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CJ Sunshine

Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by CJ Sunshine

  1. Ah...my doctor has Stage 1 clear; Stage 2; full liquids; Stage 3 thin purees; Stage 4 thick purees; and finally Stage 5 solid food! LOL They all are so different. I also see you are a sleeve and I'm having modified DS...so maybe that's part of why they differentiate. Anyway, it looks like a great recipe that I will try after a few weeks! Thanks.
  2. so this soup counts as a full liquid and not a thin puree? My surgery is scheduled for next week and I'm trying to understand this. Thanks!
  3. CJ Sunshine

    Should I be concerned? Incisions...

    Agreed! Soaking was a brilliant suggestion!
  4. CJ Sunshine

    Should I be concerned? Incisions...

    Glad you called and glad they are not worried! Ouch to the toothbrush...be gentle!! Hope it heals up soon.
  5. I'm so sorry for your loss, but so encouraged to hear that you were able to cope without turning to food. My greatest fear is that I'm going to go through all of this only to end up back here...and that's why I am so actively trying to find healthier ways to process my emotions. I truly do believe your words.
  6. CJ Sunshine

    It's Coming Off! 😃😃😃

    that's great news! congratulations
  7. CJ Sunshine

    Should I be concerned? Incisions...

    An incision still opening one month out, that sounds like something you should run by your doctor and not us lay people.
  8. CJ Sunshine

    I'm new

    Welcome and good luck!! I'll be right behind you with surgery next week on the 14th.
  9. Genetic pre-disposition, childhood trauma and using food to cope, compounded by a thyroid disorder.
  10. CJ Sunshine

    Children's Stares

    Thank you!
  11. Yesterday, I was getting on a boat, for a lovely day out with my wife, when I noticed a little girl kept looking back at me and staring. I braced myself for the innocent comment from a small child that is not intended to hurt, but does nevertheless. Thankfully, she didn't say anything...but she didn't have to..the damage was done. I was once again very conscious of my size. A few weeks back it happened at the gym when a young girl (maybe 4 y.o.) was staring at my legs...I knew it was coming and sure enough, she then commented to her mom about how big my legs are. (I'm still pre-op)...I very politely told the little girl that she hurt my feelings and it wasn't nice to point out how I'm different. She cried and her mom apologized and thanked me for being willing to teach her child (thank god she didn't get angry). The little girl apologized and I told her I forgave her and it was okay. I really do get it. They don't often see women with my body shape...so I don't really fault the children...they are just trying to understand something that is very different. But damn it hurts every time... I look forward to the day when I'm just normal fat..I don't even care about thin...I just want to be small enough that children don't make me want to cry anymore.
  12. CJ Sunshine

    Children's Stares

    Well, I met the new therapist and Third time IS a charm! I loved this therapist!! Looking forward to working with her!
  13. CJ Sunshine

    Children's Stares

    The first two I was very interested in making sure they had experience working with bariatric patients. Reportedly, they did. So I didn't even ask the one I'm seeing tonight. I decided compassion, kindness and intelligence were the most important qualities I wanted. But I think I will ask about her experience, if any, working with bariatric patients.
  14. CJ Sunshine

    Children's Stares

    I agree...but I'd take this even further...why is it anyone's business what any of us, thin or fat, puts into our bodies? Why do people think it's okay to judge it? and even worse, comment on it! We all make our choices....and face our own consequences. I don't tell my thin friend who smokes that she should stop. I'm pretty sure she knows smoking is bad for her. Just like I know I'm overweight without anyone pointing it out for me.
  15. CJ Sunshine

