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Wonder WomanNJ

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to deb2571 in Fast Food Questions   
    I'm 5 months post op gastric bypass. I do go out to eat but I make smart choices like salad, chicken, Soup. Lite choices on the menu. At this stage I couldn't eat something "bad" I don't have the room in my pouch. Also I'm trying to teach myself not to think of food as a reward. I know when I get to maintenence I can ocassionally have a bite of something off of my plan. I was and still am a food adict. I will always have to be careful not to fall back into that behavior. My brain is a fat girl brain in a thinner body. Surgery can't change that.
    Sent from my SM-N910V using the BariatricPal App
  2. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to xoxococojay in Fast Food Questions   
    So you will eventually eat out again. That's normal. You will. But do so at an actual resturant that serves you real food and make better choices. I'm not saying that to be harsh at all...i have a very close friend who did by pass specifically and he gained almost all of his weight back because he didn't make the changes. You are much stronger than that. Don't give in, don't give up. We all used to like fast food before obviously. But all that grease will make you sick, which obviously you haven't experienced that feeling yet. ( for all of us) but by pass patients especially can be prone to dumping by doing that to themselves which is a very physically painful and uncomfortable feeling.
    But it's crazy to think that you need fast food. I bought an air fryer, george forman grill etc. i can make all of that myself and make it much better for me.
    I'm not sure what state you're in but where i live i was required to do several psychologist visits by my insurance. The doctor there was so amazing, she helped me conquer my addiction to food. You should look into doing something similar.
    I know that's not what you asked for but tough, this is a support group, not an enablers group. We're speaking from experience only to help encourage you.
    I can't stand mean cyber trolls either but i can imagine that you will hear from some. Honestly it's because of the types of questions being posted.
    I hope that was at least informative if not helpful. Like i said i'm not trying to discourage you or be offensive. Just sharing what i've seen and experienced.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to trekker954 in Fast Food Questions   
    When I progressed to soft food I really had a hard time getting anything my tummy agreed with.
    I was about one month out and on a road trip, I stopped in Taco Bell, ordered one taco supreme, and with a fork took small bites of the inside (meat, cheese, low fat sour cream - i pushed aside most of the lettuce as that's very hard to process that early out). I chewed to liquid consistency and it was the most delicious meal I had since the pre op diet started. I don't do that often but know it can be done.
    I've tried the McD burger once to no avail. I couldn't chew to liquid consistency so tossed it. I can probably eat it now, but I will only resort to fast food in a pinch. I no longer need to chew up my food to liquid, so I need to be careful.
    BTW, I hate to cook and have no responsibility to do so for family. I've been thinking of trying Pollo Tropical's grilled chicken as I hear its great.
    My advice as one who is seeing that appetite and ease of eating returns, is to start off this journey with good habits, put an effort into making healthy choices even when stopping in for fast food.
  4. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to paul12677 in Delicious high protein meal and some football!   
    patriots are too good to have to cheat anyway .. Brady is unbelievable playing like he's still 30. Paul12677
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    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to summerset in Posting about fast food and unhealthy junk   
    That's something I don't understand as well. Everyone who's browsing the boards for a while knows that there will be harsh answers. Trolling?
    And why should I make a post about some Gummy worms I've eaten a few minutes ago anyway? So I've eaten them a few minutes ago. Now what? I neither need absolution nor tough love a kick in the bee-hind.
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    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to xoxococojay in Posting about fast food and unhealthy junk   
    No i read the post. They literally admitted that as soon as they are able to put crap back in their bodies they will do so. They wanted to know what fast food resturants they should go to and so on.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
    Yeah i hope i don't get banned. I just try to help. I wish they would ban the negative weirdos that make posts about crap instead.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to BigViffer in I wanna know about carbs... Seriously!   
    Nice to have you back @KindaFamiliar. 12 grams of carbs is insane! You must feel pretty damned lethargic without something in the tank to burn. Carbs are nothing to be afraid of when they are eaten properly. Oats, bran, shredded wheat, sweet potato, fresh fruits; all of these are OK'ed by my surgeon. The key is to only eat the daily recommended amount. Which incidentally is usually about the same as your Protein intake.
    My intake over the last week has been 100 - 200 grams per day. My Protein intake is about the same as well. Of course I am also very active in the weight room and I need those carbs to give me enough energy to finish the workout. If you are trying to lose weight still, low carb is fine. Dangerously low carb is impossible to keep up long term though.
    Are you working out at all? Reason I ask is because I have to really try hard to gain weight at this point. Let me rephrase that, I am finding it difficult to find HEALTHY nutrient & caloric rich foods to help me gain muscle mass. If you are hitting it hard at the gym and keeping your intake the same, those last few pounds/kilos will start coming off again.
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    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to bacon in I wanna know about carbs... Seriously!   
