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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Lisalisa5m

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    Intermediate Member

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  1. Lisalisa5m

    March 5th coming up quick!

    It sure is! Just went to get all my vitamins today. Made a trip to the store for all my hospital stay needs! Lol what are you taking in your bag?
  2. Lisalisa5m


    Thank you! I'm doing chewables as well!
  3. Lisalisa5m


    Thanks! Im going on Amazon!!
  4. Lisalisa5m


    Thank you!!!! Tremendous help!
  5. Lisalisa5m


    Excellent idea! Thanks!
  6. Lisalisa5m


    Thanks!!!!! Almost went to the vitamin shoppe! Glad I read this!!
  7. Excited!!!! March 5th coming quick! How is everyone else doing??? I cannot wait!
  8. Hello all! I will be sleeved on Monday March 5th!!!! Super excited!!!! I have a question.... What are the best bariatric multivitamins out there??? And where have you purchased them??? I appreciate any and all the help!!🙃[emoji4]
  9. Lisalisa5m

    March 5th 2018 is my date!

    How was your first day of pre op dieting,???
  10. Lisalisa5m

    March 5th 2018 is my date!

    Are you on pre op liquid diet? I am. Day 2 so far!!!
  11. Lisalisa5m

    First Weigh In Since Surgery :)

    CONGRATS!!!! I am scheduled to be sleeved on 3/5!! Hope I have as much success as you have!!!!! Keep up the good work!! How exciting!
  12. Lisalisa5m

    March 5th 2018 is my date!

    Hey there! My date is March 5th!!!! It's around the corner!!! [emoji5]
  13. So, I have a date set for March 5th to have VSG. I'm now feeling I should go for the Bypass....anyone else feeling this way? My surgeon says either are fine, but I just don't know. Anyone out there have any advice? Sleeved or those with bypass. I appreciate the help. I hope to make some friends on here, not many outside my family know about my upcoming surgery. Could use a suppo a system. [emoji4]
  14. Lisalisa5m

    Calling March Sleevers

    Hello! My date is March 5th!!!! I need to lose 20lbs by then. I'm finding it hard to start! I don't know what's with me? I want this so bad, it's right there in front of me! Any advice ladies? I'm having the sleeve done. Best of luck to us all!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
