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Status Updates posted by MSinger

  1. This post is an attempt at, as the kiddies say, keepin it 100...

    I've decided I need to re-vamp my diet. Starting today I'm transitioning to low carb eating. I have always been extremely carb sensitive. I've always loved sweets and would spiral into terrible binges the more carbs I introduced into my diet. I've been doing ok post op since I'm focusing on getting my protein first, but over the last few weeks, I've been able to eat larger volumes of food and started introducing more carbs into my diet thinking I'd be able to control myself better. Unfortunately, I noticed I'm starting to slip.

    I thought since I had my surgery that it would be ok for me to eat carbs and I wouldn't have the same food cravings since I would have restriction, but that line of thinking isn't quite working out. Carbs are easy to digest, even if it's paired with protein. The only thing my sleeve keeps me from doing is eating an ungodly amount of food all at once. I can easily eat a smaller amount several times to total an ungodly amount of food. 

    This choice is tough for me, because I always wished I could be that person who eats one serving of chips and is satisfied, or has only one serving of ice cream, or one slice of bread. The "control" I think I have only lasts a few days, and then descends into me repeatedly going to the refrigerator for more food. This never happens when I'm on a low-carb diet. 

    I know I have restriction because although I have been eating more food this week, it is nowhere near the amount I was eating preop. But this is not the only thing I need in order to successfully lose weight. I have to meet my sleeve halfway and focus on foods that do not stimulate my appetite the way simple carbs do. I'd love to have chips, ice cream, crackers, but those are the foods that led to where I was preop. No more. I am thankful for the help my sleeve is giving me, but it's not a complete solution. I have to do my part and choose the right foods that will help me be as successful as I can. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MSinger


      Yes, it means to be honest ... at least that's from what I understand. Haha... I am not up to speed with the language the kiddies are using these days, but came across this one and liked it. (I just hope I'm using it the right way!)

      As far as groceries, my grocery bill can easily double if I start heading down those evil aisles. All of the sudden you need everything you see. I went to Trader Joe's and had a list, bought nothing off list, and bought almost a month's worth of dinners for the price I usually spend on two weeks worth. It's amazing.

    3. Apple1


      I can't imagine spending $276 for a weeks worth of groceries 😲. I did buy large packs of meat which I divided for two meals so technically I probably bought enough for a week and a half. Still way more than what you paid. It may well be that our prices are higher.

    4. Newme17


      Staying on list helps immensely. ive been learning to stick with it myself. We should get a medal every time we do it. Makes me proud. Lol

  2. So I've been playing around with my eating schedule and decided yesterday that I was going to increase my meals from 5x a day to 6x a day with smaller portions. I went from 4x a day to 5x a day a few weeks ago, and it went well, but I was wondering if it might be better for me to constantly be eating, even if it is smaller amounts.

    Today's the first day I'm trying it out, and I'm noticing something very strange. Even though I'm eating smaller meals, today I'm feeling MORE restriction from my sleeve. I don't know what it is... Is there a "sweet spot" where if you eat past it your stomach goes numb? I know it usually takes me a long time to feel my restriction after I've eaten, about 45minutes or so.  Anyway, I've been eating every 2hrs and for the entire day today I've been feeling full.

    It's weird. I'm coming up on 7weeks out and I'm still learning how my sleeve works.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Newme17


      LOL....a hard workout definitely gets me hangry too.

    3. Apple1


      I have always been able to skip breakfast, but now that I am getting up earlier and running I am hangry too!! I like that word..lol...

    4. Sweet as peaches

      Sweet as peaches

      This morning I ate a yogurt and my left over chicken wings only ate two pieces of one chicken wing and the yogurt and I was stuffed.

  3. Happy Friday!! I bought a case of isopure protein water in the punch flavor and am not crazy about it. I liked the blue raspberry, but wanted to change the flavor up. Hopefully I'll get used to it, but I guess I'm gonna have to power through 12 bottles of this stuff. Ahh.. the things you do for protein...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MSinger


      I'd definitely be interested to know how the coconut flavor is. I like being able to get the 40g of protein from them. Really hoping I'll warm up to the punch flavor because I am too cheap to throw these puppies away!

