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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    jenpa reacted to Frustr8 in Do tired of vomiting   
    Shame you can't take them into the Great Smokies and lose them. If they holler. just tell them you'll mention it to the State Police on June 5th.
    What a miserable nasty way to lose weight. I get very unhappy when my,Moondoggie gets mistreated like this.!
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    jenpa reacted to Chrisb428 in 3 Days post op!   
    Thats awesome Kimbero! Glad you are doing well!
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    jenpa reacted to Kimbero in 3 Days post op!   
    I am doing great, no pain other then standing up from a chair. Im sipping my Water every 10 minutes.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Like
    jenpa reacted to Creekimp13 in Does anyone regret getting the sleeve?   
    Have had my sleeve nearly six months. Have never regretted it. Not even one day. Not even one moment.
    I went into this process expecting to lose one side or the other of 60% of my excess weight in 18 months....because that is the average result of the surgery. I knew it would be hard. Mentally and physically. I knew I'd have moments, and I knew I was taking a certain amount of risk. I was extremely lucky and had a very easy surgery. I've also been lucky to have a very knowledgeable, ethical medical team.
    Losing 60 pounds...would have been good enough. It would have been a significant improvement to my health and I was absolutely grateful for that much help.
    At just six months out, I've lost about 88% of my excess weight, and am still losing.
    I am off my blood pressure meds, my diuretic, my antidepressent. My blood sugar is normal. My cholesterol is terrific. My nutrition bloodwork is great so far, no malabsorption issues. My arthritis feels better. My energy is off the chart. I feel amazing.
    I also have to credit The mayo Clinic Diet... my forever diet.
    And a terrific team of people at my clinic, and my at-home support people...most especially my hubby, my bestie and my daughter.
    No regrets:)

  5. Haha
    jenpa got a reaction from Frustr8 in Let's Talk Dying By Your Own Hand!   
    hair stylist here!!! Dyeing ( correct spelling) lol ... wish you all could visit my salon & I would help you out with some practical solutions to the hair issues... I can’t do a great job unless I see you in person though ...but I bet everyone of you are BEAUTIFUL!!!! Hope you find your right shade of pretty!!!
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    jenpa reacted to Screwballski in How am I gaining weight?!   
    Thank you! Oh gosh, me, too!!!
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    jenpa reacted to PCOSSUCKS in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies Check In Here!   
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    jenpa reacted to Screwballski in Don't pray for me   
    I would just suck up the positive intentions. If you tell them you are an atheist, they are going to pray for you even harder. You sure can’t have THAT going down. 😉
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    jenpa reacted to charismatic in Don't pray for me   
    I don’t think saying that I will pray for someone assumes anything about them rather it says something about me. To use the chicken example if you choose to slaughter a chicken in my honor I don’t care. I’m not slaughtering it, you are.

    The act of praying for someone doesn’t mean I think that person is religious it means that I am.

    I wouldn’t be offended by that....

