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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Replies posted by GreenTealael

  1. 10 months post op, 160s.

    Sick (first time since surgery) because I spent time around too many sick people recently, totally worth it.

    But now I'm wondering what flu season will be like 😓

  2. Some guy tried to give me his number today , told him I was in a rush, so I couldn't...

  3. Some guy tried to give me his number today , told him I was in a rush, so I couldn't...

  4. Some guy tried to give me his number today , told him I was in a rush, so I couldn't...

  5. Four hours until surgery and I cannot sleep... I'm actually a bit nervous...

  6. !!!!!Speedy the recovery!!!!!


  7. I AM APPROVED!!!!!!!


    S$%* JUST GOT REAL!!

  8. Just got the call, surgery tomorrow, 7:30am; hospital at 5:30!!!

  9. A reminder of how far I've come ...


  10. 9 months post op and thanks to a birthday in July and using a bad scale at a doctors office I thought I lost and gained but there was literally no change , for a month. Lol. Welcome to the slow down. Now im Focusing on self image, because I'm still dealing with body dysmorphia. Just yesterday I bought a gorgeous bra set , non returnable, and it was too big. But I think I kinda knew it was too big , I just can't stop shopping for the old me. Anyone else do dumb sh#+ like this? Lol

  11. 9 months post op and thanks to a birthday in July and using a bad scale at a doctors office I thought I lost and gained but there was literally no change , for a month. Lol. Welcome to the slow down. Now im Focusing on self image, because I'm still dealing with body dysmorphia. Just yesterday I bought a gorgeous bra set , non returnable, and it was too big. But I think I kinda knew it was too big , I just can't stop shopping for the old me. Anyone else do dumb sh#+ like this? Lol

  12. 9 months post op and thanks to a birthday in July and using a bad scale at a doctors office I thought I lost and gained but there was literally no change , for a month. Lol. Welcome to the slow down. Now im Focusing on self image, because I'm still dealing with body dysmorphia. Just yesterday I bought a gorgeous bra set , non returnable, and it was too big. But I think I kinda knew it was too big , I just can't stop shopping for the old me. Anyone else do dumb sh#+ like this? Lol

  13. I got the word yesterday from my surgeon my CT scan of my liver shows no damage and I am negative for portal hypertension. He said if I had portal hypertension that he would not operate on me. So, I'm in! Onward and upward! I'm down 30 pounds as of today and I'm 29 days out from surgery. This is a great day!

  14. Stalled. I'm OK with it.

  15. Stalled. I'm OK with it.

  16. so this is me at or near my max weight and today, 1 year after surgery.

    i opted to show the loose skin because everyone asks will i have loose skin and the answer is yep.

    put on jeans and a nice shirt and all is hidden from the world :) 


  17. Finally figured out how to update my username, now I can ha e the name I always intended. How it doesn't cause too much grief, especially those who expected me to be BlackTealael   lol  hahahahahahahaha

  18. Rain on my parade

  19. NSV: needed a shirt pronto someone was at the door or something and I grabbed a camisole, when I checked later it belongs to my 13yr old (and she  is not husky sized lol) score !

  20. This week my diet was relaxed as i ate a slice of cake, a slice of pie, a tortilla chip (lol) and a few pieces of fruit. so the scale decided to move again. After a month. No rhyme or reason to stalls I swear. If I was perfect on plan , no change....


  21. I am in panera drinking tea and went to use the bathroom,  this is the first time I have seen myself in a full length mirror naked ish and I look... OK but man I may need plastics. I was trying to avoid it and hoping slow weight loss would make a difference but I look pregnant (still) and noticing some skin drooping,  sigh. 



  22. Protein bars are evil.  I've been on the go so much that it's been my go to meals lately so when I finally sit down with dense proteins and vegetables tonight (eggs beans cottage cheese kale bowl)  my restriction is crazy tight because I forgot about it. Lol no more slider bars for me 

  23. It's more successfully minded to ask questions like.... When can I begin working out.... Or when can I return to work as opposed to when can I eat that or this again.....



  24. Sorry I've been missing for a while! I've been swamped with work and other responsibilities. Just know I love all the supportive messages and comments <3 You guys are the best! I recently found out I was accepted to a film preservation school this fall so I've been getting ready to move to Rochester, NY!








    Gained 6-8 lbs this week and had to update my weight on the ticker... Really sucked. Sigh

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