflavored protein powder. That way you get to count both liquids and proteins toward your daily total. It does get easier as you go along, I promise! Good luck!
  10. Orchids&Dragons

    3 wks post- food getting stuck

    To look for the stricture, they sedate you and put an endoscope down your throat into your stomach. If they find one, they use a balloon to expand/stretch it, similar to how they open blocked arteries.
  11. Orchids&Dragons

    Having trouble believing my stomach is gone

    Grab the 15th if you can, lucky day at my house! My birthday, hubby's birthday and our anniversary (29 years.) Our twins were even due on July 15th, although they only made it to June 30th!
  12. Orchids&Dragons

    Pity Party - WAAAAAAAH!

    Thanks, Kitty. While I am very forceful advocate for my kids, not so much for me. I need to be more assertive. Unfortunately, I spent hours googling this and didn't find any type of treatment. In general, I doubt that it's a big deal for the general population because they just drink with their meals. I will call the surgeon's office Monday and see about a referral, I promise!
  13. Orchids&Dragons

    Pity Party - WAAAAAAAH!

    Well, it's been 10 weeks already with the possibility of another 10 I'd be surprised if it's not a balanced diet, though. I make my own soups with plenty of vegetables. I really would like to get to a whole food diet, though. I really don't like so many processed protein sources (supplements). My vitamin levels were fine at my 12-week checkup. In fact, 2 were too high, iron and calcium. I've reduced my calcium supplement by 1/2 and I'll start taking the vitamins w/iron every other day and vitamins without iron in between. I had never heard of nutcracker esophagus so I looked it up. Seems like we're opposites. Your contractions are too strong, mine are pathetic and uncoordinated. Gravity appears to be my only friend (and LOTS of liquid). Is there a treatment for yours to make the contractions less intense? I spent hours on google and didn't find any recommended treatment for mine. I hope they can help you!
  14. Orchids&Dragons

    Pity Party - WAAAAAAAH!

    Thanks! I have no problem taking any pills because I can drink when I take them. I'm on omeprazole 2x a day for the acid and then Tums as needed. Thanks so much for providing entertainment for the party!
  15. Orchids&Dragons

    Monday's my 'new' birthday!

    First, congrats and best wishes on your surgery and for a speedy recovery! Awesome idea for the motor home if there's somewhere to park it nearby. But, if your car seats recline, they're probably enough. Good luck!
  16. Orchids&Dragons

    Pity Party - WAAAAAAAH!

    The revision would be because of the reflux. He's just afraid that it could cause erosion or ulcerations in the esophogus and make it even worse than it is now. He might be giving the meds a bit longer to see if they can help. He did tell me to put cinder blocks under the head of my bed. I asked "Instead of my wedge?" He said no, keep the wedge, too! Maybe I will call up on Monday and see if they will refer me to a gastroenterologist. I was just caught completely off-guard and didn't come up with any good questions. I'm great with numbers, not so much with words
  17. Orchids&Dragons

    Gained weight? Is this normal??

    Don't worry, your body is just catching up. You usually lose inches when you don't lose weight. Weight fluctuates a lot. It will be fine!
  18. Orchids&Dragons

    6 week checkup...

    Yeah! That's awesome!
  19. Thank you for the excellent explanation!
  20. Orchids&Dragons

    Protein Shakes And Nausea/Diarrhea?

    I'm no doctor, but it sounds like you may have become lactose intolerant. That would explain both the nausea and the diarrhea. You also might be sensitive to the sweeteners in the shakes. I hope you figure this out.
  21. Orchids&Dragons

    Had my bypass surgery yesterday!!

    Congratulations and best wishes for a speedy recovery!
  22. Yes, I know that. I was confused about it being "open". I thought that part was cut away.
  23. What do you mean that your fundus is open? Are the contents of your stomach leaking into your abdomen? Sorry, if I'm being dense, but I can't picture what you're describing.
  24. Orchids&Dragons

    Pregnancy - 8 months post op

    Best wishes! I'm so happy for you! Hope all goes well!
  25. Orchids&Dragons


    White bean chili with chicken - YUM! https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/white-bean-chicken-chili except that I use ground chicken rather than cut up. It came out delicious and not very spicy. Put a little shredded cheese or Greek yogurt on top with a little green onion.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
