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Posts posted by bluegirl216

  1. 5 minutes ago, GradyCat said:

    Happy Anniversary! You're an inspiration to me as I'm just 5 weeks out and wondering if the weight is going to continue to come off or not.

    You’ll go through every emotion known to man - just keep on with plan and the weight will come off x good luck on your journey

  2. I Celebrate my 1 year anniversary of my RNY today and the difference a year makes.

    I'm healthier (losing over 100 pounds and lots of inches), I feel more confident, so much so that went to a fitness class yesterday and although I was still horribly uncoordinated (losing wight does not fix that!) I had fun.

    I'm not saying the journey was all roses (I'll fight with anyone who thinks WLS is an 'easy way out') - I had nausea, pain, a stricture, endoscopic dilution, I felt alone. The amount of times I despaired that I'd made a very wrong, expensive and irreversible choice are too numerous to mention, But every month I started to feel progress and i held onto that was such tenacity, it really helped. This forum at times was a life saver and I want to thank all of members who took the time to answer my questions and be so completely honest. You have no idea how important it was to me.

    To you all toying with the idea of WLS - I can't for one minute suggest it's the right thing for you, I can only advise that for me it's changed my life for the better, even with all the tough times

    One year on, I feel like the me who I'm supposed to be (still got a bit to go, but I'm enjoying the challenge now - despite the small slice of lemon cake I've just enjoyed! No longer am I the person who was ashamed, embarrassed and scared of who I'd become and the terrifying future that it held.

    Soon - I might even be brave enough to share some pics.

  3. I lost about 50% of my hair 3-4 months in and it started to grow back about 9 months in. I’m approaching my 1 year anniversary and I have an interesting hairdo to say the least.

    Despite lots of challenges - my bypass is the best thing I’ve done. I finally feel like I have a new lease of life. I promise you all it gets better x

  4. On 9/25/2018 at 4:05 PM, Chrisb428 said:

    Has anyone here had a balloon dilation for a stricture, and if so is relief immediate?

    I had the dilation three months post surgery and it was brilliant - saved my bloody life! Before the dilation I was sick 5-6 times a day and the only thing I could keep down was Soup or yoghurt. Made the world of difference to me.

    Not going to lie - it was uncomfortable and I was aware of the procedure at the time - but recovery was speedy and the relief of being able to eat without fear of vomiting was palpable. Good luck getting this sorted.

  5. I'm currently at 89.5ilbs down and I can honestly say for the first time since I had the op that I'm glad I did it.

    I was so happy last night when I measured my body and in total I've lost 153cm so far!

    I love walking, I love having small controlled portions and though my weight loss has dropped to 1-1.5lbs per week I know it's going in the right direction and I will get to target soon.

    This site and all you wonderful people who helped along the way was indispensable to the success of my journey, which I hope continues until I hit target.

  6. 5 hours ago, carlab said:

    Three month ago, I decided to radically change my life and started on this weight loss journey.

    What i realized is that even more important to the 52 lbs and 33 inches I have lost is all that I have gained.

    I gained health. I am no longer an insulin dependent diabetic. In fact, I’m not a diabetic at all. I have a normal blood pressure without any pills, my cholesterol is “stellar “ according to my doctor who was ready to put my on meds for that too. I no longer need anti anxiety meds or sleeping meds.

    I gained energy. Lots of it. I used to come home after work and sit staring at the tv all night until 8, when Elijah would go to bed, so I could too.

    I gained confidence. I realize my own worth. And my own value. I realize that getting my hair and nails professionally done is something I CAN treat myself with, instead of food.

    I gained self control. I just spent a week visiting NH where all of my favorite foods were at my fingertips. I tried one bite of two different Desserts, then realized they were not as important to me as the company I was with. I enjoyed wonderful conversations with those at my table, and the food meant almost nothing.

    I gained an appreciation for those in my tribe. Those who support me, love me and are honest with me, even when things are hard to hear. I no longer feel the need to be defensive, for I know they are not out to hurt me, but help me.

    I found me. And I’m happy.IMG_4638.JPG

    Carla from LV

    Wow - you look amazing! I Celebrate my 3 month next week too. Well done you :)

  7. Well after all the 'tooing and froing' back to my surgeon complaining about vomiting - they've booked me in for an endoscopic dilation because they now think I have stenosis.

    Anyone got any experience of this?

    Obviously - if it stops the vomiting then it's a good thing - but the thought of having to go through more 'stuff' at the hospital (especially cameras and stuff down my throat) is not filling me joy!

    You guys have all been amazing so far - hope you can help again!

  8. All normal - I’m 11 weeks out and I still have a few wobbles now and then. Manage your pain and if you can walk make sure you do - honestly the relief once that gas they’ve pumped you up with has gone is brilliant.

    Drink Water and don’t stress if you can’t get your Protein in right away - it will happen.

    The best piece of advice I got was to take time to heal - I’m still healing now but I know I made the right decision.

    Good luck with your journey xx

  9. 4 hours ago, Creekimp13 said:

    For the love of pete....go see your bariatric surgeon! Talk to HIM about your vomiting issues, not your general practitioner.

    Thanks for the advice - I went to see my surgeon last week and it was him who arranged the follow-up with my GP. I’ll give his office a call on Tuesday after the holiday weekend and make another appointment.

    Fingers crossed I’m just taking longer to heal than originally expected 🙏🏻

  10. 6 minutes ago, FluffyChix said:

    I honestly think that "looking for the horse" first would be my personal answer, rather than looking for a zebra.

