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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to LadySin in Resleeved   
    All I've read from vets here on this forum is that your stomach can't stretch the way we think it can. So a sleeve wouldn't need. I've read you can stretch the opening or exit (or something like that). They certainly can't stretch back to pre-surgery stomach. Whatever happens, believe in yourself, and love yourself (cheesy I know) you've got this! Goodluck!
  2. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to _Kate_ in Does VSG really need Bariatric vitamins vs. regular chewable?   
    I was told that I didn't need to buy expensive bariatric Vitamins and to use a good chewable one initially and have it in tablet form when I wanted to. I am 18 months out and my bloods have always been tip top.
    Just as a side note, my spell checker changes bariatric to barbaric
  3. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to MowryRocks in Protein   
    5 months out and I have never had a Protein problem. I pretty much mapped out a solution in the beginning
    Cottage cheese 1/2c 11g protein
    P3 - ham, turkey, cheddar - 14g
    1/2c ground turkey in Manwich - 22g
    3oz diced chicken breast - 19g
    2oz Ol Farmers ham wrapped around a cheesestick - 16g
    Turkey Chili 1/2 c -22g
    Oikos Triple Zero Yogurt - 15g
    Just to name a few. I haven't had a Protein Shake in months.
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    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to Airstream88 in 5 Years Post Op, 15lbs up... 1 Week back on plan...5lbs GONE!!!   
    My forever plan given to me by my NUT (Sleeve and Bypass) is 5 meals daily - Protein at least 4 of 5 meals - deck of cards sized serving, a multigrain or fruit serving (2 each per day, but not at same meal), and as much veggies that can fit after eating the protein first. Plus 3 good fats - 1 tsp olive oil, nuts, nut butters, avocado. Always eat protein with any carb. I just count protein and Water.
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    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to CrymsonX in When does this get easier?   
    Sleevy, during my first 5 days post op recovery I dealt with two different waves of gas pain:
    The first wave came immediately after waking in recovery. The problem with this pain is that the gas isn't within your digestive system (the gas is what is leftover from what was used to expand your admonimal cavity so your surgeon could move around in here) so passing gas, using gas-x strips, none of that will help. This pain presents as pain in/near the diaphragm (especially when taking deep breaths) and in the shoulders.
    Three main things help: Walking, elevation and deep breaths. The walking will help to move the CO2 around and out from under your diaphragm. The gas will slowly be absorbed into your respiratory system and exhaled. This is where the deep breaths come in.
    While in the hospital I was given a device called an incentive spirometer which resembles a reverse breathalyzer. The point of the device is to take the longest deepest slow inhale that you can. You can replicate the resistance that the device creates by pursing your lips together like you are going to whistle, and then inhaling with some force, but slowly and as deeply as you can. Hold the breathe for a few seconds and then exhale as slowly. This will increase the amount of oxygen that your body receives, allowing it to expel more of the absorbed CO2, which in turn will notify your body to absorb more of the trapped CO2 and the cycle can repeat (with more walking of course). When I first started using it I could barely take 1/3 of a full breath without a crazy amount of pain, but within a couple of days (sooner I'm sure if I had not slept so much) I worked my way up to a point where I could get to a nice slow deep breath with only minor irritation
    The elevation that will help you with the gas pain is keeping your body in a reclined position, even when sleeping at least for the first week give or take a day. I found that laying on my back made the pain much worse and it slowed my elimination of the gas.
    The other thing that can and did help me during this initial round of this Intraperitoneal gas pain were pain medications. Because this pain is outside of your intestines the use of pain killers won't make it worse.
    The second wave of gas pain (called intestinal gas pain) is exactly how it sounds. This pain is due to the actual buildup of gas within your intestines. This pain is usually felt much lower in the abdomen. Abdominal massage helps a lot with this. Just be sure to do it in the right direction. If you look down at your belly button your colon forms almost a large square around it. The right side of your abdomen is the ascending colon, it goes up from the bottom of your belly to right below your rib cage. Then the transverse colon moves from the right across the belly to the left side, and then the decending colon goes downward on the left side. So if you massage that area from the bottom right, upwards, then across to the left, and back down the left side it will help to move the air through. If you've ever seen a kitten kneading with its tiny paws you have an idea of how the massaging should be. Small kneading movements along that line.
