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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Replies posted by GreenTealael

  1. Not a before and after,

    A during and still going...

    Same dress, tailored



  2. Not a before and after,

    A during and still going...

    Same dress, tailored



  3. Not a before and after,

    A during and still going...

    Same dress, tailored



  4. Having a tough time today:

    I'm writing this because I feel like I hit a tough spot because I went to the doctor recently to find out I gained 11 pounds in less than 1 week. I was eating healthy, drinking tons of water and exercise only to gain 11 pounds which saddens me. I gained because my endocrinologist says I have hypothyroidism along with polycystic ovarian cyst syndrome not to mention my thyroid is REALLY off sync so I gain weight very quickly on top of taking lithium/latuda which also fights against my thyroid to make me obsessively gain weight. So I've been kind of frantic trying to find something that works along with gastric bypass. It's funny my family thought it was a easy way out but it's not by far easy at all, it seems to be harder than before surgery but it's worth it in the end I just have count my blessings and be happy of the little things.

  5. I am having my Endoscopy tomorrow morning, quite nervous.

  6. This liquid diet sucks. I'm hungry. Thank heavens for popsicles and Jell-O!

  7. Took the plunge. Gifted my self a scale for the maintenance phase of my journey. I'm no longer actively losing, so it's time for accountability.

    I feel pretty confident these days that the retrograde motion of Mars, global warming trends and US politics will not directly effect my weight 😂😂😂

  8. You look sooo adorable, Tea! Cute bunny ears.

  9. I'm just over 3 months into my 6 month pre-op diet plan and I feel like giving up.  Not because of the food, but because life is hard right now.  

    Work has become intolerable due to the amount of stress that I cannot control, but inevitably know will cause major issues for me down the road.  Long story short it's one of those "I tried to tell you this was going to happen things" that nobody reacted to because of budget constraints, but in the end there's going to be a "fall man" for what happens and it will be me, despite my preventative warnings.

    My boss is on my side, in theory, but when it comes down to protecting his own hide, I feel like he would sacrifice me to save himself.

    Also, I just had to cancel my holiday vacation due to staffing issues in my department, so now my personal life is going to be affected by my work issues.

    At this point, I'm just venting.  I realize that there are people out there much less fortunate than myself, but it sucks all the same.  I feel like everytime I get close to being happy with life, it comes and gives me a boot in the ass for a reality check.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Still buying unreturnable clothing that's too big for me...


  11. 6 Years later and I am still 20 lbs from goal. I guess I either change my goal or get to it already.


  12. Woohoo!!!
    I had my VSG surgery on Thursday, 11/15...
    Some of the things I've learned in the last couple days:
    Applesauce is the devils food. (It's the only thing that's made me vomit so far).
    Getting enough fluid/protein in is a challenge... Any tips?
    (I'm vegetarian, so bone broth is out...)

    Walking has always been my favorite form of exercise, short of swimming, but it is now a necessity... get that gas OUT!

    & I LOVE nurses!! I was in intense pain post-op & the nurses were amazing.. they were amazing throughout my short stay.
    (& they are the only people on the planet that can tell you: "I can hear your intestines moving!" & make it sound like: "& the Oscar goes to...") :D

    Thanks to everyone on here who has helped get this journey started.
    I'm incredibly excited for the next phases moving forward! :) 

  13. I am under 200 this morning! It's been a loooooong time ... And doesn't feel quite real. I'm not sure how to make it feel real except stare at the scale until my brain accepts it. 

  14. Still buying unreturnable clothing that's too big for me...


  15. Oh my goodness... I am no longer obese. Holy freaking cow. I feel like this needs a celebration this weekend :D

  16. Hey everybody I'm 5 days post op and have questions my surgeon couldn't answer

  17. Only 1.6 lbs to go to reach than unachievable goal of 125 lbs. So surreal. 

  18. im 2 weeks intomy gastric sleeve and i wanted to know is it normal to feel really hungry and crave the bad foods?

  19. The woods near my house


  20. For my Surgiversary I rewarded myself with a facial peel at Sephora (gratis for beauty insiders) with a friend.

    Highly recommend it!

    Then hanging out briefly at a bar/restaurant where I had lots of water, two chicken wings and met a guy...


  21. Absolutely refusing to buy new clothing these days. I love the wardobe I bought at 4 months post op & spent a small fortune also, so I'm tailoring everything to my new size...

  22. Absolutely refusing to buy new clothing these days. I love the wardobe I bought at 4 months post op & spent a small fortune also, so I'm tailoring everything to my new size...

  23. CENTURY CLUB! I hit 100 lbs. lost today!!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
