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    Tevibez_wls_ got a reaction from pinkey2018 in Feedback on having Duodenal Switch Surgery?   
    I just had surgery on the 23rd. Chapstick and phone charger is a plus. I just wore my same clothes out because you literally are wearing them for only like 5 mins....
    Sent from my SM-J700T using BariatricPal mobile app
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    Tevibez_wls_ got a reaction from Lufifi in December Sleevers??   
    I had surgery yesterday and everything went great! I'm up now trying to get in some of my fluids.

    Sent from my SM-J700T using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ reacted to andelw in Surgery pain   
    This thread was so nice to find! I've been so stressed about the pain I'm still having. It's beating me down and making it difficult to not regret my decision to have the surgery. I'm 8 days post op from RNY. I struggle to get up and sit down. It's difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. And I struggle with even wanting to get up and around to do anything because of the constant pulling pain.

    It's good to not feel alone and to know there is an end in sight.

    Sent from my SM-G930T using BariatricPal mobile app

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    Tevibez_wls_ got a reaction from Lufifi in December Sleevers??   
    I had surgery yesterday and everything went great! I'm up now trying to get in some of my fluids.

    Sent from my SM-J700T using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ got a reaction from Lufifi in December Sleevers??   
    I had surgery yesterday and everything went great! I'm up now trying to get in some of my fluids.

    Sent from my SM-J700T using BariatricPal mobile app

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    Tevibez_wls_ got a reaction from Lufifi in December Sleevers??   
    I had surgery yesterday and everything went great! I'm up now trying to get in some of my fluids.

    Sent from my SM-J700T using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ reacted to JavaKnut in Tomorrow Is The Big Day   
    Good luck! First few days suck on Clear Liquids and the pain - but it will pass and you will make it. Just make sure to keep up with your liquids - set a timer for every 15 mins to make sure you have your 1-2oz of liquids and you will be fine. Take advantage of the nursing staff, they are a wonderful resource and help while you are in the hospital. As others said - walk as soon as you can and walk often - it really does help. Even if you only walk half a hallway in 15 mins - just walk, or shuffle, or saunter - whichever suits you best.
  8. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ reacted to md73 in December Sleevers??   
    Thank you all for the words of encouragement. It's good to know that you're not the only one feeling like this is just some cruel joke to get to the surgery. lol I am sure it will get easier, just gotta get through these first few.
  9. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ got a reaction from md73 in December Sleevers??   
    I don't know what it was about day 3 but I was struggling so bad I couldn't sleep , cranky (tmi)...constipated from all the Protein Shakes. I was a wreck!!! Just know y'all are not alone and we can do this!! Today I'm on day 4 and things are looking a lot brighter.
    Sent from my SM-J700T using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ reacted to DropWt4Life in This liquid diet is killing me   
    If you are constantly getting some type of Protein in, and Fiber as well, you should not experience hunger. I made sure that every 2 hours or so, I was eating or drinking something. I never got hungry. Before cooking meals, I had a Protein Shake. I then would not be hungry when dinner or breakfast (on weekends) was ready.
    I did a 2 week liquid diet even though I only had to do 1 week. I lost 25 pounds during this time, because I was determined to make it work. My advice would be to get your mind right. This is for you, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You've just got to look for it. We've tried and failed at every diet we've ever tried our entire lives. This tool is worth the trouble and hardships, because it tips the balance in our favor.
    It may sound crazy, but self-talk works wonders. Everyday, wake up and look into the mirror. Tell yourself that you are beautiful...That you will work hard to achieve your goals that day.....That you are worth happiness.....That you are going to SUCCEED!
    It will happen for you. Good luck on your journey!!
  11. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ got a reaction from Briar in December Sleevers??   
    Hi everyone I was just confirmed with a date December 23rd! I'm also excited and scared....

