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    Sheralyn2017 reacted to Sullie06 in Best piece of advice you can offer for a post-op sleeve patient   
    9.5 months post op or 293 days as of today.
    My advice:
    Walk, walk, walk after surgery. The worst part was the gas after surgery and even though it hurt to move a lot walking helped.
    Take it slow, listen to your body and follow your surgeon and nuts plans to the T. There will be time later to experiment.
    Track everything you put in your mouth. Keep yourself honest.
    Get fiber! I've found that I'm much more likely to get constipated now if I'm not careful.
    Take your Vitamins
    Follow up on medications prescribed for other things that aren't necessarily co-morbidities, the dosage might need to be changed. For example I'm hypothyroid and on Synthroid. My NUT and Surgeon never checked my levels and when I saw my primary for weird symptoms she tested my thyroid and had to back off my dosage by about half.
    Find a "diet" plan that works for you. For some people it's low carb, others eat low fat, some don't follow any specific diet at all, but you need to find one that works for you.
  2. Like
    Sheralyn2017 reacted to LittleLizzieLilliput in Best piece of advice you can offer for a post-op sleeve patient   
    I'm 11 months post op.

    Best advice:

    This isn't an easy process, give yourself a lot of leeway and care, understand you will be going through ups and downs Get all of your liquid diet, post-op, supplies settled before the surgery Don't try to test your new sleeve, just sip sip sip water/protein and walk walk walk You will most likely it a stall or pause about 3 week in. Your body has gone through a major trauma and needs time. Don't freak out, understand you are healing and swollen Don't over-do the exercise/work out in the first weeks of recovery, you can hurt yourself or pull your stiches You may find yourself feeling depressed or a sense of regret post surgery, this is also common for many of us. Ride it out, your hormones, your emotions, your body is all out of wack. You WILL get back to a new Normal, You WILL feel like a regular person again, you WILL find your balance in this process and begin to feel like yourself again Focus on Walking, on getting your Water and Protein in Get one of those abdominal compression things for post surgery Good luck on everything! I'm sure there is more advice
  3. Like
    Sheralyn2017 reacted to ThickGirl5683 in What Post-Sleeve Rules Do You Break?   
    No comment... Lol....

    I'll wait until I'm at least a year out before admitting to some of these!!

