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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Hop_Scotch

  1. Have you seen a bariatric dietician? If not, perhaps it may be timely to do so.

    If I have understood correctly, you are eating 1/2cup of food at a time, many times a day??? You don't say what you are actually consuming...are you eating calorie dense foods? Nuts/seeds, cheese, full fat yoghurts/milk, avocado, salmon and other oily fish, eggs?

    Have you actually calorie counted your daily intake over a week or so?

    What exercise are you doing on a daily basis?

  2. Are you on any stomach acid reducing meds? You may be feeling hungry but a couple of other things may also cause you to feel like you are hungry....too much stomach acid, thirst.

    Do you best to keep up fluids and if you are not on any medication to reduce stomach acid, have a chat with your surgeon or doctor.

  3. May be only 15 cals each but they are not zero calorie. The sugar alcohols can cause tummy upsets and may have a laxative effect if you have too much of them. If you are having surgery on Monday, you don't want to be having tummy upsets or worse which could cause dehydration. You don't want to be dehydrated before surgery.

  4. No, not really a thing here in Australia, though I am aware of some people being given a card. Pretty sure I wouldn't use it if given one.

    I generally choose a smaller meal if they are on the menu. When I order a standard meal I eat what I feel satisfied with and leave the rest. Occasionally I will ask for a container to take the rest home.

  5. I don't know your surgery weight but nearly 21lb within 12 days of surgery is a lot of weight loss regardless of surgery weight. The high weight loss may be due to dehydration if you aren't getting anywhere near sufficient fluids. At 12 days I wouldn't say its a stall when you don't see a scale loss (but is this one day, two days or more???), but more likely your body is holding on to Fluid to rehydrate if dehydration is the issue.

    You may want to ensure you are getting sufficient fluids, and also lay off the scales for a few days. If you are the type of person that doesn't cope with daily weight fluctuations may be only weigh yourself once a week or once a fortnight.

  6. Without knowing your pre-op weight, its difficult to know if 50lbs is typical or not for 7 weeks post op. If you were on the lighter side pre surgery, 50lbs would be way too much and given your walking you may be lacking in calories (way less than typical for post op), and are losing a lot of lean body mass (muscle). Your body could be struggling to cope??

    Perhaps talk to your doctor sooner than later.

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