    When calculating Carbs one must calculate NET carbs. Broccoli is high in Fiber, so you take carbs-fiber=net carbs. Just my .02.
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    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to Alex Brecher in BariatricPal Policy Reminders – Everyone Please Read!   
    I won't be deleting any accounts. You are more than welcome to unsubscribe from our emails and go your merry way.
    The straw that broke the camels back was a group of weight loss surgeons, bariatric psychologists, and other integrated health members that approached me recently at a weight loss surgery conference I was attending. They said they love suggesting BariatricPal to their patients but were very concerned about some bullying that was taking place. They didn't feel it was a "safe" place for their patients. Many of our members ended up becoming overweight because of the bullying and trauma they had suffered earlier on in life. It's quite sickening that they should be required to re-live the same trauma while seeking "support" online!
    I opened up an investigation a few weeks ago and what I discovered was nauseating. There are hundreds of private messages between some members that discuss strategy on how to bully or make fun of other members that disagree with them publicly. At the end of the day, we're an online support group and everyone needs to learn how to play nice. If you can't abide by the rules, you're not welcome here.
    If this was about $, I'd keep things status quo and wouldn't ruffle any feathers. I promised myself that 2017 would be an awesome one for the BariatricPal community and our members. If you're not happy with my decision, you are more than welcome to follow the members I banned to the other online communities that are readily available to you.
  10. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to nnagle323 in The need to eat until stuffed   
    What I ate today wasn't that that. The only thing I ate that was bad carbs was the multigrain flat bread from subway and I ate HALF of a 6 in. I didn't eat a fruit roll up I had sugar free fruit Snacks that had nothing to them the meatloaf I MYSELF made was a low carb recipe I got from my friends mother who has the same surgery years ago. Which I only had 4oz of. I might not be hitting my Protein and I more than likely should of went to my dietician than this Bariatric"pal" app. But I have NO support anywhere. I'm trying what I can. It seems like a lot of people have a dietician they can call the office I went to is an HOUR and a HALF away from me and when I went threw my 6 month visit I seen THREE DIFFERENT dieticians. Which all gave me different things for BEFORE surgery. Not one of them talked to me about AFTER I figured coming here would be some help not calling out my flaws. Yeah I get it I don't eat enough Protein I barley eat carbs. Just because I had 3 bites of oatmeal and a HAlF a 6 in you want to call me out saying "not according to the day you listed above" when first off you didn't even list the shit I ate from my fitness pal appropriately.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ got a reaction from janedoe92 in WLS is the easy way out   
    YES - omg I saw that too and I nearly lost it. Granted - WLS is a tool for us but this process is in now way "easy". It takes determination, strength and valor to make the decision to go through this. It takes perseverance to not let our "brains" take over and fail at this. I have cried at times because my family is eating great tasting food in front of me and I want to throw my shake out the window but here I am.
    We should all write in the Good Morning America and that chic from People magazine.
  12. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ got a reaction from jaynamy3 in A confession but not food related!   
    Oh sweety! You both sound like incredibly giving and unselfish people. Maybe just tell hubby that right now, your knees hurt too much.
    All my pains, ailments, stressors virtually went away when I had my surgery. NO lie - 2 weeks after my surgery I was able to move better - and just easily. Find comfort in knowing that VERY soon - you will be riding along your hubby in his pretty new truck and his pretty healthy wife sitting next to him. xoxo
  13. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ got a reaction from jaynamy3 in A confession but not food related!   
    Oh sweety! You both sound like incredibly giving and unselfish people. Maybe just tell hubby that right now, your knees hurt too much.
    All my pains, ailments, stressors virtually went away when I had my surgery. NO lie - 2 weeks after my surgery I was able to move better - and just easily. Find comfort in knowing that VERY soon - you will be riding along your hubby in his pretty new truck and his pretty healthy wife sitting next to him. xoxo
  14. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ got a reaction from janedoe92 in WLS is the easy way out   
    YES - omg I saw that too and I nearly lost it. Granted - WLS is a tool for us but this process is in now way "easy". It takes determination, strength and valor to make the decision to go through this. It takes perseverance to not let our "brains" take over and fail at this. I have cried at times because my family is eating great tasting food in front of me and I want to throw my shake out the window but here I am.
    We should all write in the Good Morning America and that chic from People magazine.
  15. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ got a reaction from janedoe92 in WLS is the easy way out   
    YES - omg I saw that too and I nearly lost it. Granted - WLS is a tool for us but this process is in now way "easy". It takes determination, strength and valor to make the decision to go through this. It takes perseverance to not let our "brains" take over and fail at this. I have cried at times because my family is eating great tasting food in front of me and I want to throw my shake out the window but here I am.
    We should all write in the Good Morning America and that chic from People magazine.
  16. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ got a reaction from jaynamy3 in A confession but not food related!   
