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About SheLand

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  1. My personal experience : Had lap band in 2009 lost 75 pounds. I have since gained it back BC eating grilled chicken lettuce apples fruit basically anything healthy gets stuck I vomit (not like regular vomit it’s weird like your food is stuck your spot starts coming back in your mouth any way it’s awful. So u Learn that basically all healthy good foods get stuck but desserts and pastas and milkshakes give u no problems. Now I’m back up the 75 pounds about to have lapband removed and sleeve preformed. I decided on the sleeve as my doctor feels it’s the safest and will help me without all the major risk of gastric bypass
  2. SheLand

    6 months post sleeve

    Wow you look great !!!
  3. The place I’m going doesn’t require any special pre op diet either
  4. SheLand

    BMI 27

    Following !
  5. So I had the Lap Band surgery in 2009 (actually called the Realize Band) I went from 235 to 174 and stayed that size for several years but gradually started gaining the weight back. In 2011 my insurance plans changed and the new plan didn’t cover weight loss visits so I couldn’t afford to go as often as I would have liked. Fast forward 2017 I weight 235 all over again and feel like a complete failure. No restriction no nothing can eat the same or more as anyone else. I’m disgusted with myself. So I finally made up my mind to go see a bariatric doctor (my original doctor has since retired) my new doctor wants an endo and barium swallow test. She said they do not preform lap band surgeries BC they don’t work long term and cause issues and typically need removal. So she recommends having it removed and the sleeve preform (she says sleeve is safer option) my insurance still doesn’t cover this so the removal and sleeve will cost close to 12,500-13,000 I’m seriously thinking of having it done but terrified that after spending this money it will be a fail too. I’m so scared to fail again I can’t just throw 13k out the window. I read were some people don’t lose that much etc.
  6. SheLand

    Paying out of pocket

    Call the doctors office you are using they usually have something like Care Credit Also I had LAp band back in 2009 and went from 235 to 174 kept the weight off for several years but gradually over time I’ve gained it all back my port has moved some and I’m having horrible acid reflux. My current insurance will not cover any type of Bariatric surgery not even the removal of my lap band. I finally went and spoke with bariatric doc who said the lap band downs work like they thought it would and they don’t even offer it anymore. She wants to do a endo and barium swallow test to see what all is going on with it. After this I will be going hopefully before end of Jan 2018 and having this awful lapband removed and having the sleeve. The band removal and sleeve surgery and 1 year of visits is 11,500 the sleeve surgery is just 9k but the removal is extra. I’m very scared tho as I want the tool to help me and I can’t afford to spend all that money and it not help me
  7. Awesome job ! I can def see a big difference keep up the hard work
  8. SheLand

    5 weeks Post Op

    Wow 31 pounds in 5 weeks that's really awesome I think! That's like 6 pounds or so a week! I think that's great. Congrats !!!! Btw which protein shakes are u drinking that taste great
  9. SheLand

    Any January 2018 Sleevers?

    I'm hoping to have my surgery end of Jan if all goes well. Having lap band removed and sleeve done! I go for some testing Jan 10th I was told after that I come back to go over those test and I can schedule my surgery as soon as a week later since I'm private pay. Yes I'm obsessed with before and after photos but also scared of regain this is sooooooo much $$$ to spend I can't not lose or have regain. I lost 70 pounds with lap band and have gained it all back. No restrictions nothing im terrified of same thing with sleeve. And when your spending as much as u would on a vehicle it makes me sooooo nervous
  10. SheLand

    Lab Band to sleeve costs/coverage

    Well I had lap band in 2011 lost 75 pounds and have gained it all back I have consulted my doc my insurance will not cover the removal or sleeve but the cost for sleeve is 9k the removal is 2,500 so 11,500 total.
  11. SheLand

    Failed Lapband

    I had the lap band back in 2011 lost close to 70-75 pounds But I have regained it all back No restriction except I get choked on grilled chicken [emoji849] looking to have band removed and sleeve done in jan
  12. Curious as to how it all went ? I have had my lap band in since 2011 I initially lost 75 pounds but slowly have gained it all back (every pound) so depressing. My original doc has moved so I have seen another one and will hopefully have my lap band removed and the sleeve done first of year

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