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Like
    Sheralyn2017 reacted to Joann454 in Depression [emoji20]   
    I'm really sorry to read this. Hopefully it's just situational depression and will resolve as you heal. I didn't suffer from it but I just wanted to let you know that you're definitely not alone. I've read lots of stores on here. Try doing a search and you'll find the stories too. Feel better.
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    Sheralyn2017 reacted to Sosewsue61 in Depression [emoji20]   
    I have read that while losing the fat hormones get released and can cause all sorts of emotions to arise. Hang in there and take it one day at a time. It's good that you asked for help.
  6. Like
    Sheralyn2017 got a reaction from Sosewsue61 in Depression [emoji20]   
    Hi everyone I'm 5 weeks post op (sleeve) and have been diagnosed with depression, I am in a awful state right now and am on meds and having therapy.
    Never had it before? Wondering if anyone else has had this, I'm feeling so scared x
  7. Like
    Sheralyn2017 reacted to Loudow68 in Gastric Sleeve surgery - the reality   
    I was sleeved 6 weeks ago, in London , I can honestly say I've never been sick, my eyes have been bigger than my belly and a couple off times over Christmas, I have pushed my sleeve and felt very uncomfortable to the point where you definitely are reminded of the restriction. My problem is eating too fast , I've really had to learn to slowdown , I'm now eating sloppy food ., cottage pie, fish pie etc, all home made. I now manage 2 -3 table spoons, it depends some days I can eat 3 tablespoons and others just 2 tablespoons. I am learning to chew , chew and chew again, and put my teaspoon down after every bite. I'm in no hurry to eat "solid food" sloppy or semi blended suits me fine. I even blended my Christmas dinner concentrating on the Protein and veg, I'm learning to listen to my new stomach however it has been a working process and still is. Now I would actually say i love my sleeve as I'm 56 pounds down in 6 weeks, and thankful I made the decision !
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  8. Like
    Sheralyn2017 reacted to LittleLizzieLilliput in Is this what regret feels like or is just a phase?   
    At 3 weeks I cried for a week straight.
    I had an Endocrine specialist appointment and the nurse was hounding me on my elevated numbers. The problem was it took me hours to drink a Protein Shake so there was no way to take my blood sugar outside of morning fasting. I explained it to her but she wasn't a native English speaker and just kept asking me over and over. I just broke down in tears, I tried to explain and then I said I can't eat anything - just a Protein shake, I'm trying to get all my numbers, and I'm trying to keep everything under control, I can't do it all! I then couldn't stop crying, the doctor came in and I tried to talk and I would just cry. Then I drove back to work and I couldn't stop crying, then I got my ship together as much as possible and went into the office, close my office door and started crying. I worked hardly at all that week and it was my first week back. I cried at night, I cried in the morning, I felt like I was never going to be normal again, what did I do to myself?!?!
    This went on for a full 5 to 7 days, at this point one of the items on my acceptable food list was mashed potatoes. So I heated up some of those mashed potato discs in the bag. For the first time I ate something that wasn't a protein shake or puréed meats or some other food product that comes in a powder packet. I allowed myself some carbs, and a little fat, and I sat down with my best friend and just cried & talked.
    I realized a couple of things:
    #1 it's okay to have total breakdown for an entire week and then bounce back.
    #2 it's okay to eat the items on your approved food list even if it seems too good to be true or something you should stay away from
    #3 this process is an emotional, mental, and physical ordeal, it's the opposite of "the easy way out". So just know you are a freaking warrior bad-ass, don't anybody shame you for feeling a sense of regret. It's temporary, it will pass and it's OK to talk about it.
  9. Like
    Sheralyn2017 got a reaction from Véronique in I regret this surgery   
    I love this post it's made me feel a lot better as I'm too early days week 4 and feeling low and regretful so thank you x

  10. Like
    Sheralyn2017 reacted to Sullie06 in I regret this surgery   
    I think a bit of remorse is part of the healing process. That idea of having to let go of something we loved and depended on for so long, it's like losing a loved one in a way. I too had my fair share of remorse early on, especially in the weeks following surgery but it got better once I started soft solids. Just being able to sit down with my family and eat what they were eating, albeit a very small amount, made me feel leaps and bounds more like myself. Those first 3 months were the hardest, I wanted so badly to jump back into my normal life but then I would end up in social events that involved food I couldn't eat but wanted to so badly and I would feel I ruined my life. Or I would awkwardly eat my pureed lunch at work and feel like everyone was staring at me or I would be standing in an aisle of the grocery store obsessively counting calories and being terrified of eating the wrong thing. I thought it was a mistake because I was healthy (fairly) before and being 300 pounds wasn't so bad because I carried it well right.....WRONG.
    It does get better and this new life is so amazing. I'm under 200 pounds for the first time in my adult life. I fit in better in social situations because I eat very similarly to my girlfriends instead of being the only one to clear her plate. I am more active, my body feels better and looks better and my lab work was perfect. The struggle in the beginning is worth the reward of a new you in the end. Also I can literally eat anything. I still enjoy my favorite foods in moderation. I still eat burgers (without the bun), I still eat pizza (1 slice vs. 4 slices), I ate a donut this weekend at our local Cider Mill and 1 was enough, I used to eat a whole bag. Don't eat food that is bad for you all the time but don't think it can never happen again. There may be things you find you need to avoid but that is different for everyone and you will discover what works for you and maybe find new favorites along the way (Hello Brussels Sprouts).
  11. Like
    Sheralyn2017 reacted to Andrew0929 in I regret this surgery   
    I regretted the surgery too during my first few months post op. I was pissed off at myself for making this decision. Had a few complications and needed a second surgery. Blah blah blah

    Told my surgeon I regretted having the surgery and he told me he was going to ask me the same question in 3 months.

