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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Hop_Scotch

  1. The additonal cost is likely to do with the band removal and any surgical fixes that are required. Which state are you in? Cost may vary a lot between states and not all the additional costs may be related to the revision surgery but the post op program. Some post op programs are full on, others not. For me my post op program was appts with the surgeon (5mins phone as I am in another state), other programs may have dieticians, behavioural coaches, therapists, exercise physiologists scheduled appointments
  2. Breakfast is usually a couple of eggs or a high protein porridge, occasionally a yoghurt or nut bar.
  3. Hop_Scotch

    Gastric Leak and food capacity

    11 days out? I would say its possibly a little too soon for potato but if they are on your post op guidelines for this stage, you may want to try again in a few days. I can't remember all that well 11 days out, but my starting point was the serving size in my guidelines...typically the more liquid, the more pureed the more I could drink/eat before restriction kicked in. It wasn't until I was on solid foods that the restrictions really kicked in. I do remember sometimes not always finishing off what I had served.
  4. Hop_Scotch

    Weight Loss in First Week

    Well done on your total weight loss so far. You probably being little unrealistic given a couple of things. Firstly you are in recovery mode, your body has inflammation, you are possibly still have some fluid retention due to the iv fluids and inflammation. Secondly you lost a lot of weight in pre-op. There is a reason some doctors say don't weigh yourself in the first few weeks or even the first month. If you are following your post op guidelines re food and fluid intake you will be fine, the scales will reflect your efforts soon.
  5. Hop_Scotch

    Excess Weight- success or not?

    60% is an average, some will lose more, some will lose less. Some are happy with less and don't need to strive with more, for some less is their natural set point, for others they are happier with more and their natural set point is lower. Something to consider is 'best weight' - last thing anyone wants is to set a low point that they need to struggle with everyday to achieve, but even worse to maintain
  6. Hop_Scotch

    Post Op Covid Vaccine

    The covid vaccine will likely trigger an immune response or even a low grade fever. What you are trying to avoid is confusion as to what is causing a medical issue or fever (is it an infection from surgery vs vaccine response)...so I would think at least two to three weeks but best to confirm with doctor as you have said. I have had the first pfizer dose no issues other than an ache in the arm that lasted less than 24 hours.
  7. Barring any medical issues or severe fluid retention are you sure your macros are right? Per protein and carb gram = 4 calories, fat gram = 9 calories so based on 70gms protein, 15 gms carbs and 10grams of fat I get 430 calories per day not 700cals a day. Are you measuring / weighing everything you eat and drink in a day? Are you exercising? What exercise do you do? Have you started any medication that causes fluid retention? Are scales working properly/batteries don't need changing? Scales on a stable surface not carpet/in same location all the time? Are you weighing same time every day (first thing of a morning after you've been to the toilet is probably the best time? What does a typical day's menu exactly look like for you including all fluids? What guidance has your dietician or surgeon given you regarding the gain?
  8. Hop_Scotch

    Eating out after surgery

    Not a common thing in Australia, but if it were I probably wouldn't use for the children's menu - those items are typically full of saturated fats and sugar (unless a fairly healthy restaurant) and i probably wouldn't use it during covid times as restaurants are struggling and I wouldn't expect a reduced price because of a reduced portion. I typically order the best I can from the standard menu, if I enjoy it I will take the remainder home to use as left overs, if I don't enjoy it, I will generally off load to whomever puts up their hand at the table or just leave it be. The worse I left was a very dry chicken.
  9. I think a large majority of us have the potential to be or have been, know it alls, be bombastic, be blunt or have our messages be read in a manner that it wasn't intended. We usually just blind or ignorant to the way the reader receives the intended messages in our posts. This includes me and I have no doubt if you looked through my posts some people may (or do) think what a know it all, how bombastic is she etc etc. Some of us are also too sensitive or easily offended when we read something we don't agree with or misunderstand or misread posts. All this is the nature of social media, it is what it is.
  10. Hop_Scotch


    Your surgeon expects you to lose 30lb a month with a start weight of 227lb? That is ridiculous, talk about setting up a patient for disappointment and sense of failure.
  11. Hop_Scotch