    For intestinal pain, Gas-X strips would probably help, but when I asked for some once I knew the gas pain was intestinal the nurse gave me a sad look and said "I'm sorry, but we can't give you that. We NEED you to pass gas to show us that your digestive system is in working order"
    So I continued my regimine of walking, breathing, Water, and massage. The upside was that once the majority of the non-intestinal gas pain was gone, getting in and out of bed became much easier. After about a day or so I felt the gas moving to its exit portal and i don't think I've ever had a more relieving passing of gas in my life. A bit loud but I didn't care. LOL #sorrynotsorry. I was more embarrassed when the nurses cheered when they walked in and I told them it finally happened. From that point on i felt better with each passing moment.
    As for your lack of a bowel movement I didn't have one until about 5 days after surgery, and the last one before that was I believe 3-4 days before my surgery. Being on that liquid diet will do that.
    Hopefully, you didn't fall asleep too many times reading this novel of a post and that some of the information will help you at least understand the pain and know that it DOES get better but only YOU can make it happen.
  6. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to RJrocks in I need a helpful support team!   
    You have lost at least 20 just from your waist! It seems like you are just taking each day as it comes and then just being in the moment to much. Try planning exactly what you are going to eat for a week and then buy everything you will need. Follow that. If you manage to stick to the eating plan for a week, do the same but maybe add one day of exercise. Or even just a long walk. Good luck! Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App
  7. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to Raymia in I need a helpful support team!   
    I don't know how tall you are but we're pretty much the same size and I can only hope to God to be 220 in 4 months!!! Look at how beautiful you are! Yes try to eat healthy and exercise for a better out come. But you've done great so far.
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G928A using the BariatricPal App
  8. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to Berry78 in I need a helpful support team!   
    I have seen a few posts from people looking for buddies. Bet you will find the perfect (long distance) pal!
    Sent from my SM-N920R4 using the BariatricPal App
  9. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to SashaJ in I need a helpful support team!   
    Thanks Berry! I unfortunately haven't found a local group since moving. My family isn't working thus two of us have fallen off the wagon so early on. I hope to use the app to get back on track with my eating habits and start working out.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to Syaniya in I need a helpful support team!   
    You are looking amazing, keep it up. Use my fitness pal to track what you are eating. If youre snacking constantly, choose healthy Snacks. Are you getting in all your Protein first every day? Are you working out? There is plenty of material on the Internet you can read and get yourself back on track where you need to be. Also, dont be so hard on yourself, youve made amazing progress!!!!
    Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App
  11. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to charlene29 in Anyone with more than 5 years post op?   
    Six years out in March. Up until four months ago I hadn't gained much only between 3-8 lbs. but I gained fifteen lbs had to go back to the basics I lost 17lbs. I'm now Dow to 137. I had been teetering between 135-142 the past five years. And I'm happy with those numbers. You have to remember that the sleeve is a tool. You can definitely gain if you eat junk. Which I was continually doing I love chips sometimes that would be my only meal.
    Not a good idea. I still have great restrictions in the evenings I can eat more than in the mornings
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to clk in Anyone with more than 5 years post op?   
    I don't come around much, but I had my surgery in July 2010.
    I actually lost more weight in year 5 post op. My sleeve is just as effective now as it was 18 months post op, when it "settled" to my new normal. I'm 5'1" and 118 pounds; I was 242 on surgery day. I'm down 160 or so from my heaviest ever weight.
    I still have a ton of restriction. I could gain if I ate like crap, I've put on ten or fifteen pounds in the past. It's easy to take off if I go back to basics, though.
    Your sleeve works if you do, and always will. I'm grateful every day.
    Sent from my XT1254 using the BariatricPal App
  13. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to msjessy323 in Surgery   
    So this is my current status. I'm excited and looking forward to the changes. Tomorrow is my surgery at 4:30pm. Keep me in your prayers.
    Sent from my SM-J700T using the BariatricPal App
  14. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to Writergirl in Five years ago today...   
    The statistics were against me. I went to the hospital completely unsure if I would have the courage to go through with my surgery, and terrified I would die. No one... I promise you, NO ONE, ever wanted to have bariatric surgery less than I. I was an emotional food addict whose life had shrunk so much that food was my entire social life. I weighed 367.8 pounds, had out of control diabetes, and could no longer walk across my own kitchen on most days. I needed both knees replaced and my doctor refused to do it until I lost a lot of weight.
    The night before my surgery I was alone in the house and I sobbed a funeral dirge for my best friend, food. I was certain I would lose my mind without it.