    3. Apple1


      I bought three it bottles of that stuff and I drank one sip and I knew I wouldn't be able to drink them...😝

      I still have two bottles in my refrigerator.

    4. Lexington1020



      I bought three it bottles of that stuff and I drank one sip and I knew I wouldn't be able to drink them...😝

      The coconut? :( If so that is disappointing!

  4. Well...I just got my first lesson on how this surgery is a tool, not a miracle. Went grocery shopping hungry, bought some "extras", came home and made some poor choices for the rest of the day. It is scary how quickly the calories added up, and how quickly my sleeve feels empty after eating. I ate a lot of food :unsure:

    I feel bad, but I'm gonna use this as a lesson. First off, it's not the end of the world. I'm 6 weeks out tomorrow, and this is the first time I've fallen off the wagon. That level of adherence to my diet was unheard of preop - I always broke within a week or two. Also, I went back and re-read my NUT materials. It's a good time for a refresher. I'm gonna learn what I can and just move on. Yesterday's poor decisions have no control over my choices today. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MSinger


      Thank you. I agree with you Sherrie.. I started beating myself up the way I used to preop, but then I asked myself what I would tell someone who posted the same thing on one of the boards here and wrote out my status update. We are so tough on ourselves!

    3. Sweet as peaches

      Sweet as peaches

      Hi @MSinger we walk on the beach you may fall over some rocks but you balance yourself and keep on moving. I ate two mini ice cream sandwiches yesterday and i paid for it later so i got this morning regrouped and ate greek yogurt. I went from stumbling to balancing all within a day. Continued success.

    4. Newme17


      I love all of ya'lls attitude!!! Including my own! LOL We're going to be so successful...I just know it. :) YAY!

  5. I have a new-found respect for cottage cheese. 4oz is 100cals and 15grams of protein. Super filling for my sleeve too!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Apple1


      I eat cottage cheese a lot because it packs a good amount of protein for only 90-100 calories. It makes a good snack.

    3. Apple1


      I have never heard of sugar free peaches lol 😂

    4. blizair09


      Even at 9 months post-op, I eat 4 oz of cottage cheese with 1 T of sugar-free strawberry preserves twice per day. That is 12 of my 20 carbs per day. I love it!

  6. Well, all the status posts on AM workouts had me in the mood to try my hand at it again. I believe this was the first time I've taken a morning walk as a post op. It went.. ok. I really loved it for the same reasons I liked it preop, but I didn't drink enough water before I headed out the door and came back home very dizzy. So I'm gonna try again tomorrow, but this time I'll make sure I'm better hydrated before going out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MSinger


      Oh, my goodness.. I can't imagine being out chopping trees with how humid it is. I hope you were staying hydrated too!

    3. Newme17


      Chopping trees! That's a workout! Good for you msinger! I think if I could leave my kiddos home without supervision, I'd opt for a walk instead of a workout video in the mornings too. 😊

    4. Meryline


      Since surgery I have gotten in the habit of bringing a bottle with me, I just feel like I need more water than I used to. I either carry it in hand, or have a water bottle belt to stick it in. I can really recommend it.

      And good for you getting up and walking in the AM

  7. Happy Monday all! Well, I hit my step PR today during my walk - 4k steps. It's not much, but it's progress so I'll take it. And I wasn't dizzy after I got home. I wish I could have stayed out longer since it's so beautiful out, but I started feeling a bit woozy so it was time to pack it up. 