    Short answer is people heal at different rates. I would stick with known foods you do well with and as you've done, go back to the last best phase you did well in--full liquids? And I'd eat there for a week or 2. Then I would begin to SLOWLY progress foods to very easy peasy foods first. For you that might be mashed root veg like butternut squash, or something? For me, it would be mashed roasted cauli or baked or poached fish or soft scrambled eggs. But many have issues with eggs...so that may not be for you.

    Sorry you're struggling! And sorry your tests are showing deficiency. Make sure they're testing ferritin and PTH (parathyroid).

    Hope they get to the bottom of it.

    If you get to the point where you cannot hold anything down--even Clear Liquids then I would worry about a stricture and would def. call the doc.

    Another think...you MAY be deeply constipated so make sure you are clearing the tunnels COMPLETELY!

    Thanks FluffyChix - I'm definitely taking a step back if only to get myself steady again. I'm going to do liquid for a week and then go back to fish (had little or no issues with that) and mashed root vegetables to build up again and hope that the vomiting stops.

    Appreciate you taking the time to respond.

  11. Hi all

    needing some help again. I’ve struggled with vomiting after eating foods since I’ve moved on from the soft food phase, so much so that I’ve gone back to Soup being my primary intake as that’s the best chance I’ve got of keeping it down.

    There are no patterns to the types of food I eat and which can result in vomiting and pain.

    i went to see my GP and my bloods are showing Iron deficiency and further issues with my parathyroid (?) which they are investigating. Just wondering if anyone has any insight or advice?

    it would be much appreciated - thanks 🙏🏻

  12. 18 minutes ago, shedo82773 said:

    Lie everyone has said we promise...IT WILL GET BETTER. At which time you will think to yourself WOW!! Why was I so worried. I am getting healthy and food doesn't have that CONTROL over me any more. You just took your life back!!! Great things are coming down the pike for you. As far as your left side hurting, it could be what was sad that is where they removed you stomach with the Sleeve or if you are RNY the left side is where they put the instruments thru. My DR's Nurse told me that some people have so much pain that they need a Lidocaine shot. I hope everything works out for you. Take care and keep us posted on how you are!!

    Thank you. They’ve said the left side pain is due to lots of scar tissue from a previous surgery prior to my RNY.

    I will update how I’m doing xx I promise

  13. 35 minutes ago, stabb009 said:

    Your body has to heal. Its still early this is a major surgery. You'll be fine

    Sent from my LGMP260 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Thank you so much - I’ve been having a very bad day and I think going back to work this week was just a tad too soon x

    6 minutes ago, kakatlady612 said:

    I concur with stabb009, bluegirl. Think,of food As a boyfriend who doesn't want to break up with you. food, especially fast food, is saying" You promised you'd be with me forever You promised" He's trying to play on your emotions so you will let him stay. Meanwhile you're sore and hurting from your surgery. Sure you did really want it,but it is a shock,to,the body and takes a while to get over. There may be days where you can barely get around but try to keep moving even if walking around the house. There has been enough witnesses on here that say each day gets better. A little why-me-itus is common.The pain on the left side, might be where they pulled your stomach out if you were a sleeve, even it you were a bypass you might be tender there. From now on you're going to have a grownup relationship with food, when you get back to soft and solid foods you'll be eating to live, just not very big portions, not living to eat just so it doesn't leave the room or get away from you. I'm a mommy, I used to be the family garbage can, not no more. Too often I ate things so I didn't have to refrigerate it. Finally saw the light and I didn't have to open the fridge to do it. Your family, bless their little misguided hearts, don't understand. They can't unless they have gone through it. You are normal and you are wonderful, don't ever lose sight of that. You will get through this and be stronger on the other side. Next month I'll be having mine and I'll need you to be strong and reassuring for me if I need it. We YOU.

    Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

    You are so, so sweet and I can’t tell you how much better this response has made me feel.

    I’ll be there if you need me x

  14. Having a terrible time - food is making me nauseous and I’m so scared I’ve made the wrong decision.

    I’m just all over the place and my relationship with food is nonexistent.

    I’m still in pain on the left side under my ribs too.

    Is this normal? My family keep telling me that I shouldn’t be feeling like this - and maybe they’re right.

    would love someone to tell me that I’ll feel better soon and not hate my decision


  15. It’s for a month and I’m doing it myself! They’re vile hahaha!

    pureed foods are not too bad - Weetabix and Ready Brek are godsends, as are Soups. Pureeing meats are less successful- they just don’t go down with adding Fluid like gravy. Potato’s and carrots/turnips are good too - but the consistency is just so ‘baby food’ like it’s so samey that I’m desperate for texture! Roll on three weeks 😊 Fish in sauce whizzes down pretty well x

    my staples are are getting removed on Thursday and my stomach is still pretty much purple in colour. Bruising is shocking! Still swollen and haven’t managed to go to the loo yet either (sorry if I’m oversharing)

    Don’t think I’ll be back in work after two weeks which is what I hoped originally x

  16. 6 minutes ago, Christel11 said:

    My op was the 12th. :)

    What's your post op diet like then? I'm on liquids-only for a minimum of 2 weeks then I gradually move to pureed food for a few weeks then soft then normal consistency stuff. I'm only having Protein Shakes, strained/sieved Soup and the occasional Bovril at the moment. I am only drinking Water and Decaf coffee. It's all very dull.

    Were you prescribed Adcal? I'm only taking the chewable Centrum but it doesn't have Calcium in it so maybe I should look into getting some... eeek!

    I had mine on the 15th and I went straight to puréed foods for 4 weeks before 4 weeks of soft foods. I was prescribed Adcal by my surgeon to take with the Vitamins and I’m also on another daily pill for my stomach as well as Fragmin anti clotting injections for a month x

    its been a horrendous week I’m not going to lie - hoping I’m on the up now x

    how you feeling? X

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