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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by 1234567890

  1. You are almost there.. don't stop [emoji106]
  2. Loking great! Keep up with your goal weight... curious to know after 3 years how is your food intake ? How many oz you eat per meal?
  3. 1234567890

    300 pounds lost

    Fee happy for you... I had my VSG back in 3/10/17. Weighted 405, I have lost 160 lbs as of today. Current weight 245 and going... I notices I am eating more. Breakfast 6 oz Lunch 6-8 oz Dinner 6 oz Plus 1 or 2 snacks (usually yogurt 5 oz) Just wanted to see what was like after a year.. I guess I should start reducing meal portions.. If you don't mind asking, where did you get tummy tuck? Within US? I am doing lots of weight training to prevent that, but due the nature of fast weight loss is inevitable.. Thanks
  4. 1234567890

    300 pounds lost

    Great job pal! Keep it up with your discipline.. hows is your food intake this days?
  5. Great work, keep it up
  6. 1234567890

    9 months post op :-) before/after pics

    Wow you healed really well. I am up to my fifth month 140lbs down... keep up with hardwork and best in your journey
  7. 1234567890

    Workouts after surgery

    That will be Drs question to be on th safe side. In my case I was told: do not lift anything heavier than 20lbs for 2 months. 2 months (time it takes sleeve to fully heal /s seal). After 2 months I started with low intensity cardio. By the 3rd month I started doing weight training. Again check with your doctor first. Good luck
  8. 1234567890

    My Success So Far..

    Keep it up pal, you will be able to get your water intake later on... Im up to my 5th month and now I can drink 8 oz per hour... hope you keep going
  9. 1234567890

    Sleeved Oct 2016!

    Great work, keep it up
  10. 1234567890

    Leaving dieting behind

    Amazing job!! I was sleeved in March 2017, after 11 weeks I am down 105 lbs, combination of workout and keeping portions at 4 oz. as well we counting macros. When did you have surgery? And if you don't mind sharing about loose skin.. I am actually doing weight training to prevent that. Would like to know if you ran in to that issue. Feel free to msg, and great transformation
  11. 1234567890

    New dress!

    Good job
  12. Congratulations... keep it up
  13. 1234567890

    Before and after pic

    Great work... stick to your diet
  14. 1234567890


    Talk to your Dr, every case/dr is different. In my case I did Post surgery week1/2 - Clear liquids Post surgery week3/4 - Smoochie foods Post surgery week5/6 - Soft solids After week 6, I can theoretically eat anything, within 4 oz portions... So far I haven't had sushi, remember you must eat what bring nutrition values, you might be full with 1 sushi portion, but there is no nutrition value Best of luck
  15. 1234567890

    Holy Hair Loss Batman!!

    When did you have surgery?
  16. 1234567890

    I say this EVERYDAY❤

    Great job, keep it up
  17. 1234567890

    Silly Question !! Maybe not

    I think you shouldn't, as chewing gum may get you air into stomach
  18. 1234567890

    12 days post op

    I guess every doctor has their own opinion, mine said don't lift more than 20 lbs within 6 weeks. My doctor is very cautious and recommends patients 6 weeks period for stomach to heal. However, looking online some doctors say that takes about 20 days to heal. I guess better safe than sorry
  19. 1234567890

    3 days post

    Drinking is a bit difficult first 3 days, sip sip sip, and walk as much as you can, every day gets better, you will feel normal by the 5th day... dont be afraid to take or ask for pain medication if needed. Also, get gas-x strips to relieve gas pain, best of luck with your recovery.. Im only 11 days post op, feel like new.... small discomforts in incisions, but normal
  20. Great job, keep it up with hard work
  21. 1234567890

    Digestive Question

    Hi, Im only 8 days post op, I asked same question to Dr. they told me if my regular was 1 or 2 times a day, my new normal will be once every 2-3 days. Personally, I go every 3 days... ask your Doctor, mine said I can drink low sugar prune juice after week 2.
  22. 1234567890

    Today is the big day!

    You will be fine, Im 6 days out of surgery, feel like new. First days you will feel gas pain, Dr will ask you to walk as much as you can to get that gas out of your system. Remember to ask for gas pills to help out. Best of luck...
  23. 1234567890

    Pre Op

    Hi from NJ, wishing you luck during your surgery. Mine was 03/10, all went well. Remember to stick to your liquid diet prior surgery, Dr will recommend to start walking after surgery to help with gas (CO2), every day gets better. Best of luck

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