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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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    NYCGAL000 got a reaction from jess9395 in NO Carbonated beverages- FOREVER!   
    It's a myth. It doesn't expand the stomach it just gives you gas
  2. Like
    NYCGAL000 got a reaction from teacupnosaucer in How do you deal with social events?   
    Great advice, thank you so much!
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    NYCGAL000 got a reaction from katyyakyak in WLS for a sugar/carb addict and binger?   
    I too am a food addict but its not sweets, I cant stand candy, cake or Cookies, icecream, none of it, I'll never buy that stuff, I got fat from bread, pizza, chips, sandwiches, Bagels, CRACKERS, anything crunchy and salty. Wont the surgery help so that we will feel full faster when we eat these things or we just should never eat them again?
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    NYCGAL000 got a reaction from COnative in NO Carbonated beverages- FOREVER!   
    LOL well the funny and sad part about it is, I'm actually taking my mom on the cruise for her bday and so I bought the deluxe unlimited alcohol package and the deluxe exclusive restaurants package and she doesn't even drink, maybe one glass of wine a week, ha! I did this not knowing I would have the surgery 4 months later ....
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    NYCGAL000 reacted to Lexington1020 in NO Carbonated beverages- FOREVER!   
    I think you know your body better than anyone else and to me personally I think you are doing a great job!
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    NYCGAL000 got a reaction from joe_bloggs in July Sleevers!!!   
    My appt is july 14...I cannot wait. I was thin up until 40 and then I gained 100 lbs..so tired of the yo yo'ing. I dont understand some ppl on the blogs are asking how long until they can eat fried food and icecream. Isn't the whole point of this surgery to help us while we change our eating habits and start eating healthy? I got to 250 from eating fried foods! I dont want to eat that crap after surgery!
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    NYCGAL000 reacted to Tiffykins in Drinking alcohol after VSG   
    I was cleared for wine consumption at 3.5 months out. My surgeon warned me to steer clear of red wines. I didn't drink until I was at goal, I was pretty carb/calorie conscious and didn't want to waste my calories on alcohol.
    The first time I drank a glass of Riesling, it hit me hard and fast then I sobered up pretty quickly. I am that "party girl", and have been socially drinking for the last ummmm few months. I tie one on monthly with mixed drinks and shots, and my tolerance is the same as it was pre-op now. In my little social circle of military wives, I'm know as the "afternoon cocktail" girl, and have been known to drink a strawberry mojito, have a glass of wine, or even a rum/coke at lunch. I don't drink at home, and I typically keep my drinking to a 4-6 times a month kind of thing, and it's typically just one drink unless it's my monthly "girls night out".
    I'm below goal, and the only thing I do notice is that I retain Water like the hoover dam after a big night out. Other than that, I have zero ill effects from drinking with my sleeve. I refuse to give up anything forever that includes any type of food or beverage. I had surgery to be as close to normal as possible, and being a social drinker is part of my "normal".
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    NYCGAL000 got a reaction from Teeejh in July Sleevers!!!   
    Is anyone having this done in Mexico?
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    NYCGAL000 reacted to Apple1 in WLS for a sugar/carb addict and binger?   
    True we all ate too much, but I would argue that there are important differences. Some people are sugar addicts, some carb addicts, some just had portion problems. Some have actual binge eating disorders.
    I don't know if you are binge eating or not. I would talk to your surgeon. Most programs have information meetings and physc evaluations that would be able to help determine what your issues are.
    I think we can all be successful if we identify what our problems are and work through them while using the surgery as a tool to help us.
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    NYCGAL000 reacted to giogirl in How do you deal with social events?   
    This is also a concern of mine. I understand it takes sometime to have a drink and probably can't handle as much but I'm goin follow this thread because I don't know first hand but interested to know

