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About ccastillo

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  1. Where can I purchase this? I tried to look on amazon for it and couldn't find it? Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App
  2. ccastillo

    Feeling Lost...

    That's so weird how we all have been told pretty much similar foods but to start them at different times. I wonder which one I should actually be doing. Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App
  3. ccastillo

    1 week Post op

    Cool, I'll do that. Thank you. Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App
  4. ccastillo

    Feeling Lost...

    Oh okay, I would die for some mash, or oatmeal. They told me not to do those until 3 weeks post op. Right now they said to do sugarfree Popsicles, sugar free pudding, sugarfree Jello, Protein drinks of course, fat free yogurt, cottage cheese, diluted juices, fat free refried Beans, and egg whites. Maybe you can add one of these to give you more of a variety. I do 1oz-2oz every two hours. I don't know how to explain it but my body feels like it just needs really food you know. Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App
  5. ccastillo

    1 week Post op

    Hang in there. I don't know if you're a fish person but you can have pureed tuna with low fat mayo. Also tilapia or flounder are light flaky fish you can eat.You can do the same with canned chicken, puree it and add low fat mayo. You need lean protein. you can try adding protein to pudding or jello. I add cacao powder to take the bite out of the pea protein in pudding. You need to have protein. you can have egg whites with a little cheese. You can boil chicken or turkey in broth and puree it. Think consistency of baby food. No sugar, low fat , and carbs under 5 grams. You want your body to stay in ketosis, where the body burns fat for energy. let me know what you like and maybe we can find something you might be able to eat. Its gonna suck for a while but you took the first step towards your goal so its up to you now. There's not limits to what you can achieve.You are your only limit.Thanks. All the stuff you mentioned sounds great and it is in my diet plan, but not until I'm 3 weeks post op. I'm only a week Post-op, do you think it matters if I start it now? Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App
  6. ccastillo

    Feeling Lost...

    My surgery was also on 9/30 and I feel the same. I had a break down today and just cried and cried and then crying made my stomach hurt more. That is when I downloaded this app to try and find some kind of comfort. What is your diet plan right now? Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App
  7. Hey all. I'm one week Post op. Where do I start. Well the day of surgery I was pretty out of it and really tired from the anesthesia and pain meds. My doctors and nurses kept me really comfortable with my pain. I had to have an upper GI study before I was able to drink anything. Unfortunately my system was moving really slowly, so I had to have the upper GI done three times until things finally started to move along. My second time doing the GI, I fainted, but thankfully the doctor caught me lol. After things were good, I was finally able to do ice chips and I couldn't of been happier. After the ice chips, I started to do Water. The next day after surgery I was able to do sugarfree Popsicles, and broth. I really didn't care to much for eating or drinking because I was to tired, but they wouldn't discharge me until I was able to drink 4oz of water in a hour. My pain was bad, but thankfully they were keeping it controlled. The gas pain was horrible. The worst part for me was getting in and out of bed, that is when it hurt the most. When getting home I felt a level of regret, but just kept reminding myself why I'm doing this. I was doing Protein shakes, sugarfree Jello, sugar free Popsicles, and broth. I was doing good for the first three days, but after that I started to feel nauseous more which made me sad lol. I've been taking my water in perfectly even though I feel like I'm starting to hate the taste now lol. I have now been able to add sugar free pudding, low fat yogurt, egg beaters, cottage cheese, and refried Beans to my diet. Well I'm not a bean and cottage cheese kind of person, but I was so excited after doing liquids for so long. I tried beans with ms.dash seasoning and it was a fail! They were so nasty. I then tried the egg beaters with the ms dash seasoning and again I threw it in the trash. It sucks! I don't know what to do because the stuff they tell me to eat does not appeal to me and I get nauseous thinking about them. It's definitely been more of a struggle for me then I thought it would be. I had a minnie break down today and just cried. I have been so tempted to eat solid food, but I know the dangers, so I just sat in the shower and cried. It's definitely hard when the rest of your family can enjoy what they like and your just there by yourself not able to. As for pain now it's pretty much controlled by my pain meds except for the gas pain. The gas pain definitely sucks still, but I just been using the heating pad for it. My incisions are healing fine, it's just really the mental/emotional thing I'm struggling with. I also notice I have to brush my teeth constantly because I have a nasty taste in my mouth. Besides this long post I can say I'm taking it one day at a time trying to make it to the end lol. Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App
  8. ccastillo

    Sugar free gum or mints

    I am now a week out since my surgery. I asked my doctor if I could chew gum as well and she told me no because you can bring air in your sleeve by chewing. Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
