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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sleeved3.29.17

  1. Sleeved3.29.17

    Post op fluid struggle!

    Heat helps. I have never enjoyed tea or coffee as much as I do now.
  2. I have 10 days until my 1 year. I still have 15 pounds I need to lose to get to my goal weight. I will be disappointed if I don't lose at least 5 more pounds before my anniversary so I decided to put myself on the same liquid diet that I did before surgery: 11 days focused on protein shakes. If I reach the 150s, I will be delighted. I know once the weight comes off, I can keep it off because I am good at maintaining. I actually think it would be good to put myself on this diet 1x a year every year to remind myself of the difficult time I had before surgery. I will be sad to miss out on a few nice dinners I would have otherwise consumed like the wedding I am going to on Saturday and the birthday party on Friday. Or the Wings game tomorrow. Or the potluck at church yesterday... But, you know what's better than free food? 150s.

    1. Mattymatt


      Why would you be disappointed? You're a success in every measure!

  3. It feels so good to see the scale move, even if it's only 3 pounds.. it's been a minute since 3 pounds have shed in a week. It's weird because I've been so stressed lately and actually enjoyed some Halloween candy, even though I probably shouldn't have and the scale went down, not up. :P

    1. Sleeve1stFitNext


      Yayy!!! No more stall!!!

  4. I am 5 months post op and have been realizing that now that I can eat anything, I have been eating faster, which is a bad thing even though I am eating the right portions.. Have you had this problem? Remedy?
  5. Things haven't been going smoothly lately :( I have gained 5 lbs and undoubtedly it's my fault because I have not been going to the gym or being active at all. On top of inactivity, I have been eating snack foods like crackers, popcorn, pretzels and even a cookie here and there. I don't know what's gotten into me, I'm just not following my diet plan at all. I've been doing good while at work for lunch, breakfast and snack, but once I go home, it's like I never had the surgery. I hate that I've let myself fall off the wagon and as much as I want to jump back on, I'm struggling. How have those of you that have had the same issue come back? What motivates you now that the sleeve isn't screaming no?

    1. Berry78


      I was sleeved a week before you... so howdy, surgery buddy!

      I'm fond of rules. Rules that make sense, rules that point me in the right direction. Rules that I can live with.

      Cheating my rules only cheats myself.

      My rules:

      1. Create a meal plan and follow it.

      2. Substitutions are permitted when necessary, like for like, or borrow from the next day. (This requires understanding nutrition and record keeping).

      3. I can have pizza 4 times a year. Cake and ice cream on birthdays, pie on Thanksgiving. Local treats on vacation. Cookies (my favorite) on my birthday.

      The thing is, during our weight loss phase, we have precious few calories to "waste" on foods that have no nutrition. Perhaps once in maintenance you can find a spot for 200 calories worth of snack foods each day.. but you will need to count and measure it and make room. 200 calories is like 1 small cookie, and you need to walk 2 miles to burn it off. Is it worth it?

  6. Sleeved3.29.17

    Best exercise for front of thighs?

    I know for me that the leg press machine at planet fitness is making a big difference in my quadriceps. If you are looking at doing something at home, I suggest squats or lunges. Those always strengthen those muscles too. Feel the burn!
  7. Can you donate blood post-op? How many months should you wait before doing so?
  8. My surgery was March 29th 2017. Yesterday was 18.5 weeks since surgery and the first time I went shopping. I live life on a budget, so I have been really stretching my clothes through using a belt and wearing some of my mom's clothes so I haven't needed to try on anything new. Honestly, I had no intentions on buying anything, I just wanted to know what size jeans I wore. I used to wear size 17, sometimes even higher depending on the brand. I've been fitting into my size 11's lately but they were getting a little big so I decided I would try on a 10. THEY WERE TOO BIG TOO! I told my best friend to grab me some 8s and I didn't even have to suck it in to fit into them!!! I'm in single digits for the first time since like 6th grade!!! I am so delighted, you guys have no idea. Also, I fit into a Micheal Kors size M work shirt so I just had to buy it! I'm sure even if I hit my goal, I'll be a M, so it was worth spending the money. Plus, it was on sale! HOW EXCITING! I felt so good buttoning those pants. I could have cried. <333 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Noworneverthin


      Wow...sounds like me almost to the T. I'm also 4 days post op. 😄

    3. zallykatz16
    4. badrum1220


      Congrats girl! I used good will for getting "new" in between clothing. Once I reach goal and start to maintain, I may splurge on some new things. But for now, GW has been the perfect go betwern.