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    jenpa got a reaction from Chrisb428 in When is your wls?   
    Yes congrats to Kimbero.... I hope all is went well!!! Chris428... thanks & I will let you know how it goes & how my hospital stay is at West Penn . I think you will be there too along with Kimbero?!? Hoping all of us have success:)
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    jenpa reacted to TakingABreak in It’s hard to believe...   
    I’m weighed in today and I’m proud and humble to say that I’m down 102lbs. It’s been the best 4 months ever. I’m so excited to continue to accomplish my goals. Thanks for being apart of my journey. Xoxo
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    jenpa reacted to S@ssen@ch in Any sleevers that formerly had bands?   
    Had the band in 2005, out in 2009. Sleeved 4/10/18.
    The recovery for the sleeve was much harder. Not sure if it was because I was a little older or what. I do know that my surgeon said that there was a lot of scar tissue from the band. That might have made recovery harder, they did more work in there.
    I am more restricted with the sleeve than I was with the band. I couldn't tolerate fills with the band, so never really had a lot of restriction. With the sleeve, I am noticing food intolerance that I never had with the band. bread is not my friend with the sleeve. I can eat it, but must be committed to the consequences (it hurts and takes up a lot of room needed for proteins).
    One REALLY good thing about the sleeve is that I have very little appetite. At this point, I eat to live a happier life rather than living to eat.
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    jenpa reacted to StephWill78 in Any sleevers that formerly had bands?   
    I got the Band in 2006 and had it removed at the same time as getting the Sleeve 5/15/18. So far so good but still very new to this surgery. Good luck!
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    jenpa reacted to TxAlpha06 in Lapband to Gastric Sleeve   
    I went from band removal to sleeve...I'm two weeks post op. Not a lot of experience thus far to tell you about, but I'm happy...and feel better without the band in me. Ate a few bites of sauteed cabbage today and felt full and not "deer in the headlights"....So I think you'll be happy...
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    jenpa reacted to Fleamar in Lapband to Gastric Sleeve   
    Thanks for the feedback. With the band I always got stuck and it made life pretty miserable. I never felt full as I always seemed to be in a state of being stuck. I don't mind getting full on a 1/2 cup of food as long as I'm able to eat it and have the full stomach experience.
    Another thing I won't miss about the band, is the "deer in headlight" look when something went down wrong and I needed to excuse myself to throw up. With the band, I never wanted to eat fruits and vegetables because they would get stuck no matter how small the bite.
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    jenpa reacted to Chrisb428 in When is your wls?   
    Yay, someone else from PA!
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    jenpa reacted to Kimbero in When is your wls?   
    My surgery is this tuesday the 29th so counting the hours[emoji16], im in Ok.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using BariatricPal mobile app

  18. Like
    jenpa reacted to PCOSSUCKS in When is your wls?   
    I wish we could tag on this site so people would see the notification
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    jenpa reacted to crystal649 in When is your wls?   
    Finally got the call today!!! Surgery is scheduled for June 5th!!

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    jenpa reacted to Frustr8 in How bad is it that I cheated on liquid pre op diet?   
    Thought for the Day
    An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.
    Orlando A Battista
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    jenpa reacted to Frustr8 in 12 days post-op. Depressed and struggling   
    Plaster a smile on your face for me, now one foot in front and then the other, please,know many have been where you're at, they made it through and I believe you will too. You don't believe in you, well I,do and that's somewhere to start. You will start to. see it is worth it, I see a strong yet scared girl, you'll work past the fear and pretty soon you are going to see the sunlight around you. And Strawbeery, you can do it!
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    jenpa reacted to madscientistmommy in 12 days post-op. Depressed and struggling   
    Hang in there. I was really hungry when I was having liquids. I started picking the thicker things on my plan (humus and peanut butter) and started feeling full. I went shopping for some new clothes too which cheered me up.
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    jenpa reacted to Creekimp13 in 12 days post-op. Depressed and struggling   
    She's hungry. Presurgically, you eat very low calories. Then you have surgery...which demands a massive calorie burden on your body for repairs, and you have a couple of days of consuming nearly no calories. Then starvation level calories for a couple weeks.
    She's HUNGRY. Sally Struthers Dying Childen in Africa hungry. Body starving hunger. It's demoralizing and HARD.
    I wanted to chew my own leg off I was so hungry two weeks after surgery.
    When I started to eat soft foods and had some variety and more calories I felt human again.
    You don't get it until you experience it.
    And experiences differ. Some folks are massively nauseated and have a hard time eating anything and all food is tasteless. Some people struggle a lot. Some have an easier time.
    But if you draw the hungry card...it's still very tough.
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    jenpa reacted to Creekimp13 in 12 days post-op. Depressed and struggling   
    strawberry, at some point it's not a bad idea to ask for a little help. What you're going through is no small thing.
    If you start feeling too desperate, please go in and talk to the therapist, or at least have a consult with your surgeon's office. You're not alone and a lot of resources are in place to get you over the hump.
    Again...It gets better. It really does. Hang on by your fingernails...but keep hanging on. You're almost to the fun part where the sun comes out again.
  25. Like
    jenpa reacted to Creekimp13 in 12 days post-op. Depressed and struggling   
    Hang in there, strawberry. it gets better. it really does. Your hormones go crazy after surgery and alot of folks get the post surgical blues.
    i remember at that stage I tried to drink more chicken broth and gagged. it started to taste like a sweaty chicken armpit. LOL.
    It's a tough time...but you're so close to turning the corner. Brighter days ahead, I promise!

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