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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Sleeved36 reacted to SueperGal in Food Before and After Photos   
    I love chicken pad Thai so much, but I haven't had it in months. I used to eat a full order in a sitting at least once a week. Last night i asked if they could replace the rice noodles with bean sprouts and ate 1/4th of an order (about 1 cup). My husband's full order is included for comparison. It was amazing!

    Sent from my SM-N920V using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Like
    Sleeved36 reacted to GreenTealael in Food Before and After Photos   
    4 oz curried salmon pâté (w/raisins and cranberries) and raw kale
    Before and when restriction hit  
    VSG2017 HW 249 SW 238 CW 167
  3. Like
    Sleeved36 got a reaction from Frustr8 in Stigma with WLS   
    Eberhard - good for you!
    I have told most people too and don't mind shining the light of education into the darkness of ignorance, BUT there is so much ignorance it can get exhausting after a while. 😩

  4. Like
    Sleeved36 got a reaction from Frustr8 in Stigma with WLS   
    Eberhard - good for you!
    I have told most people too and don't mind shining the light of education into the darkness of ignorance, BUT there is so much ignorance it can get exhausting after a while. 😩

  5. Like
    Sleeved36 reacted to shalanda022 in Surgery didn’t work?   
    Sent from my LG-H918 using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Like
    Sleeved36 reacted to Aleathia in Surgery didn’t work?   
    I had gastric sleeve almost a yr ago. I didn't lose any weight for 7 months! Ppl kept telling me to hang in there and stick with my program. It's better for the weight to come off slow they said. I call BS! And I was right. My NUT had me eating Pasta and all brown of course. She had me eating 1500 cals a day which I thought was too high, but she was the Dr. I got a new NUT and she said to cut out all breads for at least the 1st year. So here I am 10 months out and starting all over. Once I cut out the breads, it was like I did a reset. I lost 16 lbs in the 6wks with my new NUT. Also you might be sabotaging yourself by not eating enough and working out too hard. I did the same thing. When the scale stopped moving I was at the gym for 3hrs straight feeling like I'm about to pass out. Did it 3xs a week and still nothing. Got depressed and started eating my feelings again. Therapy also helps. Hang in there and keep pushing.

    Sent from my LG-TP450 using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Like
    Sleeved36 reacted to DropWt4Life in Surgery didn’t work?   
    I think that the important thing to remember is that everyone is different. Just like there are those super thin people that can eat anything and not gain weight, there are people whose bodies respond better to these surgeries than others. People of the same weight and height also have different body compositions. We simply cannot compare our amount of weight loss to anybody else's.
    The attached pic is the same lady....Size 16 to a size 10....182 pounds vs. 181 pounds. The pic on the right has tons more muscle then the one on the left. My guess is that the lady on the left could lose 15 pounds faster than the one on the right, because she has way more fat to lose. If you didn't see this side-by-side, you would probably think both were the same size as they are the same height and almost the same weight. If the one on the right complained that she lost only 5 pounds in 3 weeks while the one on the left lost 15 pounds, you wouldn't have an answer as to why this was the case. By seeing the pictures, you can draw the correlation.
    Please don't get discouraged by others' success in relation to your own. All you can do is your best, right? Take one step at a time and one day at a time. As long as you don't give up, you can't lose in the end.
    Good luck my friends!