  9. It's still hard for me to drink cold water 3.5 months out, but warm liquids or even room temperature goes down pretty easily since about a month out. You'll be okay, but really try to get some fluids in because you need them.
  10. Some days are harder than others. Like today, I went out to lunch for Lebanese food. I was mindlessly eating the appetizer hummus with friends and ate too much and then felt sick for the rest of the time we were there. I knew I wouldn't be able to eat very much but I didn't even get to touch my main dish. I brought it home and will enjoy it when I can, that's not a problem. The thing is, when I eat, I haven't mastered knowing my portion sizes and I think I've been too easy going with portions lately. Sometimes I think I just wait for my pouch to remind me it's there and by then, it's always too late. I want to feel normal again, and have to teach myself what normal means because right now, I don't know. Is anyone else struggling this way? I wish restaurants gave little plates like I have at home, lol.
  11. Sleeved3.29.17

    Dental Impact

    Have you ever experienced any dental issues that began post-surgery? I feel like my teeth/gums have become more sensitive, but it may just be in my head.
  12. I had to meet with a fitness trainer before my surgery and he encouraged us to that walking was not considered "exercise" and that we need to do more if we want to see results. It would be different if you started out at 400 pounds and unable to walk. You should try some more intense exercises.
  13. Sleeved3.29.17

    Day 5 - suprised to be hungry

    I remember having intense hunger around day 4-7. You need to stick to your post-op diet and what your doctor tells you to eat. If necessary, sleep more or distract yourself, but don't stray from the diet plan because you would risk complications. Just be careful please and don't eat chicken.
  14. Sleeved3.29.17

    That time of the month during surgery.

    Happened to me too. Don't stress about it. You're not allowed to wear a tampon during surgery though, so enjoy the pad.
  15. I love the feeling of fat turning into muscle even if it means the scale isn't moving. #gymdays

    1. Newme17


      Awesome! Me too. 😊

  16. Sleeved3.29.17

    3 weeks post op

    I had my surgery March 29 and I am right there with you and the hard boiled egg. I eat one every morning for breakfast. The best part is taking it to work so I don't add any time to my morning to eat breakfast. I never ate breakfast before surgery but now if my body doesn't get food within an hour of when I wake up, I feel pain. I love that my body literally forces me to eat breakfast because I can get so lazy without a body clock reminder. I eat like a baby nowadays, every three hours. I eat so much meat and dairy so that I can get my protein in and I don't even miss the foods I can't have anymore.
  17. Sleeved3.29.17

    Crushed pills

    My doctor told me to use applesauce as of day 3 to take my pills. Never bothered me.
  18. My surgeon prescribed me prilosec and gallstone avoidance medicine after surgery and I took it regularly until my 2 week appointment when I told him I hated taking it because of the taste in the applesauce. He told me I could stop taking it until I could swallow the whole capsule and I did so. I don't notice any issues with reflux on the days I don't take the prilosec and I'm wondering if any of you have stopped taking it early due to this reason? Does everyone take Prilosec after surgery for 3 months?
  19. I'm 6 weeks out and I've been having some unexpected side effects and looking for others with the same. When I get up too fast, I feel really dizzy and my heart rate goes up. Before surgery, this never happened. Has this happened to you? My resting heart rate has also went down, but I feel like my heart rate in general spikes really quickly nowadays. If I eat an extra bite of something, my heart will speed up and stay that way for about an hour. Is this normal?
  20. Sleeved3.29.17

    Crushed pills

    Applesauce hides the taste really well! I used it every day for my crushed pills!
  21. Sleeved3.29.17

    How Soon Did You Return To Work?

    I have an important desk job where the work doesn't get done unless I am doing it, so I did not want to add heaps to do upon return, so I only took 3 days off. I had surgery on Wednesday and was back to work on Monday. I expected to be home from the hospital Thursday, but I could barely drink anything so they made me stay until Friday. Saturday and Sunday, I bummed around the house, healing and walking, but by Monday, I was back to myself. Do what you can handle.
  22. Sleeved3.29.17


    I joined planet fitness on the same day as my two week follow up appointment when my doctor cleared me. I worked out for about an hour and once I was done with some heavy cardio and weight lifting, I had to grab on to my best friend because I thought I was going to fall over. Turns out, I wasn't ready for such intensity and was more eager than my body could reasonably handle while having been on a liquid diet for a month. Plus, I could barely drink water at that point, so I wasn't getting in my fluids every day and I know I wasn't getting in my protein. The next day, I returned and made sure I had my protein that day before working out. I did the same routine and still was feeling exhausted afterward. My friend told me I had to take it easier, so I decided it would be best to wait until I was eating actual food before I returned to Planet Fitness. I've been going this week now that I am off my short term restrictions and I've not had any issues. I feel much better now and can drink more water at once than just a sip or two, so that is huge for me. I say to trust your body and work your way up.
  23. I was sleeved March 29, 2017. I've lost 31 pounds since my preop diet started March 18th. Surgery day I was already down 12 though, so I have lost 19 since surgery. I lost a pound a day every day for the first 2 weeks and then kinda hit a stall where I lose a pound every few days or not at all. I went to the gym after two weeks and I felt like ever since I started working out, my fat is turning into muscle and I'm not losing weight. I can't complain because I am on the furthest hole in my belts though! LOL. I tried on my favorite skinny jeans that I haven't worn in about 8 months, so when they fit, I smiled. I feel the opposite as you all because I've been sleeping more than ever lately. I'll go to bed at 10:30 rather than my usual 1am and still wake up at the same time. I wonder if that'll get back to normal? I'm officially off short term restrictions which is nice but I still eat a mix: cottage cheese, yogurt, mashed potatoes, and as much meat as I can. I miss the idea of a sandwich sometimes, but not enough to let it bring me down. The only thing I am disappointed in is that I can barely drink water and I love water. It's the hardest part.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