    I also increased my calories from 800-950cals, so I'm wondering if that's what is helping with the dizziness. In the grand scheme, I know it's a low amount of calories for anyone, but it's like I almost feel guilty for eating "so much". I'm only 5 weeks out as of tomorrow, and I've seen people posting 600-800cal/day at 5weeks. I'm 6'0 and I'm wondering if that may have anything to do with it. I don't want to undereat if that could be what is making me so tired and dizzy, but I also have this fear that it's a slippery slope and before I know it I'll be back to overeating. Of course, I'm doing all that I can to prevent that, but this is something I feel I'm gonna worry about until I learn to trust my sleeve more.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MSinger


      Morning walks are so great. I wish I could get myself to sleep before 1 or 2 am so I get up in the morning and get out there, but I tend to stay up late :/

      "Progress...that's key; not perfection." - Great line! I will be sure to keep that in mind. Thank you!

    3. Apple1


      I am 6 weeks out and I can eat close to 800 calories so I think you are doing well. You are taller so I do think you will need more calories.

      If you are worried about eating too much just make sure your meals and snacks are 4 oz or less. It is very hard to overeat when you measure out your portions. I am easing into my workouts just like you are. I think this is smart because you don't want to injure yourself.

    4. MSinger


      Thank you for the advice. The only food that I eat over 4oz is my cottage cheese and apple sauce which comes out to 6oz in total, but it takes me about an hour to eat.

      Yes, I am also worried about injuring myself. My knee pain is improving and I noticed I haven't had an attack of plantar fasciitis in some time, but I worry about overdoing it on my knee, so I'm still babying it.

  8. Month 2 is in the books! I am 8 weeks out today and weighed in this morning. Down 4lbs for the month. It's not the number I was hoping for, I had a few struggles this month and fell off the wagon a couple of times. I also had to play around with my eating program a bit, but I feel I have figured out what my sleeve needs. Eating 6x a day and limiting the number of calories I eat per meal has been working well.

    Activity-wise, I'm plugging away with my daily walks. My activity tolerance is slowly improving and I'm not as dizzy as I have been, but I'm not trying to push it. I'm still heavy enough to feel small injuries. What I hope is that as I lose more weight the activity will come more easily for me. For now, I learned not to feel guilty or compare myself to others. As long as I am losing I'm doing ok. I also noticed that days I push myself too hard physically my hunger goes crazy. I'd rather take it easy on activity than to eat back all of my progress. 

    Going into month 3, I feel like I have my eating program, activity program, and my food tracking figured out. I just need to stay focused and keep plugging away. I am happy that my weight is down for the month, but I'm hoping for a better loss next month. Let's do this!

    1. Lexington1020


      This is great, very motivational. I am at a stall right now and have been beating myself up.....I hate it. But maybe I broke it *fingers crossed*. Keep up the great work, seems like you are getting to know yourself and your limits better every single day. :)

    2. MSinger


      Thank you. I am trying to focus on the fact that my weight is down for the month. At least it's 4lbs I'm not carrying anymore.

      It's so rough dealing with a stall, but you will get through it. Hang in there!!!

    3. Newme17


      I look at my loss as "if the number goes down, then it's all good!" So, yeah...good for you to take that 4lbs!! It's good that you're getting everything down now to be on the roll by 3 months. And by then you'll have less weight to carry and it'll get easier to do your activities. So yay!!

  9. Month 1 is in the books!! 17lbs lost since surgery, 32lbs down in total. I am so happy with my progress. I have a long way to go, but I am so psyched to see a loss this big on the scale. It's been years since I've seen any real loss at all. Goal for this month is to work on increasing my activity. Let's do this!!!

    1. Apple1


      Congrats! That is a great loss!

    2. DedicatedLady


      Congratulations! 17Lbs is such a great start!! I hope I do as well and stay as positive as you after my first month. Keep up the good work, and I bet it will keep giving you good news like that :)

    3. Newme17


      Great job! Isn't it just awesome? I love it.

  10. 3 weeks post op tomorrow... yay!! Woke up dizzy this morning and I'm really not sure why. Been doing great with meeting and exceeding my water goals, but it could be the heat. 95 degrees outside as of right now B)

    Still surprised that plain water is making my queasy. I really wish I didn't have to depend on flavorers to drink my water, but minor complaint overall. Made my queasiness worse when I drank some plain water and took my vitamins without any food. That, I learned, is a no-no for my sleeve. We're still getting to know each other...

