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Newme17 last won the day on May 17 2018

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About Newme17

  • Rank
    Bariatric Hero
  • Birthday 09/19/1978

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    Full time Mom and wife
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    Corpus Christi
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  1. Yes, I'm still up...9:18. Trying to stay up for a few more mins. I am here in bed, lights off, thinking about how "all of a sudden" my body is aching the way it did with 25+ lbs on it. Is there such a thing as a period after weight loss when all the previous aches and pains decide to come back and wreak havoc? Hip bursitis has flared up pretty bad. My other hip is achy. I felt like my collar bone was about to snap with a piercing pain earlier. All I did was lift up the clothes hamper. My knees are aching an awful lot. Usually happens with bad weather coming but there's nothing in he forecast that I know of. Of course my shoulder that was injured in an accident few months back hurts. My feet hurt again, they haven't for a while and now they do??? 

    All I know is that I'm WAY TOO YOUNG for these issues. Please tell me something gets better!?!? Almost feels like I'm going backwards. 

    Now, I know I need to stay positive and work through these things. I think my lack of sleep is coming out with the complaints and not so positive attitude right now. My poor kids felt the mom-not-herself attitude earlier. I'm made it to 9:25. I think I'm calling it quits. Goodnight y'all. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MSinger


      I'm sorry you're hurting. I have problems with humid weather from old injuries. Sometimes I'll have days where my entire body is cracking and popping - back, fingers, toes, elbows... I sound like a bowl of rice crispies! I hope it gets better. Rest up and take care of yourself :)

    3. Newme17


      Rice Krispies!!!! LOL That's too funny. I'm so ready to get over hurting.

    4. biginjapan


      @Newme17 - I so feel for you!

      I haven't had anything "old" flare-up, but I have noticed that various bits of my body get creaky and cranky for short periods of time (up to a week) and then it kind of disappears. However, I have had a long history of bad backs (herniated disc), bad feet (plantar fasciitis and now it appears that I have heel spurs (no more fat padding!)), and perennially bad knees. As I result, every time I try to "step it up" to increased my activity, something always happens that sets me back worse than I was before I started, and for much longer. Now, luckily the weight is not so much the issue, but I do know that after turning 35, and especially after turning 40, things begin to go rapidly down hill! (at least they did for me). So I'm taking the activity part of my weight loss slowly - lots of walking, hills and stairs are okay, but nothing even remotely high impact or overly strenuous (although I'm now at the point where I do think it would be safe to go a bit harder). I also have to find some lighter weights to use, because the ones I currently have at home (which in the past seemed too light for me) are now too heavy and may cause injury if I continue to use them for weight training (I've been using the video on YouTube you suggested a while back). So...that's a long story but basically I think you are doing the right thing by taking a step back for a little while. We have to learn to listen to cues from our bodies, and remember that changes take time.

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