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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Replies posted by Apple1

  1. I ran in the pouring rain this morning for the first time. It was actually not too bad except for the rain in my eyes. I am having a slight issue with my right knee, nothing serious just a twinge so I am running with a compression sleeve and following the RICE protocol. I am praying this doesn't side line me. I will be taking an extra rest day tomorrow just to be careful.

  2. Hello everyone at this point what are the things I should have for my surgery in mid august ? any suggestions

  3. Does anyone purposely go to bed hungry or do you eat if you're hungry right at bedtime? I've always ignored the hunger and went to bed. It's not acid reflux (haven't had any, praise God!), but real genuine hunger. I could eat anything right now. In the past (healthy days), I learned to just go to bed, something to do with making the metabolism work/calories burn, etc. don't remember exact science. Also in the past (non healthy days) I thought I'd be hungry and would end up eating a snack before bed. But that was refux.  So even though I'm genuinely hungry now. I wouldn't even want to start up that terrible old habit I had. I think I posted my status out of even thinking of getting something to eat, even if it's healthy.  

    1. Apple1


      If I was hungry I would eat a healthy small snack. If you are working out in the evenings your body may need this for recovery. You have to figure out what works for you.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  4. Does the noise in your stomach after you eat ever goes away? Always everytime I eat certain foods it taste like I swallowed a nasty pill, does that ever goes away?

  5. It's nice hearing "your legs are smaller" My hubby told me this on my way out to the gym. Had to look for myself...I guess he's right. :)

  6. If you guys haven't tried making a crustless shepherds pie with mashed cauliflower instead of potato, I highly recommend it! I used 2 cups of mashed cauliflower, a cup of fat free mozzarella cheese, a pound of ground beef, an egg, some Worcestershire sauce, some spices, and a cup of peas and carrots and got 8 servings with less than 200 calories each. Tasty, filling, and guilt free!

  7. Surgery in 8 hours!!! My emotions are all over the place. Prayers please and thanks. Praying for you all as well.

  8. It's been awhile. No reason, I just haven't been feeling anything lately. A lot happening on the personal aspect of life but overall still good.

    I have finally reached a true stall. My body weight has been fluctuating between 201 lbs - 205 lbs. Slightly frustrated because my second goal is 200 lbs. I am almost there but this stall is kicking my butt. 

    Went for a follow up. Nothing special except I was told I was not eating enough like I used to. It is funny because eating a lot is what got me to need the surgery and now I do not eat enough. They are right though. With me working early mornings, I can eat once maybe twice a day and then sleep the remainder of the day and do it all over again (do note: I am not a morning person). The only time I would eat a third meal this past week is on Gym day. I would eat something small once I am done working out (protein bar or protein shot) and then I head home to sleep. My new bedtime is around 5 - 6pm since I have to be up at 3:00am to start getting ready. 

    So I am going to end on a good note though. A smile that has not left my face since finding out the news.....(backstory): I worked on a project at work that made sure all the integrations went in smoothly upon setup of our new system. My manager took credit for the integration and tried to change people's imagine a me at work (combative, aggressive, failing to perform, you know the usual). Fast forward a few months. The company is opening a new branch and office and she was away for two weeks doing the integration there and upon launch it flopped. Everything that could go wrong did. Oh how Upper Management mad with her since they had to delay the launch. Everytime he comes out of a meeting she looks stressed. Everything she did to me, she is getting in return. Karma Karma Karma! 

  9. Wonderful Onederland!!!  My stall finally broke.  Saturday I was 199 and this morning I stepped on the scale habitually (I was going to wait a week to enjoy 199, hopefully  without seeing 200 creep back in there somehow) and I weighed 197.  Thanks for all the support and assistance getting me through what was one of the most emotionally painful stalls, EVER!!!!

  10. I'll be 9 months post op this week, 90lbs down.  I've been stalled at 200lbs since 07/01/2017, just waiting for the descent into Onderland.  Staying on plan and working out 5 days a week since mid-June and nothing...not an ounce.  Was looking over my fitbit data today and noticed that since the first my body fat percentage has dropped from 42.5 to 37.2%, so that's something!

  11. As I was running this morning I was thinking. I am enthusiastic and determined after having WLS to get healthy and increase my fitness. I am doing this for me and no one else. The negativity and sometimes downright stupidity that I read on here does not have to impact me at all. 

    So as much as I think I could help some others I am not going to enter into the craziness. I am going to stick with my status and the thread my friend and fellow sleeve sister @Newme17 started. 