    He was right. After the weight start falling off in bulk and surgery healed I began to feel awesome. I'd not felt that good in 30+ years. That charged me up and made me stick to the program better than I thought I could.

    Now almost 4 years later I remain at my goal weight after losing 150+ pounds.

    Chin up. Better days are ahead.

  12. Like
    Sheralyn2017 reacted to etc. etc. etc. in I regret this surgery   
    Hang in there. There are a lot of parts of this that are hard. This week, I've been fantasizing about a BLT sandwich. My wife said, would you even want bacon right now if you could have it? Ugh, no. I would hurl. Bread/ Nope. Tomatoes or lettuce? No, not yet. Then why do I think about it? Because after a bunch of broth and Protein Shakes, I'd kill to eat something with more than one part, where all of the parts had separate flavors!
    I'm sorry you're feeling left out socially. That sucks. But this is the hard part. It gets easier and easier as it goes... Or so they say. You'll find out soon and I will not long after...
    Sending you good thoughts.
  13. Like
    Sheralyn2017 got a reaction from Véronique in I regret this surgery   
    I love this post it's made me feel a lot better as I'm too early days week 4 and feeling low and regretful so thank you x

  14. Like
    Sheralyn2017 reacted to ladygg1967 in I regret this surgery   
    I'm now almost 6 months post op....while my eating habits have changed, things ARE pretty much back to normal. I'm back to eating many of the foods I've always enjoyed-THE PORTIONS ARE JUST WAY SMALLER! I even go out to dinner-and actually savor my bites now. Yes, just 3 weeks out, the struggle is real.....but the results are SO worth it! Check out my before/after picture in my previous posts-you'll be as happy as I looked in my after pic real soon. Trust me, it does get easier. Once you are completely back on whole/real foods, you'll feel better about the awesome and positive lifestyle change you've made.

    Sent from my SM-G935P using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. Like
    Sheralyn2017 reacted to OutsideMatchInside in I regret this surgery   
    I can eat all the foods I liked pre-op. I don't eat them, I have found low carb alternatives or I eat them every once in a while.
    By the time you are healed you can eat almost anything and by year 1 or 2 you will probably be able to eat anything.
    If you don't think people can and do eat any and everything, just read the regain threads or watch youtube videos.
    How you feel right now is really temporary. Enjoy it, because it is the easiest time to lose and make good habits that will help you later down the road.

    @Siyaa Ela You are pre-op so you have no idea what post-op life is like or how miserable people can feel immediately post-op. Have surgery then offer your opinion.
  16. Like
    Sheralyn2017 reacted to torriqurll in I regret this surgery   
    Honestly this isn't an easy surgery to go through for anyone.....some heal faster than others and some don't. Some people can get majority of their liquids in and others can't even meet half of their daily intake. It's a mental thing all around. Take longer walks through out the day to get your mind of the pain or just do extra things around the house. If your just moping around then that makes u think more about the negatives. 3 weeks out is a pretty decent time where u should be able to be out and about with friends. And reading your never going to eat your favorite foods again is bs. I know people personally who've had a successful surgery and have dropped over their goal weight and still have cheat days. It's all about you controlling yourself and saying ok I'm full I'm not going to continue eating this. When your able to eat regular foods again, meal prep for the week and then Friday or Saturday have a cheat meal and then get back on your meal prep the next day. Because if you just give up and just binge eat on all the bad foods that got u where u were before the surgery then the surgery was just pointless you know? It's all in your control! Just think of your goal weight and where u want to see yourself! Or even buy an outfit that u want to fit in by next summer and that can be another motivation for u! Don't give up because I'm rooting for you and I know you can do this...be strong for yourself and push through! [emoji1377][emoji171]

  17. Like
    Sheralyn2017 got a reaction from katillac in I GOT MY DATE!(AUGUST )SURGERIES WHERE U @   
    I am booked in for the 18th of August.
    I'm from the uk Bristol x

