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Richard b

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Richard b

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/12/1949

About Me

  • Biography
    Diabetes heart disease
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  • Interests
    Harley, travel
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  1. Richard b

    Any January 2018 Sleevers?

    Try to relax if you do no gain significant weight you should be fine, but do your best. Good luck
  2. Richard b

    Any January 2018 Sleevers?

    Jan 29th I am so excited !
  3. Richard b

    Finally !

    THanks, I will follow your great advice.
  4. Finally got surgery date 1/9/2018 I am so excited !
  5. Richard b

    Tomorrow’s My Big Day

    So Happy for you!
  6. Richard b

    Tomorrow’s My Big Day

    Best wishes! So happy for you
  7. Richard b

    Tomorrow’s My Big Day

    Congratulations! Wishing you the best
  8. Richard b

    On my way to hospital!

    Pain management is so important, you poor thing !
  9. Richard b

    One month to go

    Thank you Amanda
  10. Richard b

    On my way to hospital!

    Good luck, hope it goes well
  11. Richard b

    One month to go

    Final dr appt in two weeks, then I will get surgery date! I am so excited
  12. excited one more visit and I will get surgery date.5 months have flown by!
  13. Richard b


    I like premier in chocolate flavor. They are low sugar high protein
  14. Richard b

    So soon

    My dr has me on a very strict diet, I am 5 weeks pre op My bmi is 35.4 is this normal?

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