    Running is getting easier day by day. I ran 1.5 miles today with no walk breaks. I think I am done with walking.... it feels so good to say that.

    Have a great day everyone!!

  12. It seems I've hit raw nerve with Greensleevie. According to her everyone fails at the bariatric surgery no matter what. And only she knows better because she has experience so all the doctors and nutritionists and all the programs that the hospital has put me through to make sure I do have a successful outcome are full of crap because Greensleevie says so. 

     So what is the point of going through all this if there is no hope for a successful outcome.  According to her I don't have the will to have a good outcome. I MUST FAIL and she says so. Weeee ...here goes a very sad and depressing road to no where. So if she fails or has a hard go of it...than everyone else must follow suit. NO ONE can have a positive experience and have good and healthy life after bariatric surgery. Again what's the point of going through this ??? 

    I am told I'm immature and  I protest too much because I'm a "newbie" I don't get to say how I should live my life... I must be a moron.

    Any one out there looking for positive feedback or a good role-model or some positive reinforcement look some place else... this is sickening

    I have made a conscious decision to be the best and healthiest I can be. Why does that bother people. Too much negative feed back I must say good-bye this is very sad and I won't be a part of it.  

    1. Apple1


      I don't think it is funny at all. I think you @Greensleevie should let it go.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. It seems I've hit raw nerve with Greensleevie. According to her everyone fails at the bariatric surgery no matter what. And only she knows better because she has experience so all the doctors and nutritionists and all the programs that the hospital has put me through to make sure I do have a successful outcome are full of crap because Greensleevie says so. 

     So what is the point of going through all this if there is no hope for a successful outcome.  According to her I don't have the will to have a good outcome. I MUST FAIL and she says so. Weeee ...here goes a very sad and depressing road to no where. So if she fails or has a hard go of it...than everyone else must follow suit. NO ONE can have a positive experience and have good and healthy life after bariatric surgery. Again what's the point of going through this ??? 

    I am told I'm immature and  I protest too much because I'm a "newbie" I don't get to say how I should live my life... I must be a moron.

    Any one out there looking for positive feedback or a good role-model or some positive reinforcement look some place else... this is sickening

    I have made a conscious decision to be the best and healthiest I can be. Why does that bother people. Too much negative feed back I must say good-bye this is very sad and I won't be a part of it.  

    1. Apple1


      @Jeffrey Stern listen to those words of wisdom from @Newme17

      Don't let the words of one persons opinion bother you. I see both points and I agree that sometimes people think just because their journey went a certain way that everyone is going to have just as hard a journey, and that just isn't possible or even logical.

      I believe you will succeed and if you believe it, that is all that matters.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  14. Ok, I need some accountability from my friends here. I am starting to want to buy every cute running outfit I see, and I just bought a new pair of running shoes just so I can rotate between three, and of course they are all different colors so they match what I am wearing. I need to get a handle on this fast because this isn't like me. I can talk myself into buying these things easily by telling myself it is for a good cause, but really I don't need a different outfit for every day of the week and these are all summer outfits.

    I am running late today. I just finished my run and I am supposed to be on my way to work. I need to hit the shower. I am glad I have confessed my sins to y'all...lol... have a great day. 

    1. Apple1


      @MSinger lol.. I must stay off Amazon. I have one more delivery coming tomorrow and then I am done shopping until Christmas like I said.

      @OutsideMatchInside you are right about waiting to buy too much. I didn't have any workout clothes though so I needed to buy a few. I went overboard for sure. I have tons of tips hanging in my closet from before I gained weight that I am just waiting to fit into. I am glad I saved everything.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. So, I tried to save some money by working out at home and realize that I am not determined enough to do it.  I work out, but not nearly as much as I should be.  Doc wants me to do at least 3x a week, and I've been skimping.  My husband noticed too and asked me if I had thought to go back to the gym.  This is unlike me really.  I love to workout...just not at home, apparently.  I really did try though. So, back to the gym today.  I'll have to sign back up again.  That is my element of working out.  I'll take a monthly fee and stronger, better health, than trying to save that bit and slacking.

  16. Ok, I need some accountability from my friends here. I am starting to want to buy every cute running outfit I see, and I just bought a new pair of running shoes just so I can rotate between three, and of course they are all different colors so they match what I am wearing. I need to get a handle on this fast because this isn't like me. I can talk myself into buying these things easily by telling myself it is for a good cause, but really I don't need a different outfit for every day of the week and these are all summer outfits.