    Children's Stares

    One of the things I truly admire about my father is how little he cares for anyone else's opinions. Unfortunately, when it comes to all things weight related, I'm more like my mom...who can be sensitive. I could use to emulate this characteristic in my father on this front...but how to do that, I'm still trying to figure out. I agree that this would be a good topic for therapy! I'm actually actively searching for a therapist now. I've worked with two great therapists who helped me work through some things in the past. One is retiring and the other cannot fit me in her schedule right now. And so I've met with two therapists so far. Both were not good. In fact, both were really bad. The first was a psychologist recommended by the psychologist in my bariatric group (he sees people privately, but does not participate in my insurance). The woman was awful...she may be a brilliant author on the field of food addiction (why I think he recommended her), but she should not have contact with living, breathing subjects. She was condescending, patronizing and judgmental. She made no attempt to get to know me, but instead started telling me how people who have weight loss surgery frequently become alcoholics, gamblers, shopaholics or divorced...I wrote to the guy who recommended her, just so he knew not to send people to her. Honestly, if I didn't have strong self esteem this woman would have done me some serious harm. The second therapist I met seemed better at first, although I was not comfortable with her at home office. I had to walk down a steep driveway, past her knocked over garbage cans, into her backyard, to enter into a basement office. When I left my first appointment with her, I was trying to overlook her rather slovenly ways, trying not to judge and be open minded and so I went back for a second time. On this visit, as I entered the backyard, she popped out of the office and said to me, "I'm sorry. I screwed up. Can you just give me a few minutes." So I sat in her backyard, looking at garbage strewn in her yard, thinking, "what am I doing here?" I was considering leaving, when 15 minutes later she finished with her other client. So I went in. about 1/2 an hour into my session, someone else is coming into the backyard. She commented, "They're early." So out she pops and asks them to wait. When she comes back into the office, there is only a screen door between us and the couple outside. She expected me to continue and I said, "They're right there." So she got up and closed the sliding glass door. I tried to soldier on, but then I could see her looking over my shoulder...the woman outside was pacing behind me! As I left, I heard the woman say to her, "We had a 4:45." as the therapist responded, "I had you down at 5:00." Now, come on...she was off 15 minutes on my appointment...she had messed up theirs too! It was all so unprofessional and uncomfortable. The thing that bothered me most, however, was that she wouldn't have made any attempt to protect my privacy if I hadn't said something. I thought as I left, "This woman is a mess. I'm not this big a mess. I don't need what she has to offer." Thank god, I've had good therapists in the past, or I think I'd be done with therapy after these two! But I'm still looking and I have an appointment to see someone else tonight. Fingers crossed that third time's a charm!
  16. CJ Sunshine

    Coolief radiofrequency ablation

    You should look into Coolief. I'm a week out from the procedure and I would say I have had a 50% reduction in pain...and it may continue to improve for another 2 weeks before the full effect takes place. Cortisone did not work for me.
  17. So one of the concerns my surgeon expressed was the importance of getting up and walking after the surgery. I have severe knee arthritis in both knees. So yesterday I had radiofrequency ablation of one knee...it will take one to two weeks to take full effect...it's a kind of nerve block that hopefully will decrease the pain in my knee. Planning to do the other one after I recover from surgery, but hopefully if the worse knee is less painful, I'll be able to walk enough after surgery. Fingers crossed!!
  18. CJ Sunshine

    Possible UTI?!!

    Happy to report that retesting showed no issues and I am cleared for my surgery in two weeks!!
  19. CJ Sunshine

    Children's Stares

    Not yet. Surgery scheduled for 9/14. Thank you for this though...very appreciated.
  20. CJ Sunshine

    insurance denial

    This is EXCELLENT advice. You never know what policy changes may come. Some people's policies expressly exclude WLS. Besides, you may not feel as motivated then as you do now.
  21. Oh, I hope I can drink them cold after my surgery...I think they taste so much better with ice!
  22. That's what I want! Thank you for sharing that it is possible!
  23. CJ Sunshine

    Pre traject

    By the time I met my surgeon on June 29, I already had completed my insurance requirement for 6 months of medically supervised weight loss with my PCP. I met with the nutritionist and hospital psychologist a week later. My insurance approved the surgery about a week and a half after that and I'm scheduled for surgery 9/14.
  24. CJ Sunshine

    insurance denial

    I was lucky enough to be approved first application, no problems. I've read a lot of people had to appeal once or even twice before they were approved.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
