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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Replies posted by GreenTealael

  1. OK, surgery's done (Weds), I'm home, and I'm trying to tough it out with just Tylenol in the daytime, because the oxycodone makes me too tired to function. I might take it before bed, just to give my liver a break from Tylenol each day.

    I'm taking the anti-nausea pills preventatively. I'll want to go off them as soon as possible, but the patch they put on is only good for three days. This is day three. I'd like to avoid forcing my new stomach and the nicely sewn up hernia to send things backwards, if at all possible.

    I'm doing small loops around parts of the house and using the spirometer often. Just trying to heal up, you know. Coughing hurts, but that's to be expected. So far, Jello is the main thing my stomach seems willing to accept, though I've had a little luck with black tea, too.

    It took all of the courage in my soul, but I did manage to give myself the shot of blood thinner in my stomach. Blood clots are serious business.

  2. Surgery Day!!!


    (In advance)

  3. Days 'til surgery: 1
    Number of ounces of sugar-free jello my hungry self is going to eat today: so many

    I'm all packed, though I still have to run a small load of clothes and towels through so I have "just washed" things for after I use the pre-surgical soap tonight and in the morning.

    I have a class from 6-9pm tonight, and I predict I spend it mostly pretty distracted. (It's fine. I'm ahead in that class.)

    The first nurse has called to go over meds and stuff (and she reassured me that there will be pain meds in my system when I wake up, lol), and I'm expecting the scheduling call any time now. ... Probably while I'm in the car on my way to school.

    Anyway, it's getting close!

  4. The slider queen is on vacay!


  5. My hair is back to normal! It's been a year of low manipulation no dyeing, couple months of LLysine regime, etc. I'm happy I feel like I'm out of the woods

  6. My hair is back to normal! It's been a year of low manipulation no dyeing, couple months of LLysine regime, etc. I'm happy I feel like I'm out of the woods

  7. Days 'til surgery: 1
    Number of ounces of sugar-free jello my hungry self is going to eat today: so many

    I'm all packed, though I still have to run a small load of clothes and towels through so I have "just washed" things for after I use the pre-surgical soap tonight and in the morning.

    I have a class from 6-9pm tonight, and I predict I spend it mostly pretty distracted. (It's fine. I'm ahead in that class.)

    The first nurse has called to go over meds and stuff (and she reassured me that there will be pain meds in my system when I wake up, lol), and I'm expecting the scheduling call any time now. ... Probably while I'm in the car on my way to school.

    Anyway, it's getting close!

  8. I've got a nasty cold and I am lacking in any motivation to eat what I should or exercise. I just want to eat TOAST and drink HOT CHOCOLATE dammit! I am forcing myself to sip some water right now while I sulk. :P

  9. It's been a year since my heaviest weight of 456. I've lost 120 lbs since then and I feel amazing :)

  10. Today is day one of my liquid only diet. (For me that's four protein shakes and unlimited sf jello, sf popsicles, and broth.) I did myself a favor and went no-carb (except for some vegetables) for the last three days, to try to stave off hunger a bit and make the transition easier. I think I will thank myself for that.

    I'm going ahead and cutting out the last of caffeine now, too, even though my surgeon doesn't require it. I can't imagine coffee settles well on a newly post-op stomach, and black tea can mess with opioids' effectiveness--who needs that?! I was down to two tea bags' worth of caffeine, most days, so I might? not? get horrible headaches?

    I'm having a decaf coffee now, though, in the hopes that I can convince my body that we're OK, we aren't depriving ourselves of anything we need. :)

    Anyway, cheers to other early October surgery folks who have started or are about to start the liquid diet! We've got this! 👊

  11. 200 lbs. this morning! Woot! Next stop, Onederland!

  12. I'm less than 320 for the first time in many many years. I honestly cannot remember when. The lowest I can remember being is 325 back in 2015, but less than 320!?! I'm just over three weeks post-op and I'm down a total of 64.2 pounds lost since June 29, 2018, when I first saw the surgeon.

  13. I'm less than 320 for the first time in many many years. I honestly cannot remember when. The lowest I can remember being is 325 back in 2015, but less than 320!?! I'm just over three weeks post-op and I'm down a total of 64.2 pounds lost since June 29, 2018, when I first saw the surgeon.

  14. Updates 10.5 months post op




  15. Updates 10.5 months post op




  16. I managed to finally break my old school manual Italian espresso maker... Is this a sign? 

  17. I’m sorry if I’m being redundant but I’m having trouble figuring out how to use this website. I did Have my gastric sleeve on Monday at Hospiten Hospital in PV Mexico with Dr.Joya.  I heard the unfortunate misadventure of having to go back to surgery less than 24 hours later because one of my incisions had dumped 1 to 2 L of blood in my abdomen and I think it is because I got gagged and started dry heaving and then ask for some morphine and I laid down on my side and told my boyfriend to leave and go get something to eat and let me sleep for a while but unfortunately I woke up pouring sweat and very pale and my bP was 80/40 so they quickly got me back down to OR. Oddly I had my surgery Monday and didn’t go down to surgery until after 9pm. So it was 2am when I got back to my room. Then after the 2nd operation I spent the next night in the ICU. Now it’s thursday and I’m still at the hospital but doing good and hope no to go back to the hotel tomorrow and then home to US Saturday 

  18. I decided to stay in town for a couple of days to make sure I did not have to drive 4 hours to the emergency room if there was an issue. So good so far... I'll be heading home tomorrow and getting my dog out of puppy jail in the afternoon. (-:

  19. L'SHANA TOVAH !!!

  20. I may be going home today... I'm nervous about having to come back, since it is so far from where I live to this hospital and I do not want to go to the local hospital if I can help it... 

  21. I am being discharged today! Woot!

  22. 10 months post op, 160s.

    Sick (first time since surgery) because I spent time around too many sick people recently, totally worth it.

    But now I'm wondering what flu season will be like 😓

  23. 160lbs now so Fasting really works, also I'm hydrated AF lol

  24. Some guy tried to give me his number today , told him I was in a rush, so I couldn't...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
