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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Travelher

  1. Travelher

    PMS Cravings - will they go away?

    Both sleeve and rny remove that grehlin secretions...however and vets will tell you many, maybe most get it back down the road. It is why developing good habits are important during the honeymoon phase when it is gone. Our bodies are smart and figure out how to renew those connections, my advice to anyone contemplating bariatric surgery is to go on YouTube and watch every video dr. Matthew weiner has produced. Very informative and research based.
  2. Travelher

    Got confused today re eating bugles ....

    If you didn't see the original post, you have no context through which your reply even matters, so... Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using the BariatricPal App Wow, I find this post to be incredibly rude. I did see the original post and Miss Impala's reply matters because it is factually correct. It isn't coloured and skewed by an emotional response to the original post as some of the others. I'm puzzled by your reluctance to accept the reality that there are people on these boards who are not from the US and therefore will be puzzled by some of the local idiosyncrasies. Many people across the globe view Americans as insular and ignorant of things that go on beyond their borders, I don't believe that to be true as I love and work with Americans every day. Unfortunately these kinds of responses only play into that stereotype. Frankly it looks like "rightfighting" to me. The OP was pretty clear multiple times in this thread that she did not know what bugles are. At first read I was puzzled by what the post was until I of course quickly realized she was Australian and they likely don't have bugles there. I get that some people are slower on the uptick but after several people having explained it I'm not sure where the confusion lies. the thread then veered off, but not the OP's doing or intent of the post. (the spotted d*ick posts won, though IMO). I'm not even talking about the OP; I totally understand she didn't know what Bugles are. It's just the others who do know and still choose to be jerks... those are the ones that get to me. Not everyone was raised to have compassion on others, apparently. Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using the BariatricPal App I apologize, I did not realize you were not talking about the OP, I assumed you were because you did not acknowledge the misinterpretation by some (who even called her a bully). My mistake. I still think telling someone their reply doesn't matter is a bit rude. But I am Canadian, so perhaps overly polite in a global context?
  3. Travelher

    Is it just me?

    so not just you!!! I've been wondering the same thing all along...
  4. Travelher

    Got confused today re eating bugles ....

    If you didn't see the original post, you have no context through which your reply even matters, so... Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using the BariatricPal App Wow, I find this post to be incredibly rude. I did see the original post and Miss Impala's reply matters because it is factually correct. It isn't coloured and skewed by an emotional response to the original post as some of the others. I'm puzzled by your reluctance to accept the reality that there are people on these boards who are not from the US and therefore will be puzzled by some of the local idiosyncrasies. Many people across the globe view Americans as insular and ignorant of things that go on beyond their borders, I don't believe that to be true as I love and work with Americans every day. Unfortunately these kinds of responses only play into that stereotype. Frankly it looks like "rightfighting" to me. The OP was pretty clear multiple times in this thread that she did not know what bugles are. At first read I was puzzled by what the post was until I of course quickly realized she was Australian and they likely don't have bugles there. I get that some people are slower on the uptick but after several people having explained it I'm not sure where the confusion lies. the thread then veered off, but not the OP's doing or intent of the post. (the spotted d*ick posts won, though IMO).
  5. Travelher

    The day for surgery has arrived...

    good luck! You'll do great!
  6. Travelher

    Foodie Life Post-op

    i also forgot to talk about drinking. post surgery i don't drink. frankly after the band surgery i had reflux and the last thing i wanted to do to my burning stomach is add alcohol. I'm on prevacid post bypass and have no desired to test my tummy with alcohol. that I can live without. For people who really enjoy drinking you need to be careful because weight loss patients have significantly higher rates of alcoholism, especially if there is a family history of that. it puts you at a much greater risk.
  7. Travelher

    Carbs per day

    I think i set my goal at just over 50 in myfitnesspal, but just checked and for november i averaged closer to 30. what are the symptoms you had?
  8. Travelher

    Out of Surgery

    Not to worry he will feel better. within minutes of getting out of surgery i vomited up black (old blood) in front of my mother and was begging for pain medication. she looked terrified. within 6 hours of that I was up and going to the washroom and that evening I was walking laps (slowly) around the floor. It improves pretty quickly.
  9. Travelher

    Foodie Life Post-op

    I am a foodie as well. I have also enjoyed the occasional glass of wine. I've enjoyed eating out since a few weeks post op. Having Soups in the purees stage and now regular foods. Am avoiding carbs but will do a tsp taste of my husband's Desserts. I most often just order from the appetizer menu or share my husbands meal. I think this is likely easier for foodies. It is easy to find delicious healthy food in foodie venues. If you are someone who is used to fast food/junk food it will be harder to find tasty healthy options there. Attached a picture of my salmon tartar from last week. It was amazing! (no idea why the photo is posting upside down)
  10. Travelher

    Can't find any exercise I like!

    for now I am focusing on walking. I am doing a minimum of 10000 steps every day, no exceptions. plus I can do that while doing activities i enjoy like shopping or window shopping. my early christmas present was a treadmill so I can do it while watching the walking dead. Plus we just got a tread desk at work so now i do it while on conference calls etc.
  11. PMS + Stall= whining...just saying

    1. MowryRocks
    2. shedo82773


      Hang in there!! This 2 will pass!!