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    NYCGAL000 got a reaction from giogirl in How do you deal with social events?   
    I have a question. I work in NYC in the fashion industry. I am constantly invited to happy hours and social events and everyone drinks like a fish in ny. How do I handle it now when I'm invited to a happy hour that I really cant refuse like my bosses birthday or a coworkers birthday? I am really nervous about this and dont want to be rude but I wont be able to drink ever again after the sleeve correct?
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    NYCGAL000 got a reaction from lindabalseca in WLS for a sugar/carb addict and binger?   
    I cant see the original post, is this an argument over how many donuts someone ate ? we should all be nice to each other in here, its supposed to be a safe forum and now im getting scared.
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    NYCGAL000 got a reaction from leesa794 in Dr. Illan/ Dr. A.Ortiz post op diet support   
    I am seeing Dr Illan in July and yes they give very good instructions and if you dont understand anything you can email or call and they answer right away.
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    NYCGAL000 reacted to jess9395 in WLS for a sugar/carb addict and binger?   
    There are a lot of myths being perpetuated on this thread. To be fair a lot of them are perpetuated by doctors who find it simpler to give axioms or simplifications rather than explain complexities.

    First of all, sliders aren't things that form a slurry and slide through. All food forms a slurry when chewed and combined with juices (stomach acid).

    Sliders are foods that don't have much substance to them and thus when chewed sorta dissolve away. Think of which foods you can crush down to nothing WITHOUT eating them. Crackers, chips, toasted bread, crisp Cookies etc.

    Some other foods behave like sliders because they don't stay in your stomach--most of those are liquid to begin with like broth.

    There are other foods that behave that way on a case by case basis, but a lot of the things listed here--donuts, cupcakes, bread in general, do NOT slide right through. Neither do they swell up in your stomach. The feeling you get that makes it seem like swelling is from the gluten Proteins becoming Gummy. Ball up some white bread outside of your stomach and you will see what I mean.

    As for why or whether there is a honeymoon period of a year or a regain starting at 3 years... yes there is some observable data there. But is it because we reach our new set point and losing beyond that is harder or is it a time window... we don't KNOW. The best obesity researchers don't Know.

    I'm four years out and maintaining well but I can't pretend to be an expert on anything except MY experience. I lost 136lbs and can easily maintain 115 of that. The last 20lbs are a pain in the butt! But you know what, that's NORMAL. I'm 47 years old. What normal 47 year old woman doesn't struggle with 20 lbs or so. Am I a failure? No. Heck I don't even consider that regain. Do I even care? Most of the time, no! That half a donut or three cups of kettle corn at the Father's Day car show sometimes mean more to me than those 20lbs. Other times I buckle down and drop them. It's all good.

    Have I reframed my relationship with food, yeah. Do I still have a cookie in times of anger or stress or frustration, you bet I do, but I know it's an anger cookie. And you know what, my sleeve stops my from that cookie turning into 2 or 3 or a dozen just as much as my mind does.

    We are all in this together and until we've walked in each other's shoes all we can speak to is our own experience and there is no universal.

    That said, newbies should probably stick to their docs program and not believe they can listen to their bodies instead... listening to our bodies got us all obese. We picked our surgeons for their expertise. Why trust someone to cut you open but then not trust their dietary advice?!?!