    1. Newme17


      Plain water making you queasy? I'm no sorry to hear that. I can't stand the flavorings for water myself. Pre-op I decided to try them...it was so-so. Post-op, my taste buds just can't stand them. So, I gave them all away.

      I hope that feeling goes away for you though.

    2. MSinger


      It's crazy how taste buds change from preop to post op!

  11. Happy Thursday! Nothing much to update on, I'm just writing to keep up the habit. I've been plugging away at food/protein/water goals. Going grocery shopping tomorrow, so next week I'll be (slowly) introducing new foods to my sleeve. I still feel a good amount of fatigue which currently is my biggest frustration. There are people who reported feeling their energy come back by now, and while I have had a steady increase, I still get fatigued pretty quickly. Fingers crossed that I'll turn a corner soon!

    1. Newme17


      I had a bout of fatigue a few days ago. I feel a bit back on track again. Has your fatigue been steady or periodically? I haven't quite pinpointed why mine was around. I didn't workout those days either...just didn't feel up to it. But today I feel great.

    2. MSinger


      I'm glad you're feeling better :) My fatigue is pretty consistent. It's definitely gotten better since surgery, but I still lose my energy quickly. I'm hoping that as I'm able to eat more calories it'll get better.

  12. Today marks 7 weeks post op! This month has not gone as smooth as last month did as far as eating on plan. I had a couple of days this month where I ate well over my calorie budget. Even though it was not nearly as much as I used to eat before surgery, it doesn't take much for me to stall.

    I'm not sure of my weight loss (if any) because I'm still weighing once a month, but whatever number pops up when I weigh in next week, I am still doing better than I ever could have before having surgery. I still know that I for sure would have blown it by now as I have never been successful for more than 2 weeks. I am also taking every failure as an opportunity to learn. I realized I made bad choices in some of the foods I bought because the sugar/carb content stimulated my hunger. There are certain foods I have to stay way from if I want to be successful. Even with that, I made some adjustments and do not feel deprived at all. 

    My plan is still to weigh in once a month. I feel it really makes me focus on nutrition and what I can do starting at my very next meal to be successful. When I'd weigh in weekly sometimes I'd have a week where I knew I was not eating as well as I could have, yet I still had a loss. It could have been a big poop, or pee, or dehydration, but I'd remain blissfully ignorant and loosen up on my diet the next week to celebrate. On the flip side, I had weeks where I was working hard, diet was on point, and I'd lose less than a pound, sometimes nothing, sometimes I'd gain... and it would break my spirit. Weighing in weekly is too emotional for me and I believe on some weeks it can be misleading regarding the overall trend. That's what I'm interested in now - the overall trend. If I weigh and measure everything I eat, stay on plan, then I feel comfortable weighing in once monthly for the time being.

    This post is much longer than I was expecting, but lastly, I'm learning how important it is to stay positive and believe in yourself. It truly makes a difference. Preop, when I would wake up in the morning, I would always be in a terrible mood, but I'm stopping myself and changing the script now. There was a story on the radio of a famous science fiction writer. When she was initially writing her best-selling series, she would line her manuscripts with little positive mantras. She believed in herself and achieved her dream. I think all of us can do the same with the right mindset.

    1. Newme17


      She believed in herself and achieved her dream. I think all of us can do the same with the right mindset.

      Yes, we absolutely can!!! Great post...and I'm happy for you staying positive. You have inspired me truly to stay this way too. :)

  13. I'm a week post op today and I've been walking as much as I can tolerate. I thought I was doing well until I looked at my step count and saw I'm getting 2-3k steps per day. I tried to go out to the park for a walk today and really enjoyed it since the weather is beautiful, and this was the first time I've been outside walking since surgery. Well.. I stayed out too long and didn't have enough steam to get me back home. My large incision was extremely painful and I almost passed going up my stairs :blink:  

    So I guess my lesson for today is to listen to your body. Right now, I feel challenged at 2k steps per day and I suppose I need to lay off the pressure to do more until I'm better healed. I feel like my activity tolerance should be higher, but I'm not going to push it.

