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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by hollyncharm

  1. so i lost my job about 2 months ago and was diagnosed with insulin resistance so this had been a bad time BUT in the past three weeks i started going to the ymca and thats going great

  2. sorry i have been gone so long. i was told that i couldnt get lapband because of my age so i put it on the back burner for a while but im about 5 months away from being old enough so im making calls and crossing fingers!!! i hope every one has been well!

  3. hey i just wanted to check in with you and see how its goin???? anything new and or exciting?

  4. WOW you look just like my friend erica! i saw your picture and thought, "she couldnt get lapbad why is she on here?" take this as a compliment. erica is super pretty, just ask my boyfriend lol : D

  5. wow you are looking so great! I'm so happy for you. I saw your before and after pictures yesterday and I had to comment! do you feel good about your self? i hope so, you should. what has been the hardest thing to change so far?

  6. well its a relief to know that it will probably get better when i loose weight. I'm still keeping my finger crossed. if i can convince the person at the psych eval that I'm mature enough to make this decision i should be approved. i don't think ill have a problem with it but I'm still nervous!

    I'm sorry you hurt so much. you really are an inspiration though. i thought about you last night at the seminar. the Dr was telling us that we need to walk for 20 minutes every day the first few weeks after surgery then add one minute of running/jogging and take of a minute of walking so your still doing 20 minutes but swapping out walking for running. the girl sitting next to me nodding like, "thats a great idea" so i told her about you prepping for the couch to 5k. she was impressed! i have decided that I'm only ordering salads when i go out. i eat out almost every day and on the weekends 2 or three times a day. so if I'm not eating at home its going to be a salad. and I'm going to start walking more. i started parking further away from things but now I'm just going to purposely go for a walk. i hope to get my body bug in a week!!!!! a girl on here is selling it to me for $200 and it comes with the subscription so all i have to do is renew it in a month! I'm excited!

  7. how are you today? can you still walk? 60 seconds doesn't sound like a long time to run but it feels like it. even when i was in really good shape (i plaid volleyball for 5 years) it was still hard to do timed runs. i had a couch that made us do stuff like that every practice. when you run around the gym floor you know when its over and you can push yourself around the the next corner but if its timed the seconds move way slower than you want them to. i have been trying to work out but there is something wrong with my back. if i sit on the floor and put mu legs straight out in front of me i almost want to cry cause it strains my lower back so much. and if I'm sitting with my legs any way at all i cant curl my chin down to my chest cause that pulls my back and legs. my Dr is a quack and said their is nothing wrong with me I'm just our of shape but i hurt some much that i cant even walk some days.

  8. so you are 8 days out and you have lost 52 lbs???? how did you do that are you on some special meds thats crazy. good for you. that really makes me excited

  9. i saw on a reply that you're in boarding school and i was just wandering what thats like? i didn't know they still had those?

  10. no im not banded yet but i hope to be soon. i have my first Drs apointment on the 3rd!!!

  11. so i just looked at your pre band pictures and omg are you beautiful! i have really funny standards for what i think is beautiful and i am just.....almost speechless. you have awesome hair and the greatest facial features! I'm so freaking jealous! but mostly you seem like ALLOT of fun. even in pictures it looks like you have a great personality! btw your hair is super shiny in your avatar pic. ENVY!

  12. i know this might sound creepy and i dont mean for it to but you are so pretty! and something about you looks really familiar to me. i got on the teen support group site and saw you picture and thought both of those things at once (pretty and familiar) and i just thought i would tell you that.

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