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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Travelher

  1. I agree with you that this stuff makes me sad. I stumbled upon a vlog of a young girl post surgery talking about her first drink etc etc, she wasn't following plan either, was getting into it with people offering constructive criticisim, fast forward to a few years later, her vlog show that she is now an alcoholic and has countless health issues including seizures. It was her last vlog and it was 5 years ago. Have a feeling there was not a good outcome there...was disheartening.
  2. Travelher

    Is it true?

    Wow I've never heard of someone dumping with every meal. I wonder if it is a surgical mistake?
  3. Thanks! Yes and no. I planned breakfast: overnight oats (chia seeds and oats with premier protein) (brought that with me, but picked up the premier when I got here. Did a Walmart run as soon as I landed to pick up the protein and snacks like blueberries and almonds. Then just ate out for meals and took home leftovers for lunch at the office.
  4. Congrats! That is huge progress in such a short amount of time!
  5. Travelher

    Can I see a menu please?

    wow that must be hard. I agree to try the egg Protein powders. i have a whey aversion now, though i can tolerate premier (I think it is a mix). I would not have gotten close to the protein goals on food alone at your stage. and even at my 6 week check in the dietitian acknowledged that almost nobody can meet protein goals that early on.
  6. Travelher

    Can I see a menu please?

    I'm travelher on my fitnesspal. If you want to add me you can go back to the beginning and see what I was eating In The early days. My surgery date was oct 4. I'm assuming you are around a month out so take a look at November.
  7. Travelher

    Dumping syndrome

    For me it is nausea, hot flashes, sweaty, dizziness, racing heart. Just wanting to curl up in a fetal position for an hour...awesome...Not! Others throw up, others get explosive diarrhea
  8. Travelher

    Is this normal?

    Can also be a sign of not enough carbs. Our bargains need carbs to function properly. I had the same. Mine has gotten better once I started adding healthy carb so back in. First bump in brain power came when my calories started upping, second was adding carbs.
  9. Travelher

    I Think I'm Having a Cracker Problem

    I can't do crackers...slider foods...yep, gateway food for me..yep. I could live on cheese and crackers. I don't keep them in the house. I also do nuts for crunch..also, Water chestnuts...awesome in anything you want to add crunch to like chicken salad, but not high in fat like nuts. I use cucumbers to eat with dips like hummus.
  10. Travelher

    Is it true?

    Your surgeon should be able to provide their own complication rates. Based on my surgeon's data that isn't even close to being true. Also not close to being true based on all the studies being read. Here are my doctors short and long term complication rates for sleeve and rny for reference.
  11. Travelher


    Complication rates are so low. And usually lower than the health risks associated with staying fat. I felt like a heat attack waiting to happen 3 months ago...everyone's situations are different, but noodle on that
  12. Travelher

    Ice Cream Post Op

    Your hunger pangs are probably not hunger, but are acid...I thought I was hungry until I started Prevacid for reflux and the hunger pain was suddenly gone. Are you on a ppi?
  13. Travelher

    Hair loss!

    I use rogaine. It worked when I had the band years ago...hair started to regrow...so this time I started it preventatively
  14. Travelher

    Dumping syndrome

    Not true, people experience it differently and. The causes are different too. I have a friend who dumps by projectile vomiting for hours...she was eating sweets. I have only dumped from my Protein shake. Drinking too fast did it. I get hot flashes, nausea, dizzy and feel totally gross.
  15. Travelher

    Dumping syndrome

    I just ride it out. I dump if I drink my protein shake too fast. It sets in within 15 minutes and lasts an hour then is gone. I get nausea, dizziness, hot flashes and generally feel gross.
  16. Hello onederland!!!!! 199.8. Haven't seen onederland since before the birth of my son, who turns 8 in a couple of months

    1. highfunctioningfatman
    2. MrsSugarbabe



    3. Travelher


      Thanks all. It started at 200 then I realized I was still wearing my Fitbit and took it off and Tah-dah!

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  17. Travelher

    Anyone here making their own protein bars?

    There is a Facebook group called recipes for weight loss success. Tons of recipes on there.
  18. Ok weighed myself this morning.. Jan 1 weight 203.4 Today (jan8) 200.8 Goal 185 (18lb loss) I also took measurements for the first time in this process. Chest 44, waist 40, hips 47, thigh 27.8 In here to keep motivated and on track. My goal for the end of the 12 weeks is 18lbs. So 185
  19. Agree with cat woman. I'm counting total weight loss. Not just post surgery loss. You lost even more than me pre-op.
  20. Travelher

    How do you view overweight people now that your thin?

    The irony of the guy's statement about being dragged down by an overweight person is the assumption that a thin person doesn't have horrid habits. The thinnest girl I know, eats unbelievably poorly. Burgers and fries for lunch every day...chocolate bar snacks etc...it is a horrible assumption that overweight always = unhealthy and thin always = healthy.
  21. Travelher

    Weight loss surgery

    Could not agree more. My mother complained that I only stayed for 3 days at Christmas, but we have never gotten along so well.
  22. Travelher

    Feeling Discouraged - Slow Weight Loss

    Please watch dr. Matthew Weiner's video on YouTube on weight loss rates. It will help you. You are losing and you are doing great! And sounds like you will do well in the long run. It is more important where you end up than how long it takes to get there.
  23. Everything I've read says to date sleeve weight loss is below rny but it wouldn't have been around long enough for longitudinal studies. Band has up to 50% failure and revision rate at 10 years so that may be why it wasn't included with such a small band sample.
  24. Travelher

    Scared of regaining it all!

    Sounds like you've put your body into starvation mode. Once a day is not good for your metabolism. Bet if you go back to 5 small meals you may see some movement
  25. Your weight loss is similar to mine. I'm also 48 and started with a surgery weight of. 244. Did you do a preop diet? How much did you lose there? My dietician has told me that my weight loss has been incredibly fast. I can tell you a friend had the same surgery the day after me and I'm 10lbs ahead of her so I know that is true. Don't worry. You are doing well!

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