    1. Newme17


      Yes, listen to your body! I could only do a few ten min walks per day. No where near counting steps. I don't care to count either, but anyway, I'm just a week ahead of you post op and as you know, we get better each day. I can walk pretty good now without the incision pain too. You'll get there, take it easy. We are still healing. 😊 Blessings to you hon.

  14. Going to see surgeon and NUT today for 2-week follow-up. I can't believe how quickly the time has passed. Feeling better every day, my pain is minimal at this point, so no more getting stuck on the couch! I'm meeting my protein and fluid goals too. The only thing that is still bad is my energy levels. I still can't go past the end of my block without feeling dizzy and having to turn back. Hope that advancing my diet will help give me more energy.

    1. Sherrie Scharbrough

      Sherrie Scharbrough

      Hon, your body is still healing!! Look at what you are eating now compared to what you used to eat!! 2 WEEKS out and still getting tired. WHAT!! Are you WONDER WOMAN? LOL Take it easy on yourself. You are doing great!! Congratulations on beginning your journey. And KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!

  15. Just had my dinner: 3oz ff refried beans, 1 ultrathin slice of colby jack cheese, 1tbsp sour cream. It was the most delicious meal I've had since I started my pre-op diet.  :P

    1. Newme17


      Yum. Sounds like my kind of meal!

  16. Feeling much better today. Yesterday I was very run down, so I stayed in and took a nice long nap during the day and ate an extra yogurt. Right as rain now :D Happy Friday!

    1. Newme17


      Sounds like you're rested, that's great! Happy Friday!

  17. Lesson for the day: Get. Your. Water. In. 

    I only drank about half the water I should have yesterday. I usually make my water goal, if not exceed it a bit, I just was not in the mood and let it slide. This morning I went out for my walk and all of the sudden felt dehydrated adn overheated. Of course, it being almost 80degrees at 10am didn't help, but it makes it all the more essential to make sure you are well-hydrated. I came back home a dizzy, parched mess, and barely made it through my shower. Today is gonna be fluids, fluids, fluids!

    1. Newme17


      I have had days like this too. Yesterday I was out most all day (90 degree weather) too. I drove to the store just for a Gatorade; just didn't want water. Helped immensely.

      Glad you didn't pass out. Like you, my fluids are getting attention today.

  18. Today marks 3 weeks post op :D I already can't believe all the changes that have occurred. I still have my ups and downs energy wise, sometimes I get a little attitude from my sleeve when I take too big of a spoonful at once, but I'm happy that I'm tolerating foods well and I'm continuing to slowly progress my diet. 

    I was thinking today about how just a few days before my surgery I was contemplating whether or not I should even go through with it. At that point, I was thinking maybe I could do all this on my own (even though I have been trying to lose weight for the last several years and have done nothing but gain weight). Well, it's been 3 weeks now and I have followed my diet to a T. Although I've had some junk food "fantasies", I have never been tempted to actually break my diet. Preop, the longest I could last was a few days, 4 days max, and I'd break and order grubhub. Yes, the sleeve is a tool, but right now it has been instrumental in my ability to stay on point. I would never have been able to do this pre-op. Trust me, I've tried!

    1. Newme17


      I'm happy it's working out for you hon. The longer we go without the fantasies, the easier it'll be to just disregard them. One thing I've always noticed though. In my pre-op days, I ate pretty healthy even before the journey, but when I would stick to it for a while and then have myself something fried, etc. I immediately felt sick. Like throw up sick. So, I can only assume that it'll be the same with us now. We're going so long without all of that mess and if we decided to have some, our bodies won't want it. That's the only rejection I like. :)

  19. Increasing my meals from 4-5x/day went very well. The portions are smaller, so I don't feel as run down after eating, and I had more time to drink my fluids instead of rushing in the evening to get the rest down. Hooray for successful experiments :D 

    1. Newme17


      Happy it worked out!! :)

  20. Happy 4th to everyone :D

    Looks like I burned out my first kitchen scale. Checked the batteries and it's still not working and nope.. dead. Got a new one on Amazon, so I'm gonna have to stick to pre-portioned foods until it comes in.