    I am running late today. I just finished my run and I am supposed to be on my way to work. I need to hit the shower. I am glad I have confessed my sins to y'all...lol... have a great day. 

    1. Apple1


      @Newme17 preach girl 😊 That is exactly what I needed. I know all of this I just needed someone else to help rein me in. I am blessed because I could afford to purchase everything I bought, but that is no excuse. I still have a mortgage that needs paying off.

      No more clothes until Christmas time. That is my goal. I will stay out of the stores and off Amazon.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  17. Would love to change my look but not due to weight loss. I want to do something drastic with my hair but not to out of this world just enough to make me feel more exciting also I could use it my act.

  18. I noticed something this morning, I haven't been checking my blood sugar as often as I usually do. It has been my habit for the past 3.5 years to check it as soon as I get up and 2 hours after eating either lunch or dinner. I am falling out of the habit because every time I check, it is awesome. I checked my meter just now and my 30 day average is 88 with N=37. In the past N would have been at least 60, but usually closer to 70. I guess I am getting more confident in the realization that I really don't need to take any medications to have a stable, great,and completely normal non-diabetic blood sugar reading.

    I ran my longest distance this morning 2.5 miles. My pace is still really slow because I am running for 5 minutes and walking for 1.5 minutes, rinse and repeat. I am ahead of schedule with the C25K. When the program tells me my workout is complete to begin cool down, I run another segment of run/walk. I just don't feel ready to stop and want to increase my mileage. I am amazed at how energetic I feel on the days I run as opposed to my rest days. Yesterday I was a sloth all day. Saturday is my Sabbath day so I observe the day of rest completely.The only thing I did yesterday was go to church, post here, and read. I felt sluggish all day. I have decided I need to watch less TV. It just encourages me to be lazy. I am going to limit my time in front of the TV to 1 hour every other day. I want to be more productive in other areas of my life and this is one way to do it. 

    Have a great Sunday everyone!


    My hair is coming out in clumps!!! I knew it would happen but omg!!! My heart. Being natural since 2013 and going through the crazy hair phases, I just did not expect this much hair. 

    Well, its hair and it will grow back.....eventually. 


  20. I noticed something this morning, I haven't been checking my blood sugar as often as I usually do. It has been my habit for the past 3.5 years to check it as soon as I get up and 2 hours after eating either lunch or dinner. I am falling out of the habit because every time I check, it is awesome. I checked my meter just now and my 30 day average is 88 with N=37. In the past N would have been at least 60, but usually closer to 70. I guess I am getting more confident in the realization that I really don't need to take any medications to have a stable, great,and completely normal non-diabetic blood sugar reading.

    I ran my longest distance this morning 2.5 miles. My pace is still really slow because I am running for 5 minutes and walking for 1.5 minutes, rinse and repeat. I am ahead of schedule with the C25K. When the program tells me my workout is complete to begin cool down, I run another segment of run/walk. I just don't feel ready to stop and want to increase my mileage. I am amazed at how energetic I feel on the days I run as opposed to my rest days. Yesterday I was a sloth all day. Saturday is my Sabbath day so I observe the day of rest completely.The only thing I did yesterday was go to church, post here, and read. I felt sluggish all day. I have decided I need to watch less TV. It just encourages me to be lazy. I am going to limit my time in front of the TV to 1 hour every other day. I want to be more productive in other areas of my life and this is one way to do it. 

    Have a great Sunday everyone!

  21. Yes, I'm still up...9:18. Trying to stay up for a few more mins. I am here in bed, lights off, thinking about how "all of a sudden" my body is aching the way it did with 25+ lbs on it. Is there such a thing as a period after weight loss when all the previous aches and pains decide to come back and wreak havoc? Hip bursitis has flared up pretty bad. My other hip is achy. I felt like my collar bone was about to snap with a piercing pain earlier. All I did was lift up the clothes hamper. My knees are aching an awful lot. Usually happens with bad weather coming but there's nothing in he forecast that I know of. Of course my shoulder that was injured in an accident few months back hurts. My feet hurt again, they haven't for a while and now they do??? 

    All I know is that I'm WAY TOO YOUNG for these issues. Please tell me something gets better!?!? Almost feels like I'm going backwards. 

    Now, I know I need to stay positive and work through these things. I think my lack of sleep is coming out with the complaints and not so positive attitude right now. My poor kids felt the mom-not-herself attitude earlier. I'm made it to 9:25. I think I'm calling it quits. Goodnight y'all. 

