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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About DenaeH

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  • Birthday 12/23/1996

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  1. He does but I am only able to get in contact with his Aides and never him. It got so bad that I went to the ER again and they were finally able to give me an answer as to what was wrong with me. I still haven’t heard from my surgeon or seen my surgeon since all of this started to happen.
  2. I was sleeved this year on October 24th. The week after surgery I developed a UTI that turned into a kidney infection. After that, everything was fine up until recently (November 25). Since then I haven’t been able to keep any liquids down, I am very weak and fatigued all the time and I throw up water like it’s nothing. I haven’t had any luck getting in touch with my surgeon and my primary doctor is no help whatsoever. I went to the emergency room twice only for them to say they found nothing wrong the first time and they didn’t even check to see what was wrong a second time (They didn’t even put me on a bag of fluids for the dehydration the second time around). Has anyone experienced this? I’m taking the medication they’re telling me to take but nothing is working at this point! Can someone help me?!?!
  3. I didn’t have a bowel movement for at least a week but that was because I developed a really bad kidney infection and was scared to take anything beside me pain meds and my antibiotics. After that subsided, I started to take the milk of magnesia and started to feel like myself again.
  4. DenaeH

    Quick Question

    I had acid reflux before surgery. But afterwards, I haven’t had it at all. They have me on Omperazole for 1 year after surgery.
  5. DenaeH

    Quick Question

    I haven’t been able to get in contact with my surgeon, only my surgeon’s assistant. He said it was probably because they switched my diet over too soon but I haven’t been having problems with my diet so far. So I have no idea what it could be...
  6. DenaeH

    Quick Question

    I should also mention that I am also very fatigued and exhausted all of the time now and I can’t get comfortable anywhere. I’m only 20 so why am I feeling this way?
  7. Has anyone experienced this? Since Saturday (November 25th) I have been non-stop gagging but I haven’t been nauseous and have only vomited 4 times (once actual food and the other times was stomach acid). I don’t know what to do. I went to the ER and they said nothing was blocking anything and to be quite honest I HATE FEELING THIS WAY!! I haven’t been able to go to work or school since I started to feel this way and I’m just over it at this point! The ER prescribed me Zofran but it doesn’t help, drinking water has again become a hassle, and it feels like something is stuck in my throat but there is nothing there. Has anyone experienced this? I just need to feel like I am not alone at this point!!
  8. DenaeH

    Ginger Ale

    That’s the thing, we don’t know what’s causing my stomach ache or my constant need to gag and vomit. So I am in the emergency room trying to figure that out.
  9. Hey everyone, I just had a quick question, when you guys have a stomach ache do you guys drink flat ginger ale/ flat, diet ginger ale? I know, at least for me, ginger ale was my go to (before surgery) when I was feeling nauseous or had an upset stomach. Does it just depend on the person at this point? What other remedies do you guys use now for upset stomach or nausea? Oh and I am a little over a month out from surgery (October 24th was my surgery date).
  10. So up until a couple of days ago, I was able to eat my foods and drink my liquids without any issues. Now, I can’t drink or eat anything without the feeling to throw it all up. I am now doing this thing where I “fake” throw up which is just me constantly dry heaving and gagging for about 30 minutes straight. I am a little over a month out from surgery so I have no idea why this is happening now. Has anyone experienced this or is currently having this issue? Because I honestly do not know what to do!!
  11. DenaeH

    Esophageal spasms

    Are your spasms like hiccups? Because I have these these horrible hiccups and they get on my nerves! I honestly thought it was because I was was drinking too fast as well but then I noticed that I was getting them more frequently even when I am not drinking anything.
  12. I had the same problem only I was a week post-op. I ended up having a severe kidney infection from dehydration. But like someone else said I would call my doctor first thing in the morning or go to the emergency room.
  13. DenaeH

    I feel like crap...

    Thank you guys so much for sharing your feelings as well. I’m actually feeling a lot better and I’m glad I got the surgery. I am hitting a stall right now but I’m going to start working out again and hopefully that’ll push me out of it. I’m down 36 pounds from my high weight and i couldn’t be happier.
  14. I was sleeved on the 24th and my 2 week post-op appointment is this Wednesday. My surgery went fine but I was in a lot of pain, had no appetite, became dehydrated and developed a kidney infection (a rough 2 weeks I know). Now I still have a little bit of discomfort at my incision sites but other than that I’m doing a lot better. I’m so ready to be off liquids and actually have some food. My only problem is I dropped 13 pounds last week and the scale hasn’t moved since last week and I’m starting to worry. But everyone around me is telling me I look so much smaller than I did before so that is my NSV.

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