    Sent from my SM-J700T using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ reacted to Atsu in December Sleevers??   
    Hello! I am new to this forum. My gastric sleeve surgery is scheduled for Dec 15th. I am on day one of the pre-op diet, and it is going as expected - I'm hungry lol.
    I am a revision from Lap Band. I lived with a Lap Band that had somehow migrated up to the bottom of my esophagus for a good 4 years. I basically had no pouch, and almost everything I ate got stuck. I had lost some weight initially, but it all came back as I ate whatever would go down instead of what was good for me. I had the Lap Band removed in June, and the weight came back on faster than ever. I now weight more than when I initially got the Lap Band.
    I'm ready to make the change. I'm older and wiser and tired of being tired. It's time to work.
  13. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ got a reaction from Briar in December Sleevers??   
    Hi everyone I was just confirmed with a date December 23rd! I'm also excited and scared....

    Sent from my SM-J700T using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ got a reaction from Briar in December Sleevers??   
    Hi everyone I was just confirmed with a date December 23rd! I'm also excited and scared....

    Sent from my SM-J700T using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ got a reaction from JavaKnut in Some pre and post surgery tips   
    Thanks for the info . I will be starting my liquid diet on the 16th. I will assure to keep these tips in mind.

    Sent from my SM-J700T using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ reacted to JavaKnut in Some pre and post surgery tips   
    Being that I am in my 3rd week post op from a sleeve with a DS, and into the mushy foods stage - I wanted to post a couple of things that I found to be very useful with pre-surgery and post.
    If you go on the liver reduction diet like I did pre-op, then do yourself a favor and go to the Vitamin store that sells your stuff well before your start date, and get the single serving samples of ALL of the BA shakes, and also buy one of each of the Snacks. My wife had me do this and it was a life saver! I found some of the "recommended" flavors were really not tolerable for me. I bought one big bag, and one medium tub of the BA shakes to get me through - and then added a couple single servings of the sweeter ones just to have a change of pace once I was on shakes only in my second week of the liver reduction.
    Another big help for me was that with the BA shakes, you need to drink them right after you shake them. If you let them sit, they swell a little and foam up, then get a really nasty texture. I found that if I shook them up, used super cold Water from our water cooler, then chugged them within a few minutes - they tasted fine. No problem at all. I ended up wishing that I bought the big bag of chocolate instead of vanilla.
    Post op, only being able to have 2oz at a time - using the BA shakes are near impossible because of how nasty they get after they sit a while. I use Premier Protein shakes - already mixed in the drinkable box. They taste great, have a nice variety, and you can get them at the big box retailers.
    Another piece of advice - when you are post op, as uncomfortable as it may be - get up and walk, and do it as much as you can. I can't believe how many people said they had no pain after surgery. They had me on morphine and I swear it did nothing for my pain. I did better with the oral pain med once I could take it. The first 3-4 days were pretty painful. I stopped my pain meds as soon as I could because I was getting stopped up from them. I would try to walk 2-3 times a day, and I should have done more. It really helps with the gas and recovery for sure!
    Post-surgery - change your meal times. My wife made me stay away from the table and meal times, and we also kept food talk, food shows, etc all to a minimum. I did notice that just sitting and talking about foods or watching them I was fine, or at least I thought so...but then I would still get a craving just to have something to chew on. Staying away from those situations and "triggers" is a real benefit. Now that I am on mushy foods, I have been able to sit with my family at meal time and at least have something for oral fixation and it makes all the difference. Don't get me wrong, I am not worried about slipping, but your gut can get excited and saliva build up - even though you may not have a craving. Just being away from those situations made it so much easier to get through liquid only times pre and post surgery.
    Anyone else have any tips or advice they can think of for those getting ready to go through this? I had a couple of friends that were able to advise me before I went through it. Not everyone is that fortunate so I wanted to share.
  17. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ reacted to ChaosUnlimited in QUESTION FOR MY FELLOW DS FAMILY (MYFITNESSPAL)   
    There are several reasons according to my nutritionist and the classes I took pre-surgery. High fat foods tend to also be high in calories, less nutritious, and may in some cases cause fatty stools and diarrhea. Since intake amount is limited you want what you do eat to be as nutritious as possible. Most people get about a year to a year and a half of rapid weight loss, and you want to maximize that loss while still maintaining muscle mass. Eventually weight loss slows down, and the body adjusts to it's new configuration. It is possible to gain weight back after surgery so this time of rapid loss should be used to learn and make a habit of eating for nutrition and fuel rather than for pleasure.
    Now with that said, I told my nutritionist that life just wouldn't be worth it if I thought I could never have some of my favorite things like pizza and a big fat cheeseburger on a bun. And her reply is that it's not that those things are completely forbidden, as an occasional treat it's fine. However, some people, once they indulge, have a hard time keeping those things to an occasional treat, and they slide back into old habits. I can totally understand the idea of trigger foods that make you crave more and more. So, I'm doing the best I can to change my habits for the better while I have the benefit of less hunger, less craving, and limited food intake so that later this lifestyle will be the new norm. I made a deal with myself: I can give up anything (food related) for a year while I focus on my health. It will still be there in a year if I want it, but maybe I won't.
    Sorry that turned out so long! Hope I made sense there. Here are a couple links to articles:

