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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by LaLaDee

  1. I'm three years out and prior to surgery, I had a BMI of 50. My surgeon recommended the sleeve because I was still young-ish then, e.g. early 30s and nutrient absorption is pretty important. My surgeon felt that the calcium/vitamin D malabsorption may lead to bone density issues later on in life (and after obesity, people generally don't have great bone density and are prone to fractures). Most of bariatric surgery is relatively new, so there aren't a ton of long term studies, so my surgeon is just guessing. And most people on the bypass seem to be pretty good about taking their Vitamins (which is something you should do with the sleeve anyway).

    A couple of months after my sleeve I was diagnosed with a range of painful, chronic autoimmune diseases and I'm very thankful that I went with the sleeve because of the issues with drug absorption with the bypass (I have to take a ton of oral medications). Of course, I did not deal with GERD, which means that the bypass is right for many people.

    With the sleeve, I was able to take my BMI from 50 to 25. Due to aforementioned illnesses and medications, I did deal with some regain, which I am slowly working on. At the moment, my BMI is about 29. I have never felt like the sleeve wouldn't be enough to help me achieve success.

    All that to say, you can definitely have success with the sleeve or the bypass. As commented by others, a lot of it is going to come down to what your level of commitment, and your ability to change your lifestyle and deal with psychological issues. And you have to educate yourself. You can't drink a diet of only Protein Shakes forever. At some point, you have to learn how to eat real food in the real world, go to work, socialise and interact with food, people and life. If you haven't dealt with your "issues", you will have regain with either surgery.

    It can be a tough decision, but I honestly feel that you can find success with either surgery.

  2. I love this thread!! I'm in Australia and some of these products are from Australia or New Zealand, but I don't want to miss out on the fun. Besides, the American supermarkets seem to have a version of everything so most of you can probably find something similar.

    1. Dark roasted Peanut Butter - I eat this with apple or banana, on top of my oats, in my smoothies. As a rare treat, I will sometimes have this on gluten free toast too.


    2. Kombucha - passionfruit flavour. I gave up Diet Coke (had a die hard addition but I think the sugar substitutes were making me crave real sugar) and high calorie juices. When I don't feel like Water, I'll have this. It's delicious, I don't know if it actually does anything in terms of Probiotics for the microbiome, but I like the taste.


    3. Taco spice from costco. I buy these giant bottles of taco spice and throw it into beef mince or with chicken (I love a Mexican salad, taco Soup, or bowl of chilli carne carne). This actually lasts in my pantry, unlike those little sachets.


    4. Halo top. Any kind - but peanut butter is my favourite. Lately, I've been buying the sticks as I can easily eat a whole tub (which is 280 calories). This is perfect when I want dessert (e.g. most nights).


    5. Caramel collagen Creamer - I'm pretty sure this is available in the US, or will be soon. I think they have a dairy and non-dairy version, but I usually grab the regular kind. My skin, nails and hair look so much better when I'm doing collagen - it's a little miracle. I love the taste of this one, I stir it into smoothies, iced coffee and even my oats every morning to add Protein.


  3. My surgery was three years ago, but it was a total roller coaster before and after emotionally. I don't regret it all, but it was really hard psychologically to deal with. It's pretty normal to feel scared/anxious before surgery. Some people seem just excited, but I was freaking out and feeling sad that I was left at the "last resort".

    The best advice is to be kind to yourself. Distract yourself with whatever will help you, reading, movies, talking to friends, prayer, meditation, sleep, journalling. Whatever works for you.

    Good luck!

  4. I don't think you have anything to lose by continuing to lose weight without revision surgery. It's definitely not impossible, people lose large amounts of weight without any surgery - and you already have the sleeve. Surgery isn't a magic bullet and either way, you're going to need to put in the work around nutrition and exercise. Is there any concern that your sleeve has lost all of its restriction?

    Honestly, it sounds like you are doing really well - you're already a third of the way back to where you want to be. How long did it take you to lose the 40 lbs? If you are still struggling in 6-12 months, you can always reassess and consider revision again. But given how well you are doing, there's no harm in continuing your weight loss journey without the expense and pain of another surgery - particularly when you have young kids to look after.

    That's just my two cents (from a random person on the internet). Do whatever is right for you! Wishing you all the best either way! xx

  5. I went back in June - only to classes though, I'm too scared to use machines and weights. In the past fortnight, we're having way more outbreaks in Australia so I just put my membership on pause again. We have had about 250 COVID related deaths in Australia all together, but I'm on a lot of immune suppressing medications, otherwise I probably wouldn't be so cautious.

  6. 12 hours ago, summerset said:
    On 6/26/2020 at 4:09 AM, wallak said:

    I need any ideas/tips that anyone can offer. Someone that has gone though a weight gain of 40 lbs and got it back off.