  8. Like
    Sleeved36 reacted to Alex Brecher in Surgery didn’t work?   
    Reminder: Please everyone read the forum rules you agreed to abide by when signing up for an account here https://www.bariatricpal.com/guidelines/. The cursing and calling each other names need to stop, immediately! If this behavior continues, we will suspend accounts permanently and without any warning.
  9. Like
    Sleeved36 reacted to JohnnyCakes in Surgery didn’t work?   
    you started at a relatively low weight and you’ve lost 30lbs in less than two months.
    WHAT ARE YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT!?! that is a very good rate of weight loss!
    when will you 250lb women learn to stop comparing your loss rate to 500lb men?!? this isn’t that hard of a concept. proportionally you’re losing just as fast!
  10. Like
    Sleeved36 reacted to DropWt4Life in Surgery didn’t work?   
    Lacecute, stalls happen, and it sucks big time. I will say, though that you aren't eating nearly enough to jumpstart your weightloss. Your body is probably holding on to each morsel you eat, because you are in starvation mode. I had my surgery a week before you, and I eat a lot more than that. You should be eating 800 calories per day at the very least. What you listed totals about 400 calories.
    Start following your program. Everything is ok with the exception of the chips of course. Eat something every 2-3 hours. Focus on Protein (more), healthy fats (you've got them), and get some Fiber in. You are going to be malnourished and constipated like crazy if you keep eating like that. You need to actually eat something at this point. Some lean protein and vegetables for Breakfast, lunch and dinner. A Premier Protein shake for 1 of your Snacks if you are still lacking in protein. Have the cashews or some fruit (berries) for another snack. If you are still under, add a small salad to finish off your day.
    This is what I ate yesterday.....
    Breakfast: 2 egg whites, 1/4 cup of spinach, 1veggie sausage (116 cals, 3g fat, 2g Net Carbs, 16g Protein)
    AM Snack: 1 Premier Protein Shake (160 cals, 3g fat, 3g Net Carbs, 30g Protein)
    Lunch: kale salad with cubed turkey (195 cals, 15g fat, 1g Net Carbs, 12g Protein)
    Early PM Snack: 1 oz. raw almonds (160 cals, 14g fat, 3g Net Carbs, 6g Protein)
    Dinner: 3 oz. grilled salmon with 1/4 cup chopped broccoli (185 cals, 11g fat, 1g Net Carbs, 19g Protein)
    PM Snack: 2 celery sticks with 2 triangles of laughing cow cheese (85 cals, 3g fat, 1g Net Carbs, 4g Protein)
    Macros: 901 calories, 49g fat, 11g Net Carbs, 87g Protein
    Oh, and stop stressing also. That causes your body to hold on to fat. Cortisol is increased with stress.
  11. Like
    Sleeved36 reacted to TakingABreak in SLOW or NO Weight Loss one month post-surgery   
    Completely normal, as frustrating as it is. Keep to your plan and stay off the scale for now. Remember, you can still be loosing inches without seeing it reflect on the scale. If you haven’t taken your measurements, do it now. It will safe you from feeling a lot of defeat later when you stall. I’m 6 months post op and I stall almost every other week. Even after you loose a substantial amount of weight, stalls will be hard. It’s a part of the process. Just remember, they say it takes 12-18 months, and it can truly take that long. But I try and remember how long it would have taken me to loose 127lbs on my own, not 6 months, I can tell you that.
    Hang in there!
  12. Like
    Sleeved36 got a reaction from MIZ60 in Fiber insoluble vs soluble   
    I buy chia in bulk and put in a shaker, sprinkle it on everything.
    salad, Soup, yogurt, baked into things both sweet and savory, spaghetti sauce, salsa, scrambled eggs . . . . . They have no flavor, just texture and you get used to it. New habits, like we all haven't been doing enough of that! 😀
    If I try to give my 4yr old yogurt w/o chia he will get upset "Where are my black sprinkles!?"
  13. Haha
    Sleeved36 reacted to George OG in Stigma with WLS   
    Haters gonna hate!Good job

