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Everything posted by Apple203

  1. Apple203

    It's already started.

    @BarbieVSG14 I agree with everything in your post!! BUT, the reality is that bariatric surgery is correlated with divorce, and, sadly, it may be worse for people who are not married. I'm 27 years married, and am blessed with a guy who loves my "diets" because he always loses weight. And he's ready to stop drinking alcohol, so that helps, too. I can only assume its awful for couples when they arent in the same place mentally. It would be like be married to someone who voted for Trump! <<haha
  2. Apple203

    Regretting my surgery.

    Rayelen, I'd take it a step further and say I think everyone should be in therapy -- so worthwhile.
  3. @apu My husband is 6'1", 185 pounds, 34 inch waist (interestingly). Its actually a good weight for him, tho he was 10 pounds lighter in his thirties and forties (53 now), My 6'1" 22 YO son is 200 pounds, 33 inch waist and muscular -- great shape, visible abs. Just two more data points for you.
  4. Apple203

    Ring Size

    I have to add, I never even considered this aspect of weight loss. Would hate to lose a ring (bummer, Sylvia).
  5. Apple203

    Feeling anxious

    When I feel like I'm approaching a panic attack, I count backwards by increasing #s -- 100 (-1) 99 (-2) 97 (-3), et cetera -- works for me.
  6. Apple203

    Feeling anxious

    @Lauren_jos19 You should consider asking your surgeon or PCP for a small prescription of an anti-anxiety med like Ativan or Xanax -- the night before big procedures is the worst for people with anxiety issues (I know firsthand!), and this is usually OK'd by surgeon.
  7. I thought I was the only one who has trouble actually losing weight (much less keeping it off). It seems like everyone else can lose 80+ pounds but gain it back. I've never gotten beyond 25-30 lbs. Are we destined to be the "slow losers"? For the record, I'm happy to be a slow loser, so long as I lose and keep it off!!!
  8. So, what health issues are you facing? For "just" weight loss, it is a humongous commitment, I realize that "just" is pretty judgemental -- I totally get that. I am your weight at 53, and that weight has earned me many comordities: high BP and cholesterol, sleep apnea, GERD, terrible cardiac conditioning. Excess weight is a huge bane.
  9. Apple203

    What's your beauty secret?

    Live in a humid climate -- stay away from Pheonix, Vegas, etc. Seriously!! :-)
  10. You are practically me, but 20 years younger. My experience is that things don't get better as you get older -- at all. Odds are, your co-morbidities will grow to include BP and high CHL With extra weight, add cancers related to estrogen. Etcetera. I would do the surgery, but I am not you -- the decision is intensely personal. I wish you all the best.
  11. Hang in there -- I am watching your posts to see how it goes!!
  12. I cant address the size issues, but I can tell you that my very attractive, naturally thin (size 2? 4?) SIL has similarly bad experiences on dating websites. WP had some articles recently about the online dating scene and ages -- men apparently are looking for women far younger than themselves.
  13. Apple203

    Bruce Stress Test - Fail

    Bummer -- but you are taking serious actions now to rectify the situation. So now your mission is to build stamina for the next test. I passed mine today and the cardiologist peered at me over her glasses and said "you are fit for surgery, but you are far from fit" -- or words to that effect. Yikes. I felt properly scolded.
  14. Apple203

    Feeling too good?

    Great read -- I think the post above about prep may be a factor for y'all. Or just damn good luck :-)
  15. Pre-ops DONE!  DONE!  DONE!   Appointment with surgeon in a week -- he all but said he'd submit me for insurance approval at this point, even without 6 months of classes under my belt.  If I ruled the world (haha), I'd have surgery on 12/18 and take two weeks of leave over the holidays -- with nobody in the office the wiser.  We shall see. :-)

    1. Berry78


      It would be so awesome if y'all end up surgibuds! I have 3 wonderful ones myself. So nice bouncing ideas off someone that is at the same stage..

    2. Jenna1896


      YAY !! I only have an EGD left in 2 weeks, then I'm done. :)

    3. Hopep4673


      Sounds like we will all be close together...

    4. Show next comments  120 more
  16. I am happy to read the positive reviews -- I am doing the overnight study to set the pressure (?) on Sunday.
  17. Apple203

    What happened?

    I think this is insightful.
  18. Apple203

    Pre Op Diet

    Best wishes! Exciting!
  19. Have you tried the new Medtronic pump? Most automated one yet. My son got one a few months ago and it is pretty awesome.
  20. Hi dengle, It seems that insurance companies have standard pre-reqs that you will need to meet, all of which cost $$. Here's the list I had to address: lab work 6 monthly of dietician appts upper endoscopy cardiac eval (if you are over 50) -- stress + echo psychological consult radiology exams (chest xray, ab ultrasound, upper GI) sleep study Its an intimidating list, no doubt people on the surgery fence won't go the distance. And you find stuff thats wrong with you in the process, which isn't fun, LOL. For instance, now I know I have a hietal hernia, GERD and sleep apnea! I got coverage information in writing from insurance company upfront. Edited to add -- we have tons of men in the group nutrition classes, so maybe the one you did was an anomaly?
  21. Apple203

    I signed up for a Thanksgiving 5K!

    Very cool!
  22. Apple203

    PCP discouragement

    Exactly, on the "been there, done that". Also, I don't think you have to have the support of your PCP, but maybe it depends on your insurance.
  23. Apple203

    PCP discouragement

    My PCP (great doc) recommended it to me -- it took me a while to take her seriously and do some research, and then I "got" it. Surgery risks are relatively low, and surgical outcomes are relatively high (BP, cholesterol, sleep apnea, GERD, estrogen-related cancers, aching hips/knees). There's no guarantees, but heck, this is worth the risks that surgery carries for me. I wish you all the best with your PCP. I would go to Mexico if I had to self-pay, too.

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