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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Anna2012

  1. My mom Is about a month out from surgery and still has pain after eating. The doctors tell her the same thing to be patient but when she gets sick like that it makes her not want to eat. I wonder if she was or is slow to heal due to her being a diabetic going into the surgery. And another thing she is finding out is that when she does eat for her blood sugars are getting bigger. As long as your on the shakes and liquid it’s good but when to introduce food it starts going up.
  2. When does the soreness in the stomach subside after surgery? Bypass was on December 27th. Does the soreness in the stomach relate to pain when eating? Meaning could I still be having pain after eating because my stomach is not all the way healed?
  3. Anna2012

    I'm freezing

    My mom says the same exact things. Thinking about getting her a heated blanket for Valentine’s Day:)
  4. My mom had surgery December 27, 2017 and she’s now on the purée diet. Every time she eats she gets sick at the stomach and feels like throwing up. What could be the reason? She has tried applesauce, puréed spinach, mashed potatoes, baby food, soups and they all give her this feeling. Today is the first time she threw up, all the other times have given her the feeling she has to but she hasn’t. Will it get better? Is there anything she should do differently? Should she go back to liquid diet? I’ve encouraged her to eat slow, chew slow and drink liquids 30 minutes before or after eating? She does take her medications (that are in pill form )and doesn’t crush them. Could this be playing a role in her upset stomach/nausea? Just grasping at straws. Thanks in advance for your responses
  5. Samore my mom says the same as soon as she eats she feels it in her throat like it wants to come back up and a few times it has
  6. I’ll give her these suggestions. Just checked on her and she had a tablespoon of oatmeal and it made her sick. She’s getting to the points where she’s Afraid to try new foods and the smell of most foods makes her sick. I advised maybe to take Zoltan before eating to try to get ahead of the sickness that comes soon after. I told her to go back to liquid diet but she should be past that point now and you don’t get all the protein you need unless you introduce foods. Both she and I worry about malnutrition if she’s not able to eat food. It will be 3 weeks since her surgery tomorrow
  7. She went to see the surgeon, her follow up after the surgery and he doesn’t seem concerned. Said her stomach is smaller now and to give it time
  8. My mom had surgery December 27, 2017 and she’s now on the purée diet. Every time she eats she gets sick at the stomach and feels like throwing up. What could be the reason? She has tried applesauce, puréed spinach, mashed potatoes, baby food, soups and they all give her this feeling. Today is the first time she threw up, all the other times have given her the feeling she has to but she hasn’t. Will it get better? Is there anything she should do differently? Should she go back to liquid diet? I’ve encouraged her to eat slow, chew slow and drink liquids 30 minutes before or after eating? She does take her medications (that are in pill form )and doesn’t crush them. Could this be playing a role in her upset stomach/nausea? Is there any easier food to digest she should try? Just grasping at straws. Thanks in advance for your responses
  9. It could be eating too fast or too much. Most of the purée diets I see says tablespoons of food. She may have been trying to do 4 ounces of food like the proteins shakes she does. I’ve encouraged her to take a bit and wait in between. Or as you mentioned she may not be ready for puree. I also encouraged her to do a food diary
  10. 1. When your on the puree diet are you supposed to have 3 meals only or 3 meals and 2 snacks 2. Are you supposed to drink protein shakes in between meals 3. how much of the pureed food are you supposed to eat 4 ounces 4. How far are you supposed to space your meals out (ex. breakfast 8am, lunch 12pm and dinner 6pm)? thanks in advance
  11. Did your nerve pain ever get better @zephra
  12. Surgery December 27, 2017. Within the last few days my mom has had lower leg weakness or at least trouble standing on her legs or bearing weight on them. That has improved but today she has foot pain(left foot). The pain was on the sole of her foot but it moved to the top of her foot and she can barely walk on it. She has to have assistance. She actually has to walk on her heels to get to the bathroom and back or walk. Is that normal? What could be causing the pain in her foot? No pain in the legs or discoloration. She has not been able to walk a lot due to her legs first and now her foot. Could she be weak from being immobile? Before her surgery she had (and still has )back problems and her pain was on the right side of her body and down her leg but it’s her foot on the left now. Confused 🤷‍♀️
  13. Has anyone else needed physical therapy after gastric bypass surgery to regain their strength. My mom had surgery 1 weeks ago. She went into the surgery with existing back problems and the pain Meds masked the back pain. Now that it’s worn off her back is starting to hurt. She says her legs are weak and she’s unable to put pressure on her legs and can only walk short distances. She mainly lays in the bed because it helps her back and stomach not to hurt. I Don’t know if the weakness is due to effects of surgery or her back problems. She needs to be able to walk to help her heal and get rid of gas and prevent blood clots. Think it would be a good idea to have PT come in the house to help her regain her strength? Thanks
  14. Is chick fil a Greek yourgt a acceptable puréed food?
  15. Is chick fil a Greek yourgt a acceptable puréed food?
  16. My mom had gastric bypass surgery last Wednesday. She was given morphine intravenously then a lower strength “cocktail” by mouth for pain while in the hospital. She was given liquid lortab to go home with. She only took one dose of the liquid lortab on Saturday and it was only 5ml instead of the 15ml as prescribed(and no more since then). She was released on Friday and on Saturday she started to get loopy and unlike herself. She’s even had hallucinations. It’s now Tuesday and she’s still out of it and seeing things and overall confused. Is it normal to still be under the effects of the anesthesia/morphine, or is this cause for concern? Her blood sugars are low which could contribute to the confusion. It will be 1 week tomorrow that she’s had her surgery. Any thoughts?
  17. Anna2012