  14. Like
    Sleeved36 reacted to Tracy1978 in Stigma with WLS   
    This essential oils fad is killing me. Don't get me wrong, I am not ignorant to the fact that essential oils can help for some things through scent therapy like headaches, anxiety and nausea. But losing weight?? I have never in a million years heard someone say "With the help of essential oils I lost 150 pounds and kept it off!" So irritating. I know this woman loves you and means well but she doesn't understand and its your body. Tell her you decided not to do it and do it anyway. If she asks how you are losing the weight tell her essential oils!
  15. Like
    Sleeved36 got a reaction from Dee_Rose in Eating out during soft food stage   
    Go out for coffee!
    Or brunch and have oatmeal/yogurt/cottage cheese/scrambled eggs.
  16. Like
    Sleeved36 reacted to dreamingofasleeve in Abnormal ekg?!   
    Well guys, the cardiologist did an ekg and said i do have a variant in my heart rhythm but it is completely normal especially for younger people (im 27).
    Because i haven't had any symptoms or anything she didn't require any other testing and said i was fine!
  17. Like
    Sleeved36 reacted to Wanda247 in Did your marriage or relationship die after you lost the weight?   
    AWWW! That is so very kind of you, I always see the women saying that and being supportive so it's nice to see it coming from a guy. Two thumbs up
  18. Like
    Sleeved36 reacted to macadamia in Did your marriage or relationship die after you lost the weight?   
    I'm so very sorry that you are having to deal with this too. Good luck with everything and if you need someone to talk to on the phone, message me and I'll give you my phone number. I'm a great listener and it sounds like you need to vent.
  19. Like
    Sleeved36 reacted to macadamia in Did your marriage or relationship die after you lost the weight?   
    You look far from hideous! Congrats on your progress so far. Her emotions are wrecked because she sees you as successfully dealing with your weight and she is not (my opinion). It is not cool to destroy the family finances by throwing a tantrum (my opinion). I know from my experience with my weight over the years, emotion plays heavy on me and I've been known to react badly to things around me. I now know that part of it is my use of sugar over the years - yes, I'm a sugar addict. I've been in counseling off and on to learn to cope better with the mood swings I experience from sugar. I'm confident that along with the counseling, the new diet lifestyle will be effective.

    Was it at least a cool game?
  20. Like
    Sleeved36 reacted to FLHappyGirl in Did your marriage or relationship die after you lost the weight?   
    Sorry to hear this, it must be hard for you! I would bet your wife is insecure in her own weight and now she feels like she doesn't have a partner in her unhealthy lifestyle. Don't let that derail your efforts! Loving someone means supporting them even when it is hard for you to do so.
    You look fantastic! Don't let ANYONE tell you differently, and keep up the good work.
  21. Like
    Sleeved36 reacted to KCgirl061 in Did your marriage or relationship die after you lost the weight?   
    You don't look hideous, you look healthy. I don't know if its too late for your marriage but she could definitely benefit from counseling. Depending on where you are emotionally, you probably could as well. Especially if you believe that line of bull$#it about spending 5 grand on video games BECAUSE YOU LOST WEIGHT. That's ridiculous.
  22. Like
    Sleeved36 got a reaction from MIZ60 in Let's compare!   
    I really try to be good, but life can get in the way. 😕
    I take most of my Vitamins most of the time.
    Ideal eating and drinking routine is starting my day with Fluid (sometimes Protein, sometimes tea).
    I have a 20 oz refillable bottle and I alternate fluids and food. If I drink 20 oz of fluid between each food intake it helps me manage real hunger, thirst, and head hunger.
    I track protein and fluid, kinda. Never calories, carbs, or fat. Way too much work. I have total respect for all of you who are good about it. I am following a lower carb/fat diet and eating the right things, good enough.
    WLS has changed my life, but not become my obsession. Probably why I am a slow loser, but still consistently losing pounds and inches so it is working for me.
  23. Like
    Sleeved36 got a reaction from Tracy1978 in Stigma with WLS   
    How you doing?
    Hope everything goes well today!
    The hardest part of this journey is deciding to do it, then the first 2 weeks after surgery. Almost there!
  24. Like
    Sleeved36 got a reaction from Frustr8 in Grieving for clothes?!   
    It is mid-summer and my clothes are looking frumpy, even the pre-pregnancy ones!
    This is happy and sad. I don't want to buy a bunch of new stuff until fall. But it will have to happen. Since my body is shrinking my clothes hang on me more, which means the neck lines are lower and I have noticed a few times when my t*ts were hanging out too much. 😲
    Meh, was really hoping to wait until fall. . . . . .

  25. Like
    Sleeved36 got a reaction from Dee_Rose in Eating out during soft food stage   
    Go out for coffee!
    Or brunch and have oatmeal/yogurt/cottage cheese/scrambled eggs.

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