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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Margater

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  1. Margater


    yeah, i have been absolutely miserable and then just fine for the whole last week. I returned to work yesterday (after a week) and that helped. But honestly, not being able to eat with my family.. look forward to lunch,.. it sucks. still having regret.
  2. Margater


    Thank you all for the advice. I love Greek yogurt but the doc has said specifically to stay away from it while on all liquid the first couple of weeks.
  3. Margater


    I am a couple days past you.. today was better than yesterday which was better than the day before. Thank god for a flexible job and supportive family. Though I did find it really convenient to come online to complain and vent. Right now it does suck hard.
  4. I am 4 days out of operation.. in the clear liquids phase of the diet... struggling to get anything down. On the list of food from my doctor, it says yogurts. I believe they need to be sugar free and pretty much "chunk" free. Can anyone recommend a kind/brand for this? Hoping yogurt might get the nasty protein taste out of my mouth.
  5. Margater

    Finally did a full protein day

    today just been using the atkins ones (only 15 g protein), but I ordered like 6 others that will arrive tomorrow. I guess I will play around. What do you recommend?
  6. Margater

    Acid Reflux

    Thanks everyone for the feedback. I'll just chalk this one up to #FML Could be worse.
  7. I am sure this has been a topic before, but just curious how bad everyone's acid reflux was once they got out of the hospital. Today is day 4 for me and the acid reflux bouts are miserable. Is it because I am not drinking enough? I am taking the prescription prilosec. In fact, I took an extra one last night because it was so bad. I was hoping to be back to regular routine by today. Aiming to get back to work by Monday. Any advice?
  8. Margater

    Finally did a full protein day

    This is my 4th day post-op. Yesterday I tried to get down with 60g of protein. I made it to about 10. The acid reflux is killing me and I just couldn't keep going. I used to always hate feeling of having nothing but protein shakes. They taste good, but the after-feeling/taste in my mouth is awful. Anyone got advice for that. Going to try to hit 30g protein today.
  9. Yesterday was my gastric sleeve procedure. Was pretty much at that point in my 38 year old where it was this or death. So.. i can't complain. Was hoping I wouldn't want food so bad by day 2. Did this happen to anyone else? Real addict here I guess. Will have to settle for narcotics.

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