  18. Like
    Sheralyn2017 got a reaction from southernbellair79 in Just been Sleeved   
    Wow wow wow!!! Honestly well done that is bloody amazing!!!
    I really hope to see results like that in my first week!!! Wow [emoji16]
    3 weeks until I'm sleeved,
    Where are you from? Xx

  19. Like
    Sheralyn2017 got a reaction from katillac in I GOT MY DATE!(AUGUST )SURGERIES WHERE U @   
    I am booked in for the 18th of August.
    I'm from the uk Bristol x

  20. Like
    Sheralyn2017 got a reaction from KellyF1 in 3 weeks post op update!:-)   
    3 weeks!!!! Wow [emoji50] that is absolutely amazing!!! Well
    Done x

  21. Like
    Sheralyn2017 got a reaction from katillac in I GOT MY DATE!(AUGUST )SURGERIES WHERE U @   
    I am booked in for the 18th of August.
    I'm from the uk Bristol x

  22. Like
    Sheralyn2017 reacted to Kindle in Average weight loss: worth it? Starting to feel discouraged...   
    The only thing that limits you to only losing 60% of your excess weight is you. I've lost over 100% and am maintaining easily. I eat whatever I want whenever I'm hungry....protein first, then veggies, fruit and whole grains. But I also eat ice cream, desert, bread, alcohol, cake, etc.... just everything in moderation. I do not excercise and I've never tracked or counted or measured my food. I didn't have surgery just to be on a diet the rest of my life. I do make sure I drink at least 64oz of Fluid and I do take my Vitamins (but I've always taken Vitamins, so this is no change)
    Other than making much healthier food choices, my life isn't a whole lot different than preop. Unless you count Having a normal BMI, shopping in regular stores for clothes, not being in pain everyday, spending a lot less money on groceries, and being able to hike, climb stairs, etc without getting out of breath, Perhaps I am an anomaly, but I just wanted to let you know that there is more than one way to be successful and postop life does not have to be all that complicated.
  23. Like
    Sheralyn2017 reacted to SleevesRbetterThanPantz in Just been Sleeved   
    I'm allowed to have flavored so I have vanilla. chocolate and strawberry EAS whey 2 scoops per shake. Low carb and 30 grams protein. It's delicious with almond milk and a banana all mixed in the ninja.

  24. Like
    Sheralyn2017 reacted to MissKay in Vitamins   
    You can see more info on them at the BariatricPal Store or PatchMD.com
    They're basically a 1-inch square patch that you wear for 8 hours a day, and it's absorbed directly into your bloodstream instead of going through your digestive track. You absorb more of the Vitamins as well. I've had 2 rounds of blood work done since wearing them (getting another done tomorrow, actually) and have had no issues.
  25. Like
    Sheralyn2017 reacted to ProudGrammy in Do it or don't do it!   
    hi newbie!!
    i love my sleeve, its been my best friend for almost 6 years.
    most people on the board regret not having the sleeve surgery
    years earlier. What are OP comments/concerns about the
    sleeve??? one of the main problems that go with the sleeve, is
    possible acid reflux. if you already have heartburn, its usually
    not advisable to go with the sleeve. and there is a possibility to get heart
    burn PO.- this might be something your "friends" are talking
    about. problems can happen with any surgery, (WLS et al)
    . it's ok for OP to give their thoughts/opinions about sleeve
    (or any WLS) - listen "briefly" to OP, then politely tell them to go
    jump in the lake ooooops - i mean tell them you appreciate their
    words/ thoughts, but you are still making a decision. - if that doesn't
    work - THEN tell them to jump in the lake LOL - remember - opinions
    are like arshollllles - we all have one!! continue to research, read
    board,ask more questions from doc/NUT knowledge is power-
    at the end of the day YOU are the one that has to come to a decision
    and live with it!! (being biased i vote for the sleeve)any day of the
    week, and twice on sunday!!
    good luck for the rest of your healthier,happier, longer life!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