    I reached my "happy weight" about a year post op. Then I gained 50 lbs or so over six months and stayed that weight for a solid year. I figured that was my new "set point" and I basically gave up. However, back in February, I was pretty miserable. I ended up going on a new medication (e.g. antidepressant). The pandemic hit as I was adjusting to the new medication. I don't know if it was the medication or everything going on in the world, but I just felt a new sense of focus to deal with the regain around May (my Birthday). I lost about 20 lbs since May (rewarding myself with an arm lift). I know there's still work to do, but whether or not I lose the rest of the weight, I'm trying to deal with my problems without eating.

    To lose my regain, I had to go back to basics. High Protein, tracking calories on my fitness pal, walking every morning and classes at the gym (once it reopened). As wacky as it sounds, the less I eat, the more I feel my restriction again. Don't get me wrong, it's not like the early months following the op, but I feel "full" when I'm eating healthy Proteins. I just need to avoid my trigger food (chocolate and ice cream) which slide down so easily.

    My other tip is just about adjusting your mindset - which is very hard to do right now. I'm trying to stay positive. Look on the bright side of life - which is challenging because I'm a pretty anxious, negative person generally and there are a lot of terrible things happening. I just keep thinking about my blessings. And I'm so proud of what I have achieved losing 20 lbs in 2-3 months, I'm lucky enough to still have my job. If I do get COVID, I'm much healthier than I was 3 years ago.

    Finally, I really try and keep a healthy routine and avoid the bad habits I fell into. I try and get enough sleep. Drag myself out to exercise. Healthy Breakfast every day. These little routines and rituals seem to help me.

    Good luck! I know you can do it.

  7. 6 minutes ago, ms.sss said:

    I consider/considered myself to have thick legs as well (even when I was not obese).

    First pic is just before WLS, second pic is more or less at goal weight. Last pic is after a Tummy Tuck.

    The weight loss did make my legs smaller overall, but I still have thicker than “normal” calves for my size (which I always had, anyway) as well as some skin-drapiness in the upper thighs.

    The Tummy Tuck, however, had an unexpected side benefit of smoothing my thighs out some as they yanked the skin upwards.

    If you are younger and have good genes, you will likely fare much better.

    You look amazing! Congrats!

    I still have a tummy tuck and breast lift on my "plastics - to do" list. I would love it if the TT helped out with my legs too. I'm not bothered enough to get a leg lift because no one actually sees my upper thighs ever.

  8. I live in Australia, and I haven't been able to get my hands on the legendary premier shakes. The ones that are commercially available here don't taste good to me and I've tried a lot over the last three years. I can tolerate them but I tend to make my own with chocolate Protein powder (or unflavoured and cocoa powder), Peanut Butter, frozen banana, honey ice and skim milk. I don't mind making them, I feel like some fancy YouTuber. Otherwise, I'm one of those people who goes to some cafe and pays ridiculous amounts of money for them (as long as the ingredients look pretty clean). Well, back in the days where I actually got to leave the house and go to work.... sigh.

  9. Just now, catwoman7 said:

    yes - I was told to ramp it up the week before and for several weeks after...

    Interesting! I'm going to make a big Protein Shake now. My plastic surgeon is great and I'm very happy with him but no one mentioned this to me!

    I also found an article that suggested drinking wine in the 2-3 weeks following surgery as a diuretic for swelling! I find this hilarious for some reason. A good excuse to hang out in my compression garments and sip wine! 😂

  10. 12 hours ago, Sophie7713 said:

    Oh LaLaDee! Congratulations. How exciting. I'm so glad everything went famously and right on schedule. This is good news. I can already tell you will have beautiful svelte arms to wear any summer dress you desire when warm weather arrives in your parts. You have so much to look forward too... Happy healing, and a continued good week giving yourself lots of TLC. Posies + hugs.


    Thanks @Sophie7713

    I really appreciated what you said about not letting the anxiety take the joy out of this amazing opportunity. I have not worn anything sleeveless since I was a teenager!! I can’t wait!!! 😊

  11. I’m three years out. One out of my two parents know and two out of my four siblings. I had to lie (or at least make a lot of omissions) around the time of surgery, but less so now. Your waiter might ask if you didn’t like the food, because you didn’t eat much. Your hairdresser might notice your thinning hair. Your friends will notice you eat far less. Everyone in your life will notice the weight loss. It comes up a lot in the first year. I don’t feel bad about the range of lies I told. Mostly I was just vague.

    You do you. Whatever works for you. Some people need support and encouragement from their loved ones and colleagues and the world at large through Instagram, others feel more private and don’t want to deal with questions. It might depend on whether you know anyone else who has been through it or if it’s something your friends and colleagues would have no idea how to relate to. I talk about it with my therapists and doctors. I’m not ashamed, I made peace with the fact that I had to get to the “last resort” of surgery but it’s better for my mental health to not feel like everyone knows. For other people, it’s really exciting to share and open up. I don’t believe there’s a “correct way” to decide how you will do this. Just options and choices.

  12. 5 hours ago, ChubRub said:

    One year after hitting goal, not one year from surgery. You may not feel it right now, but you have great skin, and it may surprise you!! Good luck!!

    Agree - I lost a lot of weight twice in my twenties and my skin bounced back pretty well both times. However when I lost weight following VSG in my thirties - it was a very different story so I'm on a plastics journey now. If you're only 18, I would wait and see. You might be surprised. I actually did find the skin tightening creams - as well as time - to be pretty helpful too.

