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About StephersSweet

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 02/23/1991

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About Me

  • Biography
    Just a fat girl looking forward to changing the rest of her life.
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  • Interests
    Photography, Reading, Anime, Manga, Netflix binging lol
  • Occupation
    Call Center Representative
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  1. StephersSweet

    Fitness Trainers and WLS

    Thanks again for all the advice guys. I never did go see that personal trainer lol. Decided they would probably be too judgey.
  2. I want to learn how to scuba dive and go swimming with sharks!
  3. StephersSweet

    Fitness Trainers and WLS

    I want to make it clear that I came to this decision knowing full well that no matter what there's going to be loose skin, I had just heard that body toning exercises can help. I'm seeing the trainer either way because I want a work out plan that works well for me, I probably won't tell him about the WLS and I'll probably only go until my surgery and then use what I've learned at my own gym by myself.
  4. StephersSweet

    Hit me with your best dad jokes

    DYING!!!! I laughed so loud at my desk.
  5. StephersSweet

    Am I the only one who gets annoyed by the question Why?

    If she's anything like my supervisor she'll be a chatty cathy and the whole office will already know. One thing I love about my supervisor is how supportive she's been which is another reason I don't mind that she told other people because now upper management knows and they can't punish me for taking excessive time off for all of these pre op appointments. Also she wants to be my personal cheerleader and work out buddy so that's pretty cool.
  6. StephersSweet

    Fitness Trainers and WLS

    Well that's sorely disappointing, I was told by other people that body sculpting would at least help reduce the amount of skin.
  7. StephersSweet

    Fitness Trainers and WLS

    So I'm starting to see a Fitness trainer tomorrow, and I'm wondering if anyone out there has also gone through a personal trainer during their journey. I'm not sure if I should tell them that I'm getting WLS, I already get talked down by other people who think I'm taking the easy way out but I really want to get a clear work out plan for post op body sculpting to lower the chances of lose skin. My insurance is covering the surgery but they will not cover anything they deem cosmetic. So I'm just wondering what everyones take on having a trainer has been.
  8. StephersSweet

    Am I the only one who gets annoyed by the question Why?

    Popcorn is one of my all time favorite snacks. I found out that even the light options have palm oil in them which is carcinogenic and gave it up completely. I miss popcorn though.
  9. StephersSweet

    Day 3 on this pre-op diet

    OH you guys mean the pre op diet directly before the surgery, I think we have to fast the day before, but other than that yeah we're on what my best friend calls a starvation diet. lol
  10. StephersSweet

    Day 3 on this pre-op diet

    My headaches stopped about day 5, I'm on day 16 of the pre op diet, it's intense. I'm not sure if you all are on the same diet I'm on. I'm not allowed to have protein/meal replacement shakes until post surgery during the liquid diet. The biggest thing that I've had to get used to is meal prepping. I meal prep like 4 chicken breast that I cut into strips every Sunday and portion them out for the 9oz of protein I'm allowed a day, it's obnoxious but I've already lost the 5% of my body weight so I would say it's working. You too will get passed the headaches!
  11. So I'm still in the beginning of my process. I attended the seminar in June, took the summer to REALLY think about it and then the last week in august I started the journey officially. I had the nutrition seminar on September 11th, the physical on the 19th, Ultrasound yesterday, psych eval is scheduled for late October, nutrition 1:1 is scheduled on October 10th, Sleep study in early November. I'm only required to have 2 1:1 nutrition appointments, and I need to lose 5% of my body weight which I've already accomplished. So far everyone I've met at my appointments have been amazing, not a single person has treated me how I expected, I had this fear in the back of my mind that this was going to be like fat camp where all the fit counselors are only interested in judging you for making bad life decisions. I can not recommend this hospital enough if you're in Rochester and are thinking about getting bariatric surgery!!! I'll post a reply on this once I have my 1:1 with Dr Johnson with a review about him!
  12. StephersSweet

    Hit me with your best dad jokes

    How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it. What kind of magic do cows believe in? MOODOO
  13. StephersSweet

    Getting out of the dreaded Friend Zone

    EXACTLY!!! Thank you for what you've written, this is why I've come to love this site!
  14. StephersSweet

    Am I the only one who gets annoyed by the question Why?

    I don't think it's that serious yet, I want to be open about my surgery and that way I can be a success, I want people to know that this is a tool to help you with your life if your in the same situation. I don't mind that it came out in the office, it's about a 75%-25% positive to negative feedback from the people in the office who found out. To the negative 25% I'm sure they have their reasons but I can't wait to see their faces as I slowly turn into a skinny human lol
  15. StephersSweet

    Getting out of the dreaded Friend Zone

    @outsidematchinside That's sad to think about, but I'm sure your right.

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