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LAP-BAND Patients
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About jewels41

  • Rank
    Guru in Training
  • Birthday 07/13/1967

About Me

  • Biography
    newly banded !!
  • Interests
    bike riding,pogo, reading
  • Occupation
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  1. Happy 46th Birthday jewels41!

  2. Happy 45th Birthday jewels41!

  3. I am still losing weight.. i was banded 2 years ago.. and I have 35 more lbs to go ..

  4. Who wants to do the 90 day challenge with me? message me for more information

  5. Who wants to do the 90 day challenge with me? message me for more information

  6. Who wants to do the 90 day challenge with me? message me for more information

  7. does anyone want to try a new protein shake.. it tastes so good.. all the other stuff I've had is not that great..

  8. does anyone want to try a new protein shake.. it tastes so good.. all the other stuff I've had is not that great..

  9. hi i too was banded over 2 years ago. I now started body by vi protein shakes.. they are super good. some of our protein drinks were super grainy this is not.so check it out... i love it
  10. buy the gas x strips.. they work the best
  11. hi everyone!! I have a new protein shake that tastes like cake... :) message me for more info

  12. hi everyone, I was banded in 2009 and Im doing ok, still have weight to lose and have struggled this has been a tough journey for me. I found a new product called body by vi that I am now promoting. please message me if you want more info.. this stuff tastes so good and it really helps... there are alot of nasty protein powders and this stuff is so so good.. :)

  13. hi everyone, I was banded in 2009 and Im doing ok, still have weight to lose and have struggled this has been a tough journey for me. I found a new product called body by vi that I am now promoting. please message me if you want more info.. this stuff tastes so good and it really helps... there are alot of nasty protein powders and this stuff is so so good.. :)

  14. hi everyone, I was banded in 2009 and Im doing ok, still have weight to lose and have struggled this has been a tough journey for me. I found a new product called body by vi that I am now promoting. please message me if you want more info.. this stuff tastes so good and it really helps... there are alot of nasty protein powders and this stuff is so so good.. :)

  15. Hi Jewels41,

    I am in Bayfield for the summer and really need an UN-fill. Where do you get your adjustments?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