  13. Another quick update because it's been 5 days since my extended brachioplasty. I saw the surgeon and nurse today for my follow up appointment. The bandages are off and the drains are out! I'm allowed to shower again! I feel like a new woman! YAY!!! I haven't taken any pain killers at all today. Things are a bit itchy, my skin has small rashes from where the compression bandages are (this is just my pale sensitive skin doing its thing), so I'm supposed to use body lotion - except on the incisions. I also got a new compression garment. I'm tempted to order another one on Amazon so that I don't have to frantically wash it all the time, but we'll see. My surgeon's clinic also gave me a cute gift bag with a nice note, products and some fancy chocolate.

    Feeling so happy and thankful. Hope everyone else is doing well!

  14. I thought I would share more about my Brachioplasty. I know that I scoured these forums and reddit trying to get info and advice before hand, so it only seemed fair to share my story too. I had the surgery a few days ago. Despite concerns around scarring, nerve damage and the surgery triggering an autoimmune response (I dealt with a ton of horrible illnesses after my VSG), I decided to go through with it. My first consultation was July 7th and I had the surgery on the 23rd of July when a slot became available (probably due to a cancellation from the pandemic). I felt like the universe was giving me a nudge and I had to take it!!

    While I'm only a few days post op, I'm so thankful that it went well. Minimal pain (particularly compared to my VSG). I was so relieved that I could still move my arms a bit, I was concerned I wouldn't even be able to feed myself! I can't lift anything heavy, but I could drink from a glass of Water after the surgery.

    I actually ended up staying the night in hospital. I could have gone home, but the general made me pretty groggy so the nurse suggested I stay. My family was quite relieved as my VSG was quite tough on my body - my blood pressure wouldn't go down and then my body freaked out with a range of autoimmune disorders from the shock a week or two later.

    While the drains are pretty gross, it's manageable. I've been able to sleep really well in my bed (I read about people having to sleep upright in a chair but I didn't have to do this). There also hasn't been any horror movie style blood on my sheets (OK, a few small spots through my PJs). My hands are a bit less swollen today so that's exciting. It really feels like I'm already on the mend and it's only been a few days.

    I'm looking forward to getting the drains out in the next few days. I can't wait to walk the dogs again. I know that I've got a lot of work ahead in terms of scar management, but I'm hopeful that they won't be so noticeable with time.

    I've been so busy the last few years, that it's felt weird to just lie in bed and watch Netflix. Even with the quarantine, I was working crazy hours from home. Never just relaxing. Then I started a series of projects at home. I went through my closet, organised the pantry, took longer walks, did craft, cooked and baked etc, helped a friend with her studies, etc. There's always somewhere to be, something to do. After a few days, I'm starting to enjoy this forced rest and relaxation. I don't need to be busy all the time, I can be still.

    I'm so thankful that I found a surgeon and anaesthetist who took such great care of me. Even though, I have (diagnosed) anxiety, I was able to get through it all because they kindly answered all my questions.

    My key learnings from surgery:

    • Keep the old button up PJs and zip up hoodies when they get too big for you as you lose weight. They might come in handy for plastics - they're easy to put on and fit loosely around drains and swelling.
    • Have a surgery plan (people to take you to hospital, meals in the freezer, someone to care for pets, children, plants).
    • Have lozenges on hand (my throat still hurts from the surgery), lip balm, a good book, pack light for the hospital (someone else will have to carry your bag).
    • Find the right surgeon, go to multiple consultations. Make a list of questions. Call them up with more questions.
    • Keep up hydration and walking after surgery.

    Hope everyone is doing well at the moment! Much love to my bariatric pals. Other than some of my family, I don't share that I had the sleeve and plastics. Sometimes I feel really weird about my "secret life" that I keep from everyone, but that's what makes me comfortable. Here with you wonderful people, I feel less lonely. I'm one of the many vets who dropped off a bit. You start living life and it gets busy! However, right at the time in my life, I'm happy to be in this community with such supportive, lovely ladies (some of the guys here are OK too).

    Anyway, wow - that felt like an essay. Whew! Some pics below in case anyone is interested.



  15. 8 hours ago, Sophie7713 said:

    Congratulations for moving forward with determination and resolve! You've GOT this, and like you said - you do not have to contemplate it for months. This new opportunity and acceleration may just be a blessing in disguise? So happy and excited for you. I meet with my surgeon this Monday about arm lifts. She did an excellent job with breast + tummy lifts in January - I feel incomplete with very saggy, heavy and troublesome arms. They really weigh me down now. Keep us posted. What day next week?

    Thanks. It's happening on Thursday! I'm so glad you breast/tummy work went well. How long was your recovery? I'm doing arms first. Then in the future, breasts and tummy would be great.

    I'll try and keep you posted. I should some before and after pics.

    I'm really going between anxiety and excitement at the moment... Also scared that they will stop elective surgeries again because of COVID-19. Now, I just want it over with!

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