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Morgan Sorto

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Morgan Sorto

  1. 2 hours ago, Lowes said:

    So as I read comments seems like it all about Protein, are the premade Protein Shakes lactose free? And what other protein options are out there? I am allergic to nuts, and all preservatives in foods.

    Yes, if you get a protein powder/drink made of whey protein isolate it doesn't have lactose. I use Isopure as my Protein Powder. I know Boost high protein is a pre-made lactose-free drink and there are a lot of powders that are lactose-free, including vegan options that add a lot of extra Vitamins and minerals that are good if you can stand the taste. I would suggest the Go Macro bars and other like it for shelf stable protein, they have a sunflower butter and chocolate chip bar that has a very short ingredient list and contains no nuts. I would also suggest sunflower butter and other seeds such as pumpkin seeds and flax seeds.

  2. 11 hours ago, Maggie1955 said:

    I actually had this question too. I don't have a surgery date yet, but I am hoping for the beginning of October. The problem is that we have already paid for a Florida vacation over Thanksgiving. We are traveling by car, but depending on when I am sleeved will only be about 5 weeks out from surgery. Do you all think that would be possible? If not, I will have to put surgery off until December.

    For car trips, I would have a lot of Protein options that are shelf stable, like Jerky and Pork rinds (some people don't like them but they're low carb, and high protein and you can find brands with little fat), and nuts. I would also bring some dried fruit in case you experience blood sugar problems. Also, a cooler packed with pre-made food for whatever stage you are going to be at will help. I would plan extra for your meals on the road so you won't be stuck with bad options.

  3. I feel as though traveling at 6 weeks would be manageable. You may be pretty tired and I would be even more aware of your eating/vitamin/water schedule because traveling would make it easier to forget. I would have on hand Protein Bars, meat/jerky sticks and other high Protein shelf stable foods that you can keep on you at all times. As for eating out, I eat out quite regularly and I find the best thing to do is to order a portable scale off of Amazon. I keep it in my purse and I got one with a lid so it will stay clean. I can only eat 2 oz and still remain comfortable, the scale has been perfect so I don't overeat. I stay away from the kids menu because the options are usually fried or a lot of carbs. I always share with my husband.

  4. 5 minutes ago, jess9395 said:

    Huh, I got the data from both the Starbucks website and my fitness pal for the via packet. Guess it depends on the flavor maybe?

    They recently changed the serving from 1 packet to 1/2 a packet. I usually go by the serving suggestion versus the package they come in so I am able to get more Water in than I would normally. It does also change slightly based on the flavor. I do agree that 1 packet in one sitting or even in a day is a lot of sugar.

  5. I liked spicy food before my surgery and now I love it. However, you have to be careful with how hot of food you would eat because you can't drink at the same time. My surgeon just said that it could aggravate my acid levels and it wouldn't be wise to have spicy food late at night.

  6. 7 hours ago, jess9395 said:

    My doc never had any restrictions on coffee and actually let people drink it in the hospital. I started when my stomach got over the acidy-refluxy thing at about 2-3 months.

    I don't add any sugar or such. I do use full fat half and half, I don't limit whole food fats in my diet.

    Just a warning the Starbucks via refreshers have 13 grams of added sugar.

    The cans do yes, however, the packets that can be added into Water only have 6 grams of sugar and are ok for someone watching their sugar otherwise (I get roughly 15-20 grams a day). I too, wouldn't recommend the canned version because they're heavily carbonated and that could be painful.

  7. 7 hours ago, Introversion said:

    coffee has sugar and fat only if sugar and fat are added.

    A cup of black coffee by itself has only 1 whopping calorie. I add a tablespoon of half & half (20 calories) and a few packets of equal (0 calories).

    My grand total for a cup of coffee? 21 calories. It won't bust the waistline.

    This is true, black coffee is a really good supplement to add and it can help the metabolism. However, most people drink Starbucks frappuccinos and drink more Creamer than coffee. I wish I was able to drink my coffee with only Splenda and half &half.

  8. I used to drink coffee all the time and now It makes me sick and also can have a lot of sugar and fat which can make a lot of people sick that way too. I drink really weak tea now. I am however able to drink the Starbucks Refreshers packets very easily because they have green coffee and it is more like tea.

  9. The biggest surprise to me was how awful nausea would be. I would vomit all the time despite not having anything in my stomach. It was terrifying because I had also gotten my hiatal hernia fixed and I was told it could rupture through my diaphragm. Anyway, another thing they don't tell you is your abdomen is so sore and swollen that if you do vomit, your whole abdomen will clench with your stomach and you may or may not pee yourself. It happens. Worst surprise ever.

  10. For me, I didn't need any pain medication after surgery. I actually had more pain from my acute pancreatitis after the surgery than I did the actual surgery. I wasn't ever given nausea meds except in the hospital through IV. I wish they had, I had the worst nausea experience. It's different for everyone, I would say use the Patches because the oral pain medicine tastes awful. Also, some Dr.'s prescribe an acid reducer, but it's the same as the over the counter version that comes in a better tasting chewable form and it's cheaper.

  11. Don't lose hope! I didn't lose weight for the first three weeks, primarily because I was hospitalized due to having acute pancreatitis, however, your body is getting used to the surgery. The liquids will get easier. Soups were the best for me, I loved mixing unflavored Protein powders in with soups to add in extra protein. It was tricky to do but it worked. Also, I wouldn't heavily blend things just yet. When you blend things, you are adding a lot of air in the liquid and that can upset your punch as well.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