    3. Sai


      Formidable combination hehe but your focus is even stronger! ^^

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  12. Travelher

    Curious question

    I think I'm going to try the patches. At least until I am on my soft food phase. Vitamins in general make me very sick if I don't eat with them. Where did you find the patches at?Sent from my Y538 using the BariatricPal App PatchMD.com has a discount on right now. 30% off a one time order. 40%off if you set up recurring. Till the end of the month.
  13. Travelher

    Curious question

    My doctor prescribed mine...but I showed him my patches...he seemed fine with those. The proof is in the pudding. First blood test was all good. We'll see how the others are.
  14. Travelher

    PMS Cravings - will they go away?

    I did it because I was always able to lose weight but always put it back on and then some. I was tired of the yoyo and it is devastating to your metabolism. I would probably been better off never dieting. I had the band 11 years and it worked well for 4 years and then it didn't and I would never recommend it to anyone. I revised to rny 2 months ago and I love it!!!i only wish I had done it to begin with. I have always had pms cravings too. I have not noticed it as much now post bypass. Though I am feeling like I need more calories to keep my energy up. I'm 10 weeks post op and following a ketogenic diet during my loss phase.
  15. Mine was 8 days, I upped my water and food a bit and it broke. Water is critical to breaking a stall in my experience. Also I'm at around 800 calories a day now. If I let it go below 600 I stall.
  16. Travelher

    1 week po ?

    Yep. 10 weeks post op and it only happens if I over eat or take big gulps.
  17. Glad they were able to figure it out!
  18. Travelher

    Stall for 3 months

    You may want to check out dr. weiner's videos on youtube. he has a few that could be helpful...how to prevent your stomach from stretching after wls. preventing regain...how to have lifelong success.
  19. Agree with everyone. You will be fine. Parents can be extremely trying and always know which buttons to push. I will always remember my father telling me in university that I had to lose weight because employers won't hire fat people. My mother was thrilled I was getting the surgery. This is because I can never be thin enough for her. I told her my goal was 170...she said.."oh that isn't thin enough. You have a small frame". I responded with "my doctor thinks that would be a perfect weight for me." Then she told me I eat too many fried foods and that is my problem..,because she would know this how? She lives in another country and sees me twice a year for a total of 6 days. Argh!!! Parents....
  20. Travelher


    I revised from a lap band to bypass. Love my bypass!! No nausea unless I am "dumping". Only thing that has caused it is eating too fast. It happens twice before I figured out what it was, been fine sine..no repeats.
  21. Travelher

    Insight on hair loss?

    have you tried minoxodil? that is what I started after my band surgery and it helped for sure (within a few weeks you could see all the new hair popping up. I got it at costco, my dermatologist told me to get the 5%. you cannot use it if you have a chance at getting pregnant. I've started it preventatively now that I've had a bypass.
  22. Travelher

    Calorie intake

    Tiredness will go away when you get your calories over 700. I definitely feel it after 3 low calorie days...it has also caused a stall so I'm really making an effort today to eat more. So far so good. Are you getting all your Vitamins in? I keep a spray bottle of Vitamin b in my purse and give myself the occasional spritz if I'm having a tired day. Water is definitely important. I try to get 16 oz first thing before I eat and I'll usually do 32oz after dinner in he evenings...then I only need to get one in during the day when I'm also trying to get food in. That has worked for me.
  23. Travelher

    Diet After Surgery

    You may want to get Dr. Wiener's book a pound of cure. it is available on Amazon. his plan could work for you. as others have said he has a ton of youtube videos as well.
  24. Travelher

    Need support/advice?

    Nerves are normal. I've had at least 6 different surgeries and never had issues and I still got nervous. Everyone has different pain tolerances. for me the pain was manageable without medication after the first day. I walked a lot the first day...I think that is what helped with the gas pain. I had a lap band 11 years ago and I remember that being a harder recovery. I think i learned my lesson and was more diligent about the walking this time on day one. I asked to be released on day 2 but they wouldn't because protocol was 2 nights.
  25. Travelher

    Calorie intake

    I'm usually 700-850...have a really bad last 3 days...under 400 the. 500 for yesterday and today. Am feeling it now...making a commitment to up it again tomorrow...for some reason I haven't been able to eat my regular 3 oz.. of meat at a sitting. I'm going to try and snack more to make up for that.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