  15. Like
    NYCGAL000 got a reaction from nomorefattypatty in WLS for a sugar/carb addict and binger?   
    no i meant i wish ONLY candy was a slider food because i hate candy lol
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    NYCGAL000 got a reaction from nomorefattypatty in WLS for a sugar/carb addict and binger?   
    OMG just my luck! why cant candy be a slider food instead i hate candy! life is so unfair!
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    NYCGAL000 got a reaction from alcn1derlnd in Has Anyone Kept Their Surgery A Secret?   
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    NYCGAL000 reacted to XYZXYZXYZ1955 in Has Anyone Kept Their Surgery A Secret?   
    I know--I did my research. And let's not even talk about how unhealthy it is for me to carry all this weight, have diabetes, etc. I didn't even have a moment's doubt based on what she said--I just realized then why some people don't want to tell others. And I'm completely sure she didn't mean to be negative--it was just her honest reaction. One perspective, though, is that she's in her 70s and it was unclear how long ago the one incident she mentioned had happened., or which procedure it was. I'd bet money, if I had any, that it wasn't this one (gastric sleeve) and it wasn't this century, for that matter!
  19. Like
    NYCGAL000 reacted to Redo2017 in Let's Get it Started, July 2017 Sleevers!   
    Just got my date: July 10, 2017. I have what seems like a fairly typical lead-up to WLS: losing between 20-50 pounds repeatedly since reaching adulthood and always managing to put the pounds back on plus some. I have tried many diets, including Weight Watchers, Atkins, Paleo, Nutri-System, Slim Fast, Isagenix, and various other Meal Replacement shakes. It is only recently that I have really recognized that I have a very unhealthy relationship with food. I don't know that I necessarily am an emotional eater, I just really like to eat and I really like the feeling of being full. I have started to work on the mental aspect of my food issues and I anticipate that this will be the biggest struggle for me after WLS. Basically, food is my vice.
    I also have been in denial about my size for some time. I have always carried my weight in a way that kind of masks my size. I have always figured that I am doing OK as long as I can still find cute clothes that fit me. I also have a healthy sense of self-confidence and have never let my weight hold me back. However, I finally realized that it was time to take control of my obesity through weight loss surgery when I was diagnosed with sleep apnea earlier this year. I cannot allow my weight and my obsession with food compromise my health or lead me to an early death.
    I am also totally nervous! I am not necessarily afraid of the surgery itself (I have had three C-sections and NOTHING can be worse than that!) but I still need to get to the place where I am as close to 100% sure as possible that I will be able to commit long term to a massive life style change. I know myself, and it will be difficult, if not impossible, for me to moderate around certain foods. Thus, surgery may mark the end of my relationship with some of my favorite things.
    I have learned a great deal from lurking on this site for the better part of 2017. I am hoping to find some fellow July 2017 sleevers to commiserate with and I would love support and advice from any experienced WLS veterans, especially when it comes to post WLS surgery veterans who feel like they may have/had a dependence or addiction to food.
  20. Like
    NYCGAL000 got a reaction from Ellemarie0708 in July Sleevers!!!   
    Good luck Elle! Please let me know how u do! Im having mine 2 weeks after you yikes!
  21. Like
    NYCGAL000 got a reaction from joe_bloggs in July Sleevers!!!   
    My appt is july 14...I cannot wait. I was thin up until 40 and then I gained 100 lbs..so tired of the yo yo'ing. I dont understand some ppl on the blogs are asking how long until they can eat fried food and icecream. Isn't the whole point of this surgery to help us while we change our eating habits and start eating healthy? I got to 250 from eating fried foods! I dont want to eat that crap after surgery!
  22. Like
    NYCGAL000 got a reaction from Ellemarie0708 in July Sleevers!!!   
    Good luck Elle! Please let me know how u do! Im having mine 2 weeks after you yikes!
  23. Like
    NYCGAL000 reacted to erint93 in Back to work?   
    Someone in my support group was sleeved on a Monday and returned the next Monday. Her job was at a desk I'm pretty sure though but I hope this helps!

  24. Like
    NYCGAL000 reacted to lolo3374 in One week post surgery   
    Today marks my one week post gastric sleeve surgery and I could not be happier! I am down 12 pounds this week. I am doing well getting 64 ounces of Fluid in a day in reaching my goal of between 30 and 40 g of Protein. I have been drinking the Premier Protein shakes which are 30 g of protein and only 1 g of sugar. And then also I live on chicken and beef broth because I love it! I eat a lot of Popsicles and Jell-O neither of which are sugarfree base on my physician stating I needed a little bit of the sugar for the carbohydrates, as I am a diabetic. Or at least I was a diabetic before the surgery we will see how it goes. 12 pounds can truly make a huge difference as you can see from the picture below
    The first picture was taken in a week before surgery the second was taken this morning!
  25. Like
    NYCGAL000 got a reaction from Shereseed in July Sleevers!!!   
    I am using Dr Jalil Illan. I heard he is fantastic. I heard Ponce was wonderful as well...

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