  18. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ reacted to dsdesigna in DS and Absorbing Zoloft   
    You will need to have your SSRI adjusted probably a few times as your absorption will be so much different you may consider liquid instead of pills for any medication you take now. You'll have better absorption.
  19. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ reacted to Vtoney91108 in Does anyone have problems with Absortion of SSRI with VSG and DS   
    Hello everyone! I had my original surgery RNY Dec 2009 which was a hard road when finding the right dose for my SSRI zoloft. We work it out but i felt like i lost my mind for a while. Now that I am having my revision VSG & DS Aug 9th 2017. My question is does anyone have or had problem with absorption of there SSRI like zoloft? The reason I am asking is my for the DS part of the surgery because Zoloft work by breaks down and absorbing in the intestine.
    I am very nervous about the UP coming surgery because of that factor. Any information would help!
    Thank you
    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ reacted to jessgnc in Relationships   
    I think a lot of the underlying relationship changes happen due to changes in self esteem. If you hated the body you were in, it's possible that you were in an unhappy relationship but didn't have the self confidence to leave it. When you lose the weight and feel better, you realize that settling and being miserable isn't the solution. Or you see that your partner isn't supportive and that is a major turn off and creates even bigger rifts in an unhealthy relationship.
    I think the same can be said for the opposite. If you have low self esteem and you're in a healthy relationship, losing weight can make everything even better. You have more physical interest in your partner, you feel supported by them and you're blown away by how they are there for you through the journey.

    As for friends...well, sometimes people are secretly terrible people who want everyone around them to be miserable too. In their defense though, haven't you ever seen someone successfully lose weight (or any other accomplishment), and get a little jealous? I hope I'm not alone there. You may be ecstatic for them, but at the same time, you may be thinking "that should have been me." To give these people the benefit of the doubt, maybe they blurted it out before they could censor themselves.
    Of course, if this happens more than once, the excuse falls apart!

  21. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ reacted to FluffyChix in Eating is a chore   
    Wish I could take credit for this bright idea. But the vets here do it and so I've experimented so that I know what to do when the time finally comes! They taste great. I especially love the grapefruit Syntrax Nectar and the bomb pops.
  22. Like
    Tevibez_wls_ reacted to FluffyChix in Eating is a chore   
    Yes, this is true...but try making popsicles out of Premier Protein. I love making bomb pops with 1/2 bananas and cream and 1/2 chocolate. That way, you change up the texture, you change up the delivery system. And, you can make them the size that is perfect for you. Need a 2oz pop? No prob. Can handle a 3oz pop--cool! Also make protein popsicles out of Clear Protein Shakes. I love the frozen grapefruit and also lemon tea and fuzzy navel from Syntrax Nectar.

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