    Puréed foods

    Can anyone suggest a sample puréed diet? My mom is due to start puréed food tomorrow which will be a week after her surgery. Is she to eat one food for Breakfast lunch and dinnerwith Protein and Water and protein along with it? I want to make sure we do what needs to be done. Thanks in advance.
  18. I called her surgeon yesterday and he said to give her more time. I voiced my concerns. He asked if she had a fever which she does not but i didn't think it should last this long. They said anesthesia, pain meds, lack of food, low blood sugars, even a UTI could cause confusion Shanta'
  19. Sorry guys I’m trying to figure out how to work this forum
  20. My name is Shanta’ and I am actually sending this message on behalf of my mother Anna who has gastric bypass surgery yesterday. I encouraged her to join a support group to help her through this process and I came across this forum. As I mentioned she had gastric bypass surgery and she’s having a hard time. I’ve seen several posts on here where people did well and didn’t have a lot of pain at all afterwards. She seems to be the opposite and is quite a bit of pain. She has back problems so laying immobile in the bed doesn’t help. She didn’t get her pain meds until a few hours after surgery because the pharmacy had to wait to confirm it so the pain caught up with her. I wanted to ask how long will it take generally for the pain to subside.?. How did most handle the pain once they were released from the hospital, what did they take? Any tricks to minimize the pain? Due to the pain she’s second guessing her decision but I told her it will get better and she will be better health wise, it will just take time. So anyone who can offer anY words of encouragement or advice with her being new to the forum it would be great. Thanks in advance
  21. What’s the best protein shake for my mom who seems to be lactose intolerant? She has tried Orgain and Premeier but the cause has like symptoms. I’ve been reading about whey protein, is that one good? And would The bariatric abdominal binder and stomach support be a good thing for her after surgery healing wise? Thanks In advance
  22. Anna2012

    Post op pain

    Thanks for replying it's probably a combination of regular pain and gas pain but mostly gas pain. I will keep encouraging her to walk. One day at a time. i was reading about liquid Tylenol, is that the kids formula OTC or a prescription?
  23. Anna2012

    Post op pain

    She has walked a few times since surgery but not a lot. I will encourage her I walk in the AM, I'm staying with her tonight at the hospital. She has spinal stenosis and degenerative disc disease and she's suffered through that daily with no pain meds so she thought Shen and a high pain tolerance until this surgery. She needs it just to keep her comfortable. Thanks for yor reply

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