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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Hop_Scotch

  1. Hop_Scotch

    "Head Hunger"

    Stalls are normal, you will find many posts about them, for post people as long as they are following their post op guidelines the weight loss will pick up again. How long since you've since you've lost any weight? My stomach growls when I drink and the fluids are going through it. For some people the growling is gas and for others its excess stommach Hopefully your stomach growling isn't due to physical hunger but one of the other reasons. Had it been a while since you had eaten before the growling started?
  2. Hop_Scotch

    Last stage solid food

    Xylitol is probably the only sugar alcohol (so far) that doesn't have a laxative effect on me, and I use to chew a lot of it in th past.
  3. Hop_Scotch

    Last stage solid food

    You may want to chat with your nutritionist about gum and if/when it can be reintroduced. Chewing gum gets the tummy excited, it thinks its going to get food, it's starts the digestive process, the stomach produces acid in readiness of food it needs to break down, except there isn't any food and the acid can upset the stomach. Perhaps best to chew just before a meal. Some people also belief that chewing gum can cause swallowing of air into the stomach, causing gas. Also some sugar-free gum contain the alcohol sweetners (mostly those ending in ...itol) which can have a laxative effect causing the stomach to be gassy etc. At the end of the day you are an adult you are free to try whenever you choose, but generally I would suggest at least listen to your professional team while you are still in the healing and early weight loss stages.
  4. Hop_Scotch

    December 2020

    Time for some non-scale goals, take the focus off the scales for a while. Maybe weigh in only once per week or a a couple times a week only.
  5. Hop_Scotch

    My first

    Hopefully you know what caused it so as you can avoid it for awhile. You may want to try a smaller amount somewhere down the track and see how you go with it.
  6. Hop_Scotch


    A lot of the people around you are uninformed around weight loss surgery. Go to an information session, then chat to a surgteon about your circumstances and what surgery may work well for you, discuss with the surgeon complications rates, risks etc and go from there. It's not to say that some people don't have significant issues following weight loss surgery and indeed some have passed away, but usually there are extenuating circumstances.
  7. Hop_Scotch

    So little weight loss

    I looked back at some of your posts, I see your weight was 238lb, not sure if pre op diet or surgery day weight, but either way it is a fairly lowish weight (like mine was) and to expect you to lose 20lb in the first two weeks is very unreasonable znc moreso if you did a two week pre op diet where you would have already lost a lot of bloat and water weight. 16lb in the first two weeks was excellent, well done. There will be stalls along the way, and at four weeks post op you may well be experiencing the infamous three week stall. Not everyone experiences it but it can occur anywhere from two to six weeks post op, and can last a few weeks for some people, for others its may be a week or so.
  8. Hop_Scotch

    So little weight loss

    Nothing just about 6kilos. That's great. You need to reset your expectations, otherwise you are going to be mightily disappointed.
  9. Hop_Scotch

    Pouch reset

    Wouldn't let me add to the edited post.
  10. Hop_Scotch

    Pouch reset

    This is posted often on a fb group I am on, it may (or may not) be useful to you, it generally posted for those who have gained some weight somewhere down the track. Oops the image broke, I will try again
  11. Hop_Scotch

    Pouch reset

    Typically a process where the post op phases are undertaken in a much shorter time frame eg over a week, 10 days or a fortnight. I assume it is to help with not just weight loss but help reset someone's mindframe.
  12. Hop_Scotch

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    Think of it as a positive. Caffeine can be hard on an inflamed and healing stomach. Best to get the withdrawals over during pre-op rather than immediate post-op while dealing with possible gas, pain, acid reflux and whatever else post op. Once healed and all going well it can be introduced.
  13. One of the reasons is that liquids help push foods through the much smaller stomach quicker, therefore possibly not allowing the 'fullness/restriction' to kick in. A weight loss surgeon demonstrated this on youtube, I can't remember which surgeon though, I can't imagine a small sip here and there would have too much impact, but full on drinking fluids when eating would. My body produces very little saliva due to autoimmune issues, I suffer with dry mouth, occasionally I need to take a sip to help swallow dry meats. But its only the smallest of sips. Mostly though I manage fine without drinking while eating and typically wait at least 20 to 30 minues before drinking anything.
  14. Hop_Scotch

    Revision Pain

    I haven't had a revision or rny but I assume if the pain has continued in the last six hours you have contacted your surgeon's or doctor's office to make sure everything is okay/
  15. Hop_Scotch


    Only cereal I eat at the moment is high protein oats (soy protein has been added) with some added chia seeds, soaked overnight in skim milk, I do that a couple times a week. I did try a 'bran' plus' but that caused acid reflux. Other than that my breakfast is either eggs, protein smoothies and occasionally a protein bar or high protein yoghurt (yopro).
  16. I haven't heard this, maybe contact your surgeon or if the clinic has a nurse that you can ask? I imagine they will be taking your temperature etc so hopefully that would cover off on any issues.
  17. I wish (more) surgeons would highlight the impacts of iv fluids, inflammation etc on the body after surgery, it certainly would save a lot of worrying and confusion,
  18. That's a fairly lowish weight and to lose 10% in two months is doable but you will have to be tight with your eating and exercise. In the first week or two you will lose a lot water/bloat weight so that will give you a kick start. If by the last two weeks you need a weight loss boost you could cut out one of the protein bars and the other if needed by the last week. Is this your preferred surgeon or do you have other options?
  19. 10% in two months is a lot, do you mind if I has how much you weigh and how tall you are? After two months (and expected weight loss) do you immediately qualify for surgery or do you have insurance requirements to meet as well?
  20. Hop_Scotch

    Cream of Soups

    Pre-op plans vary from surgeon to surgeeon/dietician to dietican - you'd be best to clarify with your dietician. If they are not available, look at your guidelines: mostly higher protein low carb? Does your soup / puddings conform to this? if not, you only had it once or twice, you should be fine.
  21. No need to apologise, What does your surgeon think of the issue? Have they done an endoscopy to make sure there aren't any issues, such as excessive scarrage or blockages?
  22. I have an issue that causes dry mouth, I took some spray with me in case my mouth was drier than usual, but in the end I managed quite well with just ice chips, fluids (as I progessed) and lipbalm
  23. I am so happy for you that you were proactive in this! As tough as it to go no contact, the mental health benefit to you will be immensive.
  24. How awful for you? If may be useful to tell us what weight loss surgery you had, so you get relevant responses.
  25. Hop_Scotch

    I got sick this morning

    Misha, may I ask what, if any, information has been provided to you by your surgeon and / or dietician? Did they provide any post op guidelines around food, drink etc and to what volumes or measurements? This seems to be a question that is being avoided. If you went out of state or overseas for your surgery sometimes ongoing support and/or post-op programs is not given, and people do struggle. If no post op guidelines were given pre surgery or at the time of surgery , I assume such information is not going to be available to you and that it may be beneficial for you to seek out relevant information from other surgeons/clinics online. I have always found this website useful https://drjalil.com/bariatric-post-op-diet/, it may vary from other post-op guidelines elsewhere but that's the way it is, post-op programs do vary significantly.

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