  22. I woke up at 3:30 this morning. Why? I don't know! I couldn't go back to sleep though. Since 1:30pm I've been dragging. Tried a nap, but doesn't work with a 4 year old. So, I'm laying on my bed trying to not fall asleep (it's only 7:19) cause I don't want to be up at 3:30 again!!! Exhausted. 

    1. Apple1


      I think your right. If you want to get back on a normal schedule try to stay awake a little longer.

      You know now that you have started on new vitamins it may take a few weeks for your body to catch up. Maybe that is making you a little more tired then what your are used too.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  23. 7/8 - Extremely healthy keto day. 

    7/9 - Halo Top 1/2 Cup Chocolate Mocha Chip (I am in heaven!!). Healthy keto day. Weighed in at 208.4 lbs. Gained 1.4 lbs :rolleyes: 

    7/10 - Hung out at Coney Island with my Mom, little Brother and my dog Buddy aka Rasta Scoobs. At Nathans Philly Chicken with no bun. The guy gave me the nasty look when I ordered it. (It was like really, you are going to come here and want to eat healthy at Nathans?). With a nasty tone, he says, "It's going to be the same price and the same amount of meat." So in an even nastier tone, I said, "Did I ask about the amount of meat or the price? No. I asked for a Philly Chicken with No Bun. Thank you." He just placed my order and my brother says, "Don't be surprise if you find some special sauce or a hair floating around in it lol."

    7/11 - Keto Day. Decided to step on the scale and weighed 205.4 lbs. I was like WTF!!! What is going on? At this point my weight is fluctuating up and down. I think I maybe starting stall soon and my body is warning me. It could also be water weight. 

    7/12 - Another Keto Day. Went out to eat with my mom and brother and I was upset because I could have the Tacos of Bell. My mom keeps saying, "Oh you have your meal prep and you have been doing so good on your diet. Taco Bell is not good for you." I was like then why are you eating it. She says, "I'm grown and your mama. Do as I say and not as I do."  She is right but sooo annoying sometimes. 

    7/13 - My day was healthy. Received two new Hidrate Spark bottles. Gave one to my mom and brother. They are in love and I set them up on their phones. 

    Breakfast: 2 egg whites boiled with salt. 

    Snack: 2 pickle slices

    Lunch 1 - 2 : 2.1 oz of turkey with a tomatoes, a little cheese, romaine lettuce and my special dressing. (Broken up into 2 meals)

    Snack: 21 olives. 

    Dinner 1 - 2: 4 oz of ground beef, a little cheese, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream and salsa. (Broken up into 2 meals)






  24. Post op Day 15....

    For dinner last night I nibbled on some very mushy broccoli with a hint of lemon and pepper and a touch of salt. It was DELISH! I probably had 2 bites of that and then I had paired it with my Ricotta Bake. I maybe had 3 bites of that. I am still learning the feeling of what is "full". The DS is not like the gastric bypass. Things seem to go down much easier as opposed to the gastric bypass it was coming up regardless if I liked it or not. I am thankful for that experience only because I will not over eat. I am scared to throw up especially with my wounds still very much present and hurting occasionally. ( I think the nerves are reconnecting) But on that same point I am scared I may not eat enough. Today I still brought a protein drink and I had half left over from work. So now I have had thus far 1 full protein premier protein and a half and 3 bites of my ricotta bake that I brought. I also brought some non fat yogurt but I doubt I will open that. I know I cannot live in fear but I do not want to not make my protein intake for the day. I have been getting the water in but I noticed my urine not as clear as prior to surgery. Oh well....I will keep trucking.

  25. Post op Day 15....

    For dinner last night I nibbled on some very mushy broccoli with a hint of lemon and pepper and a touch of salt. It was DELISH! I probably had 2 bites of that and then I had paired it with my Ricotta Bake. I maybe had 3 bites of that. I am still learning the feeling of what is "full". The DS is not like the gastric bypass. Things seem to go down much easier as opposed to the gastric bypass it was coming up regardless if I liked it or not. I am thankful for that experience only because I will not over eat. I am scared to throw up especially with my wounds still very much present and hurting occasionally. ( I think the nerves are reconnecting) But on that same point I am scared I may not eat enough. Today I still brought a protein drink and I had half left over from work. So now I have had thus far 1 full protein premier protein and a half and 3 bites of my ricotta bake that I brought. I also brought some non fat yogurt but I doubt I will open that. I know I cannot live in fear but I do not want to not make my protein intake for the day. I have been getting the water in but I noticed my urine not as clear as prior to surgery. Oh well....I will keep trucking.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