    Today I am 6weeks post op. I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone by! I've been thinking about how much I've learned since my first surgeon appointment in March up to now. The last few years have been really tough as I tried so many different ways to lose weight, only to see little to no results. Unfortunately, feeling so much disappointment really took a toll on me mentally and made me question myself.

    Although I had my recent slip-up, I am still so thankful to have had this surgery and to experience the discipline over food that I now have. I feel so much more in control and happy with the foods I eat. You don't have to have a gigantic, greasy, calorie-dense meal in order to feel satisfied. My lunch today was 2oz of smoked rainbow trout with 2oz of kale yogurt dip and it was delicious :P

  21. First day back to work today! It feels good to have a regular routine again, but after two hours of sitting at my desk I'm dizzy and tired. I work from home, so I'll just take a nap during my lunch break, but if I were in an office, I probably would have asked to go home by now. 

  22. Second status update for today... look at me B) Doing better with mushy foods, tried 2oz ricotta cheese, had some hiccups but otherwise did well. I also killed it on my walk - 2k steps! It was tough, I was a little tired, but the dizziness was minimal and I had enough energy for my shower afterward. Hooray for small victories!

  23. The fatigue lifted a bit the past two days and I even went both days without taking a nap, but I think it's catching up with me today. I might be taking my *second* nap for today....zzz....zz..z...

  24. I'm considering changing up my eating schedule. I currently eat 4 times a day, but may decrease my portions and increase my frequency to 5x/day. I feel like my meals are too large and experience quite a bit of pressure after my meals. We'll see how it goes...

  25. Hey all, this is a very long overdue post. My 1-year surgiversary was 5/23/18. I am down a total of 90lbs, so I'm still on my journey to my goal weight. Things are going well. I had a horrible plateau right around my surgerversary, but I have been steadily plugging away. I may not be losing as quickly as I'd hoped, but I am thrilled to be where I am now. 10lbs away from exiting obesity, which is something I didn't think I'd ever see again before having this surgery.

    My sleeve still functions and provides restriction. Not as much as the first few months, but I feel it's only a slight difference. I still have to stick to high protein foods for the most satiety. 

    My eating plan is pretty routine: 

    fage yogurt for breakfast

    cereal with fairlife milk for "second breakfast"

    1oz almonds as a snack

    1 protein bar

    Dinner is usually 4oz meat with a side of veggies cooked in butter

    Evening snack is a half bar of Lily's chocolate. 

    I exercise on my spin bike 4x/week. 

    Drink 2L of water every day.


    The name of the game for me is routine, routine, routine. I don't feel good when I veer off my eating or exercise plan. Even though I'm not losing as quickly as I've seen others on this board, I am losing steadily which was not happening prior to surgery. I still feel reduced hunger compared to preop.  The sleeve absolutely helps me every day. Even on days I fall off the wagon, I don't eat nearly as much as I used to, and then I just get right back on the wagon.

    Some changes I'm still feeling since my surgery is that I still get nauseous when I drink plain water so I have to flavor it. I always drank plain water pre-op. It's not as bad as before, but if I push it and try to drink more than one glass of plan water I start getting queasy and need to add flavor. I still have difficulty tolerating vanilla. It tastes super sweet so I stay away from anything vanilla flavored. I still have to be careful with chicken breast - making sure I chew slowly and pace myself. 

    Plans on the horizon is to get to 100lbs lost which is also when I am officially not obese anymore. I would also like to start running when I get down to 220 as I've been having joint pain when I tried to start running at a higher weight. I am also in the middle of a cross-country move that I am excited about. Hopefully, all the activity next month with packing and running around will give me a bump in weight loss for the month. 


    Anyway, I thought I would drop a line with some progress. I've also noticed some wonderful progress from other members since I was last on. Congrats to you all!



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