    Oh sweety! You both sound like incredibly giving and unselfish people. Maybe just tell hubby that right now, your knees hurt too much.
    All my pains, ailments, stressors virtually went away when I had my surgery. NO lie - 2 weeks after my surgery I was able to move better - and just easily. Find comfort in knowing that VERY soon - you will be riding along your hubby in his pretty new truck and his pretty healthy wife sitting next to him. xoxo
  17. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ got a reaction from jaynamy3 in A confession but not food related!   
    Oh sweety! You both sound like incredibly giving and unselfish people. Maybe just tell hubby that right now, your knees hurt too much.
    All my pains, ailments, stressors virtually went away when I had my surgery. NO lie - 2 weeks after my surgery I was able to move better - and just easily. Find comfort in knowing that VERY soon - you will be riding along your hubby in his pretty new truck and his pretty healthy wife sitting next to him. xoxo
  18. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to LittleBill in WLS is the easy way out   
    My grandma had a saying. "Wish in one hand and poop in the other, and see which one fills up first." People have a remarkable resistance to educating themselves, while at the same time displaying another remarkable ability to sound off about stuff about which they know nothing. It affects people at all levels of society, regardless of station, education, or income. It would be nice if they would change, but they won't.
    I have a couple of prepared replies for when I meet someone like this. I have yet to do so since I embarked on my WLS journey, but I have encountered them in the past. Anyone is free to use these or modify them as you see fit.
    "Yes, I was fat and am working hard to lose my weight. You on the other hand seem determined to remain stupid for the rest of your life."
    "You can think that if you want. It is not my responsibility to cure ignorance wherever I find it."
    (This one is borrowed from a movie)
    "If I am to be insulted, I must first value your opinion."
    These are just a few examples of what I have ready to fire in defense of boorish behavior. I create others on the spot as the need arises. It is fun and satisfying, and every now and then a barb goes home and causes the other person to think. But I don't really count on that.
  19. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to TXJess in WLS is the easy way out   
    Just like people who fight over natural child birth vs. an epidural. Whatever - at the end you still have a baby. Other than that, it should be what works for the person.
    I actually didn't have the surgery to lose weight. I can do that without surgery. What I have been unable to do in the past 15 years is KEEP IT OFF. When I tell people that, anyone who has ever dieted understands that struggle.
    BUT, I do think it is a disservice to pitch WLS as a magic bullet, miracle cure. I hope doctors educate people that this is not the case because there is the same hard work to lose the weight as if you didn't have the surgery.
  20. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to theantichick in WLS is the easy way out   
    I want them to check back with those girls in 2 years and see if they kept it off. I hope for the girls' sake they did, but statistics say they won't. That's what the media doesn't get about weight loss. It's not about being able to lose it, it's about being able to keep it off. Frustrating.
  21. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to Djmohr in WLS is the easy way out   
    When I saw this topic I could feel my blood pressure rise. LOL!
    It irks me when I see or hear people say this, especially on TV or magazines. They have absolutely NO idea how hard we work to get healthy nor do they understand that obesity is a metabolic disease.
    There is such a small percentage of people who are successful long term losing weight and ultimately keeping it off. I believe it is less than 5%.
    Honestly, this is frustrating. The medical community outside of bariatric teams are somewhat clueless about it too. If only they would do better education maybe the public would understand that it is a metabolic disease and to cure it long term surgery is really the best option.
    UGH......just adding to your rant. LOL!
  22. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ got a reaction from jaynamy3 in A confession but not food related!   
    Oh sweety! You both sound like incredibly giving and unselfish people. Maybe just tell hubby that right now, your knees hurt too much.
    All my pains, ailments, stressors virtually went away when I had my surgery. NO lie - 2 weeks after my surgery I was able to move better - and just easily. Find comfort in knowing that VERY soon - you will be riding along your hubby in his pretty new truck and his pretty healthy wife sitting next to him. xoxo
  23. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to clc9 in WLS is the easy way out   
    Particularly at this time of year, I find myself being very cynical when seeing weight loss success stories from weight loss plans, on the Today show or in People magazine. My first thought is always, "Tell me how they are doing in 5 years. Then maybe we'll have something to Celebrate." I say this as someone who has lost hundreds of pounds in my life the "hard way". They just passed the first mile of the marathon and the rest is straight up hill. If they finish, I'll be impressed.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  24. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to Christina.Rose in WLS is the easy way out   
    That kind of stuff is what makes me embarrassed to tell anyone besides my close family.....and all you people lol
    Sent from my SM-J700P using the BariatricPal App
  25. Like
    Wonder WomanNJ reacted to Brady12 in NEED SUPPORT :(   
    I love watching food shows now! Since I don't or can't really eat that way, it truly satisfies!!! Gawd, we are sick fuckers but at least we are thin and no longer eat any and everything we see!!! What an empowering moment right?? This is our life!!!! Yaaaaay!!!!

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