    My friends, are you hesitating?? Struggling? Regretting?? If you can stay with me, read on.
    I will tell you that after the first month there hasn't been one day in five years that I haven't thought, "I never could have done this before."
    My journey has been difficult, and you will have your struggles, too. The first year, I cared for and buried my beloved sister--my "person" in this world--who died in my arms. The second year, I had my right knee replaced. The third year, my left knee. My weight loss stalled, but I never gave up. The fourth year, my father died and right afterwards, my husband almost died and needed months of nursing.
    I didn't tell you all that to whine. I told you in order to try to put some context to my life, because in spite of all that sorrow and pain, I am filled with joy. I have taken back my life, and you can, too.
    When I came out of my surgery, I vowed that having taken the drastic step of altering my body, I was going to be all in. I have honored that vow.
    I had to learn to walk again. Now I am a landscape, wedding and portrait photographer.
    I had to accept that I couldn't go on vacation and eat like the old me without gaining back weight it took me months to lose. Now I usually drop a couple of pounds on vacation, and I have one thing every day that I really want. To eat, that is!! I get to have experiences instead of food now!
    I had to accept that carbs are not part of my daily eating. But I have learned to actually prefer zucchini spaghetti!!
    Most importantly, I learned that no one will ever abuse me again. And that includes me.
    I learned that emotional eating may feel like self care, but it is self destruction, and self destruction and self preservation can never exist side by side.
    Last year, I photographed the cliffs of Maine, the mountains of West Virginia (going by rope down to the waterfalls), beaches in the Carolinas, and so many other things. (Check out my stuff at mlwolfephotos.com if you are inclined!).
    I could babble on and on...
    Today, I am at my lowest weight in 34 years. I have not met my weight loss goal. I'm still just over 200 pounds--a weight many people begin this journey at!! It may take me a year, but I'll get there.
    On January 1st I turned 60, and I cried. A lot. I didn't cry because I was 60. I cried because I wasted so many years... My 30s... My 40s...half my 50s. I cannot get them back. But I have what's left, and I will cherish each breath.
    So, I lost much of my stomach. I lost 153 pounds. I gained the world.
    I wish that for each and every one of you! May you work to make all your dreams come true!
    Attaching a few pics, not just of what I look(ed) like, but of who I am!!!

  15. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to CynthiaM333 in ANYONE FEEL LIKE IT WAS A "WASTE"?   
    Everybody is different. But I too believe exercise plays a huge role in weight loss. Clean eating is great. I had surgery March 29th 2016, SW 240, CW 136. I work out an hour, six days p/week, plus no carbs 5 days p/week. For me, it's been realizing the daily carb intake makes me gain. And, makes me want more carbs, so it's a slippery slope. 50 lbs is fantastic, you should be proud of that loss! Good luck in your journey and figuring out what works best for you.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Lol, I am a idiot!   
    I am pre-op... not sure if I am looking forward to THAT result!
  17. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Lol, I am a idiot!   
    I am pre-op... not sure if I am looking forward to THAT result!
  18. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to sumochik in One week off from work?   
    This is my first post, I've been lurking for over two months, hi everyone! I took a look over at the post op boards and some of what people were saying has me second guessing the amount of time I plan on taking off.
    I am a teacher and my time off is unpaid. I only planned on taking off one week. Any advice? Am I crazy?
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to ComfortedHelp in Day 3 post-op : small victory   
    I started VSG journey in July 2016 (the shortest prep I have ever heard of). I weighed at my highest ever at 272lbs.
    The journey started due to complications with my lapband (I had lapband done on March 2012). I started to get frequent aspiration pneumonia.
    Fast forward to the VSG journey. My surgeon and I discussed revision from band to sleeve. Had endoscopy done August 11, 2016 and was approved by insurance for surgery date September 28, 2016.
    I'm now day 3 post-op and this app has helped with so many questions I had. One fear was not being able to poop!!! Yes I said POOP! Well it's day 3 and I had a BM.
    Gas pain was getting relieved slowly but I think this is a victory with so little liquid intake I've been having.
    Angelijah 2007
  20. Like
    Happyfamilyof5 reacted to RoachBug in Lol, I am a idiot!   
    Clicked on my profile and got a laugh. I put up a few pics the other day (one my daughter picked out). Did not realize that the last loaded pic would show up as my Before/After pic. O' vell.

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