    Pre-op nutritionist questions

    These questions may help - some are targatted for surgeons, but there are questions in there that are relevant to your dietician https://njbariatricsurgeons.com/10-questions-to-ask-your-bariatric-surgeon/ Some of these may be relevant to you: https://medlineplus.gov/ency/patientinstructions/000259.htm
  12. I haven't told anyone about my VSG, though one person did know about my ESG (I am assuming my trust wasn't misplaced and she hasn't told anyone). I certainly don't feel guilty about not sharing with all and sundry. There will be some who should say why hide it, be an advocate for weight loss surgery etc but at the end of the day, you have to do what is best for you and your own well being/mental health.
  13. Hop_Scotch

    Postoperative multivitamins

    I think the citrate is better absorbed for people using acid reducing medication, plus more easily absorbed on an empty stomach. The carbonate should be taken with food as its better absorbed that way.
  14. Hop_Scotch

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    Many have eperienced this. Its a stall, they can initially appear anywhere from week one up to who knows. Most of the initial stalls are experienced between week two up to about week six and can last anyway up to a week to three weeks or so. Keep following your post op plan, and the scales will reflect your efforts again soon. By the way it would be helpful if you filled in our profile...Surgery type, surgery date weight, current weight, height etc - it provide context to questions etc.
  15. Stlll doing keto and IF? Did the dietician go over your daily food intake? Did they make any suggestions? Anything else that may be masking scale weight loss? Fluid retention? Been excercising a lot lately? Do you know if you are losing inches/centimetres? If you aren't already may be useful to use body measurements they can be motivating when the scales aren't going down.
  16. Hop_Scotch

    Weight loss pace

    At seven days post op I wouldn't be doing aerobic walking videos yet. Give yourself a bit of time to heal. If you want to walk now, walk laps of the house or garden (or the streets if not in lockdown) at a low to moderate pace, at this point in time think low impact and no jarring of the body.
  17. Hop_Scotch

    Pre-op surgery weight gain??

    You will lose some weight on the pre-op diet, you may not need to start the actual pre-op diet sooner, but it would be to your benefit to return to making better choices and eating less. Or if you need to go basic: lean proteins, low starch veges, legumes, seasonal fruit etc. But at the end of the day, do what is doable and sustainable for you.
  18. Hop_Scotch

    Protein Shakes

    Is there a reason you can't take them? If lactose intolerant perhaps use a plant based protein shake. Do you have much longer to go before you start pureed foods? If only a few days speak to your dietician or surgeon see if they are happy for you to progress to pureed foods a little early.
  19. Hop_Scotch

    Hair loss finally reducing...yay

    A little over year since my VSG, hair loss started about three months later. I have noticed in the past week, that hair loss has substanitally reduced when showering/washing hair, woohoo! I have fine curly hair and while showering hair loss was about three to four times my usual, I don't think anyone noticed but my hairdresser and me, if anyone did notice they certainly didn't didn't mention it to me. Coming into Autumn soon, hair growth is likely to slow down again due to seaonal changes, but I don't expect that the loss rate will pick up again;
  20. Hop_Scotch


    What else are you eating? If nothing else or much else than 10gms of protein , I'd say that has a lot to do with your feeling hungry.
  21. Hop_Scotch


    Okay..it is possible that your stomach is producing too much acid for the little amount of food/liquid you are consuming. I had to take nexium for a month following my sleeve surgery. Maybe have a chat with your doctor or surgeon see if they recommend taking something in the short term to reduce stomach acid. If that is the issue hopefully it helps.
  22. Hop_Scotch


    You could be physically hungry but are you on anything to help reduce stomach acid? If not, stomach acid can make you feel like you are hungry.
  23. Hop_Scotch


    Your body is burning/using fat for energy.
  24. Hop_Scotch


    Only one person knows about my first WL procedure (assuming she hasn't told anyone), she'd had a lapband many years ago, so knows of weight loss struggles. I didn't tell anyone of my revision procedure, some people may suspect something but haven't directly asked. I chose to go the privacy route because essentially it isn't any one's else business, I didn't tell all and sundry when I went through very early menopause, why is WLS any different. For these reasons no one ignores my WLS or any struggles I may experience or may have experienced, put simply they don't know. I can't say I've ever felt ignored on bariatricpal, I may have had a post or two where nobody responsed, but that's fine if the post didn't or doesn't prompt someone to reply, it obviously doesn't/didn't gel with anyone, it is what it is. I do think profile status updates are more frequently not responded to vs forum posts, so if they are going unanswered better to post on the forums. Status updates aren't out in the public sphere in the same way our posts are, so generally quite a few probably go unanswered.
  25. Hop_Scotch

    Gastric sleeve and loss of taste

    How long ago was that? What does your surgeon say about it?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
